Monday, January 16, 2023

Animal waste management in the abattoir.

Utilizing sustainable strategies for effective animal waste management in abattoirs:Maximizing Efficiency with Sustainable Animal Waste Strategies in Abattoirs.

 Learn how to effectively manage animal waste in abattoirs with sustainable strategies. 

Discover ways to minimize impact on the environment, reduce costs, and maximize efficiency. Get the facts now for a more efficient and responsible approach to animal waste management.

 Animal waste management in abattoirs is a crucial element of the meat industry. Not only does it have an impact on operational efficiency, but also affects public health and safety due to its potential for contamination with bacteria, viruses, and parasites. 

It is therefore essential that effective strategies are implemented to ensure proper disposal of animal waste products from abattoirs in order to prevent environmental degradation as well as protect human health. 

 Sustainable strategies can be used effectively for managing animal wastes at slaughterhouses which include composting or incineration techniques among others; these approaches not only reduce costs associated with disposing animal remains but also provide additional benefits such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality by eliminating odors caused by decomposition processes. 

 In this blog post we will explore some sustainable methods utilized for efficient management of animal wastes generated within an abattoir environment along with their advantages over traditional practices like burying carcasses or dumping them into water bodies nearby the facility grounds. 

 Composting Animal Waste Products: One popular method employed at many slaughterhouses involves transforming organic matter present in dead animals into useful fertilizers through composting procedures; this process requires minimal infrastructure investment while ensuring safe disposal of biological material without fear of spreading diseases/contaminants across surrounding areas near the facilities (as opposed to burial). 

 The benefit derived from composted manure includes improved soil fertility leading directly towards enhanced crop yields - thus making it highly beneficial especially when farming activities occur close-by where hazardous materials could otherwise seep out during rainstorms if buried underground instead (without proper containment measures).

 Additionally, utilizing biodegradable bags made specifically designed for collecting and storing organics helps further minimize risks posed via fly maggots breeding inside open containers left outside exposed elements too long periods time before collection takes place! Incinerating Animal Waste Products: 

 Another common strategy followed around most modern day slaughterhouse operations utilizes high temperature incineration systems designed specially tailored according meet local regulations governing emission levels pollutants released after burning off organic matter contained within carcasses themselves – resulting reduced atmospheric pollution alongside decreased risk microbial infections spread amongst living organisms nearby vicinity sites where large scale livestock processing occurs regularly basis throughout year round seasons alike! 

 These specialized machines often require significant investments capital up front however they offer quick turnaround times compared other available options since combustion rates incredibly high enough break down even toughest pieces bone tissue quickly and efficiently  in a manner possible leaving behind nothing more than harmless ashes ash residue. 

 Benefits Of Utilizing Sustainable Strategies For Managing Abattoir Wastes Effectively: 

utilizing sustainable strategies such as composting and incineration techniques provides several benefits. These include lowered operational costs while minimizing environmental damage caused by improper handling/disposal methods traditionally adopted in past decades due their lack awareness regarding consequences following bad decisions. 

 We cannot afford to remain ignorant any longer given current state of things happening around us now, all must act fast  to adopt cleaner ways of doing business. This saves us trouble to find entire ecosystem destroyed beyond repair irreversible damage. 

 Waste can also be used as a source of power (bio gas), this will reduce cost in the facility if properly managed.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Transforming The Red Meat Value Chain: Improving Public Health in the 21st Century.

 Transforming The Red Meat Value Chain: Improving Public Health in the 21st Century

The traditional way of producing and marketing red meat has been a major source of public health concerns for decades. From food safety to environmental pollution, the production and sale of red meat has had a widespread impact on our society. But with advances in technology and understanding, there is much hope that we can improve the red meat value chain for the betterment of public health. 

Read on to learn more about how we could potentially transform the red meat value chain to improve public health in the 21st century!


The red meat value chain is a complex system that involves many different players, from farmers and ranchers to processors, retailers, and consumers. Each player has a unique set of needs and constraints, and the interactions between them can have important implications for public health.

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the potential health risks associated with red meat consumption. These concerns have led to calls for changes in the way the red meat value chain operates, in order to improve public health.

There is no single solution to the problem of improving public health in the red meat value chain. However, a number of proposals have been put forward that would address some of the key issues.

