Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Yucca Root Can Improve Digestion and Relieve Arthritis Pain.

Yucca( cassava) Root Can Improve Digestion and Relieve Arthritis Pain. Yucca (CASSAVA )root possesses chemistries that add powerful medicinal activities to the veterinary herbalist’s goodie bag. Among these chemistries are sarsasapogenin, smilagenin, and various other compounds that are loosely known by the herbal/scientist community as "phytosterols." Herbalists theorize that phytosterols serve the body by stimulating and assisting the body in the use and production of natural corticosteroids and corticosteroid- related hormones. Unlike corticosteroid drugs such as prednisone, yucca is thought to work in concert with natural autoimmune functions of the body – actually supporting immune system functions as opposed to shutting them down. It can be reasonably hypothesized that the natural, corticosteroid-like actions of yucca may play a role in the body’s natural production of growth hormones, which in turn may contribute significantly to the accelerated growth and production we see in animals that receive it in their food. And although this theory has not been established as "fact" by the scientific community, we know that yucca is very safe in the diet when fed in moderation and in a sensible manner. What all of this means is that yucca can be a very useful natural remedy in the treatment of arthritis.

Improve Your Dog's Diet - and Health!.

Improve Your Dog's Diet - and Health!.Whether you feed your dog dry, canned, or home prepared meals, chances are he's not getting all the vitamins and nutrients that he needs in his diet - the diet that his ancestors thrived upon. Learn the ABC's of Great Canine Nutrition!
A - Amount of Fat, Protein, and Carbs That Your Dog Needs Regardless of what you're feeding your dog, he's probably not getting enough calories from protein. Discover the simple way to correct this imbalance! B - Balance the Fats Certain fats are vital to your dog's good health (is he getting them?), but even when included in premium brands there's a good chance they're going rancid, and potentially harming your dog. Learn the prevention for this common mistake! C - Complete the Nutrition With Fresh Foods You don't need to overhaul your dog's diet to feed him properly. Learn which easily available and inexpensive items to add to his current food to create a healthy, well-balanced meal! The Ancestral Diet Will Help Your Dog:1)Learn faster and remember better.2)Improve his sight and hearing.3)Achieve and maintain a healthier coat and skin. 4)Stay fit, and improve coordination.5)Live longer!. Get it.

How to make your dog happy.

How to make your dog happy.
Your dog is trying to tell you something—are you listening? “Why does my dog do that?” It’s a question every dog owner has asked—whether their best friend is growling at an unseen foe, or rolling in an objectionable scent. Now, world-leading canine experts and fellow dog-lovers Melissa Starling and Paul McGreevy are here with all the answers: How dogs use body language to communicate (with both people and other dogs)what motivates dogs (and what doesn’t).Rules for canine contentment (for example, most dogs don’t enjoy hugging),Subtle signs of discomfort, stress, and fear (like lip licking).Learn how to choose the furry companion that’s right for you. In Making Dogs Happy, you’ll learn to see the world as your dog does—full of goals to pursue, resources to guard, and stressors to avoid. Using that knowledge, you’ll be able to communicate with (and train) your dog so that they’re the happiest hound on the block. Decode your dog’s emotions and behaviors—and be the best dog parent you can be. Get it here.

How to House-Train A Dog.

