Agribusiness, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Cassava, Garri, food security, Agritech and the Red Meat Value Chain.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
A new study from researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Penn's School of Veterinary Medicine, have uncovered important insights about the association of AD in dogs compared to humans. How AD arises isn't yet fully understood, but this study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology and sheds more light on atopic dermatitis.
Atopic dermatitis (AD), a chronic inflammatory skin condition and the most common form of eczema, is estimated to afflict as much as 10 percent of the U.S. population, and is much more common now than it was 50 years ago. Veterinary clinical estimates also show that approximately 10 percent of dogs have atopic dermatitis.
Canine AD shares important features of the human version. For example, in both humans and dogs AD has been linked to abnormal blooms of Staphyloccocus bacteria on the skin -- mostly Staphyloccocus aureus in humans, and Staphyloccocus pseudintermedius in dogs.
The research team, comprised of veterinary dermatologists, microbiologists, pathologists, and primary scientists, tracked the bacterial populations, or "microbiomes," on dogs' skin, and key properties of the skin's barrier function during an occurrence of AD, and again after standard treatment with antibiotics. During the flare, researchers observed a sharp decrease in the diversity of the skin bacterial population as certain bacterial species proliferated, along with a decrease in the skin's protective barrier. With antibiotic therapy, both measures returned to normal levels.
In both canine and human atopic dermatitis there is a similar relationship among skin barrier function, the immune system, and microbes, even if the individual microbe species aren't identical. The insights gained from this study and others like it will allow one day to treat this condition by altering the skin's microbiome without antibiotics.
Thirty-two dogs (15 with canine AD, and 17 without) from Penn Vet's Ryan Hospital were enrolled in the study. On three occasions -- first during AD flares in the affected dogs, then after 4-6 weeks of targeted antibiotics, and finally 4-6 weeks after treatment concluded -- the team took swabs from several areas of skin on the affected dogs. They surveyed the microbiomes of these samples by amplifying and sequencing copies of a key bacterial gene whose DNA sequence is distinct for different bacterial species.
Samples from the dogs with ongoing AD had almost ten times the proportion of Staphylococcus species, compared to the control dogs. Corynebacterium species also rose, as they typically do in humans with AD. A standard measure of the diversity of the dogs' skin microbiomes also decreased sharply, indicating that the abnormal bacterial proliferation -- chiefly from S. pseudintermedius -- had crowded out other, harmless or potentially beneficial bacterial species.
At the second visit, immediately following completion of antibiotic therapy, the abundance of Staphyloccocus and Corynebacterium on the skin of affected dogs and the diversity of their skin microbiome had returned almost to the levels seen in the control dogs. Those measures remained largely the same in the third visit, after antibiotic therapy was finished.
Impairment in the skin's ability to work as a "barrier" to keep moisture in and harmful bacteria out is considered a possible factor in triggering or advancing AD. Results showed that the low-bacterial-diversity state of AD flares -- corresponding to lesions of AD on the skin -- correlated with impairments in the skin barrier, as indicated by a standard test of the water loss rate through the skin
This investigation is a prime example of the One Health approach to research, a recognition that we're dealing with the same disease processes in animals and in humans.
Materials from
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Zika-Infected Monkeys have been identified in Brazil. The viral strain scientists isolated from two nonhuman primates is identical to the one circulating among humans. A new study published in the scientist reveals that a small sampling of capuchins and marmosets from various sites around the state of Ceará, Brazil, have tested positive for Zika virus (ZIKV), researchers reported in a preprint posted to BioRxiv April 20. Further analysis of the virus from two animals revealed that it is identical to a strain circulating among humans in South America.
“This is the first report on ZIKV detection among Neotropical primates, which stands as a caveat for the possibility that they could act as reservoirs,” the authors, led by Silvana Favoretto of the Pasteur Institute in São Paulo, wrote in their report.
The team took blood samples or oral swabs from 15 free-ranging marmosets and nine capuchins, eight of which were pets. Four marmosets and three capuchins tested positive for the virus.
The regions of the state from which infected animals hailed overlapped with regions where there have been either suspected or confirmed cases of Zika-linked microcephaly or other birth defects in humans.
“The Zika virus outbreak in Brazil has been thought to have been mainly transmitted between humans by mosquitoes,” Vincent Racaniello of Columbia University in New York wrote on his Virology Blog. “However, the results of this new study suggests that nonhuman primates could also be involved.”
culled from
Baby Born To Mother With Fatal Rabies Survives Without Infection.
This April in the Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, Chinese doctors reported an extremely rare case of rabies — one that ended with a remarkable, if bitter-sweet, story of survival.
In May 2013, a 25-year-old woman living in a rural region of the Henan Province was bitten by a dog she didn’t know was rabid while she was four months pregnant. Although the bite was quickly treated by her local village clinic, the woman never received the vaccine needed to prevent rabies and eventually developed symptoms right as she entered labor.
Two days after she successfully delivered her child via cesarean section, she died from the viral disease. Somehow though, her newborn son made it through without having caught the infection, as did her husband.
The doctors couldn’t be certain how the baby escaped transmission, but they theorized that the mother’s placenta may have played a protective role. Though there was ample opportunity for the virus to spread to the child during her final moments of labor, it’s possible it hadn’t spread widely enough throughout the mother’s bloodstream for that to happen. The son and husband were also given a preventative rabies shot following her death, another possible factor.
In China, it’s thought that dogs attack hundreds of pregnant women annually. And while most receive a rabies shot afterwards, the vaccine is oftentimes too expensive a precaution for those living in less developed areas. Indeed, it’s the poorest people who make up the majority of deaths caused by rabies; a toll that reaches in the tens of thousands globally every year.
According to the authors, there have only been six other documented cases of a pregnant woman with full blown rabies delivering a baby, with five out of six newborns surviving. As with the current case, the mothers themselves weren’t so lucky.
However rare they are, preventing these needless tragedies will require the same sort of dedicated public health measures seen elsewhere, like widespread dog vaccinations and monitoring centers in areas where rabies is known to exist, the authors wrote.
Previous successful experiences suggest that it is possible to fight the disease by means of virus control and prevention.
Source: Qu Z-Y, Li G-W, Chen Q-C, et al. Survival of a newborn from a pregnant woman with rabies infection. BMC Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases. 2016.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
AGRIBUSINESS: The role of water hyacinth in industrialization and the sustainable development goals.
AGRIBUSINESS: The role of water hyacinth in industrialization and the sustainable development goals.
The water hyacinth an invasive water plant has great potential for industrialization. The plant is not found on all water bodies in the world,but the nations that have this gift can actually power industrialization in other nations.
Water hyacinth has so many uses and benefits,but i want to round up the values here stating how the benefits can go round and achieve sustainable development goals;
The water hyacinth can produce clean cheap energy by means of bio gas,this can in-turn be a power source for generating cheap energy that can run industries making the cost of production less and produce easy access to cheaper goods. When power generation is cheap, manufacturing is cheaper,more goods are produced and more people are employed.
The energy generated is termed clean energy because the degrees of pollution from emissions is minimal .The energy can be used to power animal houses,thus producing cheap heating source especially in piggery and poultry farms.
The production of cheap energy will give rise to various industries and economic growth of participating countries.One of the goal is partnership to achieve the desired outcome of development, this can come in form of training,supply of equipment to harvest and process the hyacinth. The bio-digesters could be provided as technical support,mainly from the developed countries to the developing nation.
AGRIBUSINESS: The role of water hyacinth in industrialization and the sustainable development goals.
