Food security can only be achieved if more food is produced and food waste and loss is eliminated from the value chain.
Women make up the bulk of those in the farming business,and the production of their produce can be doubled to increase revenue and feed the nation.
The women in agriculture started farming and rearing animals because they wanted to feed their family and help in running of the home,but over the years this has evolved to a business where they rear and sell making money for themselves.
Women in agriculture produce more food that could actually ensure food security but are constrained due to the following:
1) preservation equipment.
2) processing technology.
3)education on proper handling of food.
Women in agriculture produce their crops,but lack technical strength in terms of preservation methods
The.women produce grains,that when harvested are stored in sack, or spread on the floor,thus exposing the product to rodents and other pests.
This results in food loss and contamination which reduces revenue of the farmer but also the amount of food available for consumption,thus disrupting the food security chain.
When women have access to modern storage facilities such as silos, more crops will get to market .The provision of such facilities at community level,divisional level or district zoning,will give more women access.
Organizing the farmers per zone and also providing a platform for marketing will ensure more food will get too the market.
Processing technology :the women in the fishing business and poultry are majorly affected. The fish harvested can be sold live,but because they lack processing equipment they cant process the fish into smoked variety.This results in reduced income,as the majority of the fish are left unprocessed and marketers will offer to buy it off at ridiculous prices.
When processing technology is available to these women, such drying stoves/kiln provided at community level,more fish will make it to the market and food security will be a reality.
The education on powered eggs will be an advantage in the poultry industry.When large quantities of eggs are available,storing methods are very important to the marketability of the eggs.
Food handling techniques are very important to food processing and packaging.
Women in agriculture should be educated on proper handling to prevent food waste and food loss.
When crops are harvested ,there are proper handling methods to prevent spoilage;like vegetables, these should be handled with care and store in an aerated environment to prevent rottenness.These must also not be lumped on ,but are stacked on platforms to keep them fresh
Modern techniques on handling will ensure more food get to market to prevent food loss and food waste.
Transportation of these produce is a major key to food security. When roads are accessible more produce get to destination and in record time ensuring fresh foods are available.
The women face a lot of constraints that if addressed in form of training,seminars and provision of infrastructure such as light,electricity,good roads and telecommunication devices,
food security will be a reality.
Empower the women!!! feed the nation.
Agribusiness, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Cassava, Garri, food security, Agritech and the Red Meat Value Chain.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
The role of of agriculture in economic growth is significant to any form of globalization. Women plays significant roles in agriculture,they are involved in all sectors and contribute to economic growth and development.
The empowerment schemes should involve more women as they are challenged on so many fronts,the contract farming is a way to encourage more women to join agriculture sector and support those already in the sector.
Agriculture has so many facets and aspects that if properly coordinated will bring about food security and increase revenue generation.
The higher the number of people actively involved in this sector,the greater the chances of a sustainable economy.
The use of contract farming in the agricultural sector has the following benefits ; 1) employment opportunities.
2) increase revenue generation.
3)food security.
4)globalization through partnership.
5)broad-based learning platform.
What is contract farming and how does it work??
This is basically a platform for growth both for individuals ,companies and the countries involved.The scheme extols the benefits of various aspects of agriculture such as fish farming,piggery,cattle rearing, and poultry.
The various segments are handled by professionals,who corporate with stakeholders already in the agriculture business and these seek out interested candidates in these projects.These people undergo training for a specific period,after which they are provided with tools to start-off.These tools include chicks,drugs,feed, weaners,calves and cages.
The tools also include spaces that are allocated at moderate prices so the farmers can afford this without affecting overhead costs.
The contract farmer has access to needed tools to start the project with a memorandum of understanding which states; the expected return and time lapse.
This scheme will allow more players in the agric sector,with access to latest innovations in the field which they can employ to rapidly turn around their investment.
The venture also involves provision of equipment to process the finished products for packaging such as stoves,drying kiln and ovens to process fish. Education on food preservation and provision of such equipment will help prevent losses of crops.A source of water is a very necessary factor for any production,and many women travel long distances to get access to portable water.
