Friday, July 6, 2018

Blinding canine eye disease.

Blinding canine eye disease.Discovery for a blinding canine eye disease reveals an unprecedented mode of inheritance.A new gene for canine congenital eye disease has been identified. Defective RBP4 leads to vitamin A deficiency and abnormal eye development during pregnancy. The study defines a novel recessive mode of maternal inheritance, which may underlie other types of birth defects. Collaborating research groups from the University of Helsinki, UC Davis and the University of Jyväskylä describe a new genetic cause for canine congenital eye disease in Irish Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers. The affected dogs suffer from bilateral microphthalmia i.e. very small eyes and anatomical defects, resulting in incurable blindness. Similar findings are seen in the Microphthalmia-Anophthalmia-Coloboma (MAC) spectrum of human congenital eye malformations, which are important causes of childhood blindness. RBP4 defect leads to vitamin A deficiency -- a known risk factor for eye diseases. The study demonstrates a novel recessive mode of genetic inheritance, which has not described before. The researchers discovered that the dam's genotype determines the puppy's disease risk as both the dam and puppy must be homozygous for the mutation to manifest the disease.As a part of the research, a DNA test has been developed for veterinary diagnosis and breeding purposes. DNA testing is important for breeders to avoid producing more blind dogs. The test can identify carriers and allow better breeding plans.

Dogs can be a potential risk for future influenza pandemic.

Dogs can be a potential risk for future influenza pandemic.Dogs are a potential reservoir for a future influenza pandemic, according to a study published in the journal mBio. The study demonstrated that influenza virus can jump from pigs into canines and that influenza is becoming increasingly diverse in canines. Influenza can jump among animal reservoirs where many different strains are located; these reservoirs serve as mixing bowls for the genetic diversity of strains. Pandemic influenza occurs when viruses jump from animal reservoirs to humans; with no prior exposure to the virus, most people do not have immunity to these viruses. The main animal hosts for influenza are wild birds, poultry and other domestic birds in a species pack; swine; and horses. Some of the viral genes from the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus originated in birds, from an avian virus that jumped to pigs, exchanged some of its genes with previously circulating swine viruses and then jumped from pigs into humans. Birds and swine are major reservoirs of viral genetic diversity, whereas equines and canines have historically been restricted to one or two stable influenza A viruses lineages with no or very limited transmission to humans.

RESEARCH : Cattle, sheep and goats may transmit leptospirosis to humans in Tanzania.

RESEARCH : Cattle, sheep and goats may transmit leptospirosis to humans in Tanzania. Cattle, sheep and goats may transmit leptospirosis to humans in Tanzania. Leptospirosis, which affects more than one million people worldwide each year, is known to be transmitted to humans from a wide range of animals. Now, researchers reporting in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases have discovered that more than 7 percent of the cattle and 1 percent of sheep and goats in local slaughterhouses in northern Tanzania are infected with Leptospira bacteria. RESEARCH : Cattle, sheep and goats may transmit leptospirosis to humans in Tanzania. Leptospirosis is a disease caused by infection with bacteria of the genus Leptospira. In humans, the disease can range in severity from mild to severe disease leading to kidney damage, liver failure, or death. The disease is most common in tropical environments, but occurs worldwide, particularly in people who work outdoors or with animals. Acute leptospirosis is an important cause of febrile disease in Tanzania, where little is known about the most common sources of infection in humans. In the new work conducted in northern Tanzania, Kathryn Allan, of the University of Glasgow, UK, and colleagues tested rodents, cattle, goats and sheep for Leptospira infection.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


