Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Horsy conversation!!! feeling blue. A little bit under the weather? cold and chills??, fever??? Can you help???

Tuesday, November 3, 2015



The right feeding protocol can heal a sick horse;

Monday, November 2, 2015


Breast milk is very important in babies as its nutrient packed..Anew study shows that breast milk from overweight mothers may prime kids for obesity later in life. This study links the state of health of mothers to future health status of children,

Thursday, October 22, 2015


AGRIBUSINESS:HOW TO TAKE CARE OF CHICKENS. AGRIBUSINESS:HOW TO TAKE CARE OF CHICKENS. The success of the venture depends on following strict health protocols that are wrapped around simple but effective bio security protocol.The health protocol involves vaccinations coupled with medications.The use of drugs take into consideration the withdrawal time,so as not to process birds with antibiotic residue for human consumption. Vaccination refers to a method of disease prevention in healthy animals by challenging the animal with an attenuated/killed agent of a disease so as to elicit the production of antibodies. When vaccinations are done properly and immunity conferred,the animal is said to have been immunized against such causative agents of disease.Vaccination though stimulates antibodies production to protect the animals ,but if not done properly ;the desired immunity will not be conferred.When immunity is not conferred,2 major causes are fingered.These are vaccine failure or vaccine break. When immunity is not conferred due to vaccine break,the following are causes; 1)when the cold chain is broken; usually from point of sale to area you need them.The vaccines are to be transported in coolers with enough ice packs for the trip.The potency of the vaccines cant be guaranteed when this occurs,and when used the required immunity is not conferred. 2) when using inappropriate dilution and concentration; this nullifies any effect the vaccine should have on the birds. 3)when expired vaccines are used,definitely no immunity can be conferred. While vaccine failure could occur in any of the following scenarios;1)using inappropriate dose; under/overdosing will not elicit any antibody reaction. 2)wrong dilution/route. 3)vaccination of sick birds. 4)stress on birds during handling especially in hot weather. 5)Use of chemicals along side the vaccines especially water purification solutions. 6)vaccinating birds when signs of diseases are visible in flock. AGRIBUSINESS:HOW TO TAKE CARE OF CHICKENS. Vaccinations,though very essential ,if not properly carried out will just be a waste of resources. When planning to vaccinate; keep it simple. 1)place vaccine in ice pack. 2)engage qualified personnel. 3) use vaccine as directed by manufacturers.

Monday, October 12, 2015


VETERINARY MEDICINE: THE BENEFITS OF EGGS TO DOG'S HEALTH. Home cooking for dogs is now the in-4thing because of the rise in rate of pet food recalls.However some dog lovers have been cooking for a long time to ensure food safety and growth of their pets. VETERINARY MEDICINE: THE BENEFITS OF EGGS TO DOG'S HEALTH. Home cooking has numerous advantages such as availability,freshness, safe,cheap and no chemical additives.The home cooking has an added advantage if you have a dog with special needs such as liver disease,kidney disease,obesity and cancer,the knowledge of nutritional impact on these conditions are vital. Home cooking can be fun if well planned; here is a fast recipe for your dog. Noodles and eggs. INGREDIENTS; 1)NOODLES. 2)EGGS. 3)OIL METHOD. BOIL NOODLES AND SET ASIDE. PREPARE THE EGGS, COULD BE BOILED OR FRIED. THEN MIX THE EGG WITH NOODLES AND SERVE OR CUT THE BOILED EGGS UP IN CUBES AND MIX WITH NOODLES.


The egg contains all the nutrient to produce a chick,hence its a power packed meal that promotes growth and development. Eggs are nutrient packed and plays immense roles in various systems in the body.The protein requirement is 0.8g/kg on the average: with the requirement for man is 56g,and woman 46g. The FAO has cautioned that the dietary intake is below the required levels in developing countries hence more protein especially animal protein should be included in diet. One medium egg contains 70-85 calories of which 6.5g is protein. Eggs are nutrient rich and if incorporated in diet on a regular basis will make up for the deficit in protein in the developing countries; hence the truth an egg a day keeps the doctor away. EGG-VALUES; 1) its an health boost,with high level of nutrients it contains it contributes to the general well being of the individual, 2)vitamin source; vitamin B2 which is important for break down of food to energy. vitamin B12 essential for red blood cell production. vitamin A responsible for great vision; eye sight integrity. vitamin E responsible for fighting off free radicals that cause tissue and cellular damage. Vitamin B2 responsible for proper growth. 3) mineral source..iron for blood cells,and maintenance of circulatory integrity. zinc....ensures proper functioning of immune system. phosphorus.......responsible for healthy bones and teeth. iodine...essential for thyroid hormones. selenium.....its an antioxidant that helps reduce cancer risk. Eggs are also used as a weight management tool; a study by Rochester center for obesity stated that eating eggs for breakfast helps limit your calorie intake all day by 400 calories.The mode of action here is that it gives a satiety signal while releasing the nutrients into body,thus maintaining energy level.The cholesterol in eggs are dietary cholesterol not blood cholesterol,the dietary cholesterol are high density lipo proteins which are essential for proper functioning of the body systems. Eggs also linked to intelligence quotient because of choline content in the egg which is responsible for production of cell membrane and also produce signal molecules in brain thus coordinating activities at that level. Eggs also contains lutem and zeaxanthin that are antioxidants with maintain cellular integrity in the retinal thus preventing eye disorders such as cataracts and macular degeneration.These benefits also apply to dogs, a nutritious meal for your dog must include eggs.

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