How to use yeast in broiler feed to reduce use of antibiotics. Meat color is an important visual quality factor when consumers purchase chicken.
However, high use of antibiotics during broiler raising to achieve desirable color and freshness may have residual effects on human health.
How to use yeast in broiler feed to reduce use of antibiotics. To prevent irrational use of antibiotics, a supplementary application of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) with antibiotics was suggested.
In this study, yeast powder mixed with antibiotics was found effective as probiotics in increasing broiler weight, improving feed efficiency, and preventing growth of pathogen microorganisms.
Agribusiness, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Cassava, Garri, food security, Agritech and the Red Meat Value Chain.
Showing posts with label broiler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label broiler. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Azolla as a feed ingredient in broiler ration.
Azolla as a feed ingredient in broiler ration. A study was carried out to determine the viability of adding Azolla to broiler diet on performance and cost analysis.
The study reported in International Journal of Poultry Science 1: 29-34, 2002 ,shows that a 5% inclusion rate of Azolla in broiler ration is viable both for performance and cost implication.
The experiment was conducted with 120 seven days old Vencobb commercial broiler chicks and continued up to 42 days of age to determine the feasibility of Azolla as a feed ingredient in broiler ration.
The broilers are randomly allotted to four dietary treatments; T (control diet without Azolla meal), T (diet with 5% Azolla meal), T (diet with 10% Azolla 1 2 3 meal) and T (diet with 15% Azolla meal) diets replacing sesame meal by Azolla meal. The composition of Azolla meal contained 4 25.78% crude protein, 15.71% crude fibre, 3.47% ether extract, 15.76% ash and 30.08% nitrogen free extract on the air-dry basis.
Live weight, production number and protein efficiency were (P< 0.01) significantly improved at the level off 5% Azolla meal in broiler ration. Feed conversion ratio and energy efficiency were significantly (P< 0.01) improved in diet with 5% Azolla meal and control diet.
The study concluded that the use of up to 5% Azolla meal in a broiler ration may help improve performance and this inclusion rate in a broiler diet is also determined as a safe level. Azolla meal had no deleterious effect on the palatability of broiler diets.
A farmer using Azolla shares her experience; farmer from sunshine chickens harvest a lot of Azolla to feed the three (3) batches of Sunshine Chicken they have in the farm. They are fed pails and pails of it daily..
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Yeast cell wall derivatives improve broiler gut health.
Mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), mannose rich fractions (MRF) improve broiler microflora to strengthen gut health, reduce antibiotic usage and fight resistance.Given the ever-increasing rise in bacterial strains that are less and less sensitive to existing treatments, antibiotic resistance has the potential to become one of the greatest problems of our generation. While abuse of antibiotics in humans is probably the major contributor, policy makers have turned the spotlight on agricultural use as a way to control the problem.
Treatment of animals with antimicrobials can cause drug resistance to zoonotic pathogens. Bacteria from animals can be spread to humans via food products during slaughter and processing. This spread has been extensively documented for conventional food-borne pathogens, such as Salmonella, Campylobacter and E. coli.
While the debate rages over what is driving the seemingly inexorable rise of antibiotic-resistant microbes, alternatives to antibiotics and products capable of reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance transfer through the food chain are clearly required.
Globally, it is recognized that there is no so-called “silver bullet” to replace antibiotic use in animal production and producers will almost certainly have to improve hygiene and husbandry to address the issue.
Products that will assist the move to antibiotic-free production status include many that are designed to regulate and support the gut environment and its microflora: 1)Coccidial vaccines. 2)Probiotics
3) Feed enzymes. 4) Functional nutrients such as nucleotides 5) Organic acids and feed hygiene products. 6) Organic minerals 7) Plant-based products such as herbs, spices and essential oils. 8) Yeast cell wall derivatives such as mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS) and mannose rich fractions (MRF).
The functional ingredients currently in use for microbial control, MOS and MRF are widely used in animal nutrition and have been shown to improve animal performance in a manner similar to antibiotic-like growth promoters.
Since 1999 the use of MOS in animal feed has become more prominent, mainly due to the European ban on prophylactic antibiotic growth promoters in animal feed. Given their ability to bind and limit the colonization of gut pathogens, MOS and MRF have proven to be an effective solution for antibiotic-free diets, as well as providing support for immunity and digestion.Read more
Friday, April 22, 2016
Chicken processing and production has been discussed at various intervals,with new innovations introduced.One of such ideas is the chicken sausages and how it can be incorporated into the school feeding programme and also a better way to source animal protein with enormous health benefits.
