Showing posts with label Bird flu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bird flu. Show all posts

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Evidence of probable transmission of bird flu virus between two unrelated individuals.

The study describes two patients who shared the same ward in a district hospital in Zhejiang Province, China in February 2015.Hospital acquired (nosocomial) infection most likely route of transmission, The first (index) case was a 49 year old man who became ill after buying two chickens from a live poultry market for the wedding ceremony of his elder daughter. He developed a fever, cough, and sore throat and was admitted to a district hospital on 18 February. He was diagnosed with H7N9 virus on 24 February and was admitted to a specialist hospital ward with intensive care facilities. He died of multi-organ failure on 20 April. The second case, a 57 year old man with a history of chronic lung disease (COPD), developed flu-like symptoms after staying on the same ward of the district hospital as the index case for five days (18 to 23 February). He was diagnosed with H7N9 virus on 25 February and died of respiratory failure on 2 March. A total of 38 close contacts of both cases, including family members and health workers, were tested for the virus. Two samples taken from the chickens purchased by the index patient as well as five of 11 samples from the live poultry market he visited were positive for H7N9 virus.The second patient had no history of poultry exposure for 15 days prior to his illness. Samples from his home, from chickens raised by his neighbours, and a local chicken farm were all negative for H7N9 virus. Yet the genetic sequence of H7N9 virus from the second patient was nearly identical to that from the index patient, and genetically similar to the virus samples taken from the live poultry market visited by the index patient. The researchers stress that they cannot completely rule out an unidentified environmental exposure that might explain the H7N9 infection in the second patient.They say these results "should raise our concern about the increasing threat to public health" and they call for better training and hospital hygiene as well as enhanced surveillance of both patients with influenza-like illness in hospitals and chickens in live poultry markets Read more about unconventional routes of birdflu virus transmission and how to prevent transmission.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


BIRD FLU!!! what are the biosecurity protocols? how do you prepare for an incidence of bird flu? what steps do you take to curb spread of bird flu virus? 

 A training was recently put together in Hong Kong, see details here;


Bio security protocols are simple yet essential activities to prevent entry of infectious agents and curb spread of diseases.These are some of lesson learnt from break of bio security protocol.


Bird flu hits Ghana ;

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


One world,one health; the veterinarian and medical doctors working together on the avian influenza virus outbreak.

 Today,i went with a team of investigators from the federal ministry of health and NVRI to a farm that recently had the bird flu outbreak.

The team had to ask questions and collect samples. one world,one health,one medicine.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


The spread of avian influenza can be curbed using strict bio security measures,these will include cleaning,washing and regular disinfection of farm site.There are various chemicals that have virucidal potency that can be used to disinfect and decontaminate farm premises. One of such is virkon s,proven to be very effective against bird flu,along side other pathogens. The use of virkon s can not be overemphasized because of the tremendous success it has achieved in farms,hospitals food industry etc.There are various applications for the virkon s in various sectors,but we will focus on its uses in the farm. Virkon S a virucidal disinfectant is used in the following ways; 1) foot dip 2)aerial disinfection of buildings in the farm,cages,animal housing e.t.c.3) treatment of water source The benefits of using virkon s are as following; its potent against various pathogens such as virus,bacteria and fungi ,thus making it suitable as a bio-security tool and also in cases of emergency disease control .It serves multipurpose function and its easy to transport .Its of value in the food industry as it has been proven to eliminate the salmonella super strain,the rate at which virkon s kills pathogen is 10 times faster than similar agents. Virkon S used for aerial disinfection;the virkon s is prepared at a dilution rate of 1:200/10sqm floor space,the solution is placed in knap sac and spray nozzle is set to fine droplet and solution is applied to desired areas.The major advantage is that the solution can be used in presence of animals in cages ,pens and other shelter type. The virkon s can also be applied to birds in deep litter ; this is achieved by sprinkling some quantity of the powder an the litter and its turned to make it fresh and clean,this will also eliminate odor from the poultry house. THINK VIRKON S!!! BIO SECURE YOUR FARMS!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Unrestricted movements to farms,across farms and from other farms to your farm. Contamination of feed and water with droppings. Contact with wild birds,infected birds and exotic birds. Contaminated farm equipment and tools. Soiled hands. contaminated plastic and paper crates. Inhaling infected Respiratory droplets. All these routes of transmission can be curtailed with strict bio security protocol; which should include isolation ,washing, and disinfection .The pathogens are usually inactivated by potent disinfectants that contain active ingredients that destroys these pathogens; these include lipid solvents,saponated cresols,phenol compounds,formaldehyde,lodine compounds,hypochlorite, and ammonia compounds. There are various compounds with varied potency,hence its imperative to tailor your disinfectants to match the pathogens to ensure efficacy. Twitter