How to House-Train A Dog. The C.R.A.P STRATEGY. C=CONFINEMENT, R=ROUTINE, A=ATTENTION, P=PLATINUM REWARDS. Confinement Preventing your dog from pottying in the wrong place is the first and most important housetraining task. Since most of us cannot keep our eyes on our dogs every minute, having a safe, comfortable confinement area is key to housetraining success. Most dogs naturally avoid going potty in their sleeping areas, so confining your dog in a small enough area that is more bed-like than room-like not only prevents unwanted accidents but also will help him develop bowel and bladder control. What are appropriate confinement areas? I am a huge fan of crates, used appropriately, once dogs are comfortable with them. An area that is fenced off with a portable exercise pen or a smaller room (such as a bathroom or laundry room with a baby gate across the door) can also serve as a confinement area. The key is that any confinement area should be small and cozy enough for your dog that he will choose “holding it” over pottying in it. When confinement is in place and used appropriately, there will be a decrease in potty accidents and an increase in bowel and bladder control. As your dog enjoys continued success at pottying outdoors appropriately and not pottying indoors, you can increase the size of the area where he is confined when not being supervised. Don’t go too far, giving him whole-house freedom after he hasn’t had an accident for a few days. Instead, use an exercise pen to expand his confinement area by, say, 50 to 100 square feet more per week of success. Routine Both dogs and humans benefit from a predictable, consistent housetraining routine. This routine should account for confinement time, potty breaks, meal times, play time, training time, walks, and all the other enriching activities that are part of your dog’s daily life. I recommend my clients create a written routine that includes potty breaks a minimum of every hour or two, depending on the age and situation of the dog. The general rule for “holding it” in a crate or pen is that dogs should have the ability to hold their bowels and bladder, in hours, the number of months they are plus one. So, a three-month-old pup ought to be able to hold his urine and poop for four hours. However, there are so many exceptions to this rule; most notably, that activity often makes a pup have to “go.” The best routines, then, are based on a solid understanding of your dog. Attention The first question I ask when a client asks me a question about a difficulty with their dog’s housetraining is: “Are you catching your dog in the act of pottying inappropriately or just finding the evidence after the fact?” More often than not, people sheepishly confess that they usually find the mess after the fact – and this always means their attention needs to be improved. There are two huge benefits to maintaining a laser focus on your dog when he is not confined. First, you can start to recognize and reward your dog’s “gotta go” signals. When your dog begins to pace, circle, and sniff, you can applaud his signaling (“Awesome doggie! Let’s go, go, GO!”) and rush him to his potty place. Rewarding “gotta go” signals will encourage your dog to become more demonstrative when he feels the urge – communication that is as helpful to us as it is to our dogs. Second, when we catch him in the act we can provide immediate feedback. A simple “Hey, hey!” while hustling him to his potty spot will make the point that there’s a difference between the spot where he started and that special place you want him to go. PLATINUM REWARDS. When housetraining a new dog (puppy or adult) I make sure I know what my dog considers “platinum level rewards.” Housetraining is a big deal, and it requires that we acknowledge our dog’s success with a fitting outcome for his or her achievement. High-value food rewards should be stored on a shelf or table by the door so you can grab them on the way out with your dog

The complete guide on potty training: How To Potty Train A Dog..

. The complete guide on potty training: How to Potty Train A Dog.Potty training dogs is not very easy, but everyone who shares their lives with dogs must do it. How to house train a puppy is slightly different than how to house train a dog, but the tools, routines and human commitment levels required to do it well are the same. Potty-training situations are of three types: (1) dogs who have never learned the appropriate place “to go,” (2) dogs who were once housetrained but are having a training regression, and (3) dogs who are pottying involuntarily – that is, they have no control over their urination or defecation. It just happens without any intent and often without the dog even realizing it is happening at all. Let’s look at these in order. The complete guide: Housetraining For the Never-Housetrained Dog Perhaps you have a brand new pup or a newly adopted teen or older dog. One thing that is vitally important to building a happy interspecies household is that your new dog becomes housetrained as quickly and reliably as possible. You should be equipped and ready to start housetraining your new dog from the moment that you bring him home. Housetraining involves more than just learning where to potty; dogs and puppies must also learn to “hold it” until they get to an appropriate potty location and how to notify you to get them there. To help dogs build these skills and to help keep us on track with our housetraining responsibilities, I encourage people to think of housetraining in terms of C.R.A.P. Each letter of the acronym stands for an important part of the housetraining program: Confinement, Routine, Attention, Platinum rewards.