This article will provide an overview of the current state of the red meat value chain and public health concerns related to it. It will then discuss some of the proposed solutions for improving public health in the context of the value chain.

Definition and Overview of the Red Meat Value Chain

The red meat value chain is the process by which raw materials are converted into finished products that are ready for consumption. The chain involves a number of different actors, including farmers, feedlots, slaughterhouses, processors, retailers, and consumers.

The health of the red meat value chain is of paramount importance to public health. The World Health Organization has estimated that as much as 80% of all non-communicable diseases are attributable to dietary factors, and red meat is a major contributor to dietary risk. Consuming too much red meat can lead to obesity, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases.

In order to improve public health, it is essential to transform the red meat value chain. This means making changes at every stage of the process in order to make red meat healthier. This includes changes such as breeding healthier livestock, providing them with better quality feed, and using more humane methods of slaughter.

It is also important to increase transparency throughout the red meat value chain so that consumers can make informed choices about the products they purchase. To this end, labeling should accurately reflect the content of products and provide information on how the animals were raised and slaughtered. Finally, it is imperative that government policies support these efforts to improve the red meat value chain and protect public health.

So what can be done to improve the red meat value chain and make it more sustainable? Below are three possible solutions:

1. Improve animal husbandry practices: One way to make livestock production more sustainable is to improve  animal husbandry practices. This can involve switching from intensive, industrialized farming methods to alternative systems such as organic, pasture-based and agroforestry approaches. These approaches result in higher animal welfare standards, make better use of natural resources and reduce emissions.

2. Increase investment in research and development: More research and development needs to be done in the red meat sector to improve production efficiency and reduce environmental impacts. This could include developing new animal breeds that require less energy, water or feed inputs, as well as innovating feed formulations to reduce emissions or increase nutrient profiles.

3. Promote responsible consumption: Finally, it is important to address public attitudes toward red meat. This could include educational campaigns about the health benefits of consuming lean red meats such as bison and venison, as well as strategies for reducing overall meat consumption through plant-based diets or other dietary interventions.

Overall, implementing these strategies will help create a more sustainable and healthy red meat value chain that can continue to support public health in the 21st century.

The Role of Government in Transforming the Value Chain

The role of government in transforming the red meat value chain is to invest in and support research and development to improve food safety and quality, while also promoting policies and initiatives that encourage industry consolidation and modernization.

There are two key ways in which the government can help transform the red meat value chain: by investing in research and development to improve food safety and quality; and by promoting policies and initiatives that encourage industry consolidation and modernization.In addition to supporting research on food safety


The red meat value chain can play an important role in promoting public health and sustainability. It is not only a way to meet the changing needs of consumers but also holds great potential for securing healthier, safer and more equitable food systems worldwide. 

By taking into account advances in technology and innovation, societies should take steps to transform their red meat value chain as part of larger efforts to foster better nutrition outcomes across populations, protect the environment and support farmers with sustainable market access. 

With these actions it will be possible to build a 21st century food system that's beneficial for everyone involved.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Red Meat Industry: Opportunities and Challenges.


Red Meat Industry: Opportunities and Challenges

The red meat industry is a complex one, with opportunities and challenges that are unique to the sector. This blog post will provide an overview of the opportunities and challenges in the red meat industry, as well as some tips on how to navigate these waters. By understanding the opportunities and challenges in the red meat industry, you will be able to make informed decisions when it comes to investing in this sector.

1. Introduction

The red meat industry is a large and profitable one with a lot of potential, but it also has a lot of challenges. This article will cover some of the opportunities and challenges in the red meat industry, and how businesses can best take advantage of them.

One of the main opportunities in the red meat industry is that it is a high-protein food. Protein is essential for human health and is important for building and repairing muscle tissue. In addition, red meat is a good source of iron, zinc, and other important minerals.

Another advantage of the red meat industry is that it is a sustainable food source. It is environmentally friendly to produce and it is also a good source of energy. The production of red meat also helps to reduce the number of livestock in the world.

However, there are also some challenges in the red meat industry. One of the main challenges is that it is a high-fat food. Too much fat can be harmful to the body, and it can also contribute to obesity and other health problems.

Another challenge is that red meat is a high-calorie food. Too much red meat can lead to weight gain and other health problems.

Overall, the red meat industry has a lot of potential, but it also has a lot of challenges that businesses need to be aware of. By understanding these challenges and opportunities, businesses can best take advantage of the opportunities in the red meat industry.