The processing of the water hyacinth can be broadened as most of the products can be exchanged for foreign currency.The climate is better for it as all the products are eco-friendly. The water plant though invasive,an aggressive approach in terms of processing and uses can make the plant an asset.
The water hyacinth and the girl-child education..
The role of women in agriculture and nation building cannot be overemphasized.Majority of food production,from planting to processing, and sales are handled by the women.The women mostly take their girl -child to the farm at a very tender age because of the belief that the boys should be educated instead.
In developing countries where they know the value of education but are financially constrained,still opt to fund the education of the boys.The number of boys in school out-way the number of girls,not only because of lack of funds, but also because of certain cultures that restricts girls during their monthly cycle.
Girls miss school because of pain, ill heath and their monthly cycle. Girls in poor nation miss school basically because they lack the resources to buy sanitary towels,and they rather stay at home than be seen dripping blood.The use of rags,old clothes and papers are not only unhygienic but also dangerous.These are usually sources of infection because use and disposal expose them to health risk.
The lack of running water or other sources of water makes the period so difficult,they will rather sit still in a carved up hole. Water hyacinth is a source of relief for the girls,as it not only provides means of livelihood for the parents,but keep them in school by production of durable super absorbent sanitary towels.
Sanitary pads can be made from water hyacinth,these are made from a prototype and the production outfit is set up as a cottage industry.This employs the women in the community and also keeps the girls in school. Paper made from the water hyacinth can be used for exercise books that are easily accessible to the children.
The Water Hyacinth Sanitary Pad is biodegradable sanitary pads out , the production of a locally made pad provides girls and women a low cost, biodegradable product that sustains income-generating jobs and provides girls with access to necessary personal hygiene products, with the goal of breaking the stigma around menstruation and keep girls in school. The jani pad is the product name of the pad made from water hyacinth,they are working with village volunteers to help women and girls.
These 17 goals proposed by the UN is to transform the world and everybody has a role to play to ensure the success . The goals cut across board and borders and it spans health,education, environment, industrialization,partnership and peaceful coexistence. The goals really drives home the point that the world is a global village,and together we can accelerate growth,peace and development in various nations and industries.
The water hyacinth and the sustainable development goals, the plant is an invasive aquatic plant causing havoc in certain nations,by clogging up the waterways thus killing aquatic life and preventing easy movement on the seas. This plants can actually solve all these goals;
Poverty can be eradicated by creating a source of income for those around the creeks and seas that the invasive plants occupy. The hyacinth can be harvested,processed and sold for money.when the rate of harvesting is doubled,there will be more space for aquatic life to flourish.The constant agitation of the water body by harvesters will oxygenate the water,making more oxygen available for fishes and other aquatic life.This harvesting will also save water life another goal.
A community cottage industry built around the water hyacinth will not only end poverty because of the sale of various products that are derived from the water hyacinth.These products such as shown below will end poverty.
The end to hunger can be achieved by incorporating the plant into animal feed,it has been shown to be suitable for pigs,and in aquaculture. The inclusion in animal feed normally promotes rapid growth and hence more food is produced. The hyacinth are also processed as food in man,there has been studies and trial sessions where the hyacinth has been used for bread and bean cake. The hyacinth are processed dry/fresh depending on the end product.
The hyacinth is a goldmine and if properly harnessed more value will be derived.
The hyacinth can be used to produce paper,this alone prevents deforestation which is one of the element of several climatic changes experienced and also spread of diseases,as man is moving further into forests making us more vulnerable to diseases.
The water hyacinth as a game changer in economics can be read here;
Monday, April 25, 2016
Water hyacinth that floating water weed is a way to generate income.The wealth creation potential spans livestock feed,fuel, bio gas, electricity, furniture and farm machinery.The growth of the weed is fast and can be transplanted easily without much specialization. The volume you desire will dictate your space/ the container you require. The plant is cut from the water way and scattered on the surface of the water surface where you want it to bloom. The container you intend to use must be filled with non chlorinated water,its of value to take some of the water from the water way as this already contains nutrients that will spike growth.
The hyacinth blooms fast,so constant cutting and replanting every 7days will give a controlled harvest.The plants are harvested and processed according to end product you are targeting. The leaves can be utilized dry, cooked or fresh from farm. The plant can be processed as animal feed, used in combination with other feed stuff .
Plastics can also be produced from water hyacinth.Books,ropes,furniture are also byproducts of the processing of water hyacinth. The utilization of heavy duty machinery is also important in harvesting from large body of water.
Electricity and fuel can also be derived from processing water hyacinth. One plant,many products and massive opportunities.
Research: how bananas prevent blindness.
Research: how bananas prevent blindness.
Researchers have found that bananas have carotenoid ; a compound that turn fruits and vegetables red, orange or yellow and are converted into vitamin A.This is an important precursors for eye health and its produced in the liver.
Bananas are ideal food for young children and families for many regions of the world, because of their sweetness, texture, portion size, familiarity, availability, convenience, versatility and cost.
According to a research, it show that foods containing high levels of carotenoids also protect against chronic disease, including certain cancers, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The study showed that banana rich in provitamin A carotenoids may offer a potential food source for alleviating vitamin A deficiency -- important for sight. To combat vitamin A deficiency, researchers have been investigating methods to boost carotenoids in bananas.
Cara L. Mortimer and other researchers from Queensland University of Technology in Australia studied two banana varieties to find out why they make very different amounts of carotenoids. They found that the pale yellow, low-carotenoid cavendish variety produces more of an enzyme that breaks down carotenoids.
In addition, another variety stashes its carotenoids in microscopic sacs during ripening, shifting the chemical equilibrium in the fruit so it can make even higher levels of these substances. The findings, published in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, can someday help in the development of banana varieties with enhanced health benefits.
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Water hyacinths are very rich in hydrocarbons, which is essential for the production of methane and the hydrocarbon content is higher in water hyacinths than in cow dung and any other water plants available.
The process is similar to other biogas reactors except that the Cleared water hyacinth is dried and placed in a bio gas plant. The kiln of the plant acts as an anaerobic reactor. The metal covering of the plant has a small hole through which powdered nickel is added initially, before the whole plant is locked. The entry of air is blocked as its an anaerobic reaction, this initiates the fermenting and produces gas in less than 24 hours.
The Biogas in its raw form contains methane, carbon dioxide, sulphur and dust. It is thus further purified till pure methane is extracted. This methane can be stored in cylinders and be used as electricity and as cooking gas.
This water hyacinth will totally solve the energy crisis,by providing a cleaner source of energy with damage to environment. This will also help with climate change issues as the carbon footprint is minimal ,thus preventing pollution by providing cleaner and cheaper energy source.
The green revolution has started, the water-hyacinth-waste-wealth- move.join us!!!
Water hyacinth our frenemy!!! Water hyacinth a rapidly growing aquatic plant that clogs the water ways,thus making navigation difficult and also reducing the permeability of the water surface,thus killing aquatic life,but this same plant offers tremendous potential for economic growth if properly harnessed.
This aquatic plant has found favorable uses in animal feed production, where its harvested and used as fish feed and also pig feed. The cellulose and hemicellulose makes it suitable as bio fuel, some bio engineered forms have been used to produce aviation fuel and other bio-products.
The waste to wealth project is the major benefactor of this water plant.The water hyacinth can be degraded in a biodigester to produce biogas,basically methane. This can be connected to power grid to provide electricity and also cooking gas for domestic and industrial uses.
The sludge from the bio-reactor is nutrient rich and hence its a high quality fertilizer for crops.This will prevent the use of chemicals in the soil to stimulate growth,thus ensuring crops and other produce are grown naturally.