POTTY TRAINING : WHY YOU SHOULD NOT RUB YOUR DOG's NOSE IN HIS POO. Potty training is simple, and it is. You take them outside CONSTANTLY, and you walk around with them and you watch them. And when they pee, you praise and give them a treat. Then you can bring them inside for about five minutes of scrutiny-free time and breakfast. But right after breakfast, you are all outside again, walking around, looking for that poop! What to do in case of a "POO ACCIDENT". What about the old “rub their nose in it” business? It’s poppycock. It makes them afraid of you, they don’t understand why you’ve grabbed them and have attacked them and are being gross. It’s a terrific way to induce a lifelong fear of humans, especially if there is poop or pee around, and to make them want to hide from you when they do go (so they become reluctant to go anywhere, even outdoors, near you; instead, you may find pee spots in closets and poop under your bed). It can be effective, if you see a puppy start to squat, to run and grab the pup and carry them outside quickly – not in a way that scares the puppy, just interrupts her long enough so that she has some left to finish outside, where you can praise her. Being whisked outside isn’t all that comfortable, and it may be a little alarming – hopefully, just enough to interrupt her and not scare her, and what she remembers is the praise and maybe a treat for finishing outside. Simple! Not easy!

Potty Training: Simple, But Not Easy.

Potty Training: Simple, But Not Easy. Potty training is simple, and it is. You take them outside CONSTANTLY, and you walk around with them and you watch them. And when they pee, you praise and give them a treat. Then you can bring them inside for about five minutes of scrutiny-free time and breakfast. But right after breakfast, you are all outside again, walking around, looking for that poop! And when that happens, you praise and give them a treat, and then you can bring them inside again, for maybe 10-15 minutes of scrutiny-free time, before you need to go out again for another pee. You take them out after every nap. You take them out after every meal. You take them out after every play session ends. You take them out if it’s been more than 15 minutes since they last "went"! Simple! Not easy! And what if they don’t “go”? Well, the smart thing to do is to pop them into a crate, because very few puppies will potty in a crate, so you can make sure that they don’t have a chance to “make a mistake” and pee or poop indoors, where you don’t want them to while you are not paying attention. It is not possible to watch them every minute, even while sheltering in place! And if they potty in the house (or in your home office), they have just effectively been reinforced for doing so; it feels good to relieve the fullness of your bladder! And every mistake seems to build on itself; it’s far easier to just make darn sure a mistake doesn’t happen. In my experience, if you can get through three days of not letting them make even ONE mistake indoors, you’re pretty much home free with the potty training. They will want to go outdoors to potty and get right to business when you take them outside.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Veterinary medicine: ..Ephiphora in dogs.

Veterinary medicine: Ephiphora in dogs. Ephiphora is the veterinary term for excessive tearing. Common causes include small tear ducts, tear duct inflammation or a plugged tear duct, foreign objects in the tear duct and ingrown eyelashes. Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, causes inflammation of the eye's conjunctiva, the mucous membranes lining the eye. Not only is ephiphora a sign of conjunctivitis, but a severe bout of the condition can cause tear duct scarring resulting in constant discharge. Other eye diseases, including glaucoma or corneal ulcers, can cause ephiphora. Depending on the problem, your vet might refer your dog to a veterinary ophthalmologist for treatment. Ephiphora in dogs. The facial structure of some dog breeds predisposes them to excessive tearing. That's especially true of dogs with shallow eye sockets, including the bichon frise, poodle, Maltese, cocker spaniel and Shih Tzu. In general, brachycephalic, or short-nosed, breeds have facial structures and skinfolds predisposing them to ephiphora. These include the pug, bulldog, Pekingese, Lhasa apso and boxer If there is no physical reason for your dog's excessive tearing, dietary changes might solve or reduce the problem. Feed your dog a high-quality food free of dyes. You might provide distilled water for him to drink, rather than tap water. Tap water, especially if it originates from wells, might have a high iron content. The iron could cause normal tearing to appear rust-colored.

