How to stop your cat from biting.
Depending on why your cat is biting, there are several things that you can do to help curtail this unwanted behavior. However, consistency is key, and you can’t view biting as cute one time, and they reprimand your cat the next time they bite you because you send mixed signals that’ll confuse your cat.
As with any unwanted behavior from your pets, training your cat to stop biting follows several basic principals. These are the same principals that you follow for any pet that has bad habits that you’re trying to break.
1)Reward wanted or good behavior and punish bad or unwanted behavior. When you reward or punish your cat’s behavior, it should be right after your cat displays the behavior in question. This will help your cat make the connection between the behavior and the reward or punishment.Consistency is key to your success or failure during the training process.
Keeping these basic but essential principals in mind, you’ll have to know the specific ways to approach your cat’s biting behavior. The approaches depend on the root cause of your cat’s biting problem, so you want an idea of why your cat is biting so you can use the correct approach.
2)For dominance biting: You have to show your cat that you are in charge and that you are the dominant one. To do this, get loud when your cat bites you because they’re responsive to tone and volume.
If it’s a male cat that isn’t neutered, you may want to consider neutering them. Male cats tend to calm down after they have this procedure, and they may stop biting.
3)Start using a dominance item to curb their behavior. An example would be a rolled newspaper, and all you have to do is lightly tap them on the head when they bite you because they’ll eventually respond to just the site of it.
Cats love attention and some just want to get attention by biting, if this is the case then follow these steps.
1) Be very cautious and selective with your negative reinforcement. Too much negative reinforcement will make your cat afraid to try and tell you when they need something.
2)Try to establish a less painful form of communication with your cat. Do whatever your cat wants you to do when they purr or rub against your leg, and don’t do it if they bite.
Don’t be afraid to ignore your cat after the bite you. Cats love to play, and they’ll quickly start to reconsider their biting behavior if they find that it leads to getting ignored.
No matter why your cat is biting you, you want to learn their body language as they’re most likely giving you several clues that they’re about to bite you before they actually do it.
For example, if your cat bites you after 10 minutes of petting them, cut the petting time down to around five or eight minutes and stop.
When your cat starts using less painful ways to tell you that they need something or when they stop biting altogether, reward them. Praise, treats, and petting is all excellent positive reinforcement tactics that you can use. This training is to be started early,see how...
Agribusiness, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Cassava, Garri, food security, Agritech and the Red Meat Value Chain.
Showing posts with label agro-veterinary.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label agro-veterinary.. Show all posts
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Monday, December 25, 2017
VETERINARY MEDICINE : Not just bite, dog’s scratch too causes rabies.
VETERINARY MEDICINE : Not just bite, dog’s scratch too causes rabies.
Fifty-year-old Savita (not her real name) was brought to rural doctor Himmat Bawaskar's hospital in Mahad on a May afternoon with an undiagnosed condition, but the diagnosis became obvious when the doctor mentioned 'pani' (water).
Savita severely choked just as patients with rabies do on developing its well documented symptom - hydrophobia (fear of water).
"She was brought to us on the fourth day of fever, body ache and breathlessness. She heard 'water' and got a laryngeal (vocal cord) spasm," said Dr Bawaskar. Soon, doctors noticed another rabies symptom -extreme sensitivity to light. :
Not just bite, dog’s scratch too causes rabies. Dr Bawaskar, who is credited with several researches on snake and scorpion venom, has written about Savita's case in the latest edition of the Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine to highlight poor awareness and dangerous societal practices vis-a-vis rabies.
"People in rural areas go to tantriks after a dog-bite though the vaccine and immunoglobulin shots are available at government centres," said the doctor.
Savita died after four days at the Mahad hospital, managing to relate how a rabid dog in her village had bitten four people before tugging at her saree 'pallu'. She got a few abrasions on her feet.
According to the medical journal, Savita washed the wound and didn't bother about a vaccine as she felt only dog bites cause rabies. She only took herbal medicine from a tantrik.
