Tuesday, February 9, 2016


http://www.inc.com/john-rampton/10-qualities-of-people-with-high-emotional-intelligence.html?cid=readmore. Emotional intelligence.

Expert canvasses rice revolution for food security - Punch Newspapers

Expert canvasses rice revolution for food security - Punch Newspapers: 1137African governments and policymakers have been urged to improve management practices and policies as a way of increasing rice production on the continent. A professor of development economics and an agricultural development expert in both Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, Keijiro Otsuka, said that if this was done, Africa would increase its rice production capacity by


This is simply the partnership between producers,processors,marketers and financial institutions.The race to ensure food security is hinged on production backed by finances.

The producers are the farmers that are directly involved in production.The producers phase can be further divided into sub heads to facilitate better production,lets analyse the poultry sector; farmers have a choice of rearing the various types of bird that generate revenue.

 The production phase could be short,long term or seasonal when you consider rearing towards festivities.Every aspect of production is important and is a valuable segment of the food security network.

The production phase is regarded as successful, when the expected by-products are available at stipulated times with a profit margin to all stakeholders. The processors and producers work in sync to achieve a profitable production cycle.

When the products are ready, the processors ensures that they are packaged in various forms to suit the market.

In poultry,the chicken can be processed and sold as plain,smoked,stewed,barbecue,or as fried.

The eggs are collected and processed as egg powder,this value addition increases the  profit margin and prevents food loss/waste by preventing egg glut.

 This chart explains further;. The egg powder plant,another money spinner in the poultry chain.

The demand for egg powder is very high especially with food vendors,eateries and restaurants, the inclusion of an egg powder plant in the production cycle will further boost revenue generation,food availability and accessibility.


Where do you fit?


What is food security? In lay terms,it refers to accessibility, availability ,affordability of nutritious food in quantities required ,when needed. The issue of food security is a global challenge with different countries facing different constraints.

The African countries are worst-hit "with 30% of the population severely and chronically undernourished"(Maputo declaration,July 2003).There is a need for Africa to utilize its full potential in agriculture by increasing food production through investment in livestock,aquaculture,crop farming and forestry.

   The Agricultural sector can be a major driver of economic growth,if all necessary support is provided for the growth and development.The support will include policies that are favorable,funding and education to encourage investors and urban farmers to increase and expand agricultural investments.

Sunday, February 7, 2016


. Women in Kenya have taken processing of camel to a whole new level. They process,package and sell dried camel meat and also process and package the milk as yoghurt. The first camel milk cooperative society called Anolei Women Camel Milk Cooperative in Isiolo county was launched this year. It started processing and packaging camel meat, which is locally known as nyirnyir. Gerald Mureithi, the manager, says the meat goes through various processes before it is packaged.First the meat is sliced into rows, then it is sun dried and after drying, it is cut into small pieces, deep fried and eventually packaged. A 50 gramme packet of dried camel meat costs Sh100.“When stored at room temperature, the dried camel meat has a shelve life of one month and if stored in the freezer, it can stay for almost three months,” says Mureithi, adding that they also make camel yoghurt. He says camel milk is pasteurised then starch and sugar is added to it before being innoculated with bacteria culture to help in fermenting.They sell the camel products to the local market. Mureithi says they now want to venture into supermarkets and other retail markets.A 150 ml bottle goes for Sh40, the 250 ml at Sh60 while 500ml and one litre bottles will cost you Sh120 and Sh140 respectively. “We receive about 800 to 3,000 or more litres of camel milk daily from our members. Our main market for camel milk is in Eastleigh but during the rainy season when production is high, the market is low and that is why we came up with the value addition,” says Mureithi. The women cooperative has 29 active members and there are other 91 members who are passive and only supply milk to the active ones. Story source; The star.

The ‘charolais’ bull.

The bull was originally bred in France in a place called Charolais, hence its name. It is a naturally horned beef animal.In Africa, the largest population of the breed is found in South Africa followed by Kenya, mainly in Laikipia .The Bull heavier than buffalo fetches Sh600,000.Weighing in at 1,050kg, a bull heavier than a buffalo was auctioned for Sh600,000, equivalent to the price of a Probox car. However, if slaughtered in the farm, the bull could fetch Sh1 million.The ‘charolais’ bull was the main attraction during the East Africa Growers Council agribusiness expo in Kabarak University.The four-year-old bull from Kabarak Farm Ltd only feeds on grass and drinks a minimum of 60 litres of water a day, according to the farm manager Joseph Bett.Bett says there are about 107,000 of such animals in the farm and a single dose of artificial insemination costs Sh1,000. The agribusiness expo brought together more than 15,000 farmers, sponsors and exhibitors. Source;The star

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