Read here;
The fast food giant McDonald’s is about to add chicken and turkey sausages into their menu and industry watchers have noted that this move will turn the revenue up in the agricultural sector. The introduction of chicken sausage and turkey sausage products in test markets, the two poultry proteins have potential to land on all-day breakfast menu and any time McDonald’s introduces a new menu item, it leaves a mark in the agricultural industry.
According to a Brand Eating report, McDonald’s has been testing a chicken sausage patty product in New England, since February, and a turkey sausage product in Southern California.There is no denying that McDonald’s move to serving all-day breakfast has been beneficial to the egg and pork industries. But to date, the broiler and turkey industries have not been directly affected.
When those two breakfast items being tested become a part of the permanent menu, the broiler and turkey industries will get a bigger share in the competition among animal proteins. That share is apt to increase further if chicken and turkey sausage products make it into the all-day breakfast menu.
The outcome of the market tests for these turkey sausage and chicken sausage products could transcend McDonald’s.After all, McDonald’s has been known to make business decisions, only to be followed by other restaurants.
In September 2015, McDonald’s announced that it would transition its entire supply of eggs in the U.S. and Canada to cage-free. Since that time, scores of restaurant chains, grocery retailers, food processors and food service providers have announced commitments to also phase out eggs from caged hens.
McDonald’s in March 2015 announced a new policy in animal antibiotic use, vowing to phase out the use of antibiotics used in human medicine in its broiler chicken supply in the U.S. It revealed in October 2015 it would do the same at its Canadian locations.
Taco Bell, earlier this week, announced a policy that nearly mirrors the one released by McDonald’ more (
This trend setting factor will see many more chains following, so will other nations jump in and this truly will be a revenue spinner for poultry farmers,food processors and food courts.
# poultry value chain champion # veterinarian # vetpreneur # food vendors # retail stores # chicky delight.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
The German animal husbandry sector has reduced the use of antibiotics in production by using strategic methods to minimize the use. The level of reduction was identified by cooating of data from veterinarians who recorded when antibiotics were administered and the length of time the treatment lapsed.
The German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) reported the decline in the use of antibiotics. This office is reporting the total usage in animal husbandry, in combination with the frequency of treatments,every 6 months and new frequency figures become available. The new figures became available for the last 6 months of 2015 and highlighted the following ;
2 benchmark figures emerged; first of all, a treatment frequency goal, which is being met by 75% of all pig farms. Piglets up to 30 kg were treated on average 13.57 times – a reduction of over 7 treatments in comparison to the first 6 months of 2015. In finisher production, the frequency dropped from 6.5 to 4.6 times.
The broiler and turkey production sector showed similar trends; Broilers were given antibiotics on average over 22 times, compared to 27 times in the first 6 months of 2015. In turkeys, the frequency dropped from over 40 to over 32.
The other benchmark figure is a frequency goal which is met by 50% of all farms. Here also the development is positive over all animal species. The German Farmers' Association (DBV) said the frequency figure is being calculated on the basis of vets, who need to report every 6 months how many animals they been treated with antibiotics. In addition, they are required to report how long these treatments took and also the types of antibiotics need to be recorded, but these are not expressed in the final figures.
For all data, a central reporting office has been set up. The BVL multiplies the number of treated animals with the number of treatment days and divides the result by the average amount of animals on these farms in these 6 months.
Individual farms that exceed the benchmark of 50%, are requested to contact their veterinarians to discuss how to lower their usage. Despite question marks about the accuracy of these figures, it looks like the sector has eventually managed to reduce antibiotic consumption. It remains to be seen how much lower this can get.
materials from pig progress.
Hibiscus sabdariffa commonly referred to as ( ZOBO LEAVES), has various uses and several benefits in man and animals. Its referred to as sobo leaves and has found usefulness in treatment of hypertension, weight control, ant-inflammatory agent, diuretic and as a soothing tea. The leaves are also boiled,flavored and served as a refreshing drink,the leaves can also be used for preparation of jams,jellies and wine.