Dr Bawaskar, who has been in the news for filing a case against a diagnostic chain for offering him a cutback for referring a patient for a CT scan, said Savita must have got infected as dogs' nails and claws too harbour the virus as they keep licking them.
"This case busts the myth that cuts don't result in rabies," he said. Vaccine is advised for any cut where blood flows out.
#rabies #bites #cuts #vaccination.#travel
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
RESEARCH : Cassava as food and medicine.
RESEARCH : Cassava as food and medicine. Cassava as food and medicine. Among crop plants, the cassava plant provides the highest yield of food energy and is a staple food for more than 500 million people. Cassava root is very rich in starch and contains significant amounts of calcium, dietary fiber, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C.
RESEARCH : Cassava as food and medicine. A recent study conducted in the Philippines (one of the countries where cassava is an important crop) looked into the effects of root crops and legumes in lowering cholesterol levels among humans with moderately-raised cholesterol levels. The study showed that cassava significantly decreased total cholesterol levels, decreased low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (considered as “bad” cholesterol), and may help lower triglyceride levels due to its high total dietary fiber content.
RESEARCH : Cassava as food and medicine. Another study show that cassava may help support the nervous system and help alleviate stress, anxiety and irritable bowel syndrome.Beside as a food, cassava also has many benefits as a drug, such as for rheumatic, headache, fever, wounds, diarrhea, intestinal worms, dysentery, night blindness, beri-beri, and also can increase stamina. Overcoming arthritis can be done by eating the cassava or rub it on the pain area.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to clean cat ears with coconut oil.
VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to clean cat ears with coconut oil. Coconut oil is used as an ointment and ear cleaner in dogs and cats. Its easy to swab on cotton balls and clean your pets ears. The supplies needed to clean the ears are ; 1) cotton balls/ buds. 2) coconut oil 3)mild restraint/assistant.
VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to clean cat ears with coconut oil. Coconut oil can be used internally, externally and for wounds,cut,stings and dry coat. See more
VETERINARY MEDICINE : Uses of coconut oil in dogs.
VETERINARY MEDICINE : Uses of coconut oil in dogs. The coconut, also known as the “tree of life”, has been found to have many uses not only for humans, but for our dogs as well.Many diseases and ailments, like yeast infections, smelly coats, dry coats and even cracked paws, can all be cured with just coconut oil. The Lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid in coconut oil prevents bacterial and viral infections .
VETERINARY MEDICINE : Uses of coconut oil in dogs. The uses of coconut oil in dogs are enormous but below are some points,the added advantage of coconut oil is that it can be used as food or as medicine.Read how to use coconut oil in dog's food, see
Coconut oil reduces cancer risks in dogs and a new study also suggests cancer treatment with coconut oil. It improves the digestion of your dog and becomes medicine for most digestive upsets. The thyroid function is also kept normal with coconut oil. It can give your dog a smooth glossy shiny coat, as well as healthy, supple skin. Dogs with dandruff also benefit from coconut oil as it clears out the dead cells.
VETERINARY MEDICINE : Uses of coconut oil in dogs. Yeast and fungal infections can be treated and prevented by using coconut oil. Old dogs with arthritis and similar pains enjoy joint health when coconut oil is added to their diet. Coconut can be added to meals of obese or overweight dogs to aid fat loss and control weight. Wounds also heal faster with coconut oil, it also deodorize the dog’s skin. Coconut oil can kill internal and external parasites making it a cheap and readily available medicine for dog health.
VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to clean your dog's ears.
VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to clean your dog's ears. Cleaning your dog’s ears is not as easy as it looks especially if you are a newbie. This is because dog ears are very sensitive spots and dogs tend to either move or get anxious. The use of adequate ear cleaner for dogs is what will save money and endless trips to your vet.
VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to clean your dog's ears. Why do we clean dog's ears? basically to keep canal,ear flaps clean dry and parasite free. When dog's ears are moist they predispose to growth of yeast cells which will set off a ear canal infection that is usually itchy,waxy and crusty. Ears are cleaned routinely for ear health but also in cases of infection,allergy, and wound care.
VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to clean your dog's ears. Method of cleaning ears; 1) Let the dog sit down or lie with head raised. A gentle restraint will be necessary if dog is new to routine cleaning as dogs can start moving which makes the whole process delicate and so calming the dog before starting anything is very important.
2) Apply the dog ear cleaner using the exact quantity of the product. Pull the dog’s ear flap up and apply the drops then straighten the ear canal and allow the runoff.
3) Massage the ear canal for two minutes using a circular massaging movement will help with breaking down excess ear wax in all areas of the ear, the vertical and horizontal canals, as well as near the ear drum.
4) Release the dog: when proper massage of dog’s ear is complete, the ear wax will dissolve and this is the time for the liquid to flow out. The best solution is to release the dog so head shaking by the dog will allow outflow of cleaner.
5) Use cotton balls to wipe the ear clean :clean the outer ear as well as the vertical canal properly especially if you notice a lot of debris remaining.
Common homemade ear cleaners are 1) baby swipes. 2) vinegar and water mixture 3)hydrogen peroxide 4) coconut oil. Learn how to clean your dog's ears;
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
VETERINARY MEDICINE : Why large dogs live fast—and die young.
VETERINARY MEDICINE : Why large dogs live fast—and die young. For most mammals, size is a significant factor as Large ones, such as elephants and whales, live far longer than small ones like rodents. This rule is reversed in the dog kingdom as the tiny Chihuahuas, for example, can live up to 15 years which is 8 years longer than their much larger cousins, Great Danes. Now, a team of undergraduates may be closer to figuring out why this is so and the most likely reason is the more harmful oxygen free radicals in fast-growing, fuel-burning puppies.
When an organism grows, its cells break down food to make the molecular fuel they need. But generating this energy can also generate an unwelcome visitor: renegade molecules called oxygen free radicals.
VETERINARY MEDICINE : Why large dogs live fast—and die young. These molecules are missing electrons, and as they try to poach them from other cells in the body, they can quickly damage cell membranes and eventually contribute to cancer and other diseases. Molecules known as antioxidants neutralize these free radicals. But ultimately, the more energy a body produces, the more free radicals it makes, and consequently, the more antioxidants it needs. Some scientists think that escaped free radicals contribute to aging, although this is hotly debated.
VETERINARY MEDICINE : Why large dogs live fast—and die young. To find out whether that might be true in canines, undergraduates Josh Winward and Alex Ionescu from Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, asked veterinarians for the ear clips, dewclaws, and cut-off tails of puppies and the ear clips from old dogs that had recently died.
Altogether, they collected about 80 samples from large and small breeds. Working with Colgate animal physiologist Ana Jimenez, the students isolated cells from those tissues, grew the cells in a lab dish for a few weeks, and then analyzed them. continue
Friday, February 3, 2017
RESEARCH : How to kill cancer cells with high doses of vitamin C.
RESEARCH : How to kill cancer cells with high doses of vitamin C. Researchers at the University of Iowa(UI) explains that most vitamin C therapies involve taking the substance orally,but this route will not provide the dose to kill the cancer cells.
The UI scientists have shown that giving vitamin C intravenously—and bypassing normal gut metabolism and excretion pathways—creates blood levels that are 100 - 500 times higher than levels seen with oral ingestion. It is this super-high concentration in the blood that is crucial to vitamin C's ability to attack cancer cells.
RESEARCH : How to kill cancer cells with high doses of vitamin C. In a new study, published recently in issue of the journal Redox Biology, Buettner and his colleagues have homed in on the biological details of how high-dose vitamin C kills cancer cells.The study shows that vitamin C breaks down easily, generating hydrogen peroxide, a so-called reactive oxygen species that can damage tissue and DNA. The study also shows that tumor cells are much less capable of removing the damaging hydrogen peroxide than normal cells.
