David Teie has developed music that’s designed specifically for cats. , Teie has been working on “species-specific” music since 2009. He figured starting with cats would be more practical than starting with, say, elephants.
The music is supposed to offer our beloved fuzzballs a comforting, enriching experience that allows us to bond more deeply with them.
The process of designing cat music began with studies to figure out what sounds “elicit feline feelings.”
As opposed to feline “Feelings.” We get our first taste of rhythm in our mothers’ wombs, but cats encounter them only after they’re born.
I checked this out, and it’s true: Newborn kittens arrive deaf and blind and a cat's first comfort sound, for example, is likely its mother's purr, a very different rhythm than our moms’ slow and steady heartbeats.
Cat music is based on this and other sounds that make a cat's ears pivot.
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