The aquatic plant can be processed and used for various types of furniture and household pieces that are very durable. This will provide employment for a lot of people which will equally boost the furniture industry. We can start making high quality furniture,with various innovative designs. There will be employment opportunities in various segments ,such as training officers,processors, marketers and distributors all with subsets making the employment opportunities very enormous.
The water hyacinth can be produced in house by cultivating them in channels that stimulate the growth to meet growing demands, the invasive water plant is actually our green gold.
(pics culled online )
join the train!! green gold # agriculture # economic growth.
Advances in disease diagnostics now offer clinicians a staggering degree of accuracy. But access to results generally requires a well-equipped lab and a few weeks’ waiting time. This could soon change thanks to a new, low-cost diagnostic DNA analyzer the size of a smartphone.
Q-Poc, billed as a “handheld lab”, is the idea of British-based tech firm QuantuMDx, which says the analyzer can accurately diagnose everything from cancers to infectious diseases in a matter of minutes. Currently in the alpha testing stage, the company hopes to get the product in the hands of doctors by early 2018.
“We’re now at the point that we have a working prototype that can perform a highly sensitive tuberculosis test from a sample through to results in 15-20 minutes,” says Jonathan O’Halloran, the company’s co-founder. “The technology is now being ramped up to beta stage and we hope to start manufacturing towards the end of this year.”
The handheld apparatus, which runs on a solar-powered battery or wind-up device, is designed to read biological samples submitted via a credit card-size cartridge (think of it as a sophisticated Game Boy). It can work with a range of sample types. Swabs can be used to detect sexually-transmitted infections, while sputum is used to detect tuberculosis.
Q-Poc differs from most conventional point-of-care diagnostic tools in that it analyses the DNA of pathogens rather than the proteins within the sample. The device depends on microfluidic technology , which essentially allows fluids to pass through different microscopic channels of different diameters.
A chemical process then breaks down the sample into a molecular soup , which is then forced through a nanoscale-based filter system. The filter is coated with a negatively charged polymer, which repels the DNA as other molecules are held back, thereby isolating the DNA for analysis.
“It sounds simple, but it is absolutely groundbreaking,” says the 40-year-old O’Halloran, who has a background in molecular genetics. “Nothing out there on the market can come close to its speed and proficiency.”
The potential of O’Halloran’s invention to “change the face of healthcare globally” saw him named 2015 European Chief Technology Officer of the Year (small business category) by Eirma, an industrial research association. The award’s judges gave particular praise to the technology’s developing world focus, especially at a time when the threat of drug resistant superbugs are on the rise.
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Changing the way ,we keep our pets busy.
Introducing PlayDate, the world's first truly interactive pet camera. Playdate lets you play with your dog or cat from anywhere in the world, via our smart ball and our mobile app. Use the camera inside the ball to see your pets as well as the environment around them.You can control PlayDate's smart ball remotely from your iOS or Android device after downloading our free app from the App Store or Google Play.
Imagine being able to play with your dog when you're not at home: read more at
Count Equine Parasites with a Cell Phone.
Equine veterinarians have lauded the benefits of fecal egg counts (or FECs) for designing targeted equine deworming programs. While these tests are already fairly simple; collect sample, submit to lab, and await results (which typically arrive in a few days to weeks, depending on the laboratory)—researchers have developed an even easier way: Collect the sample and let your veterinarian’s cell phone do the counting.
At the 2015 American Association of Equine Practitioners’ Convention, held Dec. 5-9 in Las Vegas, Paul Slusarewicz, PhD, shared how he and colleagues determined this was possible and what steps went into developing the final product. Slusarewicz is an adjunct associate professor at the University of Kentucky’s (UK) Gluck Equine Research Center and the chief scientific officer and co-founder of MEP Equine Solutions, both in Lexington.
The first step, he said, was to identify a universal egg marker (UEM), which is present on all parasite eggs that would allow software to detect the eggs amidst the rest of the debris in a sample. Slusarewicz determined that a carbohydrate called chitin—which is also present in shellfish, insects, and fungi, he said—could potentially serve as that UEM, but no one had suggested this could be a universal component of parasite eggs.
To test chitin’s usefulness, the team attached fluorescein dye (the fluorescent green substance your veterinarian uses to check for abrasions in your horse’s eye) to a naturally occurring protein that can bind tightly to chitin. They then stained the eggs and viewed the fecal sample under a fluorescence microscope, using different optical filters to block out the background debris and see if the eggs stood out. The eggs appeared fluorescent, indicating that, indeed, chitin can be used as a UEM.
The team had to consider cost of device if they really want it to be universal, so they opted for a cheaper alternative. They selected an iPhone with an added macro lens (designed for use in taking pictures of subjects up close) and found that it successfully captured usable images from a properly prepared sample.
After confirming that their counting method was feasible, it was time to see how well the software worked. Slusarewicz and colleagues collected eight fecal samples, counted them manually using the traditional McMaster method, and then ran a count using their iPhone and software system.
He said the two correlated rather well, but the iPhone method needed some streamlining. So the team designed and built an imaging unit that includes the macro lens and optical filters needed to obtain the image. They’ve tested the software and imaging unit on three phones with cameras of different megapixels, Slusarewicz said, and even the lowest-resolution device gave very good results.
They also determined that the software can distinguish between different types of parasite eggs, “because horses have more than just strongyles,” Slusarewicz said, referring to ascarids, the other clinically important internal parasite of horses. He showed that the app could accurately count both strongyle and ascarid eggs in a sample containing both.
McMaster tests, on the other hand, are used most commonly identify large and small strongyles. The team is carrying out full validation studies and finalizing the system—dubbed Parasight—before it becomes available for purchase. The Parasight System will not require specialized training and is anticipated to be available to veterinarians in the second half of 2016.
Parasight System,” Slusarewicz said, “veterinarians will now have a portable, simple, rapid, and convenient test to replace the fecal egg count which can be conducted on-site. This will allow vets to once again take the lead in responsible parasite control strategies. Putting an end to the practice of prophylactic rotational deworming will not only reduce the amount of drugs given unnecessarily to horses, but also the alarming trend of increasing parasite resistance to all current classes of deworming medicines.”
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Agriculture is the way to feed the over growing population and also increase revenue generation in various nations. There are various aspects of agriculture,that can be harnessed to make profit and ensure economic growth. Agriculture will not only provide food but also massive employment,thus turning an unemployed person to an employer.
The major constraint for these startups is funding, with the astronomical interest rates, a break-even point is not feasible,thus ending the dream of a startup. There is a new way to finance projects without and hassle and cut-throat interest rates and it even gives rooms for mergers and partnerships before you start off and yes, its based on OPM.
The OPM (other people's money), slogan made popular by Robert Kiyosaki is the basis of crowdfunding . This has worked in various industries and also works in agriculture; see the video.
Crowdfunding , a paradigm shift in agriculture.Join the train and start the agribusiness today!!!
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Dietary fibre intake suppresses appetite
Dietary fibre intake suppresses appetite: Big opportunities exist for food manufacturers to tackle obesity through the use of food containing non-digestible inulin fibre to encourage satiety, according to a leading academic.
Omega-3 supply: Climate change could threaten global EPA & DHA supply
Omega-3 supply: Climate change could threaten global EPA & DHA supply: Rising ocean temperatures may reduce EPA and DHA production by phytoplankton, with the effects cascading through the world's ecosystems.
Police use dog's microchip to return wandering toddler home safely.
A 2-year-old girl who wandered away from her Wentzville, Missouri home was returned back to her family with the help of their dog. The little girl woke up from her nap without her parents knowing and walked outside. She ended up blocks from her home. But luckily, the family cockapoo was by her side.