Veterinary medicine: when panting is a bad sign.

Veterinary medicine: when panting is a bad sign.Panting is totally normal! It helps dogs cool off and is also a natural response when a dog is thirsty, excited, happy or scared. Panting isn't normally a reason for concern, but if your dog is panting excessively, it could be a possible sign of heat exhaustion or overexercise. When heavy panting is accompanied by other symptoms, you should have your dog checked by a vet. Heart problems can be a cause of excessive panting.If your dog is panting excessively during exercise, especially if the activity isn't very strenuous, this could be a symptom of a heart problem. Watch for heavy panting paired with coughing, lethargy and an inability to get comfortable. These symptoms may be a sign of a progressive heart value malfunction called mitral insufficiency. Cushings disease :Take your dog to the vet if excessive panting is combined with increased hunger and thirst, weight gain, a swollen abdomen and issues with reproductive organs. These symptoms can indicate Cushing's disease. Males can experience shrinking testicles while females will not go into heat. Dogs inflicted with Cushing's may develop hair loss and thin, easily bruised skin. Sleeping problems and lethargy are also common symptoms. more.

Veterinary medicine: do puppies pant while sleeping?

Veterinary medicine: do puppies pant at while sleeping? The answer is yes. In fact, lots of panting is generally normal for a puppy -- even in his sleep. However too much could indicate a health problem. Because how can you tell the difference between normal and abnormal amounts of panting in a young pup? It's actually not very easy, which is just one reason why your puppy should have regular check-ups with the veterinarian. It's also an important reason why you should pay close attention to his living conditions and general well-being as he grows. Puppies don't just pant to catch their breath, they do it to burn off excess heat. Dogs does not sweat so the moisture in his mouth carries heat away from his bodies which is why he leaves his mouth open and pants. Panting can indicate general health problems as well as heat-related issues, extra care is the norm. If your puppy is too warm at night,especially if he has irregular nasal passages, like pugs and bulldogs do -- he may become overheated and/or struggle to breathe. Heavy panting at all hours also may indicate a respiratory problem such as pneumonia, or heart failure. If you're concerned about your Fido's panting and the temperature doesn't seem like a factor, see your vet immediately. Is It Normal for a Puppy to Pant While Sleeping? | Cuteness

Veterinary medicine: why is my puppy panting?

Veterinary medicine: why is my dog panting? Puppy Play: Puppies tend to have sudden bursts of energy where they engage in boisterous play and then they suddenly flop down and fall asleep. Since your puppy moves a lot, his heart beats faster and his respiratory rate is faster. Open-mouth panting in this case is a normal reaction that allows the pup to get more oxygen into his bloodstream. Pups with smashed-in faces such as pugs and bulldogs also tend to visibly pant more because of their shorter snouts. Puppy Emotions: Your puppy doesn't have to necessarily be tired to pant a lot. Puppies may also pant when they're excited, and with so much going on in a puppy's life, you can't blame them. If you're socializing your puppy and taking him to puppy classes, he's surely exposed to a whole lot of exciting sights and sounds as he discovers the world.more

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Joint Supplements for Dogs.

 Managing canine orthopedic disease with joint supplements will help your dog live comfortably.Phytotherapy (“plant medicine”) is as old as humankind.

Turmeric is a powerful spice and has recently received a great deal of attention in human medicine. It is considered a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Fish oil Fish oil are an excellent source of fatty acids, which are critical for canine health dogs cannot synthesize enough of their own, so fatty acids must be supplemented through diet. Deficiencies can lead to coat, skin, joint, and reproductive problems.

The common supplement is the cod liver oil however,this can be sourced naturally by feeding dogs with fish rich in omega 3 such as the mackerel. 

