Showing posts with label EGGS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EGGS. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Preventing infection, dehydration helps ensure good chick quality.

It’s well established that good chick quality is a prerequisite for broilers to perform well throughout grow-out. Too often, however, poor chick quality goes unnoticed until excessive first-week mortality is reported. Fortunately, this is a scenario that can be avoided with careful attention to key factors that can impair chick health. We all know that healthy breeder flocks are more likely to produce healthy chicks. So, if the breeder flock is healthy but chick quality is poor or chick mortality is elevated, what’s the reason? In my experience, one common but often-overlooked cause is the way eggs are handled at the hen farm and hatchery. A bacterial infection is usually at the root of poor chick quality and elevated chick mortality, but chicks rarely get infected at the farm — at least during the first week. The infection almost always starts at the hatchery. As long as eggs are not delivered by Cesarean section, they will harbor bacteria, at least on the shell surface. Eggs that are allowed to sweat before hatch, that have a lot of feathers or are left in litter too long or on dirty floor mats can become contaminated with bacteria. Problems at transfer Another source of bacterial contamination — and a common one — occurs during transfer. This is usually due to improper sanitation of either transfer machines or hatcher trays. Transfer from setters to hatchers is more problematic nowadays because it often involves punching a hole in the shell for in ovo vaccine injection. Transfer machines touch every egg hatched in the hatchery and have been associated with poor chick quality if improperly maintained. Antibiotics administered at transfer have been shown to improve flock livability because no hatchery-sanitation program is perfect. However, with mounting pressure to reduce or eliminate the use of antibiotics that are also needed in human medicine, many broiler operations have elected to discontinue using an antibiotic in the hatchery. Poor sanitation and other mis-management practices become more evident as untreated bacteria compromise egg quality and chick health. Regardless of whether an antibiotic is used, there should be procedures in place to ensure that routine maintenance and sanitation of trays are up to par. When bacterial contamination is identified, transfer-equipment suppliers should also be intimately involved in resolving the problem. Animal-health companies provide support services that include evaluation of sanitation practices and preventive parts replacement. Excessive time between transfer from setters to hatchers needs to be avoided. This delay may, in turn, delay embryonic development, leading to “green chicks” being placed before they are physically able to endure environmental stresses. Clean hatcher trays are critical to good chick quality because they are the first surface touched by newly hatched, wet chicks. Most hatcheries realize there is benefit to using a disinfectant in the hatcher during the hatching process. Airflow, humidity control and temperature can either help or hurt chicks. A lot of organic matter is released when chicks hatch. In a warm, moist environment, it becomes an ideal incubator for all types of bacteria and fungi. If the water used to increase humidity is contaminated, chicks can become infected. story credit; poultry health today.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Agribusiness and bitcoin wealth.

Queensland Egg Farmer Lays the Foundations For Agriculture Bitcoin Economy.

A chicken farmer on Queensland's Sunshine Coast wants his customers to pay him using the online currency, Bitcoin.  Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, which is created and held electronically.

Mark Burgunder, an organic chicken egg farmer at Conondale, is already using the virtual currency in his business.Mr Burgunder said he wants to create a local Bitcoin economy amongst Sunshine Coast farmers and consumers.

Bitcoin is an electronic currency that is not backed by a central bank, it is backed by a network of computers and mathematics.

 Bitcoins are stored on a Bitcoin wallet, which can be accessed via computer, phone or on a card similar to a credit card.

They can also be stored on debit cards, and can be used anywhere EFTPOS is available.  Read 

Friday, October 30, 2015


Egg production in the poultry value chain is affected by various factors especially diseases, the bird flu virus being a major culprit.Egg production still very low due to losses incurred during outbreak. Layer farms

Saturday, October 24, 2015


AGRIBUSINESS: HOW TO USE EGGS FOR ART. (#EGG ART) The egg is a power-packed pill that we advocate should be taken daily.The importance in kids cannot be overemphasized,the nutrients are needed for growth and development.The benefits of eggs is very obvious in intelligence quotient; no wonder the term egg head is reserved for the super intelligent.

 The eggs aside giving nutritional value ,can add value as decorative pieces.Egg painting is usually associated with Easter eggs and fun.The egg art could be used as decorative pieces as whole eggs or the use of the shells.

