Showing posts with label Veterinary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinary. Show all posts

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Transforming The Red Meat Value Chain: Improving Public Health in the 21st Century.

 Transforming The Red Meat Value Chain: Improving Public Health in the 21st Century

The traditional way of producing and marketing red meat has been a major source of public health concerns for decades. From food safety to environmental pollution, the production and sale of red meat has had a widespread impact on our society. But with advances in technology and understanding, there is much hope that we can improve the red meat value chain for the betterment of public health. 

Read on to learn more about how we could potentially transform the red meat value chain to improve public health in the 21st century!


The red meat value chain is a complex system that involves many different players, from farmers and ranchers to processors, retailers, and consumers. Each player has a unique set of needs and constraints, and the interactions between them can have important implications for public health.

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the potential health risks associated with red meat consumption. These concerns have led to calls for changes in the way the red meat value chain operates, in order to improve public health.

There is no single solution to the problem of improving public health in the red meat value chain. However, a number of proposals have been put forward that would address some of the key issues.

This article will provide an overview of the current state of the red meat value chain and public health concerns related to it. It will then discuss some of the proposed solutions for improving public health in the context of the value chain.

Definition and Overview of the Red Meat Value Chain

The red meat value chain is the process by which raw materials are converted into finished products that are ready for consumption. The chain involves a number of different actors, including farmers, feedlots, slaughterhouses, processors, retailers, and consumers.

The health of the red meat value chain is of paramount importance to public health. The World Health Organization has estimated that as much as 80% of all non-communicable diseases are attributable to dietary factors, and red meat is a major contributor to dietary risk. Consuming too much red meat can lead to obesity, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases.

In order to improve public health, it is essential to transform the red meat value chain. This means making changes at every stage of the process in order to make red meat healthier. This includes changes such as breeding healthier livestock, providing them with better quality feed, and using more humane methods of slaughter.

It is also important to increase transparency throughout the red meat value chain so that consumers can make informed choices about the products they purchase. To this end, labeling should accurately reflect the content of products and provide information on how the animals were raised and slaughtered. Finally, it is imperative that government policies support these efforts to improve the red meat value chain and protect public health.

So what can be done to improve the red meat value chain and make it more sustainable? Below are three possible solutions:

1. Improve animal husbandry practices: One way to make livestock production more sustainable is to improve  animal husbandry practices. This can involve switching from intensive, industrialized farming methods to alternative systems such as organic, pasture-based and agroforestry approaches. These approaches result in higher animal welfare standards, make better use of natural resources and reduce emissions.

2. Increase investment in research and development: More research and development needs to be done in the red meat sector to improve production efficiency and reduce environmental impacts. This could include developing new animal breeds that require less energy, water or feed inputs, as well as innovating feed formulations to reduce emissions or increase nutrient profiles.

3. Promote responsible consumption: Finally, it is important to address public attitudes toward red meat. This could include educational campaigns about the health benefits of consuming lean red meats such as bison and venison, as well as strategies for reducing overall meat consumption through plant-based diets or other dietary interventions.

Overall, implementing these strategies will help create a more sustainable and healthy red meat value chain that can continue to support public health in the 21st century.

The Role of Government in Transforming the Value Chain

The role of government in transforming the red meat value chain is to invest in and support research and development to improve food safety and quality, while also promoting policies and initiatives that encourage industry consolidation and modernization.

There are two key ways in which the government can help transform the red meat value chain: by investing in research and development to improve food safety and quality; and by promoting policies and initiatives that encourage industry consolidation and modernization.In addition to supporting research on food safety


The red meat value chain can play an important role in promoting public health and sustainability. It is not only a way to meet the changing needs of consumers but also holds great potential for securing healthier, safer and more equitable food systems worldwide. 

By taking into account advances in technology and innovation, societies should take steps to transform their red meat value chain as part of larger efforts to foster better nutrition outcomes across populations, protect the environment and support farmers with sustainable market access. 

With these actions it will be possible to build a 21st century food system that's beneficial for everyone involved.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Ultimate Tips for Happy, Healthy Cats.