The fiber from the plant have been used to make ropes as a substitute for jute bags. The leaves are known to be a good source of iron,calcium, niacin,vitamin C B vitamins,, carotene as well as manganese. The sobo leaves also contain protein,phosphorus,fat and fiber making it a perfect nutritional meal.Its this nutritional benefit that has been tapped in the poultry industry to reduce cost of production without reducing growth and carcass size of birds by replacing soyabean meal with sobo leaves.
RESEARCH: HOW TO USE ZOBO LEAVES AS SOYA BEAN ALTERNATIVE IN BROILER FEED. The research was carried out by Kwari, I. D. and Igwebuike, J. U. of the Department of Animal Science,University of Maiduguri Nigeria, with Diarra, S. S. of the Department of Animal Health and Production Yobe State College of Agriculture, Gujba, Damaturu, Nigeria. The team worked on growth performance and carcass measurement of broilers fed with Hibiscus sabdariffa leaves, and documented their results ;
The growth performance and carcass measurements of broiler chickens fed with different levels of raw sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) seed meal replacing soyabean meal as the major protein source were investigated in a 63-day.
One hundred and fifty day-old Anak-2000 broiler chicks were individually weighed and allotted to five experimental diets in which raw sorrel seed meal (RSSM) replaced soyabean meal at 0 (control), 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels in diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The diets and clean drinking water were offered ad libitum throughout the period of the experiment.
The results of the study showed among others that final live weight and daily feed intake were depressed above 50% level of soyabean meal replacement with raw sorrel seed meal in the diets. Raw sorrel seed meal can therefore replace soyabean meal up to 50% without adverse effect on broiler performance. The abdominal fat yield was markedly reduced on the RSSM-diets compared to the control.
Read full research ;journal of environmental issues and agriculture in developing countries,volume 2 numbers 2 and 3,2010.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Romanian broiler flock tests positive for Newcastle disease one week after veterinary officials deemed the Newcastle situation resolved .One week after Romanian animal health officials reported that the Newcastle disease situation has been resolved in the country, the virus was confirmed in a broiler farm there.
Romania’s National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority reported to the World Organsiation for Animal Health (OIE) that a broiler farm of 70,000 chickens in Prahova County had been infected. More than 13,300 32-week-old chickens were affected by Newcastle disease, with 4,455 fatal cases.
According to the OIE, the birds were vaccinated against Newcastle disease on March 3, March 17 and April 3, but the organization added that the probably procedure of vaccination has not been respected.
Control measures applied included disinfection, quarantine, stamping out, surveillance, zoning and control of wildlife reservoirs. The OIE stated it will submit weekly follow-up reports on the Newcastle disease situation until it is resolved.
Read more
Monday, April 4, 2016
Silvafeed® Nutri P improves intestinal health and nutrient absorption in poultry
Silvafeed® Nutri P has astringent properties that slow intestinal peristalsis and improve the action of digestive enzymes. This translates into a better faeces quality and a reduction of footpad disorders which lowers the risk of infection. The addition of Silvafeed® Nutri P in poultry feed promotes the absorption of intestinal nutrients and helps the animal’s physical development and overall health.
Due to the presence of active components, Silvafeed® Nutri P carries out a selective bacteriostatic effect, thus promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and strengthening the body’s natural defences against most pathogenic bacterial strains, such as Salmonella gallinarum, Pasteurella multocida, Staphylococcus aureus, Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens. Several studies have shown remarkable results in using Silvafeed® Nutri P as a potential alternative to antibiotics in livestock. Silvafeed® Nutri P is an attractive alternative to the use of antimicrobial growth promoter (AGP). This natural product does not leave residues in poultry derived products. Furthermore, Silvafeed® Nutri P acts as an appealing feed flavour and appetite enhancer in poultry and presents a positive effect on feed conversion rate (FCR), final body weight, mortality and egg laying rate.
The following are benefits of its use in broiler; 1)Improves intestinal health.2) Produces drier feces and drier litter. 3) Improves growth rates and feed conversion ratio. 4) Optimizes growth of the intestinal villi for better absorption of nutrients. 5)Helps to maintain a healthy immune system.
