Monday, October 12, 2015


The values of eggs cannot be overemphasized as they impact every system of the body to ensure development.
Eggs have been linked to changes in cholesterol levels,but most people dont know the facts; The cholesterol in egg is the good cholesterol necessary for normal system functions.

The high density lipo protein in eggs are the good cholesterol,individuals with high levels of HDL usually have a lower risk of heart disease,stroke, and other health problems.Egg consumption raises HDL level, which translates to reduced health problems.

This is a good indicator for measurement of health risk. In 2008,research from the university of North Carolina found that choline present in the yolk can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 24%,an egg contains 125.5mg of choline. 

 In 2005,another research finding by another group reported that women who ate at least 6 eggs/week have a 44% lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who ate fewer/no eggs.

The research by the Harvard university in 2003 found that eating eggs as an adolescent could prevent breast cancer risk as an adult.

Eating an egg a day is the best recipe to access all benefits of eggs and also reduce health risks.


The egg contains all the nutrient to produce a chick,hence its a power packed meal that promotes growth and development. Eggs are nutrient packed and plays immense roles in various systems in the body.The protein requirement is 0.8g/kg on the average: with the requirement for man is 56g,and woman 46g. The FAO has cautioned that the dietary intake is below the required levels in developing countries hence more protein especially animal protein should be included in diet. One medium egg contains 70-85 calories of which 6.5g is protein. Eggs are nutrient rich and if incorporated in diet on a regular basis will make up for the deficit in protein in the developing countries; hence the truth an egg a day keeps the doctor away. EGG-VALUES; 1) its an health boost,with high level of nutrients it contains it contributes to the general well being of the individual, 2)vitamin source; vitamin B2 which is important for break down of food to energy. vitamin B12 essential for red blood cell production. vitamin A responsible for great vision; eye sight integrity. vitamin E responsible for fighting off free radicals that cause tissue and cellular damage. Vitamin B2 responsible for proper growth. 3) mineral source..iron for blood cells,and maintenance of circulatory integrity. zinc....ensures proper functioning of immune system. phosphorus.......responsible for healthy bones and teeth. iodine...essential for thyroid hormones. selenium.....its an antioxidant that helps reduce cancer risk. Eggs are also used as a weight management tool; a study by Rochester center for obesity stated that eating eggs for breakfast helps limit your calorie intake all day by 400 calories.The mode of action here is that it gives a satiety signal while releasing the nutrients into body,thus maintaining energy level.The cholesterol in eggs are dietary cholesterol not blood cholesterol,the dietary cholesterol are high density lipo proteins which are essential for proper functioning of the body systems. Eggs also linked to intelligence quotient because of choline content in the egg which is responsible for production of cell membrane and also produce signal molecules in brain thus coordinating activities at that level. Eggs also contains lutem and zeaxanthin that are antioxidants with maintain cellular integrity in the retinal thus preventing eye disorders such as cataracts and macular degeneration.These benefits also apply to dogs, a nutritious meal for your dog must include eggs.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


AGRIBUSINESS: FEED CARE AND MANAGEMENT IN POULTRY VALUE CHAIN. Feed costs accounts for 75% of production cost as such adequate care must be instituted to ensure maximum production. 1) Buy feed from reputable companies .When compounding feed:use good quality feed stuff sourced from reputable merchants. 2)Store feed inn cool dry and properly ventilated store, 3) The store should be rodent proof to prevent damage and contamination to feed. 4)Proper storage also prevents waste of feed by pests. 5)Feed must be dry and not cake. 6)Store feed on stacks/pallets. 7)Dont over feed or under feed your birds. 8)Dont feed birds with stale or damaged feed. 9)Avoid wastage from damaged feeders 10) Avoid overstocking of birds to ensure proper utilization of feed.


AGRIBUSINESS: THE ROLE OF WATER IN POULTRY VALUE CHAIN. Water though a common commodity,its role in the success of the poultry value chain is very significant. Water is used in various capacities and at various levels. The bio security protocols involve water,for mixing,dilutions of chemicals and washing tools and implements. AGRIBUSINESS: THE ROLE OF WATER IN POULTRY VALUE CHAIN. WATER AS A PERFORMANCE INDICATOR IN POULTRY; 1)water is the most effective administration vehicle for drugs and vitamins. 2) water is a diluent for some vaccines to confer immunity on birds. 3)water is necessary for digestion, a chicken requires twice the amount of water to utilize every kg of feed. 4) water essential for metabolism,fecal elimination and temperature regulation. 5) The egg is about 65% water. 6) The chicken body weight is between 60-75% water depending on age and sex. Water is key to proper growth and development,if birds are deprived of water they go into a moulting stage.This can be used to prolong laying period if properly controlled.Impurities and chemicals in water can cause severe mortalities. AGRIBUSINESS: THE ROLE OF WATER IN POULTRY VALUE CHAIN. The availability of water is essential as it can make or mar project.Ensure regular supply of clean,fresh and cool water.

Friday, October 9, 2015


The deadly Ebola virus has reared its ugly head again in Liberia just when the country was to be pronounced EBOLA FREE. The latest victim a 44-year old woman died on 27/3/2015, her boyfriend was an Ebola survivor indicating that sexual transmission is a route of infection of the Ebola virus. Research has shown traces of Ebola virus in semen of survivors for at least 82 days after onset of symptoms ,to this end the W.H.O has advised Ebola survivors to abstain from sex during a 90- day period following recovery. The deputy health minister and head of the Ebola response team; Tolbert Nyenswah reiterated the stand of W.H.O and suggested that survivors go a step further until the the pathway of transmission is better understood. He suggested that Ebola survivors consider use of condoms for all sexual acts beyond 3 months. The Ebola virus has been linked to non-human primates such as monkeys and apes, the fruit bats has also been linked as a reservoir host. It has been documented that hunting in deep forest for wild animals(bush meat) and bats ,subsequent preparation and consumption is a major route of infection with the Ebola virus.The management of the sick in terms of cleaning vomitus, diarrhoea and other body fluids is responsible for spread.The burial rites and community -based burial ceremonies has further propagated the spread of the virus across the borders. The contamination of bedding, clothing and surfaces also contribute to spread of virus. The symptoms include fever,vomiting,diarrhoea and hemorrhaging .The bleeding is from all orifices, the diarrhoea and vomitus are also blood tinged. The envelope on the RNA virus is easily disrupted by washing with soap and water,hence hand washing is advocated. The use of alcohol based hand sanitizers has also been proven to inactivate the virus. The use of bleach to decontaminate surfaces,floors and drains is very effective for killing the virus. COMPLACENCY has been identified as the major cause of new cases of Ebola, it will be of paramount importance to be alert and be proactive. KEEP WASHING HANDS,WASH FLOORS/SURFACES WITH BLEACH.VISIT AN HOSPITAL IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THE EBOLA SYMPTOMS AND REPORT TO HEALTH AUTHORITIES IF YOUVE HAD CONTACT WITH PERSON WITH EBOLA,OR HAVE VISITED COUNTRIES WITH EBOLA CASES.


When such cases are encountered during meat inspection,the organs are condemned.The carcass is condemned to if the lesions are generalized.


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