   Ultimate Tips for Happy, Healthy Cats 

1)Bug Off :Protect your cat’s health from internal and external parasites all year long. Find whatever system works for you and be diligent about it. Even if your cat is inside all day there is still a chance he can get fleas, worms and other parasites, which can be harmful to your family and your cat.

 2) Develop a Purr-fect Palate:  What you should be feeding your cat can vary based on age, activity level and health concerns. Always consult your veterinarian to make sure you are using the right food in the right proportions. You want to make sure it is nourishing and delicious.

 3)Resist Treat Temptation: Allowing your cat to become overweight can result in numerous grave health problems. You can prevent obesity by feeding your cat the right food and avoiding too many treats. Instead, treat your cat by giving them toys to play with to keep them active.

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Prednisone for Dogs: Uses for Dog Cancer and Other Medical Conditions.

Prednisone for Dogs: Uses for Dog Cancer and Other Medical Conditions.

 What is prednisone for dogs, why is it prescribed so often, and how can it help your pup?
 Sometimes, prednisone for dogs can seem like a ‘magic’ pill that makes dogs feel better when they suffer from conditions such as allergies, immune-mediated diseases, or even cancer…
But while this drug can help a lot of dogs, it’s important to compare the risks versus the benefits, especially when using it long term.
If you’ve had dogs or other pets for whom steroids were prescribed, you may have given them prednisone or its very similar cousin prednisolone—or even both forms at different times in your pet’s life.
  Prednisone and prednisolone, commonly used glucocorticoids in pets include hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, triamcinolone, and others.
These drugs are steroids. But, they’re not what might typically come to mind when you think of a “steroid.”

Prednisone for Dogs With Cancer

Prednisone is helpful with a wide variety of cancers, especially lymphoma.Sometimes, prednisone is used as part of a chemotherapy protocol and has a direct effect on cancer growth and spread.
Other times, it’s used for what we call “palliative therapy,” meaning that whether or not it changes the course of the disease, it can make your dog feel a lot better.
While it’s not right for every dog nor every type of cancer, for some patients, prednisone can really give them a good quality of life

Monday, June 10, 2019

Veterinary medicine: do puppies pant while sleeping?

Veterinary medicine: do puppies pant at while sleeping? The answer is yes. In fact, lots of panting is generally normal for a puppy -- even in his sleep. However too much could indicate a health problem. Because how can you tell the difference between normal and abnormal amounts of panting in a young pup? It's actually not very easy, which is just one reason why your puppy should have regular check-ups with the veterinarian. It's also an important reason why you should pay close attention to his living conditions and general well-being as he grows. Puppies don't just pant to catch their breath, they do it to burn off excess heat. Dogs does not sweat so the moisture in his mouth carries heat away from his bodies which is why he leaves his mouth open and pants. Panting can indicate general health problems as well as heat-related issues, extra care is the norm. If your puppy is too warm at night,especially if he has irregular nasal passages, like pugs and bulldogs do -- he may become overheated and/or struggle to breathe. Heavy panting at all hours also may indicate a respiratory problem such as pneumonia, or heart failure. If you're concerned about your Fido's panting and the temperature doesn't seem like a factor, see your vet immediately. Is It Normal for a Puppy to Pant While Sleeping? | Cuteness

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


 Seizures in Dogs. A seizure is a sudden episode of abnormal brain activity that often involves some loss of body control.

Some dogs begin to act strange before a seizure begins and may become anxious or restless.
Some may stagger, appear disoriented, or exhibit other abnormal behaviors.
 This period, which precedes the seizure, usually lasts a few minutes and is called the aura phase.

The seizure itself often manifests as full body convulsions or small, localized spasms that may last from a few seconds to a few minutes.


 1) Generalized or grand mal seizures.

 2)Focal seizures.

3)Psycho-motor seizures.

 4)Cluster seizures.

Generalized or grand mal seizures: usually involve the entire body. A dog suffering a grand mal seizure may fall over, become stiff, and shake its whole body violently. Many dogs salivate or foam at the mouth, and some urinate and/or defecate involuntarily. Dogs may vocalize as well, whining and growling during a seizure.

