Friday, September 25, 2015


Beef processing and handling is riddled with a lot of challenges, ranging from lack of insurance policy to lack of compensation to butchers who have their animals condemned.

The food industry has faced with a lot of challenges and all hands must be on deck to ensure that the proper protocols are enforced. The food fraud saga rocking some countries has resulted in several food recalls and a larger percentage of the populace are changing their dietary preferences. 

Sharp practices are employed by processors to ensure they make profit to the detriment of consumers. 

 Have you gone to the market to buy beef weighing a particular KG,but when you leave on kitchen unit you discover a reduction in size? or you cut up the beef and when its done you discover a dramatic reduction? well!!! welcome to food fraud arena. 

The carcass is usually punctured and water is poured in the carcass to increase the weight.When you ask processors to supply beef at a particular weight,they simply add water to make up for the short fall and break even. #change it # new paradigm # better processing # meat inspection laws.# new breed butchers.


Beef processing could be done manually or in slaughtering lines,but however you choose to slaughter basic hygiene principles must be observed. Water is an essential resource in any meat processing plant.Water is needed in all the processing segments to ensure that the beef is wholesome and fit for human consumption.The source of water must be clean,portable ..The source is basically pipe-borne water fully treated to ensure that any pathogen is destroyed,pipes must be checked to ensure its not burs ted or have any underground access to sewage. Water is usually used at high pressure to hose the animal down as they are brought into the slap,then every aspect of the processing is interrupted with hosing down before moving to next stage. Transportation to the market is another point of contamination; when processed beef are exposed and transported in dirty basins or carried in dirty wheel barrows.The beef when in transit should be not be tied up in bags,as the heat generated will be a breeding ground for pathogens to thrive.The heat generated will also facilitate spoilage of the beef,resulting in sale of spoiled beef in the market. Beef processing should be carried out in clean environment and transported in clean vehicles that are properly aerated with cooling facilities.Beef should be hung on rails in the vans,to ensure no part of the beef is heated up.This will prevent spoilage of beef before arrival in shops.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Livestock, Poultry and Seed Program - Agricultural Marketing Service

Livestock, Poultry and Seed Program - Agricultural Marketing Service

USDA Farmers Market - Agricultural Marketing Service

USDA Farmers Market - Agricultural Marketing Service


The ruminal contents are collected and left to dry and then used as land fills or vegetable garden. These waste can be collected and passed to bio digester which can be used to generate power. This will keep environment clean, safe and slaughter-zone hygienic.


Papillomatosis also referred to as warts.Its caused by a virus and are various species that are specific.calves are most susceptible. Bovine warts are caused by contagious virus,the papilloma virus.This usually spread by contact from infected cattle to non infected cattle or indirectly from feeders,halters and restraining equipment.

The warts are like cauliflower lesions or flat thickened lesions on the neck,head,trunk,teats and penis.These lesions normally appear 1-6 months after infection and not all infected cattle show lesions. 

The lesions normally spread from ears to other sites,cattle with ear tags or tatoos are prone to infection with secondary bacteria thus causing wide spread purulent discharges . Cattle with these lesion are properly examined if presented for slaughter in the abattoir and the skin should be condemned.

Red meat value chain : Uses of cattle by products.


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