2. Current state of the red meat industry

The red meat industry is experiencing some challenges at the moment. This is mainly due to the fact that people are becoming more health-conscious and are looking for alternatives to red meat. This has resulted in a decline in the sales of red meat.

However, the red meat industry is still a big business. There are many opportunities for businesses in the red meat industry. Here are a few:

- Produce red meat products that are healthier and have a different flavor profile.
- Develop new meat products that are based on red meat but are healthier.
- Develop new meat products that are based on red meat but are environmentally friendly.
- Develop new meat products that are based on red meat but are more affordable.
- Develop new meat products that are based on red meat but are easier to cook.
- Develop new meat products that are based on red meat but are more sustainable.
- Develop new meat products that are based on red meat but are more humane.

3. Opportunities in the red meat industry

The red meat industry is booming and there are many opportunities for businesses looking to get in on the action. The market is growing at a rapid rate, and there are many people who are looking for high-quality, affordable meat products.

One of the biggest challenges businesses in the red meat industry will face is educating people about the benefits of red meat. Many people are still unaware of the health benefits of eating red meat, and it will be important for businesses to continue educating the public about the benefits of red meat in order to tap into this growing market.

Another challenge businesses in the red meat industry will face is the environmental impact of meat production. The livestock industry is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, and it will be important for businesses to find ways to reduce their environmental impact.

4. Challenges in the red meat industry

The red meat industry is a challenging one. It's not just because of the environmental challenges but also the health challenges. For the most part, people in the developed world consume too much red meat and that has negative consequences.

One of the biggest challenges in the red meat industry is finding a way to increase production without compromising the quality of the product. In order to do that, you need to find ways to improve the production process and also find ways to reduce the environmental impact.

Another challenge is the competition from other food products. For example, vegetarianism is on the rise and that's going to have a big impact on the red meat industry. Vegetarians and vegans are going to demand more red meat products and those products are going to have to be of high quality to stand out.

5. Conclusion

The red meat industry is a big business and there are many opportunities and challenges facing it. Opportunities include the growing trend of plant-based meat alternatives, the increasing demand for ethical meat, and the growth of the global middle class. Challenges include the environmental impact of raising and slaughtering animals, the global trade deficit in red meat, and the health concerns around eating red meat.

The red meat industry is big and growing, so there are many opportunities and challenges to consider. In this article, we discuss some of the opportunities and challenges facing the red meat industry. We also provide some tips to help you navigate these opportunities and challenges.

We hope you enjoyed our blog post about the red meat industry. The red meat industry is a large and growing one, and there are many opportunities for those who are willing to work hard. However, the industry also has many challenges, and it is important to be aware of them before starting a business in this field. We have outlined the most important ones for you in this post, and we hope that it will help you make the best decisions for your own business. Thank you for reading!

Saturday, January 7, 2023

The effects of stress on Livestock and meat quality prior to and during slaughter.

 The effects of stress on Livestock and meat quality prior to and during slaughter.

Animal welfare hammers on 5 freedoms for animals among these are : 1) freedom from pain,injury and disease.

2) Freedom from hunger and thirst.

3)Freedom to express normal natural behavior.

4)Freedom from discomfort.

5)Freedom from fear and distress.

The aforementioned freedoms can be referred to holistically as freedom from stress. Stress impacts health, production, productivity as well as carcass quality in Livestock. 

The effects of stress on Livestock and meat quality prior to and during slaughter.

Animals presented for slaughtering in a stress free environment has natural conversion of muscle to meat, PH  will fall from 7 to about 5.4-5.7. The meat quality is excellent and has bright red color.

Animals that experience stress 24-48 hours prior slaughter have meat quality compromised.The PH does not fall to optimum level staying higher resulting in beef with darker color. The beef  is dark, firm to touch and has high fluid holding  capacity. This is referred to as dark, firm and dry.(DFD). Beef that are DFD have poor storing capacity and prone to bacterial spoilage.

Animals that are stressed  45 minutes prior to slaughter also give beef of low quality.The short period of stress prior to slaughter will cause a rapid drop of PH..This drop will result in beef of lighter color, softer texture which feels wet with reduced capacity to hold water. This type of beef is referred to as soft, pale and exudative.(PSE)

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Is the cow hide (Ponmo) safe to eat?