At the bus stop on the Tuesday afternoon, Sarah Woodard and her daughter encountered an unusual sight in their neighborhood. “We saw a police officer holding a little girl and a utility worker holding a dog,” said Woodard.
The little girl and her dog were found wandering down the busy stretch of Duello Road. That’s when Woodard and neighbors started knocking on doors. “She [little girl] just kept saying, ‘Mom.’ She wanted mommy, that was it,” said Woodard. “We’re all trying to wrack our brains on how to get this little girl home.”
All efforts by neighbors proved futile,until an officer looked to the dog and got an idea. With the help of animal control, they scanned the dog’s microchip, which led them to the child’s house in the Bluffs of Heather Glen.
Chief Kurt Frisz of the Wentzville Police said, “It was thinking out of the box for the officers.” Frisz said his officers were able to get the toddler home safely. Frisz said the little girl had been gone for about 30 minutes. He also said her parents were unaware the child was not still tucked away in her bed.
“The house was child proof. There was one sliding door that was not and I’ll tell you it doesn't take much for a child to slip away quickly,” said Frisz. “It’s an unfortunate incident that turned out okay".
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Genetically Engineering Algae for Better Biofuel.
The simplest way to make biofuel from algae is to essentially wring out the natural oils and refine them, much like petroleum. Genetic engineering can make this process more efficient. For example, scientists with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography figured out how to curb an enzyme that breaks down the lipids in algae that are crucial for making biofuel. Typically, algae growers “starve” the algae to boost lipid production, but that inhibits growth. The genetically engineered algae can grow quickly while still accumulating lots of lipids.
In 2009, a Boeing 737 powered partly by algae took off from Houston and circled over the Gulf of Mexico. The 90-minute test flight was a success, bolstering hopes that algae biofuels, which emit much less carbon than standard gasoline and diesel, could soon power everything from jets to cars. But scientists have struggled to find a way to produce and process algae cheaply enough to compete with petroleum fuel. Now, thanks to advances in genetic engineering, filling up your car with algae-derived biofuel is a step closer to reality.
Algae can also be used for biomanufacturing: Microscopic algae are turned into a living machine that can be genetically programmed to produce molecules like lipids and hydrocarbons ideally suited for biofuels.
“If you just squeeze the oil out of algae, what you basically get is vegetable oil, which you can convert to diesel,” says Stephen Mayfield, a molecular biologist at the University of California, San Diego. “But because we have complete control of genetics now, we have all the technology to make [algae into] some kind of fancy photosynthetic machine.”
Mayfield is using genetically engineered algae only to make drugs and nutritional supplements. But if oil prices rise enough for algae fuels to be cost effective, scientists hope to use what they’ve learned from that process to make biofuels that are both clean and profitable.
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Huge long-necked dinosaurs had big, precocious babies.
A research published in the journal of science,that huge long-necked dinosaurs had big, precocious babies
The babies of a huge, long-necked dinosaur called Rapetosaurus that lived on the island of Madagascar did not just sit in a nest and look cute. They were born ready for action. Scientists on Thursday announced the discovery of fossils of a baby Rapetosaurus the size of a big dog that apparently starved to death during a drought several weeks after hatching from its soccer-ball-sized egg.
Unlike many animal babies, particularly humans, the hatchling Rapetosaurus had adult proportions, meaning it likely did not need significant parental support and was actively foraging for plants rather than waiting for momma to feed it.
Such babies are known as "precocial," as opposed to "altricial" offspring that have different body dimensions from adults, cannot get around by themselves and require considerable parental support for food and protection, Macalester College paleontologist Kristi Curry Rogers said.
"The main conclusion was that this is the first evidence for a truly precocial dinosaur: one that matured rapidly and without parental care," Adelphi University paleontologist Michael D'Emic added.
Rapetosaurus lived about 67 million years ago, not long before the demise of the dinosaurs, and was the largest creature in Madagascar at the time.
The baby, known from a partial skeleton including limb bones, pelvic bones, fingers, toes and several vertebrae, was probably around 4 feet (1.2 meters) long from head to tail and weighed between 50 and 90 pounds (23-40 kg) when it died.
An adult Rapetosaurus was probably around 40 feet (12 meters) long, a little more than a school bus, and weighed around 16 tons, roughly 2-1/2 times as much as an elephant, Curry Rogers said. It was a medium-sized member of a dinosaur group called titanosaurs, which included the largest land animals ever on Earth.
Titanosaurs were part of a larger assemblage of dinosaurs called sauropods, known for their long necks, long tails and voracious appetite for plants. D'Emic said the researchers looked at the microstructure of the baby's bones to see preserved cavities that once held cells, blood vessels and nerves.
The density and organization of those indicated a rapidly growing individual, and there was even evidence for bone repair, suggesting an active lifestyle and fast metabolism, D'Emic added. Examples of precocial animals today include most lizards, snakes and reptiles, certain birds and some large mammals including wildebeest.
"Precocial young can avoid predation on their own, and there is a much smaller chance of the entire brood succumbing to predation at once," Curry Rogers said.
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Drones could speed up HIV tests in remote areas.
Malawi has started a test program that uses drones to improve access to HIV testing for babies. There are various factors such as poor roads and high transport costs, in remote areas that often result in delays in testing. This can prevent access to vital anti retroviral treatment early.
Ten percent of Malawians suffer from HIV - one of the highest rates of the deadly condition in the world. Malawi has started testing the use of drones to speed up the time it takes to test infants living in rural areas for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
The United Nations' (UN) children's agency UNICEF has partnered with US-based drone company Matternet to develop a program in which Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) pick up sample batches from local health centers and deliver them to specialist laboratories. There are only eight such laboratories across the country, which has a population of more than 16 million.
Currently motorbike couriers are used to transport samples across often poorly-maintained roads. UNICEF and Matternet believe deliveries could be made more efficiently by air. The testing program is currently using simulated samples.
The first successful test flight recently completed a 10 kilometer route from a community health center to the Kamuzu Central Hospital laboratory in the capital Lilongwe. UAVs have been used in the past for surveillance and assessments of disasters, but this is believed to be the first use of the technology on the continent for the improvement of HIV services.
"There are many delays in the continuum of getting HIV positive children on treatment, they need to come in early for testing, ideally before two months, between six and eight weeks, their tests, the dry bloodspots need to get from the health facilities to one of the eight laboratories nationwide," said Judith Sherman, head of Unicef Malawi's HIV and Aids program.
The plan is eventually for UAVs to be operated by health workers by virtue of a password and a GPS signal on their mobile phone. A simple swipe of a button will make the vehicle airborne. Each drone costs $7,000 USD but minimal battery charging costs make them cheaper over time than diesel fueled motorbikes.
In 2014, about 40,000 children in Malawi were born to HIV positive mothers, according to UNICEF. Every year around 10,000 children die of the virus, a number the agency says could be tackled by early diagnosis and quality medical care.
An estimated one million Malawians were living with HIV in 2013 and 48,000 died from HIV-related illnesses in the same year. A young child may be infected by their HIV-positive mother during pregnancy or breast-feeding, but drug treatment can reduce the risk of transmission. UNICEF estimates that if the flights are cost-effective the drones would be able to carry up to 250 tests at once.
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Friday, April 22, 2016
Start-up entrepreneur to use raw milk from her farm to print 3D cheese
Start-up entrepreneur to use raw milk from her farm to print 3D cheese: Michaela van Leeuwen, who runs a dairy farm with her husband, in Cortenoever, the Netherlands, has set up Print Cheese to print 3D cheese from raw milk.