 AGRIBUSINESS: HOW TO USE EGGS FOR ART. (#EGG ART) Egg art using egg shells; the shells are grounded,colored and used as motifs on paintings.The grounded shells are painted ,and placed on drawings.These give a rough/texcote fill to your painting.This make the painting very durable and has a life-like texture. 

 Egg molds could be made in plastics/fibers depending on the use/intention of use.Colored eggs are great educational toys for counting and color identification. The colored eggs are great instructional aids when discussing values of eggs. Egg art is also a fun way to make children love eggs and eat eggs in various forms.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015





 Cracked eggs on the farm!, a farmers worst nightmare.The issue of cracked eggs borders on management practices,how the eggs are picked,sorted/graded and stored.

Cracked eggs are results in losses in the poultry industry,and can be a profit blocker if not properly managed.
 Cracked eggs, though a cause of concern,the effect could be managed if underling management issues are addressed.
.Cracked eggs could be turned to a money-spinning venture with some creative stints.

 The following are ways in which wealth could be generated from cracked eggs;

1) sell to caterers who prefer to buy cracked eggs,as it will be used immediately.

 2) food vendors; those that make food at street corners ,usually fry these eggs immediately and get value for the eggs.

 3) These eggs could be powdered, packaged and sold to food processing companies.

 4) The eggs can also be sold as liquid eggs or frozen eggs; which are valuable in the food court,ice cream companies e.t.c

 The waste to wealth initiative could also benefit from cracked eggs; depending on the number of eggs available and poultry houses involved in the scheme,these eggs could be collected and cooked in central kitchen that caters for poor,homeless people. Cracked but still valuable.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Food security and sustainability is hinged on more technology.How to feed the ever growing population is not by acquiring more land,but by making meaningful use of technology at our disposal.The various aspects of agriculture can be enhanced using technology to produce much more food,within a limited period of time and also increase yield. The road to food security is paved with technology in terms of genetic engineering,making better strains of plants and animals that can thrive in our environment and give us necessary eggs and chicken providing more protein for the nation.The breeding of indigenous strains with imported strains to improve our local strains and expand our market . The use of technology to transform chicken poop to power,to run our farm estates and surrounding houses.The integration of biogas technology to our everyday life,will not only generate power,but will reduce overhead costs.This will also prevent environmental hazards,as harmful gases are not released to the environment,thus preventing health complications. Technology is our ticket to food security, take the leap!!!! Join our biotech partners at the investors forum!!! WELCOME THE LAGOS CHICKEN!!! LET THE BREEDING BEGIN!!! MY EYES ON THE FUTURE.........................LOOKING THROUGH THE BIRD VIEW EXPERIENCE.

Monday, October 19, 2015


The cost of raising 500 birds; EXPENDITURE COST. 1)Land...................................................................................1,500,000. 2) Housing................................................................................900,000. 3) D.O.C @ 200.........................................................................100,000. 4) Cages @ 70,00........................................................................350,000. 5) Labor @ 20,000...................................................................40,000. 6) Brooding @ 30/chick...............................................................15,000. 7) Vaccination/medication @ 80/chick...............................................40,000. 8)Farm tools,supplies/implements................................................35,000. 9) Feed @60 g/chick for 0-8 weeks @ 2,500/bag............................................168,000. 10) Feed @ 90 g/chick for 9-20 weeks @ 2,800/bag............................................423,360. 11) feed @ 120 g/chick/day for 21-40 weeks @ 3000/bag..................................1,008,000. Total.................................................4,579,360. PROFIT ANALYSIS Sale of birds @ 2000 x 450(10% mortality).....................900,000. profit= recurrent expenditure- proceeds= .................1,794,360-900,000 =894,360 naira. The layers provide additional profit at same cost..... sale of eggs @ 900/crate for 234,000 naira. The overhead cost will reduce from 2nd phase of production as the cost will include recurrent expenditure only,meaning more profit for the investor. The production phase can also be prolonged by forced moulting to extend laying period,resulting more bigger eggs. RAISING LAYERS FOR PROFIT.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