The use of virkon s can not be overemphasized because of the tremendous success it has achieved in farms,hospitals food industry etc.There are various applications for the virkon s in various sectors,but we will focus on its uses in the farm. Virkon S a virucidal disinfectant is used in the following ways; 1) foot dip 2)aerial disinfection of buildings in the farm,cages,animal housing e.t.c.3) treatment of water source The benefits of using virkon s are as following; its potent against various pathogens such as virus,bacteria and fungi ,thus making it suitable as a bio-security tool and also in cases of emergency disease control .It serves multipurpose function and its easy to transport .Its of value in the food industry as it has been proven to eliminate the salmonella super strain,the rate at which virkon s kills pathogen is 10 times faster than similar agents. Virkon S used for aerial disinfection;the virkon s is prepared at a dilution rate of 1:200/10sqm floor space,the solution is placed in knap sac and spray nozzle is set to fine droplet and solution is applied to desired areas.The major advantage is that the solution can be used in presence of animals in cages ,pens and other shelter type. The virkon s can also be applied to birds in deep litter ; this is achieved by sprinkling some quantity of the powder an the litter and its turned to make it fresh and clean,this will also eliminate odor from the poultry house. THINK VIRKON S!!! BIO SECURE YOUR FARMS!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2015


The bird flu virus infection in man can be prevented by observing a simple technique of washing,disinfection , decontamination and wearing protective clothing such as overalls,gloves,boots , googles and nose masks. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING; This is very important for poultry workers, handlers and veterinary officers that are in constant contact with birds of various specie.The protective clothing include boots, aprons,overalls,gloves and hair nets. The protective clothing must be washed and disinfected daily to prevent spread of infection.When there is an incidence,the protective clothing must be discarded.When working in a farm with an outbreak of the bird flu virus,utmost care must be taken to prevent infection.All biosecurity protocol must be observed. HAND WASHING. This is of high importance, hands must be washed and dipped in disinfectants that are potent against major poultry diseases especially avian influenza.Hands are to be washed and disinfected any time you touch/handle poultry. Hand washing should also be encouraged whenever you touch/come in contact with poultry implements,tools and equipment.It is of utmost importance to wash and sanitize any tools or implements that are introduced to your farm. Hand washing and sanitizing is a sure way to stay safe. PROCESSING LIVE POULTRY. Ensure the poultry is clean and not infected.Do not buy dead birds,do not process dead birds. Do not consume under-cooked or un cooked poultry. The exchange of egg crates is also a possible route of infection,thus when you want to buy eggs,ensure crates are clean and hand wash immediately after touching crates. ensure you discard paper crates and always disinfect plastic crates. Hand washing after handling,processing poultry.Sanitizing will go a step further to ensure safety.. Avian influenza can be prevented; Inculcate good hygiene protocol of hand washing and sanitizing every time you touch poultry and handle poultry products.

Sunday, August 2, 2015


The virus is still very much around ravaging farms and causing huge economic losses.A strict bio security protocol will keep the virus at bay. A simple technique of isolation,disinfection / decontamination and disposal is an effective way to keep birds safe.The bird flu has affected so many countries and all hands are on deck to stop the virus.