 Coconut oil. 
The benefits of coconut oil are enormous and have found usefulness in both animals and man. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid, a saturated fatty acid that is converted in the body to monolaurin, a monoglyceride compound with numerous beneficial properties, such as anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-protozoal.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Soaking Dry Dog food.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Soaking Dry Dog food. If you've ever soaked your dog's food, you're aware of how much dry dog food expands when immersed in water. It's a little horrifying, actually, to realize how much more space a certain amount of food will require in a dog's stomach and gut once the dog's digestive juices hydrate the individual kibbles. It nearly doubles in volume. The kibbles are like little sponges - some more than others. Soaking dry dog food by adding water will definitely increase the palatability of dry food for some dogs,help digestibility and prevents bloat.It is very important not to let moisten food stand for long hours at room temperature to prevent bacterial growth . While most people soak the dry food with water,others use bone broth and many others use milk,just to ensure gut health of their pets. According to MastiffLover "I've been soaking my dogs kibble for about 45 years now. When I was a little girl my parents best friends lost their dog to bloat and I remember them saying their vet told them that it was probably because they weren't soaking her food and that she would always drink a bunch of water after eating." Jenny does these to her dogs kibble "If you give it enough 'soaking' time it will increase about four-fold :-(I no longer fed my dogs 'bowls' of dry food -- moistened of not. I prefer to feed hard biscuits -- large enough that they cannot be swallowed whole. I cannot understand WHY pet food manufacturers do not market their dry food as biscuit rather than pelletized bits. Adapted from whole dog journal.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Veterinary Medicine: Xerostomia in dogs.

Veterinary Medicine: Xerostomia in dogs. Xerostomia is also referred to as dry mouth,a condition that occurs when the dog stops producing saliva. Drooling shows that your dog is producing saliva ,this helps to wash over the teeth,helps moisten food during eating and keeps the oral cavity clean. Xerostomia in dogs is not painful but it can affect swallowing of food,results in dry sticky gums and bad breath. The common causes of xerostomia in dogs are 1) Dehydration. 2)Nerve damage. 3)Drug interactions. 4) Cancer treatment. Treatment is based on solving the underlying issues,but the dog is encouraged to drink more water to prevent dehydration.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019



The Benefits of Yogurt for Dogs.Did you know that there is a natural option that can improve almost immediately your dog’s digestive system and in a healthy way?

 It is called Yogurt! Yogurt, what is it? Yogurt  derived when milk is fermented by a bacteria called Lactobacillus Acidophilus that produce lactic acid.

This bacteria, considered one of the “good ones,” it helps in the lactose digestion process and collaborates to keep the natural balance of the internal bacteria culture found in the digestive system as part of the native intestinal flora (Gut Flora).

 Yogurt is one of the best natural calcium sources that help control or prevent gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel movement and yeast infection.

 Yogurt also promotes the production of niacin and folic acid these are essential nutrients especially during pregnancy.

   The benefits of yoghurt for dogs:

1)The immune system is improved and enhanced.

 2)Gut flora balance/ control and digestion improvement of the lactose.

 3)Cholesterol, it helps to control and reduce high levels of total cholesterol.

 4)Prevents yeast infection,

 5)Good source of animal protein that helps to build muscle

. 6)Provides a healthy dose of Potassium that is essential  to maintain muscles and nerves  and to regulate fluid levels in your dog’s body.

 7)Its a good source of calcium that helps to develop bone.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Temperament and Behaviors of Chow Chow Dogs .

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Temperament and Behaviors of Chow Chow Dogs.

The Chow Chow dog has a lion or teddy-bear-like appearance and tends to be quite reserved in nature. This Chow Chow dog temperament can change when the dog is treated in an aggressive manner.

 This dog carries itself with an air of pride and expects to be treated with respect. There is a tendency for Chow Chow dog behaviors to be painted in a negative light, and they have been said to be fierce and vicious dogs, but this type of behavior is only displayed around strangers or with breeds that have not been socialized well or at all. .