When Bellini the kitten was brought to the St Helen’s Adoption Centre of Cats Protection in the U.K., it was initially thought that the tiny 9-week-old cat was male. The cat was scheduled to be neutered, then it was discovered by a veterinarian at the facility that the kitty possessed both male and female genitalia. This marked a turn for the adoracle kitty that has captured the attention of people worldwide.
In a press release on the Cat Protection website, manager Sonia Scowcroft noted how rare it is to see a hermaphroditc cat and stated. "I was pretty stunned, it’s so unusual," she said. "I have seen over 3,000 cats during my time at Cats Protection and only seen one other hermaphrodite cat."
"Hermaphrodite – or intersex – cats do not frequently occur and, if they do, they are often tortoiseshell so Bellini is one of the more unusual cats to be found," Louise Waters of Cats Protection told petMD, who explained that it is something that develops when cats are in-vitro.
Scowcroft also stated that while it will be impossible for Bellini to reproduce, he is an otherwise happy and healthy cat, despite a mild heart murmur. Waters added that each case with hermaphroditic cats is different and unique, so Bellini's new owners will have to check in with their vet to "ensure that s/he remains healthy."
Luckily, Cats Protection was able to re-home Bellini alongside a littermate named Daquiri. Scowcroft pointed out that when it comes to assigning a gender, "it is up to his new owner to decide what they think is best."
"Either way," Scowcroft said, "[Bellini] is an absolute cutie pie and will make a really lovely pet."
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Its of paramount importance that piglets take colostrum just after farrow,and the health benefits of protection and nutrient provision has always been the strong point. There is a new information that backs up the earlier fact that the exposure of piglet to colostrum is not short-term,but impacts the condition of the pig for life.
The researchers, associated with the Ghent University, Belgium, published their findings recently in the Journal of Animal Science, and they state that proper colostrum intake in the early days of lactation has effects on pigs until later in life that are hard to overestimate. Short-term and long-term performance as well as mortality are also influenced.
The long-term effects of colostrum intake on performance and mortality in pigs were analysed thus; a total of 1,455 live-born piglets in 10 commercial herds were followed from birth until 22 weeks of age. Pigs were individually weighed at birth, at weaning, at onset (intermediate weight), and during the finishing period (finishing weight) and colostrum intake was also calculated.
The researchers fitted one linear mixed model to model the possible associations between colostrum intake and weight at the weaning, intermediate, and finishing periods. In addition to colostrum intake as the main predictor of interest, the scientists also tested other predictor variables, being birth weight, birth order, sex, breed and the interval between birth and first suckling.
The scientists noted that Colostrum intake and birth weight were positively associated with weaning, intermediate, and finishing weights. Higher colostrum intake is more beneficial to weaning, intermediate, and finishing weights in piglets with low versus high birth weights.
Colostrum intake significantly influences piglets' short-term and long-term performance and mortality. The colostrum yield is reported to be independent of litter size, sufficient colostrum intake per piglet is crucial, especially in hyperprolific sows.
Poultry house ventilation not only impacts the quality of the air in the house, it can also maintain good litter conditions. Dr. Jesse Grimes, professor, poultry science, North Carolina State University, explains how ventilation impacts litter quality and discusses potential for Miscanthus grass as a poultry bedding alternative.
World pork production continues to rise year-by-year with increases in the number of pigs produced per sow, but the extra productivity also challenges every breeding herd to find feeding solutions for sows and piglets.
The impact of nutrition on productivity cannot be overemphasized, thus balanced ration coupled with proper health management is efficient for productivity. The move for alternative protein source is also another factor to consider in piggery business. The cliche" garbage in garbage out" also hold true in pig production.
The successful artificial insemination of sows depends on the hygienic deposition of enough sperm at the appropriate time so as to have an adequate sperm reservoir in the oviduct at the time of ovulation. The time of natural ovulation is controlled by the surge of Lutenizing Hormone near the onset of estrus. Ovulation will occur in 85 to 90 percent of sows 42 +/- 2 hours after an injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) or 38 ± 2 hours after gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH).
If ovulation is expected to occur 38 or more hours after detection of estrus, such as would be expected following a gonadotrophin-induced estrus or naturally short wean-to-estrus intervals, treatment with GnRH or hCG will provide a high degree of predictability to the time of ovulation.
Recent research shows that 200 μg of triptorelin given intra-vaginally to sows at 96 hours after weaning synchronizes ovulation and results in fertility with number of live born pigs and farrowing rate similar to controls.
There are considerable economic benefits of the use of single fixed-time insemination, with the most obvious being the cost savings from the reduction in breeding time and labor. The overall advantage will be having a number of litters per time on farm which will result in proper management and an all in all out strategy. The cost of housing and feeding of boar is also reduced as highly productive boars are sourced and the quality and quantity of sperm weighed against physical mating cannot be compared. The sperm can also be procured from proven stock,hence eliminating the need for your own boar thus saving time and money with regards to management.
An artificial insemination parlor will also be an innovative startup in pig industry,where genetically proven boars are fed and raised on a separate facility with the sole aim of operating a sperm bank, with proven genetic traits .
# gene pool # sperm bank # Artificial insemination bank # boar farm # stud startup.
In pig farming the major aim is to produce large litter sizes that are healthy with high reproductive capacity.The success in pig farming is hinged on genetics as the pig cannot exceed the genetic capacity hence a good genetic line is chosen.
Housing and management also influences the outcome of venture, proper housing and animal management is another crucial point. The major key to success is feeding programme,the animals must have access to good quality feed ,balanced and readily available.
The importance of feed in the boar cannot be overemphasized as the quality of sperm produced will set the genetic track for the farm. When preparing the feed,you need to ensure that all ingredients that will ensure the following are available; proper muscle development, proper bone development and production of high quality and quantity of sperm.
The feed should provide the necessary daily feed intake which must contain dietary energy and protein, additives and vitamins such as organic selenium, vitamin E, zinc, biotin, vitamin C.
The breeding boars must be mature animals, so also must the to sows. An underweight or overweight boar or sow will often result in breeding failure,hence feeding should be monitored. Boar libido unlike sperm production, cannot be easily manipulated by changing dietary protein and energy levels but its a known fact only prolonged conditions of over-feeding or under-feeding, and excessive extreme cases of body condition change, can negatively impair boar libido.
Scientific research proves that protein and amino acids lysine and methionine + cystine, play an important role in sperm production. In particular, the sulphur-containing amino acids methionine/cystine affect the secretory activity of the epididymis, thus significantly enhancing sperm volume.
This effect is very marked in intensively used boars, where sperm production has been shown to be positively influenced when extra protein and methionine was added to the diet. Protein combined with adequate energy intake is very crucial for optimal sperm production.
Chicken processing and production has been discussed at various intervals,with new innovations introduced.One of such ideas is the chicken sausages and how it can be incorporated into the school feeding programme and also a better way to source animal protein with enormous health benefits.
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The fast food giant McDonald’s is about to add chicken and turkey sausages into their menu and industry watchers have noted that this move will turn the revenue up in the agricultural sector. The introduction of chicken sausage and turkey sausage products in test markets, the two poultry proteins have potential to land on all-day breakfast menu and any time McDonald’s introduces a new menu item, it leaves a mark in the agricultural industry.
According to a Brand Eating report, McDonald’s has been testing a chicken sausage patty product in New England, since February, and a turkey sausage product in Southern California.There is no denying that McDonald’s move to serving all-day breakfast has been beneficial to the egg and pork industries. But to date, the broiler and turkey industries have not been directly affected.