Friday, July 31, 2015


Bio security is undoubtedly a means of averting disease outbreak and curb spread of diseases. A farm without adequate bio security protocol is only asking for trouble. Here in these pics ;see how a breech of biosecurity protocol caused havoc on this farm.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Avian influenza is a deadly viral infection that have been ravaging poultry farms around the world.The rate of spread of the virus is very alarming, and although wild birds have been implicated in the spread of the virus,contamination and contact are routes for persistence of the virus in and around farms. The role of bio security in the prevention and curbing of spread of infection on farms cannot be over emphasized,the bio security protocol must be simple,easily adaptable and measurable.The simplicity of the protocol will ensure strict compliance, the bio security measures include the following; 1) Do not allow visitors to your farm. 2) vehicles coming into the farm area must pass through a vat filled with disinfectants or the vehicle is hosed down with disinfectants . 3) The farm area must be cordoned off and must have foot dips at entrance. 4)The farm hands must enter the farm site from an entrance then go to cloak room to change into clean disinfected farm wear. 5)The tools and personal wear must be washed daily and disinfected. 6) The drinkers must be cleaned and disinfected. 7) floors drains and working surfaces are to be cleaned and disinfected. 8)isolate new birds to farms ,in a separate section of farm. 9) The birds can also be sprayed in the cages using disinfectants. 10)The water source must be clean and cool, ensure the purity of water source by treating with chemicals. 11)Litter management is very important,scrap and pack litter and dispose properly. 12) Proper disposal of dead birds, and other waste matter from the farm. 13) The farm environs must be clean and devoid of grasses,or stagnant pools. 14)The disinfectants used in foot dips must be changed at regular intervals. Bird flu is indeed deadly and zoonotic depending on the strain of virus involved.The first major sign is high mortality of sudden onset,then bluish-purplish combs,shanks and crop region,swollen lids and diarrhea. When you observe any of such signs,do not start treating or vaccinating; just restrict access to your farm and notify your vet.

Friday, July 17, 2015


Every day,all around the world, Virocid is applied with tremendous success. Virocid is used in various ways such as in animal husbandry, fish farming, food processing, animal transport, and feed storage, because of the disinfecting power of Virocid. An efficient and continuous disinfection is very essential. Virulent diseases not only cut in the profit, but adversely affect the entire industry. Where Virocid® is applied, bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores are eliminated. Investing in the bio-security of animals, houses, materials, buildings, vehicles and people is the best strategy as it leads to better production ,and confirms the saying “prevention is better than cure “ The bigger and more intensive animal husbandry becomes, the bigger the risk for virulent diseases. There is one solution for preventing these losses: Virocid®. The bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal and sporicidal effect of Virocid® is unique in the world and is safe for people, animals and their environment. The worldwide success of Virocid® is based on the unique synergism of this characteristics: • “Hospital grade” disinfectant • Highly efficient to kill bacteria, spores, viruses and fungi • Residual action • No resistance • Very low dilution rate • Extremely economical cost- in-use • Versatile usage: spraying, foaming, fogging, booth dips, wheel dips • Active at all temperatures • Effective in hard water • Effective in presence of organic matter • Safe for equipment (neutral pH) and environment friendly Virocid® offers at least two times more protection than no matter which other disinfectant. So it¹s not surprising at all that Virocid® is number one in the world! Virocid® is thanks to a dosage which is minimum 50% lower than other disinfecting products, not only more economical, but is also offering a wide application range for the daily disinfection of: • Animal houses and material • Animal transport and materials • Storage and processing rooms for feed and food • Food transport • Boots and wheels via dipping baths