The benefits for layers include; 1) Improves intestinal health.2) Reduces the number of cracked, inferior and dirty eggs. 3) Improves the efficiency of layers and uniformity of eggs. 4) Helps to maintain a healthy immune system.
see more here Silvateam world.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
There’s no one, perfect solution for antibiotic-free poultry production, according to veterinarians at leading companies in the industry. Dr. Bruce Stewart-Brown, vice president of food safety and quality at Perdue Farms, and Dr. Jeff Courtney, director of veterinarian services at Pilgrim's Pride, and Dr. Brian Wooming, senior staff veterinarian at Cargill Turkey Products, shared their views on antibiotic-free production (ABF) issues ranging from training growers on antibiotic-free practices to using curative antibiotics in an ABF environment.
They offered these advice at a workshop on judicious use of antibiotics ; read more @
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Broiler production in India is projected to increase by approximately 8% to 4.2 million tonnes in 2016 on rising demand from the growing middle class.Local estimates believe that demand for processed chicken meat is growing between 15-20% per year, according to a recent USDA GAINS report.The organised sector produces an estimated 80% of total chicken meat production, and is mainly concentrated in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and West Bengal. The live poultry market constitutes 90 to 95% of total sales since most consumers prefer freshly culled chicken meat.
Within the last ten years, many broiler enterprises have vertically integrated their operations, especially in southern and western India. Approximately 60-70% of all operations use the integrator model, while the remaining are smaller backyard operations. Integrator' s own all the hatcheries, feed mills, and slaughter facilities, and contract with multiple smaller farmers who raise the chicks to slaughter weight primarily in open air sheds. One integrator may have as many as 20,000 contracted farms, however, in a few cases integrator's may sell chicks or feed without requiring a contract.
Some integrator's also provide credit, extension services, and veterinary medicine. At the end of the production cycle, the live birds either are purchased by the integrator's for slaughter and further processing, or by a middle man/wholesaler, eventually arriving at a live bird wet market for local sale.
For 2016, egg production is forecast at 80 billion eggs, up 5% from last year. In order to mitigate rising transportation costs and better maintain quality control, poultry companies are reportedly establishing more layer farms near highly urbanised areas.
The processed chicken meat sector is growing at a rate between 15-20% per year due to the growing middle class, which reportedly has positively affected sales not only in retail, but quick service restaurants and the hotel, restaurant, and institutional sector. A few major poultry companies have started expanding their slaughtering and processing facilities, and are beginning to offer a wider range of processed chicken meat products for the retail sector like frozen chicken burgers, salamis, nuggets, sausages, and tikkas. India's per capital consumption of poultry meat is estimated at around 3.1 kg per year, which is low compared to the world average of around 17 kg per year. India's per capital consumption of eggs is estimated at about 62 eggs per year.
More and more people are shifting to poultry and poultry by-products,as a means of livelihood, employment opportunities and providing more protein for the nation.The sector provide various points of investment opportunities,which are very profitable.
portions of story from world poultry.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Early life factors important for broilers .
Early life conditions such as feed and water availability immediately post hatch and housing conditions may influence immune development and therefore immune reactivity later in life.The current study, done by researchers from the Adaptation Physiology Group at Wageningen University, addressed the consequences of a combination of these 2 early life conditions for immune reactivity, i.e., the specific antibody response towards a non-infectious lung challenge.The researchers conclude that the results from the present study show that early life feeding strategy and housing conditions influence a chick's response to an immune challenge later in life. These 2 early life factors should therefore be taken into account when striving for a balance between disease resistance and performance in poultry. Broilers are better protected against a non-infectious lung challenge when the feed, water and housing was optimum during the early life of the animals.
read more about research in journal of poultry science.
Chicks grow and develop at an incredible rate during the first week of hatching. With just 34-42 days from the beginning to end of the broiler production cycle, that makes the right choice of starter feed particularly critical.The importance of a feed that is specially tailored to the needs of chicks up to the age of ten days cannot be understated.
The key consideration for the producer is the digestibility of the feed. Both the digestive tract and immune system are highly immature at hatching. So, unless the feed is easy to digest, most of the nutrients will pass through the digestive tract un absorbed and be excreted in the droppings.