A water for all project in forms of wells,boreholes and irrigation systems will boost production and increase sales.The larger percentage of the agricultural products are farmed in the rural areas and this is done by women.
Empower the women; feed the world!!!
Contract farming is an empowerment model that will fast tract growth in the agriculture sector,because the companies involved in this scheme collect products for sale in international market.
The scheme also involves buying farmers products right from the farm,so the farmer tends its products carefully to attain specified standards.
Echinococcosis also referred to as hydatid disease is caused by larva stages of tapeworm;echinococcus granulosus which inhabits the intestines of carnivore. The echinococcus specie in dog is responsible for hydatidosis in cattle.
The role of of agriculture in economic growth is significant to any form of globalization. Agriculture has so many facets and aspects that if properly coordinated will bring about food security and increase revenue generation.
The higher the number of people actively involved in this sector,the greater the chances of a sustainable economy.
The use of contract farming in the agricultural sector has the following benefits :
1) employment opportunities.
2) increase revenue generation.
3)food security.
4)globalization through partnership.
5)broad-based learning platform.
AGRIBUSINESS: CONTRACT FARMING AND INDUSTRIALIZATION. What is contract farming and how does it work?? This is basically a platform for growth both for individuals ,companies and the countries involved.
The scheme extols the benefits of various aspects of agriculture such as fish farming,piggery,cattle rearing, and poultry.The various segments are handled by professionals,who corporate with stakeholders already in the agriculture business and these seek out interested candidates in these projects.
These people undergo training for a specific period,after which they are provided with tools to start-off.These tools include chicks,drugs,feed, weaners,calves and cages.
The tools also include spaces that are allocated at moderate prices so the farmers can afford this without affecting overhead costs.
The contract farmer has access to needed tools to start the project with a memorandum of understanding which states; the expected return and time lapse.
This scheme will allow more players in the agric sector,with access to latest innovations in the field which they can employ to rapidly turn around their investment.
Contract farming is an empowerment model that will fast tract growth in the agriculture sector,because the companies involved in this scheme collect products for sale in international market.
The scheme also involves buying farmers products right from the farm,so the farmer tends its products carefully to attain specified standards.
Agric insurance is important for the growth and development of the agricultural sector in any economy. The essence of agric insurance is to protect farmers from losses resulting from hazards such as accidents, death of livestock, condemnation of carcass, flood,fire,pest,disease and emergency control measures such as in case of outbreaks of African swine fever,bird flu e.t.c
Agric insurance is also relevant in abattoir operations,with particular reference to condemnation of carcasses,organs in disease conditions and transportation accident.
The benefits of insurance are enormous,aside the monetary compensation, there is access to professionals who over- see the project. Certified animals are procured to start the project,data of farmers collected..This encourages proper record keeping and disease control measures.
When animal husbandry projects are insured,there will be proper management ,food safety will be enhanced and wholesome products will be in our market.
The fear of running at a loss is the reason why producers cut corners, avoid the necessary management protocol such as vaccination,reporting outbreaks,processing dead animals. This results use of unconventional feeding practices and unauthorized drugs in production to attain market weight early.
The possibility of export will increase, if there is a structure that ensure compliance to international standards. This will ensure rapid industrialization in that sector which will promote economic growth.
The agric insurance sector though a growing industry,still has a lot to do to encourage farmers to insure their businesses. A large percentage of farmers dont access this opportunity , because of lack of proper knowledge of the policy.
This is to their detriment and to the loss of the economy on a larger scale.The farmers /producers need financial bodies to work with them,to give soft landing in case of loss and to pay commensurate compensations in cases of emergency control of diseases.
The farmers cant access certain loans because they are not insured; premium are not fixed and certain diseases are not included in the policies.
Agric insurance is important for the growth and development of the agricultural sector in any economy. The essence of agric insurance is to protect farmers from losses resulting from hazards such as accidents, death of livestock, condemnation of carcass, flood,fire,pest,disease and emergency control measures such as in case of outbreaks of African swine fever,bird flu e.t.c
Agric insurance is also relevant in abattoir operations,with particular reference to condemnation of carcasses,organs in disease conditions and transportation accident.