Ponmo – cow hide meat – is a popular food in parts of Nigeria and across West Africa. But nutritionists and scientists in the region warn about the safety and nutritional value of this local delicacy. 

 In this episode of Africa Science Focus, our reporter Royal Uche speaks with Abiodun Wahab, program operations officer at the One Health and Development Initiative, about the toxic bacteria found in the meat even after cooking. Sherifah Wakil, associate professor of microbiology at the University of Ibadan, shares findings from her latest research on the contamination of the meat. 

 Obaisi Alaanuloluwa, environmental and social development consultant for the World Bank, explains how ponmo affects the environment. 

Source....SciDev.Net’s Sub-Saharan Africa English desk
 The Ponmo story. read
 more ponmo news: Ponmo and leather industry.
 All you need to know about Ponmo.

Monday, November 21, 2022


Echbee Foods changing the garri narrative.


Monday, October 24, 2022

BEEF: What does your beef customer want?


What does your beef customer want? Understanding your beef customer starts with knowing your true buyer, then doing what it takes to meet their needs. 

 Do you know who your customer is? When I ask that question most people get this vision of the end consumer in mind, and possibly the thought of a foreign trade deal tries to slide into their mind as well. 

 The definition of the word customer is: a person or organization that buys goods and/or services from a business. To be direct the person who writes you a check for the cattle you sold is your customer. Unless you direct market the end consumer is not your customer. 

 The way to offer better service to your customer is know your market. What do the buyers willing to spend the most money there want? Figure that out and give it to them. In doing this you cannot cut corners, or pull up short.

 Understanding ‘reputation’ 

 This week I saw a few big strings of reputation cattle sell. The first bunch in this example were weaned thirty plus days. They were all black, vaccinated and on a feed program. These cattle were not the market toppers that day, as one might expect. Two buyers that could have bid them up chose not to. 

 The problem with this bunch is the feed program they are on. It is a good program, to a point. The cattle will eat the stuff, and they will gain. If you start them on it and leave them on it the feed program is awesome. 

The problem is when a customer buys them, and is trying to make money with them, that person will feed them more economically. To be direct, the two times I bought these cattle it was like my back grounding yard became rehab. Not all of them make it out of rehab.


Future Beef: Global Smart Commodity Group adds live cattle trading to platform


Global Smart Commodity Group adds live cattle trading to platform. 

I recently completed an MBA in International Agribusiness and Food Chain Management program where i presented a term paper on technological disruptions in the cattle business in Nigeria. It was an amazing surprise when i came across this article with similar lines of thought as my project. We are set to change the narrative in the cattle trading system in Nigeria, we are changing the paradigm from the farm to the store. 

Lets get into the article without giving out too much information about our project.

 Global Smart Commodity Group adds live cattle trading to platform.

 Global Smart Commodity Group, a multi-asset class commodities exchange, has announced that Salus, the commodities trading platform built on blockchain technology, will begin providing live cattle as a traded commodity. 

 Intended to speed up the commodity trading process, there will be two available types of live cattle offered on the platform: live cattle and feeder cattle. Salus will also provide producers the ability to list identifiers such as weight, sex classification, country of origin, age, breed, genetics and other environmental factors.

 Global Smart Commodity Group, a multi-asset class commodities exchange, has announced that Salus, the commodities trading platform built on blockchain technology, will begin providing live cattle as a traded commodity. Intended to speed up the commodity trading process, there will be two available types of live cattle offered on the platform: live cattle and feeder cattle. Salus will also provide producers the ability to list identifiers such as weight, sex classification, country of origin, age, breed, genetics and other environmental factors. 

"The addition of offering live cattle on Salus is a necessary transition of technology," said Bryce Everett, GSCG's Cattle SME. "People have been searching for this type of option for a while, and they have been looking for a more fair and efficient way to trade cattle. We're very excited about how the outcome will play out." 

 The goal of offering live cattle on the platform will benefit smaller processors, those beyond the big names, giving a global platform to a farmer and rancher, helping to increase profits. 

Each contract of live cattle will be equivalent to 40,000 pounds, or 40 head. Salus was created using blockchain technology. Its Growth Cycle Tracking technology provides users a real time seed-to-delivery monitoring feature which authenticates the commodities' origins and watches over the transaction in each stage of the supply chain.