The chick will then draw energy from the immunoglobulins and unsaturated fatty acids in its yolk sac, leaving little for development and immunity.This is a serious problem for a chick that needs to develop vital organs and quadruple in weight by the time it is seven days old. The fact that chicks can go up to 48 hours from hatching to their first intake of feed is an added pressure.For all these reasons, a sub-optimal feed will only add to the challenges a chick has to overcome. Apart from impairing growth due to poor nutrient absorption, it will increase vulnerability to pathogenic bacteria and viruses, such as Salmonella and Campylobacter.
A lot of nutrients are necessary to ensure proper growth. One of the most important of them is protein. Due to its high quality and lower cost than proteins from some animal sources, soy protein is a popular choice. Here, again, digestibility is the key to success.
The issue with soy protein in its untreated form is its content of anti-nutritional factors (ANF). Though not a problem for older broilers, in the immature digestive system of a newly hatched chick ANF have a direct negative impact on protein absorption – and the chick's potential for healthy growth,the answer is reduction of the anti-nutritional factors to a very low level, while maintaining the nutritious protein components intact. An optimized starter feed that takes the immature digestive systems of hatchlings into account is another step in the ongoing optimization process, and also the reduction in rearing time.
story credit; world poultry.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Strategies for improving broiler feed conversion.
Studies carried out on broilers and finishing pigs have allowed the identification of feeding strategies that improve Feed Conversion Efficiency (FCE) in monogastrics.
That was reported in a recent press release by the Catalan research institute dedicated to agri-food research & development (IRTA), headquartered in Barcelona, Spain.
Efficient use of nutrients;regarding nutritional conditioning, tests in broiler chickens revealed that the use of diets that are limiting in specific nutrients during the first days of life improves the efficiency of use of such nutrients later in life. In the case of phosphorus, it has been observed that conditioning for this nutrient has a positive effect on bone mineralisation, while conditioning for methionine improves feed efficiency in subsequent stages.
Preliminary tests were also out with a wide range of combinations of exogenous enzymes with the purpose of identifying those with a higher potential of improving FCE to be studied in the future. This work will further contribute to improved knowledge on how to optimise feeding strategies for pigs and broiler chickens such that feed efficiency is maximised and ecological footprint minimised.
FCE is one of the key factors in cost-efficiency of production. For this reason European scientists are working on the ECO-FCE project, aimed at proposing strategies to optimise feed efficiency in monogastrics, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen and phosphorus excretion
story credit; world poultry.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Preventing infection, dehydration helps ensure good chick quality.
It’s well established that good chick quality is a prerequisite for broilers to perform well throughout grow-out. Too often, however, poor chick quality goes unnoticed until excessive first-week mortality is reported. Fortunately, this is a scenario that can be avoided with careful attention to key factors that can impair chick health.
We all know that healthy breeder flocks are more likely to produce healthy chicks. So, if the breeder flock is healthy but chick quality is poor or chick mortality is elevated, what’s the reason? In my experience, one common but often-overlooked cause is the way eggs are handled at the hen farm and hatchery.
A bacterial infection is usually at the root of poor chick quality and elevated chick mortality, but chicks rarely get infected at the farm — at least during the first week. The infection almost always starts at the hatchery.
As long as eggs are not delivered by Cesarean section, they will harbor bacteria, at least on the shell surface. Eggs that are allowed to sweat before hatch, that have a lot of feathers or are left in litter too long or on dirty floor mats can become contaminated with bacteria.
Problems at transfer
Another source of bacterial contamination — and a common one — occurs during transfer. This is usually due to improper sanitation of either transfer machines or hatcher trays. Transfer from setters to hatchers is more problematic nowadays because it often involves punching a hole in the shell for in ovo vaccine injection. Transfer machines touch every egg hatched in the hatchery and have been associated with poor chick quality if improperly maintained.
Antibiotics administered at transfer have been shown to improve flock livability because no hatchery-sanitation program is perfect. However, with mounting pressure to reduce or eliminate the use of antibiotics that are also needed in human medicine, many broiler operations have elected to discontinue using an antibiotic in the hatchery. Poor sanitation and other mis-management practices become more evident as untreated bacteria compromise egg quality and chick health.
Regardless of whether an antibiotic is used, there should be procedures in place to ensure that routine maintenance and sanitation of trays are up to par. When bacterial contamination is identified, transfer-equipment suppliers should also be intimately involved in resolving the problem. Animal-health companies provide support services that include evaluation of sanitation practices and preventive parts replacement.