The benefits of insurance are enormous,aside the monetary compensation, there is access to professionals who over- see the project. Certified animals are procured to start the project,data of farmers collected..This encourages proper record keeping and disease control measures.
When animal husbandry projects are insured,there will be proper management ,food safety will be enhanced and wholesome products will be in our market.
The fear of running at a loss is the reason why producers cut corners, avoid the necessary management protocol such as vaccination,reporting outbreaks,processing dead animals. This results use of unconventional feeding practices and unauthorized drugs in production to attain market weight early.
The possibility of export will increase, if there is a structure that ensure compliance to international standards. This will ensure rapid industrialization in that sector which will promote economic growth.
The agric insurance sector though a growing industry,still has a lot to do to encourage farmers to insure their businesses. A large percentage of farmers dont access this opportunity , because of lack of proper knowledge of the policy.
This is to their detriment and to the loss of the economy on a larger scale.The farmers /producers need financial bodies to work with them,to give soft landing in case of loss and to pay commensurate compensations in cases of emergency control of diseases.
The farmers cant access certain loans because they are not insured; premium are not fixed and certain diseases are not included in the policies.
Monday, September 28, 2015
The business of slaughtering animals and processing in the abattoir is capital intensive and a very complicated venture because of the myriad of problems associated with it.
The business ideally is a money spinner but there are so many choke points in this venture especially in developing countries.
The system in developed countries have been fine-tuned that its a win-win situation: the butchers are happy and the citizen have access to wholesome beef.
The issue with the beef processing plant is basically compensation: either in form of insurance or payment when carcass is condemned by meat inspectors/vets and animal health officers.
The livestock insurance policy is a major key to revamping the beef processing industry.
A butcher buys cattle, transports them to site of sale/ slaughter; some died in-transit, some in the market before sale and others after sale.
The cattle that makes it to the slaughter line upon examination has some diseased organs that need to be condemned,or has generalized TUBERCULOSIS; who bears these losses??? How will the butcher be sincere or follow the proper procedure?? your guess is as good as mine.
The benefit of insurance in the agric sector is germane to economic growth and food safety. when the butchers are duly compensated for loss of animals and also for carcass in the abattoir from compensation schemes then food safety is ensured.
The formulation of policies,laws, edits means nothing, when nobody bears the brunt.
The business ideally is a money spinner but there are so many choke points in this venture especially in developing countries.
The system in developed countries have been fine-tuned that its a win-win situation: the butchers are happy and the citizen have access to wholesome beef.
The issue with the beef processing plant is basically compensation: either in form of insurance or payment when carcass is condemned by meat inspectors/vets and animal health officers.
The livestock insurance policy is a major key to revamping the beef processing industry.
A butcher buys cattle, transports them to site of sale/ slaughter; some died in-transit, some in the market before sale and others after sale.
The cattle that makes it to the slaughter line upon examination has some diseased organs that need to be condemned,or has generalized TUBERCULOSIS; who bears these losses??? How will the butcher be sincere or follow the proper procedure?? your guess is as good as mine.
The benefit of insurance in the agric sector is germane to economic growth and food safety. when the butchers are duly compensated for loss of animals and also for carcass in the abattoir from compensation schemes then food safety is ensured.
The formulation of policies,laws, edits means nothing, when nobody bears the brunt.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Production overview of the poultry-value chain. The value chain encompasses the following poultry species; cockerel, layers , turkeys and broilers. The emphasis of this project is on intensive broiler production because of the rapid return on investment.
The advantages of this venture are as follows; 1) Production span is 42-days.
2) Low capital investment.
3) Large market.
4) High turn-over of investment.
The broiler production is a profitable venture that is not labour intensive; also the cost of medication is limited because of the length of production. This is also an added advantage as it will further reduce overhead costs and the benefits of this venture are tapped faster than in other poultry species.
The processing aspect will involve machines that work at high capacity to process birds in large numbers within a short time. The venture will also promote partnership with other producers, who can use the facility at a fee. This will also be another point of wealth generation, as the cost of the machines will be recovered within a short time.