#blockchain #agribusiness #farming #trading.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Purina fermentation product supports feed efficiency in feedlot cattle.


Purina fermentation product supports feed efficiency in feedlot cattle.Feed costs are a constant consideration for cattle feeders. Improving feed efficiency, even by a small margin, can pay big dividends in the long run. “If cattle eat less and gain the same, it’s a nice advantage because you save on the amount you’re feeding. 

5The cattle industry has continually focused on improving feed efficiency through nutrition and genetics,” said Ron Scott, Ph.D., director of beef technical innovation with Purina Animal Nutrition. “Purina EfficienZ fermentation product is designed to help take things a step further.” 

The use of fermented feed is an age-long method to achieve feed efficiency and promote animal 

 The new EfficienZ fermentation product is a non-nutritive feed additive available in select Purina supplements to support feed efficiency and help improve feed conversion in finishing cattle rations by optimizing rumen function.

Read Beef magazine.on side bar.

Rancher sentenced for running $244m ‘ghost cattle’ scam.


Rancher sentenced for running $244m ‘ghost cattle’ scam. A cattle rancher in Washington has been sentenced to 11 years in prison for defrauding Tyson Foods and another company out of more than $244 million by charging the victim companies for the purported costs of purchasing and feeding hundreds of thousands of cattle that did not exist. 

 According to court documents, Cody Allen Easterday used his company, Easterday Ranches Inc., to enter into a series of agreements with the companies under which Easterday Ranches agreed to purchase and feed cattle for them. Per the agreements, Tyson and the other company would advance Easterday Ranches the costs of buying and raising the cattle. Once the cattle were slaughtered and sold at market price, Easterday Ranches would repay the costs advanced – plus interest and certain other costs – retaining the difference as profit.( READ BEEF MAGAZINE ON SIDE BAR.)

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The leather business summit and expo.

 #leather institute

The federal government plans to ban Ponmo to promote the leather industry.

THE Federal Government has said it was proposing a legislation to ban the consumption of animal skin, locally known as ponmo, in the country to revive tanneries. 

 Director-General, Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology, NILEST, Zaria, Muhammad Yakubu said this in Abuja on Sunday. NILEST was set up to promote leather production as provided in the Agricultural Research Institute Act of 1975. 

The institute conducts research the production and products of leather and the utilisation of local tanning materials in the country. Yakubu, who said the litigation was necessary to revive the comatose leather industry in the country, said the habit of eating animal skin, which has no nutritional value, should be stopped to save the industry and boost the nation’s economy. 

 The Director-General added that the institute, in collaboration with stakeholders in the industry, would approach the national assembly and state governments to bring out legislation banning “ponmo” consumption

 The tannery project was conceived by the Sanwo-Olu administration in 2020 for the production of leather products, such as shoes, belts, bags and upholsteries. The facility would also offer training opportunities for youths to learn skills in leather manufacturing and earn a living in the value chain. 

The Economic value of the hub is that the entire production process can start and end here in Lagos. Jobs will be generated and businesses will be developed He said that raw leather exported to China and Europe were brought back to Nigeria in finished goods and they were more expensive.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Researchers Are Now Tracking Monkey pox in Wastewater.


Researchers Are Now Tracking Monkey pox in Wastewater.The past two years have taught us anything, it’s that testing for viral diseases is complicated. Sometimes, the tests are difficult to get, like in the early days of COVID-19. And even if people have access to testing, they might not feel they need it. 

 People with COVID-19 often don’t have symptoms and may not always know to get tested. And now, with the availability of at-home self-tests, most people test themselves and don’t report the results. With other diseases—such as monkey pox—stigma surrounding the disease and the group most affected can deter access to testing. These limitations hinder health authorities’ ability to learn more about infectious diseases and control their spread. If you can’t detect a problem, you can’t direct resources to help fix it. Wastewater analysis can help skirt some of these issues. 

Scientists have tracked COVID-19 through wastewater since early in the pandemic, and now they’re doing the same for monkey pox. A new program led by researchers at Stanford University, Emory University, and Verily, an Alphabet Inc. company, is monitoring monkey pox cases by analyzing sewage from 41 communities in 10 states.