  Chow Dog Behaviors Outlined

. 1)Clean and Quiet: The most interesting of the Chow Chow dog behaviors is its tendency to be clean compared to most dogs although it sheds a lot. Its “clean” behavior makes it a great dog to have as a house pet, but its shedding will need getting used to.

 The Chow Chow dog temperament leans towards quietness as this dog usually minds its own business. If you don’t bother it, it will not bother you, unless you come too close for comfort, then you will get a reaction from it. The “clean” behavior of Chow Chow dogs makes them easy to house-train compared to other dogs. Their cleanliness can almost be compared to that of a cat.

 2)Strong Willed: A behavior of Chow Chow dogs that must be managed is the tendency to be strong willed. Unfortunately, this trait does not show up until the dog is much older.

The Chow Chow dog temperament will not allow its owner to beat it into submission, nor does it feel inclined to please its trainer. The personality of the Chow Chow dog is one that runs on respect. If its owner can earn its respect, then it will obey. Consistency in the enforcement of rules, be they house rules or behavior expectations, as well as an understanding of his temperament are bound to bend the will of your Chow Chow.

 Variations in the tone of voice are enough to communicate instructions or wants, never feel tempted to use harsh methods to win his respect.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Behaviors of Traumatized Dogs and How to Handle them.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Behaviors of Traumatized Dogs and How to Handle them. Dogs feel happiness, sadness and all different emotions and sensations but triggered in a different way. Dogs response to trauma are all different and will respond to different situations in different ways. For example, some dogs can deal with trauma and seem completely fine, but some can’t, and sometimes with a situation not related to the trauma..the dog “loses it”. Same goes with the severity of the reaction, some dogs are badly affected, others just slightly affected and some dogs do not seem to be affected at all, there is no possible way that we can generalize and say all dogs respond the same. It is sad to say, but not all dogs have a good start in life, and for some, it can be more than simple neglect. It can be an abused dog or mistreated and this can have consequences dog’s behavior, social skills, and the way how interacts with people and other dogs. If you know up front your new pet has a traumatic background, you should make the transition as comfortable as possible. Try to create a routine with simple things like feeding it at the same time every day, giving it space for the most part and, if you have children, make sure they don’t overwhelm the dog… at first can make a big difference. Do the introduction to other pets slowly, not all at once, and if noises seem to upset him/her, keep the volume to a minimum until the dog adjusts. Animals adapt very easily to the external environment, so many will adjust with nothing more than a loving and supportive environment. But if the trauma is severe, it will be better to use the professional intervention of a certified animal behavior that can determine the best method to deal with a specific issue. Tips to deal with Traumatized Dogs. 1) Find a safe place for your dog in your house. A dog crate or his preferred spot for your dog with a dog bed will develop a clear structure of safety. This is the safe place for your dog, do not create a negative experience in that area, for example: don’t take a crate as a punishment to enclose your dog for something wrong that he/she made. 2)Avoid any situation that causes the dog fear A traumatized dog facing a stress situation can feel fear, and the fear is reinforced by the reaction to the trauma exposed, so then the fear to the same recurrent scenario can become stronger and so on. 3)Do not confront its fears or force the dog in any way If you feel you can’t manage how to help your dog the best way is to approach to a professional where he slowly and gradually can be desensitized to its perceived fears. A dog trainer specialized in dog behaviors and fear aggression will be very useful. 4)Have fun with your dog Do as much with your dog that he/she enjoy as possible. Having fun with your dog will help to increase the trust and confidence in you. 5)Never punish a fearful dog Sometimes we can misunderstand that the reaction to a trauma can be just fear and show obedience and behavior issues not listening commands. Remember, a punishment may up the fear for the dog and instead of just looking fearful it may start to react with aggression. 6)Watch your dog’s body language Dog’s body language Always take attention for signs of stress such as leash puller or pusher behavior, slower or faster movement, freezing, lip licking, yawning, etc.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Understanding Dog Barking.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Understanding Dog Barking.