When those two breakfast items being tested become a part of the permanent menu, the broiler and turkey industries will get a bigger share in the competition among animal proteins. That share is apt to increase further if chicken and turkey sausage products make it into the all-day breakfast menu.
The outcome of the market tests for these turkey sausage and chicken sausage products could transcend McDonald’s.After all, McDonald’s has been known to make business decisions, only to be followed by other restaurants.
In September 2015, McDonald’s announced that it would transition its entire supply of eggs in the U.S. and Canada to cage-free. Since that time, scores of restaurant chains, grocery retailers, food processors and food service providers have announced commitments to also phase out eggs from caged hens.
McDonald’s in March 2015 announced a new policy in animal antibiotic use, vowing to phase out the use of antibiotics used in human medicine in its broiler chicken supply in the U.S. It revealed in October 2015 it would do the same at its Canadian locations.
Taco Bell, earlier this week, announced a policy that nearly mirrors the one released by McDonald’ more (
This trend setting factor will see many more chains following, so will other nations jump in and this truly will be a revenue spinner for poultry farmers,food processors and food courts.
# poultry value chain champion # veterinarian # vetpreneur # food vendors # retail stores # chicky delight.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Miniature horse gets special hoof .
Shine the miniature horse will trot into an exclusive club of Colorado equines with artificial hooves when he leaves the James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital . After suffering a vicious dog attack that mangled a hoof and led to infection, Shine needed surgical amputation of his lower-left hind leg in order to survive.
The owners, Jacque Corsentino and Lee Vigil, asked veterinarians at Colorado State University to “do whatever it takes” to give the 3-year-old horse a chance at a normal life on their ranch in Florence, Colo.
radiograph shows Shine’s hoof and lower leg, which required amputation because of severe damage and infection. In mid-March, Dr. Laurie Goodrich, an associate professor of equine orthopaedics, led a two-hour surgery to remove Shine’s infected hoof and distal limb below the fetlock, the hinge joint of the lower leg.She placed two stainless steel pins through the cannon bone to help support Shine’s leg while the wound healed.
Goodrich then used measurements from her patient’s radiographs and a 3-D printer to build an exact replica of his hoof, which helped Shine stay balanced while he healed.
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Borna disease (BD) is one of the oldest known viral infections in domestic animals, initially known as a horse disease. Until recently, the disease has been considered limited to Central Europe, mainly in German-speaking countries, affecting primarily horses in a seasonal pattern. Most of the research and the subsequent relevant publications on BD were written, up to the mid-20th century, in the German language.
Between late 2011 and 2013, three men in succession — aged 63, 62 and 72 years — from the state of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, suffered a progressive encephalitis or meningoencephalitis that led to death within 2 to 4 months after the onset of clinical symptoms.
The clinical course was characterized by fever, shivers, or both; progressive psychomotor slowing; confusion; unsteady gait; myoclonus, ocular paresis, or both; and finally, coma. All three were breeders of variegated squirrels, a tree squirrel that is endemic in Central America from south Chiapas, Mexico, to Panama. They were friends, had met privately on a regular basis, and had exchanged their squirrel-breeding pairs on multiple occasions. At least two of the men had been scratched by their squirrels in the past; one had been bitten.
The use of a metagenomic approach that incorporated sequencing and real-time reverse-transcriptase quantitative PCR, or RT-qPCR, the presence of a previously unknown bornavirus was detected in a contact squirrel and in brain samples from the three patients. Phylogenetic analyses showed that this virus, tentatively named “variegated squirrel 1 bornavirus” (VSBV-1), forms a lineage separate from that of the known bornavirus species.
During the first weeks of 2016, the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Germany’s National Institute for Animal Health, detected further cases of VSBV-1 in pet squirrels from zoos and breeders. Variegated squirrels as well as several species of the subfamily Callosciurinae were affected. All infected squirrels were detected in Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Lower Saxony.
Consequently, on March 1, FLI released a recommendation to test all pet squirrels for the virus, particularly prior to their sale or purchase. Newly acquired squirrels should be retested after 3 months to detect infections contracted during the time of purchase, and entire holdings after approximately 12 months.
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Cellulose-enriched dry and wet cat foods make claims on hairball control. Research data indicate that supplemental dietary cellulose reduces hairball symptoms and raises fecal hair excretion in cats, but the type and amount of
cellulose determine the efficacy.
The Grooming behavior of cats is associated with the ingestion of fur and most of the swallowed, non-digestible hair passes through the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted with the feces. About 10% of short haired cats bring up hairballs periodically, the need being around twice as common in their long haired counterparts.
Aggregates of hair formed in the stomach have reached a size that cannot enter the duodenum and will eventually be ejected by vomiting. Occasionally, fur masses obstruct the intestine and cause severe clinical signs and even potentially mortality.
Normally, gastric hairball formation and elimination is harmless. Bringing up hairballs is common in pet cats and presents an unpleasant nuisance for many owners as they dislike the signs of vomiting, retching and coughing.
This situation forms the basis for industrially produced cat foods with a hairball-control claim. When the pet food label declares the ingredients by individual names, powdered cellulose is usually found in the list.
The hairball claim is often explained by the food formula moving hair through the digestive tract for fecal voiding.
The anti-hairball effect of dietary cellulose as shown in cats is based on two synergistic mechanisms; Cellulose may prevent the clustering of single strands of hair in the stomach, thereby increasing the transfer of loose hairs into the duodenum.
This effect may be greater for fibrillated cellulose prepared by modern and sophisticated milling technology and facilitating the formation of an insoluble fiber network.
Cellulose ingestion also accelerates the transit of digesta and thus propels duodenal hair into the feces.
Together, the two mechanisms lead to the observed cellulose-induced fecal excretion of hair. An unchanged grooming behavior with ingestion of fur results in an increase in fecal hair excretion .
This infers less formation of mats of hair in the stomach, Consequently there will be less vomiting of hairballs.
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The Grooming behavior of cats is associated with the ingestion of fur and most of the swallowed, non-digestible hair passes through the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted with the feces. About 10% of short haired cats bring up hairballs periodically, the need being around twice as common in their long haired counterparts.
Aggregates of hair formed in the stomach have reached a size that cannot enter the duodenum and will eventually be ejected by vomiting. Occasionally, fur masses obstruct the intestine and cause severe clinical signs and even potentially mortality.
Normally, gastric hairball formation and elimination is harmless. Bringing up hairballs is common in pet cats and presents an unpleasant nuisance for many owners as they dislike the signs of vomiting, retching and coughing.
This situation forms the basis for industrially produced cat foods with a hairball-control claim. When the pet food label declares the ingredients by individual names, powdered cellulose is usually found in the list.
The hairball claim is often explained by the food formula moving hair through the digestive tract for fecal voiding.
The anti-hairball effect of dietary cellulose as shown in cats is based on two synergistic mechanisms; Cellulose may prevent the clustering of single strands of hair in the stomach, thereby increasing the transfer of loose hairs into the duodenum.
This effect may be greater for fibrillated cellulose prepared by modern and sophisticated milling technology and facilitating the formation of an insoluble fiber network.
Cellulose ingestion also accelerates the transit of digesta and thus propels duodenal hair into the feces.
Together, the two mechanisms lead to the observed cellulose-induced fecal excretion of hair. An unchanged grooming behavior with ingestion of fur results in an increase in fecal hair excretion .
This infers less formation of mats of hair in the stomach, Consequently there will be less vomiting of hairballs.