 Focal seizures: the least serious type, are limited to a specific part of the body and may not look like much more than a twitch in the dog's facial muscles or limbs.

 Psychomotor seizures: are characterized by odd behavior that lasts only a minute or two. For example, your dog may suddenly start chasing its tail or acting as if it sees things that aren't really there.

 Cluster seizures: which are a more serious type, are distinguished by multiple seizures over the course of 24 hours.


 1)An environmental allergy could be responsible. Usually, removing the allergen from the dog's environment will prevent this type of seizure from recurring.

 2) Some viral or bacterial infections may cause seizures in dogs. These are typically treated with antiviral or antibiotic medications.

 3)The most common cause of seizures in canines is known as idiopathic epilepsy. It's believed that most dogs with this condition inherit it, but what causes it is still not clear. However, this type of seizure usually presents at times when the dog's brain activity is shifting from one mode to another (such as between sleep and wakefulness)

. 4) A brain tumor, whether it's malignant or benign, may also cause convulsive seizures in a dog. 

Treatment / Prevention: If your dog has had seizures before and you think one is coming on, try to move the dog to a safe, soft area where there are no sharp objects or hard floors.

 The best thing you can do is to remain calm and try to keep your dog and yourself out of danger. Never put your hands near or in your dog's mouth during a seizure.

 Seizures in dogs can often be regulated with medications and/or lifestyle changes.

 There are several anticonvulsant medications that are used to control your dog's seizures.Most vets won't recommend pharmaceutical treatment if the seizures occur less often than once a month or if they're very mild.  A visit to your vet is necessary.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

AGRIBUSINESS: Body-painting protects against bloodsucking insects.

AGRIBUSINESS: Body-painting protects against bloodsucking insects. A study by researchers from Sweden and Hungary shows that white, painted stripes on the body protect skin from insect bites. It is the first time researchers have successfully shown that body-painting has this effect. Among indigenous peoples who wear body-paint, the markings thus provide a certain protection against insect-borne diseases. Most of the indigenous communities who paint their bodies live in areas where there is an abundance of bloodsucking horseflies, mosquitoes or tsetse flies. When these insects bite people there is a risk of bacteria, parasites and other pathogens being transferred. The study shows that body-painting provides protection against the insects. A brown plastic model of a human attracted ten times as many horseflies as a dark model painted with white stripes. The researchers also found that a beige-coloured plastic figure used as a control model attracted twice as many bloodsuckers as the striped model.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

AGRIBUSINESS:Lassa fever controls need to consider human-human transmission and role of super spreaders.

AGRIBUSINESS:Lassa fever controls need to consider human-human transmission and role of super spreaders.One in five cases of Lassa fever -- a disease that kills around 5,000 people a year in West Africa -- could be due to human-to-human transmission, with a large proportion of these cases caused by 'super-spreaders,' according to new research published in the journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Lassa fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic illness caused by Lassa virus. First identified in the village of Lassa, Nigeria, in 1969, the disease is thought to be transmitted to humans from contact with food or household items contaminated with rat urine or faeces. There have also been recorded cases of human-to-human transmission within hospital settings, but until now the risk -- or mode -- of transmission has not been clear. Understanding the different modes of transmission and how they are affected by factors such as people's interaction with their environment is crucial for understanding the link between Lassa and changes in the ecosystem, and has important implications for public health strategies. The researchers estimated that around one in five cases (20%) of infection is caused by human-to-human transmission. However, the study also highlighted the disproportionate number of infections that could be traced back to a small number of people, whom the researchers describe as 'super-spreaders' -- rather than passing their infection on to just one other person (if at all), these individuals infected multiple others. It is not clear what makes them a super-spreader -- their physiology, the environment in which they live, their social interactions or probably a combination of these factors. Dr Donald Grant, chief physician at the Lassa ward in Kenema Governmental Hospital and co-author of the research, said: "Simple messages to the local people could change their perceptions of risk and hopefully make the difference. For example, making people aware that the virus can remain in urine for several weeks during the recovery period, could promote improved hygienic practices. Related posts. 1) Rats and Lassa fever. 2) Rats the missing link in disease transmission.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?.

