Agribusiness, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Cassava, Garri, food security, Agritech and the Red Meat Value Chain.
Showing posts with label AGRIC INSURANCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AGRIC INSURANCE. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
1) Land...............................................1,500,000
3) D.O.C @ 200#.....................................100,000.
4) Brooding cost @ 25#/chick........................12,500.
5)vaccination/medication @ 40#....................20,000.
6)Farm supplies,tools,wheel barrow................15,000.
8) Feed @ 100g/chick/day @ 0-3 weeks cost of feed(2800).....11,760.
9)Feed @ 180g/chick/day for 4-7 weeks and cost of feed..3000....226,800.
10) Labor...................................20,000.
sale of birds @ 2000/bird.
2000x 490(2% mortality}......980,000.
Profit=sale proceeds-recurrent expenditure
= 980,000- 391,060
588,940 Naira.
An investor will have a profit of 588,940; and subsequent production cost will reduce because the capital expenditure is paid for at onset of production An investor can have this turn over every 42 days,thats a good turn-over.

Friday, October 16, 2015
Monday, August 17, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Farming is a major force that drives the economy, and the higher the number of people involved the better for the economy. The agricultural business though very lucrative many players are still in the dark about various aspects of production and better methods of production. Farmers basically need to update their knowledge so they can harness several opportunities,exposure to new drugs and techniques.
The farmer needs to learn about management polices,insurance,latest products and vaccination methods,a lot of farmers really operate out of old ideas that cant solve today's challenges,hence there is a need for constant interaction between the service providers and the farmers; animal health care product manufacturers,technical officers,vets,banks and insurance companies.
The interactive forum is to expose to modern ways of animal husbandry and how to make more money,in line with this a farmers bazaar is been organized;
venue....Ajah vet center,Ajah Lagos.
time...10 am
topic....agric insurance, access to agric facilities, benefits of registration and how to make more money from your venture.
There will be demonstration from banks,insurance company,manufacturers of animal health products,disinfectants and protective clothing.
come ,learn and be more protective.

The spread of avian influenza can be curbed using strict bio security measures,these will include cleaning,washing and regular disinfection of farm site.There are various chemicals that have virucidal potency that can be used to disinfect and decontaminate farm premises. One of such is virkon s,proven to be very effective against bird flu,along side other pathogens.
The use of virkon s can not be overemphasized because of the tremendous success it has achieved in farms,hospitals food industry etc.There are various applications for the virkon s in various sectors,but we will focus on its uses in the farm.
Virkon S a virucidal disinfectant is used in the following ways; 1) foot dip 2)aerial disinfection of buildings in the farm,cages,animal housing e.t.c.3) treatment of water source
The benefits of using virkon s are as following; its potent against various pathogens such as virus,bacteria and fungi ,thus making it suitable as a bio-security tool and also in cases of emergency disease control .It serves multipurpose function and its easy to transport .Its of value in the food industry as it has been proven to eliminate the salmonella super strain,the rate at which virkon s kills pathogen is 10 times faster than similar agents.
Virkon S used for aerial disinfection;the virkon s is prepared at a dilution rate of 1:200/10sqm floor space,the solution is placed in knap sac
and spray nozzle is set to fine droplet and solution is applied to desired areas.The major advantage is that the solution can be used in presence of animals in cages ,pens and other shelter type. The virkon s can also be applied to birds in deep litter ; this is achieved by sprinkling some quantity of the powder an the litter and its turned to make it fresh and clean,this will also eliminate odor from the poultry house.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015
AGRIC INSURANCE. Agric Insurance policies are to facilitate better production by protecting the farmer's capital/investment and also use it as a tool for economic growth.
Agric insurance is important for the growth and development of the agricultural sector in any economy.
The essence of agric insurance is to protect farmers from losses resulting from hazards such as flood,fire,pest,disease and emergency control measures such as in case of outbreaks of African swine fever,bird flu e.t.c
.Agric insurance is also relevant in abattoir operations,with particular reference to condemnation of carcasses and organs in disease conditions and transportation accident.
The benefits of insurance are enormous,aside the monetary compensation, there is access to professionals who over- see the project,certified animals are procured to start the project,data of farmers & operations are generated,it also encourages proper record keeping and disease control measures.
When agric/animal husbandry projects are insured,there will be proper management ,food safety will be enhanced and wholesome products will be in our market.The fear of running at a loss is the reason why producers cut corners,avoid the necessary management protocol such as vaccination,reporting outbreaks,processing dead animals, and using unconventional feeding practices and unauthorized drugs in production to attain market weight early.
AGRIC INSURANCE. The agric insurance sector though a growing industry,still has a lot to do to convince farmers to insure their businesses. A large percentage of farmers dont access this opportunity to their detriment and to the loss of the economy on a larger scale.
The farmers /producers need financial bodies to work with them,to give soft landing in case of loss and to pay commensurate compensations in cases of emergency control of diseases.
The farmers cant access certain loans because they are not insured; premium are not fixed and certain diseases are not included in the policies.
The time to bring the farmers on board the insurance train is now: banks/ insurance companies, the farmers/food processors await your call of pocket-friendly premiums ,better pay-out policy,wider range of hazard coverage and reduced interest on loans.
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