 So far, they have detected the monkey pox virus in 22 of those sites. As monkey pox case numbers around the country continue to climb, such information is proving valuable as doctors and patients wrestle with testing challenges. “We have now detected monkey pox DNA in sewersheds before any cases were reported in those counties,” says Bradley White, senior staff scientist at Verily. The group is planning to publish their first findings from their monkey pox work in a preprint soon.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022



HOW NIGERIA CAN PREVENT ITS ANNUAL N3.5 TRILLION POST-HARVEST LOSSES.Nigeria has good agricultural potential but is not living up to expectations. The country houses an enormous human capital, most of whom are young, and arable land, with only 41 per cent cultivated yet. From one end, the country’s agricultural prowess and feats are laudable. 

Nigeria is a top global exporter of agricultural production, such as palm oil, sorghum, sesame, cocoa beans, oil, fruits, nuts, and seeds. The Federal Government recently disclosed that the total cost of post-harvest losses in Nigeria’s agriculture industry is N3.5 trillion. 

Yes, a whooping N3.5 trillion. Speaking on behalf of the FG, Mustapha Shehuri, Minister of State for Agriculture and Rural Development, “Post-harvest losses is a worrisome situation that threatens Nigeria’s Food Security … In fruits and vegetables, it could be as high as 50 – 60 per cent if poorly managed, unfortunately not much attention is paid to address this problem as it is done for production,” 

 This is too much loss for a country where agriculture is a core contributor to its GDP and has a projected population of 400 million. In that light, there is an urgent need to prevent people from going hungry, support farmers from losing monetary gains, and reduce our dependence on foreign products

 These can only be achieved through a couple of actions, the first being to make provisions for good storage facilities. While agricultural products are perishable, their production is usually seasonal, mainly because farmers in this part of the world rely on rain-fed agriculture. But, regardless of the perishable or seasonal nature of produce, the demand for food is not seasonal. In Nigeria, about 47 per cent of farmers have zero access to any storage facilities to shield them from post-harvest loss. The number could rise up to as high as 60 per cent for tubers, fruits and vegetables. 

The provision and revitalization of efficient storage facilities, whether on an industrial or small-scale, is essential in mitigating post-harvest loss.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Monkeypox can persist in household environments, according to CDC study.


Monkey pox can persist in household environments, according to CDC study. The zoonotic monkey pox virus (MPXV), which is endemic to Africa, is typically transmitted through direct contact with an infected person or animal or through the inhalation of infected respiratory secretions. 

 Infection with MPXV often leads to the development of lesions with exudates that contain viable virions that can be shed during infection. As compared to other enveloped viruses, MPXV virions are more tightly bound with the fibrin matrices of the scab/crust, thereby allowing for them to persist within the environment for longer periods. 

 A recent study conducted by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and published in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases assessed the viability and viral load of MPXV on household objects and surfaces. Samples were collected from frequently used objects in the household of an individual who had been infected with MPXV. 

This sampling was conducted 15 days after the infected individual had left their home to be admitted to the hospital. These samples were then incubated to allow for virus isolation and the detection of viable viruses. Importantly, any potential contamination with bacteria or fungi was prevented by treating all incubated samples with penicillin/streptomycin, amphotericin B, and gentamicin.

Monkey Pox:CDC recommends masking despite evidence that its sexually transmitted.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a study Friday suggesting that people wear masks to protect themselves from monkey pox despite growing evidence the virus is transmitted sexually. The CDC’s Friday Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), its internal journal, included research on the spread of monkey pox via contaminated surfaces. 

Researchers in Utah sampled 30 different samples from the home of two monkey pox patients, and found that 21 of the surfaces yielded positive real-time PCR results, but none tested positive for viral cultures. Still, despite the lack of live virus found in the samples, the paper still warns that monkey pox can spread through surface contact. The agency also recommends wearing masks at the bottom of the paper, even though little evidence has emerged that monkey pox is an airborne virus 

 “Monkey pox virus primarily spreads through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact with the rash, scabs, lesions, body fluids, or respiratory secretions of a person with monkey pox; transmission via contaminated objects or surfaces (i.e., fomites) is also possible,” the paper reads. 

 “Persons living in or visiting the home of someone with monkey pox should follow appropriate precautions against indirect exposure and transmission by wearing a well-fitting mask, avoiding touching possibly contaminated surfaces, maintaining appropriate hand hygiene, avoiding sharing eating utensils, clothing, bedding, or towels, and following home disinfection recommendations.”