VETERINARY MEDICINE : WSAVA AND THE ONE CARE INITIATIVE. WSAVA is World Small Animal Veterinary Association, with the primary purpose to advance the quality and availability of small animal medicine and surgery thus creating a unified standard of care for the benefit of animals and humankind. VETERINARY MEDICINE : WSAVA AND THE ONE CARE INITIATIVE. WSAVA is a "Global Veterinary Community” creates a platform where veterinarians can help each other and to generate a “One global voice” from the veterinary profession to contribute to the world,the one care initiative. WSAVA represents more than 200,000 veterinarians worldwide through 105 member associations with a representation in Nigeria as well. The Nigerian arm in conjunction with the WSAVA recently held a conference in Lagos with the theme "CONSOLIDATING YOUR PRACTICE SUCCESS" which featured series of lectures and wet lab. The WSAVA Vice President / Asia Siraya Chunekamrai was present to introduce the one care initiative.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Agribusiness : opportunities in cassava processing in Nigeria.( Echbee Foods)

Agribusiness : opportunities in cassava processing in Nigeria. An indigenous company, Echbee Foods in Lagos has opportunities in the cassava value chain. The vision of the company is to expose the possibilities in the chain thus providing employment .

The mission of echbee foods {the company} is to promote cassava as a new source of nutritious wholesome meals for the family.#agribusiness #cassava The company uses garri to make highly nutritious snacks,food and also packages garri with milk/sugar and groundnut. 

The company seeks young vibrant vendors to market the products, the aim of the company is to help boost cassava production by exploring new feeding preferences and thus support women and children. #cassava #opportunities 

 The company products are flakes, the company is looking for marketers and distributors /sales representatives nation wide. #Agribusiness : opportunities in cassava processing in Nigeria.

 Interested send CV to #opportunities #cassava #Nigeria #Rwanda #Kenya #Tanzania

Cassava : tapioca treatment for cancer.

Cassava :Tapioca treatment for #cancer.Tapioca pudding - widely known as frog's eggs by many school pupils - may after all be good for you. Scientists say the plant from which it is derived may help cure #cancer. Tapioca is derived from the cassava plant amongst other products such as garri, cassava flour e.t.c. Cassava is one of many plants which manufactures cyanide to deter animals who might want to eat it. This means that all products from the root tuber can deter cancer. Cassava : tapioca treatment for cancer. Cassava called Manihot esculenta, is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. Cassava is the third-largest source of food carbohydrates in the tropics, after rice and maize. Cassava is a major staple food in the developing world, providing a basic diet for over half a billion people. Cassava is one of the most drought-tolerant crops, capable of growing on marginal soils and Nigeria is the world's largest producer of cassava, while Thailand is the largest exporter of dried cassava. Cassava can be processed into various products such as garri,tapioca, cake,bread and flakes which when fortified can provide a balanced meal for adults and children. Cassava is gluten free with high fiber content has found value as food and medicine for man and animals. Cassava derivatives such as tapioca, garri and flour can be used to make nutritious and healthy meals for school feeding programme. Garri can be used to make nutritious snacks,cereals and healthy meals for the kids. Vitamin A fortified cassava is an added advantage thus providing affordable, wholesome and balanced meals. Cassava : tapioca treatment for cancer.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Cassava Root: cassava enzymes can kill cancer cells.

#Cassava Root: Beats cancer instead of Chemo and Radiation! Plus it doesn't kill you! #Cassava root has Vitamin B-17 which cures cancer and boosts energy. 

Cyanide in plants help protect it from insect attack, this protective mechanism is now helping to kill cancer cells in humans. Cassava is one of such plants and this is how it kills cancer cell.

The method of using the cassava root is to  remove 3 layers of the skin peeling and peel it all the way to the white or you could get cyanide poisoning!  

 The peeled cassava is grated then put in a blender with water and blended until fine. A yellowish fluid is a product of the mix,this is decanted,strained and consumed. If grated peeled cassava is blended or consumed raw and it kills cancer cells then further processing of the grated cassava to produce Garri is equally therapeutic for cancer. 

The high fiber content of garri promotes bowel emptying thus preventing the risk of colon cancer. This high fiber garri can be processed in several ways to fit different age groups,making it a cheap and better source of wholesome food

 Another method is to just grate the cassava that the 3 layer coatings have been removed and just  eat. #cassava

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