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?. How much do cats sleep? Cats sleep between 15 and 20 hours a day! This is twice as much sleep as most other mammals need.

 Cats get that much sleep by taking naps throughout the day and night, rather than sleeping for 18 hours all at once. Cats are crepuscular, this means that they are the most active during twilight times (dusk and dawn). During most other times of the day, they are either snoozing or in a deep sleep. 

Snoozing refers to the type of sleep when cats are usually sitting upright with their eyes partly open, and their ears twitch in response to noises. Cats are in a half-asleep state when they are snoozing, and about 75% of a cat's sleep-time is this type of sleep.

During deep sleep, cats are usually curled up, eyes completely closed, and they sometimes have their faces covered by their paws or tail. The well-known term "catnap" pays homage to these extraordinary feline sleeping abilities and styles.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Pet Project: The advantages of mobile veterinary care.

Pet Project: The advantages of mobile veterinary care. Mobile veterinary services are becoming much more commonplace among busy pet owners and provide an attractive alternative to traditional brick and mortal hospitals.

Historically, mobile veterinarians attended to the health care of horses and farm animals, but now there is a need and want for examinations of our dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and other small animals in their home environment.

There is evidence that in-home care can lessen stress and provide other physiological benefits for your pet. Mobile veterinary services do have their limits when it comes to more urgent care that requires hospitalization or surgical procedures that require the sterile environment of a hospital.

The following are several reasons for why mobile veterinary services are becoming popular and may be the right choice for your pets: Less stress: Many pet owners often feel guilty when transporting their pets to the veterinary hospital because of the stress it often causes. There are several animals that experience car sickness or show outward signs of stress, including panting, salivating or vocalizing while being placed in a carrier or in the car.

 A home veterinary visit will often alleviate many of these unwanted stress symptoms and lessen the guilt pet owners experience. A 2015 study published in the Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association showed that veterinary visits performed in the home proved to result in lower blood pressure readings, body temperature readings, respiratory rates and pulse rates.

This is beneficial in many cases especially with animals that are being evaluated for conditions involving high pressure or having heart disease that need adequate readings of blood pressures, respiratory and pulse rates. .

It is important to those animals that are diagnosed with diabetes. At-home glucose testing and monitoring will often help in receiving more adequate blood glucose readings because stress can frequently attribute to an increase in these values.

Elderly pets with severe or debilitating arthritis may also benefit from home visit as to not further cause injury or discomfort by transporting the animal to the hospital.

 Following an appointment in the home an animal is free to leave the room, hide in a safe location or go out in their own backyard. The pet is not forced back into a cage or car for a designated period of time while the owner takes care of the payment and drive home.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Farmers/Herdsmen feud: Veterinary association backs establishment of ranches to end crisis

Farmers/Herdsmen feud: Veterinary association backs establishment of ranches to end crisis.Following the lingering crisis between farmers and Fulani herdsmen, the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA) has thrown its weight behind plans by the government to resolve this crisis through the establishment of ranches across the country. This was contained in a Communique issued at the end of the 5th Annual Congress of Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, held in Kano.

Bovine birthing simulator used to educate veterinary students on display at Agribition.

Bovine birthing simulator used to educate veterinary students on display at Agribition.Meet Agnes — she's a full-size cow, with a working udder, a uterus and a full-size calf but she's not quite a real cow. Instead, the bovine specimen is used to educate veterinary students and cattle producers about the cattle birthing process.#bovine "We can actually use her, mainly to educate ... in the birthing process, and how to deal with any sort of malpresentations at the birthing time," said Chris Clark, associate dean of the college of veterinary medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. #bovine

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Control of Biting Insects on Pigs.