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Avian influenza still trending in certain countries like Ghana,United kingdom,United states,Israel,Taiwan, China and Nigeria.The infections in most countries are of various strain with varied virulence.The outbreaks have been controlled by depopulation of birds in affected farms,fumigation of affected poultry,quarantine of 3km radius for farms in vicinity of affected sites. Farmers are advised to report cases of bird flu to necessary authority.The common signs of bird flu are sudden death,swollen wattles and combs,purplish shanks,ruffled feathers and inappetence. The cases with low virulence normally show ruffled feathers,soft shelled eggs and decrease/absence of egg laying.The virus has been linked to migratory birds and wet waterlogged areas such as areas close to rivers,lakes e.t.c. bio security protocol must be strictly adhered to, the sequence of isolation/quarantine and disinfection must be the rule of thumb in the poultry.The common disinfectants recommended in cases of outbreaks are virkon and virocid,these have been tested and proven to kill the avian influenza virus.

Sunday, May 31, 2015


Antibiotic residue in animal by products such as eggs are a global concern especially with the "superbugs effect".The process of rearing animals on a commercial level has come under attack because of the impact on the health of man.The production process from farm to table is laced with use of antibiotics ,growth hormones and anticoccidial drugs,which impact negatively on the consumers. Antibiotic residue in animals has been identified as the key factor for proliferation of antibiotic resistant bacteria resulting in several deaths especially in children and women.The residues in animal tissues have also been fingered as the reason for increase cases of obesity,diabetes,cancer ,kidney and liver diseases and early attainment of sexual maturity in children. The additives in animal feed with its negative impact on health has been a debate and several countries opting out of the use,with many buying animals reared only on home grown feed,more and more people buying organic products and very many others purchasing from farmers/organizations with better production method. The rearing of animals can be a mind bogging experience if the proper management technique are not employed, and products churned out will definitely be different. Eggs; a major by-product from poultry has come under scrutiny with many scholars advocating the incorporation into diet and some others criticizing this because of " cholesterol" level but the fact is "an egg a day does keep the doctors away." Eggs are of immense benefits, they provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals e.t.c( read more about egg benefits at The eggs produced from chicken raised on antibiotic laden techniques cannot deliver any nutrient to the consumer,rather its a vehicle for antibiotic resistant bacteria to proliferate. An egg is really not an egg on its own,rather an egg is the sum total of what you feed your chicken,hence your practice impacts your products. Chicken raised with Atovi premix have the following benefits; the poultry house has no foul odor,the chicken are big without fat and skin is smooth and crispy, the eggs are bigger with thick shells and no antibiotic residue.The atovi ensures natural detoxification and expulsion of harmful compounds such as synthetic drugs,natural poison and antibiotics on cellular level which ensures that eggs and poultry are free of residues.The digestive system is energized and it ensures proper absorption of nutrient and total utilization which results in odorless waste due to absence of undigested protein in the feces. The birds have greater stamina,they dont succumb to diseases because of there energized cells that enhances their immune system. Farms where Atovi is used have zero cost on medication which is a real advantage especially in outbreak cases of bird flu,the birds wont contract the virus. Eggs are essential for development especially for children so ensure you are buying eggs of chicken raised without antibiotics.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


The bird flu virus has affected more birds and man in certain countries, and all around the world hands are on deck to stop the virus. The basic concept is to educate the populace about the virus,the signs/symptoms,the bio security protocol that must be put in place to stop the virus and also what to do in cases of outbreak in poultry or infection in man. The approach is hygiene and isolation; ensuring that the proper agents are used correctly in bio security protocol. There are numerous agents used on farms,hospitals e.t.c to disinfect them,but the agent that readily comes to mind at this time of bird flu outbreak is VIRKON® S,as it has been proven to kill the bird flu virus among over pathogens. The issue of bio security is on going,more and more approaches to secure our farms have been birthed to help the farmers,in line with this i had a talk with some poultry farmers to educate them and give practical tips on how to handle the bird flu virus. When there is an outbreak, all the birds in the poultry / aviary/zoo will be culled and the place decontaminated and quarantined to prevent spread of the virus.In the wake of the bird flu virus saga,some birds in a zoo were infected,so all other birds in the facility had to be culled. We can stop the bird flu virus! start now!

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