Normal cells have several ways to remove hydrogen peroxide, keeping it at very low levels so it does not cause damage. The new study shows that an enzyme called catalase is the central route for removing hydrogen peroxide generated by decomposing vitamin C. The researchers discovered that cells with lower amounts of catalase activity were more susceptible to damage and death when they were exposed to high amounts of vitamin C.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
AGRIBUSINESS: THE BUNNY STORY!!! Story time!!!! A piece from our educational series for kids.
It’s the bunny show, look for the common words in the bunny kingdom.
Puzzle time!!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Visit the zoo from the comfort of your home,office and garden.
Meetings can also be organised in fun spots,just imagine striking a deal while on a safari? #fun #tourism. #virtual reality.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Rabbits are herbivores,easy to rear and manage. Their characteristic prolific mature coupled with short gestation period has made them the urban animals to rear.The meat is also nutritious as its fatless and has no cholesterol making it a healthy substitute for red meat.
Rabbits an be reared in farms or in -house in hutches,wooden cages or wire cages depending on the scope of production.Rabbits feed on grasses,legumes and vegetables basically,but commercialized pellets can also be used to enhance growth.Rabbits must be given water alongside feed,also salt is essential for their diet.
The male rabbit is called a buck and sexually mature at 5-6 months of age.,the mating ratio is 1 buck to 15 does. The female rabbit is called a doe,sexually active at 5-6 months of age,comes on heat every 3 weeks and can have an average of 5-9 kits per kindling and can kindle 3-4 times a year depending on management practice.
The doe is taken to the buck when on heat,mating takes place within minutes with the buck falling on his back with a momentary stiffened posture.The doe is returned to her cage and the process repeated at day 2/3. The doe is palpated for fetus at 14 days after mating to ascertain pregnancy.The nesting box is placed in the does hutch on day 25 after mating,and the doe kindles 30-31 days after mating.
Fresh feed,must be available for the doe until weaning at 4 weeks and the cycle continues,until you decide to sell off or slaughter to process for packaging.
Starting with 10 does @ 10,000 naira at the start of the year the does averaging 7 kits/ kindle........70 kits then in a year will be 70 x3...........210 kits.This can be increased with proper management by choosing does from very prolific progeny.
The medication costs can be reduced by ensuring strict bio security protocols,and giving clean ,nutritious meals and prevent exposure to sun.Rabbits do benefit from early morning sunshine,but they must not be exposed for long periods as this reduces fertility and also results in death when over exposed.
AGRIBUSINESS: HOW TO ENSURE FOOD SECURITY THROUGH BREED SELECTION AND SELECTIVE BREEDING. The bull was originally bred in France in a place called Charolais, hence its name. It is a naturally horned beef animal.In Africa, the largest population of the breed is found in South Africa followed by Kenya, mainly in Laikipia .
The Bull heavier than buffalo fetches Sh600,000.Weighing in at 1,050kg, a bull heavier than a buffalo was auctioned for Sh600,000, equivalent to the price of a Probox car. However, if slaughtered in the farm, the bull could fetch Sh1 million.The ‘charolais’ bull was the main attraction during the East Africa Growers Council agribusiness expo in Kabarak University.
The four-year-old bull from Kabarak Farm Ltd only feeds on grass and drinks a minimum of 60 litres of water a day, according to the farm manager Joseph Bett.Bett says there are about 107,000 of such animals in the farm and a single dose of artificial insemination costs Sh1,000.
The agribusiness expo brought together more than 15,000 farmers, sponsors and exhibitors.
Source;The star
Monday, February 15, 2016
RESEARCH : SEAWEEDS AS ANIMAL FEED RESULTS IN EGGS AND BEEF OF BETTER QUALITY. Seaweeds can have a pre biotic effect in pig diets and improve egg quality in laying hens. However, high amounts of seaweed in the diet can have an opposite effect. The inclusion rate is therefore important. A report Published in Animal Feed Science and Technology termed : Seaweeds for livestock diets .