How to control Biting Insects on Pigs.Biting insects such as flies, mosquitoes, midges or sand flies and ticks can cause major economic loss to pig farmers. Irritation from biting flies and mosquitoes can cause skin lesions or allergic–type reactions in pigs. Some pigs need to be skinned at the abattoir. Paralysis ticks can cause deaths among piglets and illness in older pigs housed outdoors, resulting in major financial loss for the farmer. The Dipteran biting flies of most significance to pig farmers are March flies (Family: Tabanidae), stable flies (Family: Muscidae), biting midges or sand flies (Family: Ceratopogonidae) and mosquitoes (Family: Culicidae). Each type of fly has it own specific habitat but they share a similar life cycle – eggs, larvae or maggots, pupae and adult form. Mosquitoes go through four instars or moults in their larval stage before forming pupae. Biting flies tend to be day–time feeders and most active on bright sunny days whereas mosquitoes tend to be night–time feeders. The females are mostly the biters and they seek blood for breeding and egg production. The flies multiply in warm, moist conditions so late spring, summer and early autumn tend to be the problem periods. Populations can increase dramatically as seasonal conditions change. House and bush flies, which do not bite, can also be a major nuisance to pigs and should be controlled using the same techniques.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Vaccines and biosecurity to replace antibiotics in pig industry.

The increase use of vaccines and better sanitation and biosecurity are the 2 most common changes US pig, cattle and poultry producers are making in response to the loss of shared use antibiotics.That was a key finding of a new study just completed by animal health and nutrition consulting company Brakke Consulting, headquartered in Dallas, TX. 

 The survey, New Strategies for Health and Performance in US Livestock and Poultry Production, was conducted among beef, dairy, swine and poultry producers in late 2016. Since January 1, 2017, new antibiotic regulations as well as the Veterinary Feed Directive have been effective in the United States. 

 In a press release, the consulting firm wrote, “Although there was some variation among species groups, vaccination protocols and improved sanitation were the top 2 strategies for 70% or more of all producers. Other strategies included reduced co-mingling of animals/birds, changes in feed additives, changes in facilities, use of immune modulators and changes in genetics.” 

 The study was conducted late in 2016; half of producers said they had already made changes to their operations. About 75% indicated that they were ready for the changes, of which the poultry sector was the most prepared source

Monday, September 12, 2016

RESEARCH: Cancer medicine from cucumbers.

RESEARCH: Cancer medicine from cucumbers. The bitter flavor in wild cucurbits -- the family that includes cucumber, pumpkin, melon, watermelon and squash -- is due to compounds called cucurbitacins. The bitter taste protects wild plants against predators. The fruit and leaves of wild cucurbits have been used in Indian and Chinese medicine for thousands of years, as emetics and purgatives and to treat liver disease. A recent study have shown that cucurbitacins can kill or suppress growth of cancer cells. RESEARCH: Cancer medicine from cucumbers. The new research by University of California - Davis published in science journal has shown that curbing this bitterness made cucumber, pumpkin and their relatives into popular foods, but the same compounds also have potential to treat cancer and diabetes.Bitterness is known to be controlled by two genetic traits, "Bi" which confers bitterness on the whole plant and "Bt," which leads to bitter fruit. This research used the latest in DNA sequencing technology to identify the exact changes in DNA associated with bitterness.The researchers were able to identify nine genes involved in making cucurbitacin, and show that the trait can be traced to two transcription factors that switch on these nine genes, in either leaves or the fruit, to produce cucurbitacin. The new research sheds more light on how domestication changed cucumber genetics to make the fruit more edible. Understanding this process open up new approaches to developing other food crops based on plants that are naturally either inedible or poor in nutrition. #cross breeding #selective breeding #biotechnology.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Rats linked to depression in man.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Rats linked to depression in man. A study by Danielle German, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at the Bloomberg School the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shows the link between rat problems and depression in man. Residents of Baltimore's low-income neighborhoods who believe rats are a big problem where they live are significantly more likely to suffer from depressive symptoms such as sadness and anxiety. The same residents with rodent problems on their block are also plagued by other pressing urban issues such as vacant housing, drug sales on the street and the risk of being robbed and beaten up. The study found that the relationship between rats and depression is not explained by these other neighborhood conditions. The findings are published in the Journal of Community Psychology. This study provides very strong evidence that rats are an under appreciated stressor that affects how people feel about their lives in low-income neighborhoods. The good news is it's modifiable. If something is done to reduce the number of rats in these neighborhoods. VETERINARY MEDICINE: Rats linked to depression in man. Every time researchers would talk to residents of low-income neighborhoods about the troubling public health issues they face, German says, they expected to hear about drugs and HIV and access to healthy food. Time and again, she says, they heard about rats and trash. Many cities conduct a regular rat census or survey residents about urban conditions, but this is one of the first studies to examine the psychological toll of an entrenched rat population. VETERINARY MEDICINE: Rats linked to depression in man. The research by German and Carl A. Latkin, PhD, a professor at the Bloomberg School, analyzed data collected from 448 Baltimore residents recruited from impoverished neighborhoods between March 2010 and December 2011. Those who consider rats to be a big problem were 72 percent more likely to experience acute depressive symptoms than those who live in similar neighborhoods where rats are not a big problem, the researchers say. They found that people in rat-infested neighborhoods had the same strongly negative perceptions of rats as people in other neighborhoods, but had much more frequent encounters. Rats are typically found where they have access to food and shelter, finding trash to eat and vacant or poorly kept up housing in which to live in low-income urban areas.Read more #trash # rats # depression