COST IMPLICATION OF RAISING 500 BIRDS . EXPENDITURE COST. 1)Land...................................................................................1,500,000. 2) Housing................................................................................900,000. 3) D.O.C @ 200.........................................................................100,000. 4) Cages @ 70,00........................................................................350,000. 5) Labor @ 20,000...................................................................40,000. 6) Brooding @ 30/chick...............................................................15,000. 7) Vaccination/medication @ 80/chick...............................................40,000. 8)Farm tools,supplies/implements................................................35,000. 9) Feed @60 g/chick for 0-8 weeks @ 2,500/bag............................................168,000. 10) Feed @ 90 g/chick for 9-20 weeks @ 2,800/bag............................................423,360. 11) feed @ 120 g/chick/day for 21-40 weeks @ 3000/bag..................................1,008,000. Total.................................................4,579,360. PROFIT ANALYSIS Sale of birds @ 2000 x 450(10% mortality).....................900,000. profit= recurrent expenditure- proceeds= .................1,794,360-900,000 =894,360 naira. The layers provide additional profit at same cost..... sale of eggs @ 900/crate for 234,000 naira.

Monday, October 12, 2015


VETERINARY MEDICINE: THE BENEFITS OF EGGS TO DOG'S HEALTH. Home cooking for dogs is now the in-4thing because of the rise in rate of pet food recalls.However some dog lovers have been cooking for a long time to ensure food safety and growth of their pets. VETERINARY MEDICINE: THE BENEFITS OF EGGS TO DOG'S HEALTH. Home cooking has numerous advantages such as availability,freshness, safe,cheap and no chemical additives.The home cooking has an added advantage if you have a dog with special needs such as liver disease,kidney disease,obesity and cancer,the knowledge of nutritional impact on these conditions are vital. Home cooking can be fun if well planned; here is a fast recipe for your dog. Noodles and eggs. INGREDIENTS; 1)NOODLES. 2)EGGS. 3)OIL METHOD. BOIL NOODLES AND SET ASIDE. PREPARE THE EGGS, COULD BE BOILED OR FRIED. THEN MIX THE EGG WITH NOODLES AND SERVE OR CUT THE BOILED EGGS UP IN CUBES AND MIX WITH NOODLES.


The values of eggs cannot be overemphasized as they impact every system of the body to ensure development.
Eggs have been linked to changes in cholesterol levels,but most people dont know the facts; The cholesterol in egg is the good cholesterol necessary for normal system functions.

The high density lipo protein in eggs are the good cholesterol,individuals with high levels of HDL usually have a lower risk of heart disease,stroke, and other health problems.Egg consumption raises HDL level, which translates to reduced health problems.

This is a good indicator for measurement of health risk. In 2008,research from the university of North Carolina found that choline present in the yolk can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 24%,an egg contains 125.5mg of choline. 

 In 2005,another research finding by another group reported that women who ate at least 6 eggs/week have a 44% lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who ate fewer/no eggs.

The research by the Harvard university in 2003 found that eating eggs as an adolescent could prevent breast cancer risk as an adult.

Eating an egg a day is the best recipe to access all benefits of eggs and also reduce health risks.


The egg contains all the nutrient to produce a chick,hence its a power packed meal that promotes growth and development. Eggs are nutrient packed and plays immense roles in various systems in the body.The protein requirement is 0.8g/kg on the average: with the requirement for man is 56g,and woman 46g. The FAO has cautioned that the dietary intake is below the required levels in developing countries hence more protein especially animal protein should be included in diet. One medium egg contains 70-85 calories of which 6.5g is protein. Eggs are nutrient rich and if incorporated in diet on a regular basis will make up for the deficit in protein in the developing countries; hence the truth an egg a day keeps the doctor away. EGG-VALUES; 1) its an health boost,with high level of nutrients it contains it contributes to the general well being of the individual, 2)vitamin source; vitamin B2 which is important for break down of food to energy. vitamin B12 essential for red blood cell production. vitamin A responsible for great vision; eye sight integrity. vitamin E responsible for fighting off free radicals that cause tissue and cellular damage. Vitamin B2 responsible for proper growth. 3) mineral source..iron for blood cells,and maintenance of circulatory integrity. zinc....ensures proper functioning of immune system. phosphorus.......responsible for healthy bones and teeth. iodine...essential for thyroid hormones. selenium.....its an antioxidant that helps reduce cancer risk. Eggs are also used as a weight management tool; a study by Rochester center for obesity stated that eating eggs for breakfast helps limit your calorie intake all day by 400 calories.The mode of action here is that it gives a satiety signal while releasing the nutrients into body,thus maintaining energy level.The cholesterol in eggs are dietary cholesterol not blood cholesterol,the dietary cholesterol are high density lipo proteins which are essential for proper functioning of the body systems. Eggs also linked to intelligence quotient because of choline content in the egg which is responsible for production of cell membrane and also produce signal molecules in brain thus coordinating activities at that level. Eggs also contains lutem and zeaxanthin that are antioxidants with maintain cellular integrity in the retinal thus preventing eye disorders such as cataracts and macular degeneration.These benefits also apply to dogs, a nutritious meal for your dog must include eggs.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


