Thursday, November 3, 2016

Electroacupuncture and Constipation.

A new research suggests that acupuncture using a mild electric current can bring some relief to those with severe constipation. The study, which was conducted at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing, found that electroacupuncture may be a safe, effective form of treatment for individuals with chronic constipation. The subjects were 1,075 adults who had all been diagnosed with constipation for a minimum of three months ,the definitions of chronic constipation vary depending on patient symptoms and complaints, but in general it may be considered as two or fewer complete bowel movements per week, often accompanied by hardened stools, straining to defecate, and a persistent feeling of incomplete emptying. All of the participants received 28 treatment sessions over the course of eight weeks. But they were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group had electroacupuncture performed at traditional acupoints, while the other received a sham treatment involving different needles inserted at incorrect body points. Yet by the end of the trial period, both groups saw improvement in their regularity, which is not necessarily surprising when you consider the medically recognized power of the placebo effect. At the eight-week mark; the conclusion of the treatments were as follows; those who received real acupuncture were having an average of 1.8 more bowel movements per week than they had experienced prior to the experiment VS just 0.9 more bowel movements each week for the sham electroacupuncture group. In other words, although there was still a placebo effect, it was only half as effective as real acupuncture. The group undergoing acupuncture double their bowel movements compared to the sham group, the results continued to improve beyond the end of the treatment sessions. After 12 weeks, the electroacupuncture group had further increased to approximately two additional bowel movements per week compared to where they were at the beginning of the study. In contrast, those in the sham group experienced no improvement beyond what they had at the eight-week point. After 20 weeks nearly 38 percent of those who received electroacupuncture were having at least three bowel movements each week,while among those in the fake treatment group, only 14 percent were having three weekly bowel movements. Constipation can be averted by drinking sufficient quantities of water every day, to soften stools to make them easier to pass. A diet rich in fiber aids the digestive system by bulking up stools to promote more frequent evacuation. Exercise is essential too, as it increases the pace at which food moves through the gastrointestinal tract. The inclusion of vegetables and fruits in the diet will also help stimulate bowel movement to prevent constipation.

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