Monday, February 15, 2016


RESEARCH : VITAMIN D LINKED TO INCREASE FERTILITY IN ANIMALS. High levels of vitamin D are linked to improved fertility and reproductive success. Science Daily reports that the study, carried out on a remote Hebridean island, adds to growing evidence that vitamin D - known as the sunshine vitamin - is associated with reproductive health. Experts hope that further studies will help to determine the relevance of the results for other mammals, including people. RESEARCH : VITAMIN D LINKED TO INCREASE FERTILITY IN ANIMALS. Scientists from the University of Edinburgh found that Soay sheep with higher levels of vitamin D in their blood at the end of the summer went on to have more lambs in the following spring. The study offers the first evidence that an animal's vitamin D status is associated with an evolutionary advantage. RESEARCH : VITAMIN D LINKED TO INCREASE FERTILITY IN ANIMALS. Dr Richard Mellanby, Head of Small Animal Medicine at the University's Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, who led the research, said: "Our study is the first to link vitamin D status and reproductive success in a wild animal population.

Friday, October 30, 2015


 HOW TO MAKE DOG FOOD. Home styled cooked food for your dogs, This is a simple,fast and nutritious meal for your dog. Rice with tomato fish sauce. Ingredients. 1)rice. 2) sardines in tomato sauce.

METHOD. 1) Wash and cook rice.
2) open can of sardine in tomato paste and pour in plate. Measure out the rice and mix paste with sardine. Add a spoon of heated vegetable oil to mix and serve.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Cooking meals for your dogs is a sure method to ensure your dog gets the necessary nutrients.Home cooking is usually done in bulk and kept in freezer,so you can take a bowl out when needed.Storing in freezer in different bowls will ensure you dont thaw and freeze repeatedly,this will prevent bacterial growth that can cause food poisoning in your dog. Cooking for your dogs must be planned,so that you dont run out of food especially if you need to leave home early everyday. What can you cook fast, when out of meals for your dogs??? welcome to fast track meals. Every home with kids and pets need handy food that you can use to fast track your dinner; such as sardines,canned fruits,canned chicken cuts or chicken sausages. Busy days require fast intervention; Rice and sardine mix.INGREDIENT 1) Rice. 2)Sardine. METHOD. pour rice in bowl and mix with sardine.Simple,fast and very nutritious. Twitter

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


VETERINARY MEDICINE: DOG MOODS AND BODY LANGUAGE. Dogs are adorable,but are they can also be your worst nightmare .The key to good dog handling and socializing depends on how well you understand dog moods and body language.The key areas to look out for are the ears,mouth,stance and eyes. VETERINARY MEDICINE: DOG MOODS AND BODY LANGUAGE. The dogs in the illustration shows it all, so when next you are close to a dog ,watch out for these signs,before you touch, or attempt to pet the dog.

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