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Honesty, transparency and understanding – those were the key words used when describing the outcome of the first Tri-State Sow Housing Conference, preparing the US for a future with group housing for sows.
The conference consisted of a day of educational material to prepare Indiana, Michigan and Ohio producers in the transition from individually housed systems to group housing for gestating sows. The day-long conference covered a variety of topics related to sow housing including the retailer and consumer perspective on sow housing options.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2016
'Sweaty billboard' could help fight Zika.
A billboard that attracts and kills mosquitoes has been designed by marketing agencies in Brazil. The board releases a mixture of a lactic acid solution that mimics the smell of human sweat, and carbon dioxide, which is in human breath.At night, fluorescent lights increase the attraction. The mosquitoes get trapped in the display, later dying from dehydration, according to the project.
Its inventors have released the blueprint for free and are encouraging people around the world to make them.
However, one expert warned it could attract insects to areas where there are many humans. The mosquitoes the billboard targets fly around four feet high, the trapping mechanism is located at that height. It can attract the insects from a distance of up to around 1.5 miles, the Mosquito Killer Billboard site says. The Brazilian project was created by the ad agencies NBS and Posterscope.
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A dog who chomped through a packet of dried fruit has sparked a "deadly raisins" warning.Jasmine Quick from Plymouth had brought baking ingredients home after a competition when boxer Ray made his move on the leftovers. The eight-year-old pet ate a kilo of sugar and its wrapping, a bag of flour and a packet of raisins and sultanas.
Ray was absolutely covered in flour and sugar, and was guzzling his way through the raisins, when the chaos was noticed and the owner called the vet immediately.
The Veterinarian, Erin Beale noted that this was a potentially disastrous cocktail because grapes, raisins and sultanas are all highly toxic to dogs and even small amounts can be fatal, depending on their size.
Ray he got help straight away, and recovered quite quickly and was soon back to his normal self.
Vetpreneur @ crowdfunding..
A crowdfunding platform Patreon,launched in 2013 was created by Jack Conte and Sam Yam . The site is a Kickstarter for creative professionals: but rather than fund specific projects, it lets fans support individual artists - from musicians to illustrators and film-makers. Fans pledge financial support, paid either as a monthly sum or per piece of new content. In return, backers receive exclusive content.
It's not just videos. "Writing is a really popular category. We have writers making a few thousand bucks per article," says Conte. "It doesn't matter if you're doing video, comics, music, writing - people are being paid for putting something online." The goal, he says, is to fund what he calls "the emerging creative class". The service now has more than 20,000 individuals using it for income, including the musician Amanda Palmer
The Arizona Department of Agriculture said a horse in Santa Cruz County has become the state's first case of rabies in a domesticated animal in nearly seven years. The horse, whose owner lives in the Nogales area, was hospitalized but did not respond to treatment, according to a news release. The horse was later euthanized, state agriculture officials said.
Rabies among domestic animals is extremely rare, with this being the first case in almost seven years, we are reminded of the importance of keeping our animals' vaccinations current," said Dr. Susan Gale, the acting state veterinarian.
Rabies is a virus that attacks the nervous system of mammals, causing erratic behavior and eventually death, according to the Centers for Disease Control . Rabies is most often found in wild animals, including bats, skunks and foxes. The state Department of Agriculture urges livestock, horse and pet owners to speak with their veterinarian about how to protect their animals.
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The German animal husbandry sector has reduced the use of antibiotics in production by using strategic methods to minimize the use. The level of reduction was identified by cooating of data from veterinarians who recorded when antibiotics were administered and the length of time the treatment lapsed.
The German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) reported the decline in the use of antibiotics. This office is reporting the total usage in animal husbandry, in combination with the frequency of treatments,every 6 months and new frequency figures become available. The new figures became available for the last 6 months of 2015 and highlighted the following ;
2 benchmark figures emerged; first of all, a treatment frequency goal, which is being met by 75% of all pig farms. Piglets up to 30 kg were treated on average 13.57 times – a reduction of over 7 treatments in comparison to the first 6 months of 2015. In finisher production, the frequency dropped from 6.5 to 4.6 times.
The broiler and turkey production sector showed similar trends; Broilers were given antibiotics on average over 22 times, compared to 27 times in the first 6 months of 2015. In turkeys, the frequency dropped from over 40 to over 32.
The other benchmark figure is a frequency goal which is met by 50% of all farms. Here also the development is positive over all animal species. The German Farmers' Association (DBV) said the frequency figure is being calculated on the basis of vets, who need to report every 6 months how many animals they been treated with antibiotics. In addition, they are required to report how long these treatments took and also the types of antibiotics need to be recorded, but these are not expressed in the final figures.
For all data, a central reporting office has been set up. The BVL multiplies the number of treated animals with the number of treatment days and divides the result by the average amount of animals on these farms in these 6 months.
Individual farms that exceed the benchmark of 50%, are requested to contact their veterinarians to discuss how to lower their usage. Despite question marks about the accuracy of these figures, it looks like the sector has eventually managed to reduce antibiotic consumption. It remains to be seen how much lower this can get.
materials from pig progress.
Hibiscus sabdariffa commonly referred to as ( ZOBO LEAVES), has various uses and several benefits in man and animals. Its referred to as sobo leaves and has found usefulness in treatment of hypertension, weight control, ant-inflammatory agent, diuretic and as a soothing tea. The leaves are also boiled,flavored and served as a refreshing drink,the leaves can also be used for preparation of jams,jellies and wine.
The fiber from the plant have been used to make ropes as a substitute for jute bags. The leaves are known to be a good source of iron,calcium, niacin,vitamin C B vitamins,, carotene as well as manganese. The sobo leaves also contain protein,phosphorus,fat and fiber making it a perfect nutritional meal.Its this nutritional benefit that has been tapped in the poultry industry to reduce cost of production without reducing growth and carcass size of birds by replacing soyabean meal with sobo leaves.
RESEARCH: HOW TO USE ZOBO LEAVES AS SOYA BEAN ALTERNATIVE IN BROILER FEED. The research was carried out by Kwari, I. D. and Igwebuike, J. U. of the Department of Animal Science,University of Maiduguri Nigeria, with Diarra, S. S. of the Department of Animal Health and Production Yobe State College of Agriculture, Gujba, Damaturu, Nigeria. The team worked on growth performance and carcass measurement of broilers fed with Hibiscus sabdariffa leaves, and documented their results ;
The growth performance and carcass measurements of broiler chickens fed with different levels of raw sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) seed meal replacing soyabean meal as the major protein source were investigated in a 63-day.
One hundred and fifty day-old Anak-2000 broiler chicks were individually weighed and allotted to five experimental diets in which raw sorrel seed meal (RSSM) replaced soyabean meal at 0 (control), 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels in diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The diets and clean drinking water were offered ad libitum throughout the period of the experiment.
The results of the study showed among others that final live weight and daily feed intake were depressed above 50% level of soyabean meal replacement with raw sorrel seed meal in the diets. Raw sorrel seed meal can therefore replace soyabean meal up to 50% without adverse effect on broiler performance. The abdominal fat yield was markedly reduced on the RSSM-diets compared to the control.
Read full research ;journal of environmental issues and agriculture in developing countries,volume 2 numbers 2 and 3,2010.
Amezcua Biodisc2
Amezcua Biodisc2 official homepage: Amezcua bio energy official page where you can find everything you need to know about bioenergy biodisc2, chipendant2, energyshell 2, and others
What is scalar energy? This refers to a completely new kind of electromagnetic waves which exist only in the vacuum of empty space. The empty space between the atoms of our bodies as well as the empty space we see in sky at night and all empty spaces (environment).