Barking is one way of communication that all dogs use, and it means different things depending on the scenario.Sometimes it can go out of control, and when this happens, it is your job to find out why your dog is barking so much or often to stop him/ her and control the situation.

 First, you need to understand three facts about why dogs bark:1) It is natural, Dogs bark.

2) A dog barking is not necessarily a dangerous dog

3 Excessive and out-of-control Barking can test our patience.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to Train Your Dog to Be a Guard Dog.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to Train Your Dog to Be a Guard Dog. 

 Dogs are great for companionship, and they’re known to improve our quality of life. They give us unconditional love and affection.Your beloved pooch can also provide added protection for your home.

Your pet can be taught ways to alert you of potential dangers. Fido can also protect you and your family from being physically harmed.

 You can teach your pet the basics of being a guard dog with a little time and patience. This type of training is best left to professionals, but basic skills can be taught at home.

Professional training is generally done by one person, but everyone should participate when training is done at home. Your dog should interact with everyone in the home for safety and security reasons. Family members and other pets should never be perceived as a threat.

  Obedience training. You have to be able to communicate with your dog to exert control over its actions. Basic dog obedience training is necessary for a solid foundation to build on. Obedience is helpful for the average pet dog, but it’s crucial for a guard dog.

Your dog has to be able to respond to your commands quickly and correctly in situations that pose a danger to the family.

Your dog should be taught basic commands and be able to respond immediately when prompted. Basic commands such as come, sit, down, stay and heel should be practiced.It’s important to train your dog to respond to commands exclusively from you and household members.This includes accepting treats or food.

  Socialization. Socialization is needed for your dog to be able to differentiate between a normal situation and a dangerous one.Your dog should be taught to behave indifferently while in the presence of unfamiliar people, places or things. For example, your dog will likely see people and other dogs during your daily walks.

Your dog should feel comfortable and safe.They should not view people or animals as a threat during daily outings. The ideal time for socializing dogs is up to about 16 weeks, but it can be done at later .stages.

Saturday, February 16, 2019


VETERINARY MEDICINE::10 MOST POPULAR WRINKLY DOGS THAT WILL BRING ADORABLE CUTENESS TO YOUR LIFE. The Chinese Shar Pei takes the first spot in any list of the wrinkly canine breeds. Aside from having the most wrinkles, what makes them even more charming is the fact that they carry their wrinkles with utmost pride. The Chinese Shar Pei is a small and dog-shaped bear. These Chinese doggies are also very serious, loving, and loyal. If you wish to hold this furry friend in your arms all the time, it is recommended that you train your pet from a very young age. This is because these canines respect and appreciate their personal space. But, in spite of their gentle and docile appearance, don’t be surprised if your Shar Pei becomes very protective. They also need specific care since their skin is extremely delicate and is prone to bacteria. This is because moisture tends to accumulate in the areas in between their wrinkles.The Chinese Shar Pei is renowned worldwide for their expressive faces and superb wrinkles and their wonderful tongues of blue-black color. Pug takes the biscuit as far as cute is concerned. They have amusing scrunched up foreheads and faces that make them look like they are very worried tiny canines. But, for all you know, these funny looking small wrinkly dogs might just be laughing their heads off at you. Pugs are popular options for people living in apartments since they cannot handle lots of exercise because of their flat faces’ shape. Similar to the English and French Bulldogs, Pugs are brachycephalic canines. In turn, it means that owners should keep a close eye on the diet and weight of their pet throughout their lives. If you carefully look after the special needs of Pugs, caring for them is very easy. Their short coat sheds yet they have modest grooming requirements. Due to their big love for people, you also have to be careful in getting your Pug used to being alone so that he will not develop too much anxiety if left behind.continue Twitter

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