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Halal meat: how to start producing Halal meat

 Halal meat

To start producing Halal meat, you need to embrace these four steps: 1) The premises must be for halal slaughtering alone and all necessary permits regarding abattoir, slaughter lines and waste management must be collected.


Halal management: the ethics / tenets of  the halal slaughtering and halal management principles must be followed strictly.

Standard operating protocols: the slaughtering techniques, animal specification clearly spelled out by the Halal protocol must be clearly written out, pasted on walls and practiced.

Halal certification and standardization: the facility and production lines  must be inspected, processes audited to ensure compliance and then certification is provided.

   To tap into this trillion dollar industry, start a niche business: start an halal meat shop.

1)Start an abattoir that is for Halal slaughtering alone. Get the facility registered and certified and create continuous income by providing your facility for Halal slaughtering at a fee and also providing a base for meat export.

2) Decide the type of animal you want to slaughter: cattle, sheep or goat.

3) Slaughter only healthy animals.

4) Process and package beef with the Halal certification seal and start making money.

The Muslim community is growing and many more countries are adopting the Halal method with certification to tap into the trillion dollar industry.

The Muslim population reached 1.8 billion in 2015 and it is expected to be the world’s fastest growing religious group, increasing by 70% to almost 3 billion people by 2060, according to the forecast made by Pew Research Center. 

Very good news for the halal meat industry, seeing that the main driver for this market is set by the Muslim expenditure on halal meat and related products. 

 In the recent years, lots of European countries have decided to support the cause, considering the high profits coming from Muslim markets, as well as the choice in the internal market of many non-Muslims to eat halal meat for ethical reasons. 

                                   DID YOU KNOW? 

The biggest importer of halal-certified food from the OIC countries is Saudi Arabia, followed on the second spot by Malaysia, while UAE, Indonesia and Egypt occupy the third, the fourth and the fifth position respectively in the top 5 leading halal food importers. Meanwhile, the top 10 biggest exporters of halal meat to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries account for a total trade value of $14.04 billion. 

 Brazil is the largest exporter of halal meat to these countries with a trade value worth $5.19 billion, followed by Australia with $2.36 billion and India with $2.28 billion on the second and third spots respectively. 

Other big exporters are as follows: France ($0.8 billion), China ($0.7 billion), Sudan and South Sudan ($0.63 billion), the Netherlands ($0.59 billion), Spain ($0.56 billion), Somalia ($0.47 billion) and Turkey ($0.46 billion).


What is Halal Meat.?

 What is Halal meat?

Halal is Arabic for permissible. Halal food is that which adheres to Islamic law, as defined in the Koran. The Islamic form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dhabiha, involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe. 

 Halal food means food permitted under the Islamic Law and should fulfill the following conditions: Does not consist of or contain anything which is considered to be unlawful according to Islamic Law. Has not been prepared, processed, transported or stored using any appliance or facility that was not free from anything unlawful according to Islamic Law. and its not in the course of preparation, processing, transportation or storage been in contact with food that is unclean.

 The production of this type of meat represents an expanding market share and today is not only a Muslim consumers’ prerogative.This meat must be slaughtered and processed according to halal rules, respecting the Islamic precepts and avoiding any contamination. 

These rules do not involve pork meat because it is considered haram (prohibited). 

 Sources of Halal foods Animals Animals can be divided into two categories: Land animals and Aquatic animals.

     How to start Halal meat business.

 In order to obtain the status of halal meat, all the processing steps must be followed and checked by a recognized certification body that subsequently certifies its compliance with the Halal standards. The sale is allowed exclusively in halal butcher shops, which can only sell certified meat. These are not only halal butcheries, but also large-scale retail brands. All processing, distribution and sale stages are strictly controlled, in order to avoid contamination. 

According to Muslims, Halal slaughtering procedure leads the animal to a total bleeding. This does not cause suffering because the pain center of the brain stops its functions immediately. 

      What is Halal slaughtering? 

 The animal to be slaughtered has to be an animal that is halal.The animal to be slaughtered shall be alive or deemed to be alive at the time of slaughter.Animals to be slaughtered shall be healthy and have been approved by the competent authority.

 The place of slaughter(abattoir) shall be used for the purpose of the slaughter of halal animals only. The place of slaughter of halal animals shall be fully separated from the place of slaughter of non-halal animals to the effect that the halal slaughtered animals shall not be contaminated or come into direct contact with contaminants. 