These waves constitute an ocean of infinite energy, and it has now been discovered that this abundant energy can be of use in our 3-dimensional world from the 4-dimensional realm it occurs. This can then be used for work,to generate electricity, power all means of transport system , and also heal the body of almost all disease.
The use of these waves have been of tremendous value in agriculture, animal health, pet care and bio security measures. The use of these waves have been incorporated into products that are tangible and the results measurable. The 2 major products using these waves to ensure safety of man and animals are the bio disc and the pet protector. The method of use are different but mode of operation are similar and so are the results.
The bio disc , a natural energy generating device that produces scalar energy frequencies that energizes the liquid it comes in contact with. In livestock farming, when the disc is used to energize the water source; the animals grow fast with no record of diseases,feed is properly metabolized thus reducing ammonia stink in poultry.
The pet protector works based on scalar waves as well, by enacting a magnetic field around the pets with the medal, thus preventing mosquitoes,ticks and other ectoparasites. This medal is similar to the energy pendant in circulation some years back ,which also protects the individual as well as energizing them.
If scalar waves can elicit a shield against ticks,fleas ,mosquitoes and other ectoparasites by means of a medal,then this can offer a wider range of protection to man in form of other products to repel mosquitoes and stop mosquito-borne diseases.
There have been a further 8 cases of influenza A (H7N9) in China since the start of April, bringing the total number of people affected to 778, according to Flu Trackers. These include 6 deaths, and further cases of a mother and adult son admitted to hospital in Fujian province.
These cases were recorded between February 25 and April 4 to the World Health Organization (WHO) and was informed about 1 person in a critical condition after being confirmed with H5N6 influenza from a live poultry market.
The same report outlines 4 new cases of H5N1 influenza in Egyptian patients, including 3 in young girls, who are all reported to have recovered, and a 70-year-old woman in Giza who was in a critical condition.
Avian influenza cases are to be reported to the veterinary officials and the world organisation for animal health for documentation ,surveillance efforts ,education and biosecurity measures. The under reported cases are responsible for wider spread of virus and exposure of more personnel and citizens to the virus.
Although not all cases are reported to the international agencies, there is evidence from local reports covered by FluTrackers that HPAI outbreaks continue in Egypt. Earlier this month, there were reported to have been 67 outbreaks since the start of 2016 across 16 regions of the country.
These included 43 domestic flocks, 18 markets and 6 farms. From Minya, a directorate on the Nile around 250 kilometers south of Cairo, comes a report that the head of veterinary services has closed 25 poultry farms for at least 6 months as the owners refused to vaccinate their birds before they were sold to traders.
Mexico has been dealing with a number of new cases of avian influenza in recent months.Nineteen outbreaks of H7N3 avian influenza in Mexico have been reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) between January and March in the states of Jalisco, Puebla and Veracruz. One of the outbreaks was in a small flock of Indian peafowl and 3 others were in backyard flocks.
However, the majority of outbreaks were in commercial flocks of layers or breeders with a total of more than 2.7 million birds affected. Of these, around 14,000 died and more than 145,000 had been destroyed. Several of the affected farms were identified as the result of surveillance, which is continuing in all three states, according to the report.
Avian influenza has also been reported in Myanmar and China. Myanmar had been free of HPAI since February last year, but a so-far unidentified H5 virus has returned to the region of Sagaing in the center of the country. A flock of 500 10-month-old layers was affected, leading to the death or destruction of all the birds.
China’s news agency, Xinhua reports that the authorities in Myanmar have culled 7,000 chickens at 13 farms in the affected poultry farming zone in Monywa in an attempt to stop the virus from spreading further. A quarantine zone has been established and surveillance has been stepped up with no human infections reported so far.
Vietnam reported the loss of a village flock of 200 birds in the northerly province of Nghe An earlier this month. The presence of the H5N1 virus subtype has been confirmed. Two new linked outbreaks of H5N8 HPAI have been reported following testing of native chickens received by a slaughterhouse in the southwestern city of Kaohsiung in Taiwan.
The H2N2 virus was also confirmed in one of the flocks. Almost 1,300 birds were affected in total. After abnormal mortality of 558 birds was observed in 2 flocks of breeding geese in Taibao city in Chiayi County, the H5N2 virus was confirmed and the surviving 3,000 birds have been destroyed.
Despite the recent mild weather that should have helped reduce the spread of HPAI, Focus Taiwan reports that 1,312 geese have been culled at a farm in Chiayi county in the last week after confirmation of a highly pathogenic H5 virus. This brings the number of Taiwanese poultry farms affected by HPAI so far this year to 27.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Science cannot prove that a veterinarian Dr David Rendell's and his lifelong exposure to farm chemicals caused his Parkinson's disease, nor can it provide any other known aetiology. There is a potential connection between chemical exposure and the degenerative disease as researchers have explained. They are links that were made by researchers last century, but were not of great interest to the Victorian vet until 2007,that was when his left leg started to drag and he lost dexterity in his left hand.
Dr Rendell had been examining, diagnosing and solving health issues for decades. He was credited with ground-breaking research and has published dozens of articles in international journals. A neurologist handed him a lifelong mystery that will unlikely be solved in the veterinarian's lifetime after examination that he has Parkinson's disease.
A study released by Monash University pointed to "a cluster of Parkinson's" in Dr Rendell's region, where sales of Parkinson's medication was up to 78 per cent higher than the average. Researchers said barley and pulse production was popular in the areas of concern, pointing to a possible connection between chemical use and the disease.
It is unlikely Dr Rendell will ever know the official cause behind his degenerative condition, but the chemical associations are clear enough to raise alarm bells. Dr Rendell recalls that "as a teenager I waved a flag for an aeroplane to spray paddocks with Paraquat [herbicide], and the evidence is quite clear today that Paraquat is definitely linked to an increased chance of Parkinson's."If you give enough of it to mice, they'll get Parkinson's."
Dr Rendell said farmers' attitudes toward chemicals had changed "dramatically" over the past three decades, but cultural changes needed to continue. "How many people have drenched a mob of sheep in the last fortnight and put gloves on?" he said. "We allow ourselves massive contact with these drench chemicals on a daily basis and think nothing of it."
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How to use cows as collateral to get a loan
Young Victorian farmers may soon be able to borrow a cow from a more established dairy farmer in an effort to assist them to get into the industry.
United Dairy farmers of Victoria (UDV) said it was planning to set up a 'cow loan' scheme which would help new farmers get started.
Damian Murphy, a dairy farmer from Gippsland and policy councillor with UDV, said buying a farm and cows could be incredibly difficult for people who did not inherit a farm from family.It's easy enough to be in the industry up to a point," he said. "You can be an employee and work your way up to management, but the problem comes when they want to take that step from being a manager to running their own share farm.
"When they need to purchase dairy specific assets, that's when it becomes difficult; it's very expensive."
Cows as collateral sweeten loan applications;Mr Murphy said the scheme would work by allowing older, more established farmers to offer a cow as collateral for a younger farmer's loan application.
This is how it works; a farmer offer up a cow and it would actually stay on his farm, and get milked and everything like that, but it would able to used as guarantee on part of a loan.
The only reason it would leave the farm or be sold to be cashed would be if the young farmer defaulted on their loan.
The younger farmer would be able to use the value of the cow as an asset to approach a bank with the backing of a number of older farmers providing collateral.
Animal fat helps HKScan cut emissions by a third.
Animal fat helps HKScan cut emissions by a third: Meat processor HKScan reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 35% in 2015, and using animal fats for heating was one of several eco-friendly measures used to reduce its carbon footprint.
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