AGRIBUSINESS: THE ROLE OF WATER IN POULTRY VALUE CHAIN. Water though a common commodity,its role in the success of the poultry value chain is very significant. Water is used in various capacities and at various levels. The bio security protocols involve water,for mixing,dilutions of chemicals and washing tools and implements. AGRIBUSINESS: THE ROLE OF WATER IN POULTRY VALUE CHAIN. WATER AS A PERFORMANCE INDICATOR IN POULTRY; 1)water is the most effective administration vehicle for drugs and vitamins. 2) water is a diluent for some vaccines to confer immunity on birds. 3)water is necessary for digestion, a chicken requires twice the amount of water to utilize every kg of feed. 4) water essential for metabolism,fecal elimination and temperature regulation. 5) The egg is about 65% water. 6) The chicken body weight is between 60-75% water depending on age and sex. Water is key to proper growth and development,if birds are deprived of water they go into a moulting stage.This can be used to prolong laying period if properly controlled.Impurities and chemicals in water can cause severe mortalities. AGRIBUSINESS: THE ROLE OF WATER IN POULTRY VALUE CHAIN. The availability of water is essential as it can make or mar project.Ensure regular supply of clean,fresh and cool water.

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Eggs can also carry the bird flu virus on the shell and within the albumen and yolk.The eggs can be protected by following simple bio security protocol of cleaning dirt off the egg shells,these cloth can be damped with a diluted soapy water,these are then air dried. Eggs should also be stored in washed,disinfected crates.Paper crates are a sure route of contamination and infection, this occurs because the paper crates cannot be washed or disinfected. Plastic crates should be washed,disinfected and air dried before they are used to store eggs.The crates should be washed ,disinfected,air dried before every use to prevent transfer of pathogens. Plastic crates are a sure way to ensure food safety, these eggs should be properly cooked.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Dogs rely on protein to provide muscle building blocks and essential amino acids that are necessary for vital cell processes.The lack of protein in diet results in lean muscles,reduced energy,the immune system is compromised and coat is dry and flaky. The sources of protein for dog food may be plant-derived or animal-derived but the important index for selecting a protein source is the biological value.The biological value of protein refers to the availability of the protein in the food to the dog,foods with high biological value are the most suitable sources releasing the necessary nutrients because they are readily digestible. Foods that contain protein of low biological value are not easily digested resulting in low availability of protein to the dog and resultant deficiency.When a dog food is to be assessed ,the protein level must be ascertained to be of high biological value.Proteins of high biological value are expensive so when incorporated to dog food raises the cost while low protein of low biological value are cheap making such dog food cheap. Foods of high biological value are 1) eggs; these are of high biological value ,they are readily accessible in the diet especially when boiled.Eggs hold a higher value than meat. Fish; these include tuna,salmon and fishes high in fish oil because of omega3fatty acids,that helps to give coat a shiny coat. Meat ; beef,chicken,turkey,duck and lamb. The nutritive value of beef is drawn out by drying,then pulverizing, the water ,fat is removed then the remnant is ground into powder and incorporated into meal.This makes the meat readily digestible,making all nutrients available. Protein of low biological value include animal by-products such as hair,hooves,horn and feathers.Dog food that will provide the necessary protein level must have a high biological value ,the higher the value the more digestible the food and the less waste the dog will produce.

Sunday, May 31, 2015


Chicken raised with atovi premix lay for longer periods,eggs are big with thick shells and best of all no antibiotics.The immune system is enhanced so they dont succumb to bacteria,viruses or fungi infection.The feed is properly metabolized and absorbed resulting in proper utilization of feed with no undigested protein in feces resulting in odorless waste.The result is less consumption of feed with rapid growth of birds , and attainment of market weight faster. Eggs are essential for growth and development especially in children,buy eggs that give nutrients and add value. USE ATOVI PREMIX.