 Slaughtering lines, tools and utensils shall be used for the purpose of halal slaughter only.Slaughtering knife shall be sharp.Bones nails and teeth shall not be used as slaughtering tools. The slaughterer shall be a Muslim who is mentally sound and fully understands the fundamental rules and conditions related to the slaughter of animals in Islam. 

The knife to be used must be razor sharp; the blade must be straight and smooth, and free from any serration, pits, notches or damage. The length of the blade must be at least four times the width of the neck of the animal to be slaughtered. 

The blade must not flex noticeably whence in use. The act of slaughter must be done with a simple swipe across the neck. The cut should not be any deeper than necessary to sever the carotid artery, jugular vein and windpipe and must not sever the spinal cord. 

The slaughterer must pronounce aloud the Arabic words, Bismillah, AllahuAkbar (in the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest) in a reverential tone, when slaughtering


The Halal Meat Market: a Booming Goldmine.

What is Halal meat? 

Halal is Arabic for permissible. Halal food is that which adheres to Islamic law, as defined in the Koran. The Islamic form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dhabiha, involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe. 

 The global halal meat market size is expected to grow at a Compound annual growth rate of 7.8% during the forecast period (2021–2030). Growing consumer awareness about the certification methods that offer varied benefits is anticipated to be a major driving factor boosting the demand for halal-certified products. 

The perception attributed to the methods is important while knowing the choice of customers in consideration with the product they would prefer to buy. 

 Moreover, there are other driving factors involved that will increase the demand for halal meat in the coming years. Factors such as growing spending of customers to buy food, lifestyle changes, and the ever-growing middle-class populations in developing countries. 

  Top Key Market Drivers: 

The halal meat market is a growing market as people are becoming more aware of the health benefits it provides. More than 50% of non-Muslims are aware of the concept of ‘halal’ that is associated with cleanliness and hygiene. 

Overall 47% of people are aware of the concept. Young people are more aware and woke in terms of understanding different cultural concepts. It was found that 63% of the young population between the age of 18 and 24 thoroughly know the concept. In the halal meat concept, animals are killed according to Islamic Shariah law. 

This law states that the animal should be treated nicely when alive and should be slaughtered by hand. The goal is to minimize the pain for the animal while it is being killed. This method has an advantage in quality, wholesomeness, and edibility. Slaughtering an animal in a kind manner is more humane as compared to slaughtering it with a machine. Thus, this law is anticipated to boost market growth to a great extent


1) It is a healthy way to consume meat because you are sure its hygienically processed and all food safety protocols are adopted. 

2) It is a good niche market if you want to join the exporting arm of the meat industry .The importation of meat and poultry products into Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) nations, and other Islamic countries, is big business

 3)The Muslim population reached 1.8 billion in 2015 and it is expected to be the world’s fastest growing religious group, increasing by 70% to almost 3 billion people by 2060, according to the forecast made by Pew Research Center. 

             Read more about Halal.

Very good news for the halal meat industry, seeing that the main driver for this market is set by the Muslim expenditure on halal meat and related products.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

WHO declares rapidly spreading monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency


WHO declares rapidly spreading monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency. The WHO declared monkeypox a global health emergency. 

 The rare designation means the WHO now views the outbreak as a significant enough threat to global health that a coordinated international response is needed. The WHO last issued a global health emergency in January 2020 in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. Europe is the epicenter of the outbreak. Right now, men who have sex with men are the community at highest risk. 

The WHO chief said the global risk is moderate, but the threat is high in Europe. Monkeypox is unlikely to disrupt international trade or travel right now, the WHO chief said. 

 The World Health Organization has activated its highest alert level for the growing monkeypox outbreak, declaring the virus a public health emergency of international concern. The rare designation means the WHO now views the outbreak as a significant enough threat to global health that a coordinated international response is needed to prevent the virus from spreading further and potentially escalating into a pandemic.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Toolkit helps identify and respond to monkeypox exposures among health workers.


Toolkit helps identify and respond to monkey pox exposures among health workers.Massachusetts General Hospital developed a toolkit that can help identify and respond to potential monkey pox exposures among health care personnel, researchers reported in Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. 

 The toolkit uses an enhanced version of REDCap, a web-based software platform that supports survey and data collection.

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