The nutritive value of seaweeds for ruminants varies widely. It depends on the species, on the composition of the algae (protein, minerals, polysaccharides, phlorotannins) and also on the adaptation of the animal to this particular feed.
RESEARCH : SEAWEEDS AS ANIMAL FEED RESULTS IN EGGS AND BEEF OF BETTER QUALITY. A study in the laboratory with rumen fluid from seaweed-fed sheep showed that organic matter digestibility of brown and red seaweeds was very high for brown algae L. digitata, S. latissima and Alaria esculenta species (94%, 97% and 81% respectively) and red algae P.palmata (81%), but was low for other brown seaweeds such as A. nodosum, Fucus serratus and Fucus vesiculosus (33%, 15% and 26% respectively.
RESEARCH : SEAWEEDS AS ANIMAL FEED RESULTS IN EGGS AND BEEF OF BETTER QUALITY. In a comparison of brown algae M. pyrifera and Sargassum species, the in situ DM degradability of the former was found to be low (50%) but higher than that of the latter (29%). Crude protein of these seaweeds was found to be rumen-undegradable in situ, but the in vitro trypsic digestibility of their proteins was high, which could make brown algae a good source of protein for ruminants despite their low protein content.
RESEARCH : SEAWEEDS AS ANIMAL FEED RESULTS IN EGGS AND BEEF OF BETTER QUALITY. The brown seaweed A. nodosum meal has been shown to increase growth performance in broilers. It didn't matter in which form it was included in the diet (boiled, raw or autoclaved). In another study with green seaweed Enteromorpha prolifera, it was shown that inclusion rate ranging from 2% to 4% provided the best nutrient availability and high apparent metabolisable energy in broilers. This may be attributed to a high level of amylase in the duodenum. It had a positive effect on feed intake, feed conversion ratio and average daily gain while reducing abdominal and subcutaneous fat thickness, thus improving breast meat.
Brown seaweed Sargassum species from the Red Sea shore fed to laying hens during 20–30 weeks at 1–12% dietary level had no deleterious effect on body weight, egg weight, egg production, feed conversion ratio and egg quality. Sargassum dentifolium fed raw, boiled or autoclaved at levels of 3% or 6%, was beneficial to egg quality. Green seaweed E. prolifera included at 1–3% resulted in improved egg production and quality: it increased weight, shell thickness, and yolk colour and reduced cholesterol in yolk. It also resulted in a lower E. coli load in faeces, , suggesting better animal health.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
AGRO-VETERINARY : THE BENEFIT OF WATERMELON ON POULTRY HEALTH. Watermelon has proven to be a very nutritious fruit both to man and animals and the benefits derived are so valuable to growth and development.The fruit is 92% water making it very useful in cases of dehydration. Water melon can be processed and added to drinking water of birds especially in hot weather conditions,this not only cools the birds down but also gives a boost because of the vitamin C it contains.
AGRO-VETERINARY : THE BENEFIT OF WATERMELON ON POULTRY HEALTH. Watermelon contains vitamin C, A and B; the occasional addition of watermelon juice to water of birds makes these vitamins readily available thus preventing deficiencies associated with lack of this nutrients.
Chickens undergo severe stress not only when weather is hot, but also during time of vaccination and transportation and at periods like this the inclusion of the juice in the water days before scheduled programme will be of immense benefits.
Water melon acts as an antioxidant, a fiber source and also carotenoids ,flavonoids, . Read more about benefits of water melon here
Friday, October 23, 2015
HOW TO CREATE WEALTH WITH RECREATIONAL PARK. Creating wealth and having fun just got super-easy. You can start a recreational park that will your own money machine.
You can actually start printing your own money by establishing a resort.I bet you will love to have a mini park,that is a leisure spot and your personal A.T.M.