Investors in this value-chain have the rapid return on investment as an advantage because financial institutions have short-term loans that will benefit them.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Beef processing and handling is riddled with a lot of challenges, ranging from lack of insurance policy to lack of compensation to butchers who have their animals condemned.
The food industry has faced with a lot of challenges and all hands must be on deck to ensure that the proper protocols are enforced.
The food fraud saga rocking some countries has resulted in several food recalls and a larger percentage of the populace are changing their dietary preferences.
Sharp practices are employed by processors to ensure they make profit to the detriment of consumers.
Have you gone to the market to buy beef weighing a particular KG,but when you leave on kitchen unit you discover a reduction in size? or you cut up the beef and when its done you discover a dramatic reduction? well!!! welcome to food fraud arena.
The carcass is usually punctured and water is poured in the carcass to increase the weight.When you ask processors to supply beef at a particular weight,they simply add water to make up for the short fall and break even. #change it # new paradigm # better processing # meat inspection laws.# new breed butchers.
Beef processing could be done manually or in slaughtering lines,but however you choose to slaughter basic hygiene principles must be observed.
Water is an essential resource in any meat processing plant.Water is needed in all the processing segments to ensure that the beef is wholesome and fit for human consumption.The source of water must be clean,portable ..The source is basically pipe-borne water fully treated to ensure that any pathogen is destroyed,pipes must be checked to ensure its not burs ted or have any underground access to sewage.
Water is usually used at high pressure to hose the animal down as they are brought into the slap,then every aspect of the processing is interrupted with hosing down before moving to next stage.
Transportation to the market is another point of contamination; when processed beef are exposed and transported in dirty basins or carried in dirty wheel barrows.The beef when in transit should be not be tied up in bags,as the heat generated will be a breeding ground for pathogens to thrive.The heat generated will also facilitate spoilage of the beef,resulting in sale of spoiled beef in the market.
Beef processing should be carried out in clean environment and transported in clean vehicles that are properly aerated with cooling facilities.Beef should be hung on rails in the vans,to ensure no part of the beef is heated up.This will prevent spoilage of beef before arrival in shops.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Papillomatosis also referred to as warts.Its caused by a virus and are various species that are specific.calves are most susceptible.
Bovine warts are caused by contagious virus,the papilloma virus.This usually spread by contact from infected cattle to non infected cattle or indirectly from feeders,halters and restraining equipment.
The warts are like cauliflower lesions or flat thickened lesions on the neck,head,trunk,teats and penis.These lesions normally appear 1-6 months after infection and not all infected cattle show lesions.
The lesions normally spread from ears to other sites,cattle with ear tags or tatoos are prone to infection with secondary bacteria thus causing wide spread purulent discharges .
Cattle with these lesion are properly examined if presented for slaughter in the abattoir and the skin should be condemned.
Cattle by-products can add value to the beef processing value chain if properly managed and marketed.
The cattle by-products include; horns,tail-hair switch) ,blood and skin.
Horns, from the cattle are collected and processed.
The processing involves washing; the horns are washed ,disinfected and dried.The inner core of the horn is removed and chemicals are applied to fix the horns and to prevent it from decay.
The horns can be colored using various dyes and are sold internationally as decorative ornaments.The horns can be sold plain,colored or can be grounded and processed to make buttons and fashion accessories.
The horns are a source of foreign exchange as they can be used in various industries such as fashion, pharmaceutical and tourism.
The tail-hair are collected and processed.The tail-hair popularly called switch is also another money-spinner,this is sold also in foreign market.The tail-hair is collected, washed and processed.
These are processed into traditional ornaments,used as decorative pieces, they are also processed to hair extensions which attract high market value.
The ruminal content though in waste management category has a place in this piece.
The ruminal content, collected and processed
by drying can be used as fertilizers in vegetable gardens.These can also be processed and used as supplement for animal feed. The processing of the content in large volumes will involve use of biodigester produce bio-gas.
The collected blood is processed by boiling ,drying and used as blood meal in animal feed.The skin usually processed for consumption can be processed into leather products.
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