Antibiotic residue in animal by products such as eggs are a global concern especially with the "superbugs effect".The process of rearing animals on a commercial level has come under attack because of the impact on the health of man.The production process from farm to table is laced with use of antibiotics ,growth hormones and anticoccidial drugs,which impact negatively on the consumers. Antibiotic residue in animals has been identified as the key factor for proliferation of antibiotic resistant bacteria resulting in several deaths especially in children and women.The residues in animal tissues have also been fingered as the reason for increase cases of obesity,diabetes,cancer ,kidney and liver diseases and early attainment of sexual maturity in children. The additives in animal feed with its negative impact on health has been a debate and several countries opting out of the use,with many buying animals reared only on home grown feed,more and more people buying organic products and very many others purchasing from farmers/organizations with better production method. The rearing of animals can be a mind bogging experience if the proper management technique are not employed, and products churned out will definitely be different. Eggs; a major by-product from poultry has come under scrutiny with many scholars advocating the incorporation into diet and some others criticizing this because of " cholesterol" level but the fact is "an egg a day does keep the doctors away." Eggs are of immense benefits, they provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals e.t.c( read more about egg benefits at The eggs produced from chicken raised on antibiotic laden techniques cannot deliver any nutrient to the consumer,rather its a vehicle for antibiotic resistant bacteria to proliferate. An egg is really not an egg on its own,rather an egg is the sum total of what you feed your chicken,hence your practice impacts your products. Chicken raised with Atovi premix have the following benefits; the poultry house has no foul odor,the chicken are big without fat and skin is smooth and crispy, the eggs are bigger with thick shells and no antibiotic residue.The atovi ensures natural detoxification and expulsion of harmful compounds such as synthetic drugs,natural poison and antibiotics on cellular level which ensures that eggs and poultry are free of residues.The digestive system is energized and it ensures proper absorption of nutrient and total utilization which results in odorless waste due to absence of undigested protein in the feces. The birds have greater stamina,they dont succumb to diseases because of there energized cells that enhances their immune system. Farms where Atovi is used have zero cost on medication which is a real advantage especially in outbreak cases of bird flu,the birds wont contract the virus. Eggs are essential for development especially for children so ensure you are buying eggs of chicken raised without antibiotics.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


The peacock is the male pheasant bird with beautiful plumage which he uses to attracts the female( peahen) during courtship.The common ones are the Indian types with beautiful blue feathers, the females are not as brightly colored as the male and the female choose their mate based on the size of the train,and colorful display. These birds are quite easy to manage,feeding mainly on grains,leafy vegetables or commercial feed and the birds must have cool clean water .The birds are a beauty to behold, they can be kept for ornamental purposes or raised for breeding purposes.The peafowl attains sexual maturity at about 2 years of age,and the male is used at about 3-4 years when they have fully developed train to ensure high fertility rate. The peafowl lays eggs and tends them alone,but in cases of commercial breeding the eggs can be set in the incubator. The birds can be raised in living areas,but the perimeter must be predator proof.The birds thrive properly in grassy areas with plants and flower,they make great house pets. The peacock............lovely to wake up to the beauty of this bird every morning.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


QUAILS! QUAILS!! QUAILS!!!. Quails are easy to raise as they require little space and are easy to handle. The birds consume less feed but have high feed conversion ratio, with high laying intensity. The quail birds though small are money making machines, every part of them yields money. The birds can be raised for meat, table eggs, fertile eggs, their waste can be processed and sold as fertilizer, and the feathers can also be processed and used as ornaments. Let’s look at the various stages: the females start laying about 6weeks, Let’s assume you keep 300 birds, they will lay 300 eggs a day that is 10 crates a day. This egg laying intensity is to our advantage, as the bird’s consume 25g of feed/day. The birds can be processed at about 8 weeks; they can be smoked and packed for sale. HOUSING. Quails are raised in house or out in the yard.The cages can be wooden or made from iron. The floor is made of wire so that droopings are collected under the cages.The floor is slanted so that eggs are rolled to the front of the cages for easy collection. Feeding. The birds are given good quality feed and water is made available always.vitamins and minerals can be added to the water once a while,but this is of utmost value in hot weather.The birds can be given worms and some green as supplements to the feed.

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