The park can be fashioned to your taste and specification,but the bottom-line is you will generate revenue both locally and internationally.The goal is not to keep wild animals but to keep cute,lovely urban-friendly animals.
The park will be structured per taste and specification with various units that will attract different classes of people.
HOW TO CREATE WEALTH WITH RECREATIONAL PARK. Creating wealth and having fun just got super-easy. You can start a recreational park that will your own money machine.
You can actually start printing your own money by establishing a resort.I bet you will love to have a mini park,that is a leisure spot and your personal A.T.M.
The park can be fashioned to your taste and specification,but the bottom-line is you will generate revenue both locally and internationally.The goal is not to keep wild animals but to keep cute,lovely urban-friendly animals.
The park will be structured per taste and specification with various units that will attract different classes of people.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Data simply refers to processed information that is useful and accessible at any given time.
Information that are analyzed to produce data could come in various forms such as names, dates of birth, age, weight,location, blood group,occupation e.t.c.
Information can be generated from profiles,phone records,history and hobbies.These can then be sorted, analyzed,categorized and the resultant data used to proffer solutions in desperate cases,like war-torn areas, places affected by diseases.
The data generated from information on phone usage in communities in Africa has help the world food program to fashion out how to get supplies to hungry communities.
This is done by accessing how much is spent on calls,how often they recharge and the number within a particular radius that has access to phones.This has been a major method to support hungry families.
Data simply refers to processed information that is useful and accessible at any given time.
Information that are analyzed to produce data could come in various forms such as names, dates of birth, age, weight,location, blood group,occupation e.t.c.
Information can be generated from profiles,phone records,history and hobbies.These can then be sorted, analyzed,categorized and the resultant data used to proffer solutions in desperate cases,like war-torn areas, places affected by diseases.
The data generated from information on phone usage in communities in Africa has help the world food program to fashion out how to get supplies to hungry communities.
This is done by accessing how much is spent on calls,how often they recharge and the number within a particular radius that has access to phones.This has been a major method to support hungry families.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
DOG FOOD: HOW TO MAKE A CUSTARD MEAL FOR YOUR DOG. This is a sumptuous meal for your dogs,its a variant of custard.
2) FISH.
1)Mix and prepare the custard.
2) wash and debone fish,and cut up into small shreds.
3) add the fish to the prepared custard and mix properly.
4) cut up the bread in chunks,and add to the mixture.
The puppy version of this meal will include addition of milk to the mixture and removal of bread.The meal can be adjusted as per the age and size of dog.
#food safety # dog food.
Monday, December 15, 2014
VETERINARY MEDICINE: YOU AND YOUR DOG AT CHRISTMAS. This is the season of abundant treats, for you and your pet. A season of more than enough with overflow in your freezers, fridges, coolers and stores just for you and your pet.
This is the season you take all limits off and give whatever ,whenever and however to your pets just to make them happy.
This is the time you try new recipes and strange cooking methods are unearthed @ this period; some you can stomach, others end up in your pet’s bowl during the holidays landing him in the emergency ward of the veterinary clinic.
The cases of sick dogs with diarrhea and vomiting as major signs increase during the holidays.
This season there is so much food around; leftovers from parties, shows, eateries are literally tossed to pet owners, who gladly collect and dump in their freezers.
The food on its own may have been prepared with all food safety handling methods observed, BUT,BUUUUUUUUTT the problem starts with how the left over’s are handled, stored and processed.
The leftover’s are from different sources ,using different ingredients such as jollof rice, fried rice, coconut rice, curry rice, with beef,chicken,fish,entrails e.t.c.
Everything is mixed together, put in a goo-die bag and bam in the freezer.
The goo-die bag is brought out to thaw; the required portion is taken out, processed and given to your dog.
The same process is repeated at another meal time, and your pet enjoys the meal everybody goes to bed happy.
The next day your pet is going to wake up sick with vomiting and diarrhea and he will need care to prevent a fatal incidence.
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