Excessive time between transfer from setters to hatchers needs to be avoided. This delay may, in turn, delay embryonic development, leading to “green chicks” being placed before they are physically able to endure environmental stresses.
Clean hatcher trays are critical to good chick quality because they are the first surface touched by newly hatched, wet chicks. Most hatcheries realize there is benefit to using a disinfectant in the hatcher during the hatching process. Airflow, humidity control and temperature can either help or hurt chicks. A lot of organic matter is released when chicks hatch. In a warm, moist environment, it becomes an ideal incubator for all types of bacteria and fungi. If the water used to increase humidity is contaminated, chicks can become infected.
story credit; poultry health today.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
New methods to cut losses in poultry value chain due to coccidiosis has been unveiled.The new management entails
The use of antibiotics in poultry is a cause of concern especially because of antibiotic residues and resultant superbugs.The judicious use of antibiotics are highlighted here;
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
The feeding cost in broiler production accounts for over 70% the cost of production,hence proper feeding and management technique will ensure success in the venture.The feed efficiency also refers to feed conversion ratio is the amount of feed consumed by broiler to produce a unit of flesh.The feed efficiency of broiler is 2:1, that is for every 2kg of feed consumed a kg of flesh is expected.The lower the feed conversion ratio the better the feed efficiency.
1) The broiler breeds are bred basically for meat,and the male broilers grow faster than the females.The males utilize the feed properly hence its better to raise males separate from females to save cost.
2)The females given same feed dont grow at same rate,their feed utilization is poor.
3)The age is another factor, after 8weeks the feed conversion ratio becomes poor.The birds consume more feed and they dont grow at expected rate,thus increasing production cost.
4)Nutrition; a balanced ration will stimulate growth,if essential nutrients are missing the feed becomes incomplete.The broiler diet consists of broiler starter which is 24% protein and 3000kcal energy and the finisher has 20% protein and 3200 kcal.If your feed is improperly mixed,the essential nutrients will not be available for growth and development.
Feed that excludes certain nutrients will not ensure growth, and feed with excess salt will not ensure any growth and development.
5) Health of the flock; diseases affect growth and development of the birds.Diseases that affects the intestinal lining will result in mal absorption of feed,thus stunting growth.Disease causing nonabsorption/malabsorption of feed should be prevented.
Common diseases that result in mal absorption such as coccidiosis,enteritis,toxicosis,worms and nutritional deficiency. These diseases are prevented by strict bio security protocols,vaccinations and medications and vitamin supplements.
When all protocols are adhered to then,the venture will be very successful.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015
The 42-day rapid return on investment in broiler production makes it a lucrative business.The beauty of the venture is that no part of the birds is a waste,all by-products is a money-spinner.
The processing of the birds are done in processing plants which come in various capacities depending on your type of venture.
The birds are processed in the following sections;
Stunning, the birds are stunned before slaughtering to prevent blood in the meat,thus tainting the meat.
Slaughtering: this is done using the slaughtering cone, the birds are placed in cones and slaughtered.
Scalding tank: birds placed in scalding tank operated at proper temperature to prevent cooking the birds.
De-feathering; the feathers are removed in the defeathering machine,that ensures the birds are clean . \
Evisceration; the visceral removed, also the head/ neck is removed.
Washing; the birds are passed to the washing section where they are hosed down with clean water. The birds are then sent to packaging unit.
The packaging unit is the last phase of processing,the birds are packed using clean transparent bags and these are sent to chillers for onward supply to supermarket.
Investors in this venture can make more money by processing other birds from other farms at a price,this will also reduce over head cost.
The investor can position himself as a producer/ processor in an area bringing more opportunities to that zone.
This can also be another empowerment opportunity for young school leavers,who can easily raise broilers and process in this plant and sell as premium chicken .
The investor can also work with other farmers ,who will sell to him and he will process and sell as premium chicken thus increasing his finances without increasing his cost of production.
Broiler waste can also be collected and processed to produce bio-gas and also electricity.The waste is channeled to a digester fed with anaerobic bacteria to give bio-gas for cooking and also energy.This can be transferred to grid which can power the poultry farm and save overhead by reducing electricity bill.
The feathers are collected in a vat,washed and dyed.These are then used as fashion accessories, pillow stuffing's,table decor,office decor and writing materials.
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