Agribusiness, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Cassava, Garri, food security, Agritech and the Red Meat Value Chain.
Showing posts with label ticks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ticks. Show all posts
Monday, May 25, 2020
DOGS : Tick Bite? Here's What To Do.
DOGS : Tick Bite? Here's What To Do.A dog in the wrong place at the wrong time can be bit by dozens or even hundreds of ticks. Deer ticks go through three stages of life (larva, nymph, and adult), and feed only once in each of these stages; a blood meal ends each stage.
Larval ticks feed off mice and other small rodents, but nymphs and adults are a threat to dogs. These ticks are small and their bites don’t itch so they are easily overlooked, especially adult deer ticks and the nymphs of any species.
Ticks thrive in warm, moist conditions thus its important to always check under collars and around ears. If you observe a lump or bump inspect it critically you can seek help or better still use a magnifying glass.
Tick Bite? Here's What To Do.
Be careful when removing a tick to grasp it with tweezers firmly at the head, as close to the dog’s skin as possible, and slowly pull straight back. Never twist, press, burn, or apply irritating substances like kerosene to an attached tick because doing so can cause the parasite to expel the contents of its digestive tract, creating an unwanted hypodermic effect.
Three-percent hydrogen peroxide, the common disinfectant, is recommended for tick bites because the oxygen it contains destroys the Lyme disease bacteria. Hydrogen peroxide can be liberally poured over bites on light-haired dogs (keep away from eyes and apply directly to the skin) but because it’s a bleach, this method is not recommended for black or dark-haired dogs.
The use of an eyedropper to apply hydrogen peroxide directly to the bite will prevent unwanted bleaching. Get the guide here
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Flea And Tick Prevention For Cats.
Flea And Tick Prevention For Cats.
Fleas, ticks and other parasites are often the bane of you and your cat's health. Stop your cat scratching through regular treatment.
Cats aren’t the only ones who suffer from fleas. For every single flea living on your cat, there could be hundreds more developing in your home! Flea bites can lead some cats to develop allergies, whilst parasites can act as intermediate hosts for certain tapeworms.
A heavy infestation can also cause anaemia, which is potentially life-threatening.The most recommended method to prevent flea infestations on your cat would be the use of a flea control treatment monthly, especially in the warmer seasons.
In addition, the environment should also be treated regularly. Vacuuming and steaming the carpets, cleaning and washing all the bedding, and using carpet sprays are some of the options to prevent having these parasites multiplying in your house.
How do I spot fleas? The most obvious sign is persistent scratching. Fleas are dark brown and about 1mm to 2mms long. You may find them – as well as tiny black specks of flea dirt – in your cat's coat during combing.
There is an easy treatment now to keep your cats safe, one dose will kill fleas and ticks for 3 months. Order now.
Fleas, ticks and other parasites are often the bane of you and your cat's health. Stop your cat scratching through regular treatment.
Cats aren’t the only ones who suffer from fleas. For every single flea living on your cat, there could be hundreds more developing in your home! Flea bites can lead some cats to develop allergies, whilst parasites can act as intermediate hosts for certain tapeworms.
A heavy infestation can also cause anaemia, which is potentially life-threatening.The most recommended method to prevent flea infestations on your cat would be the use of a flea control treatment monthly, especially in the warmer seasons.
In addition, the environment should also be treated regularly. Vacuuming and steaming the carpets, cleaning and washing all the bedding, and using carpet sprays are some of the options to prevent having these parasites multiplying in your house.
How do I spot fleas? The most obvious sign is persistent scratching. Fleas are dark brown and about 1mm to 2mms long. You may find them – as well as tiny black specks of flea dirt – in your cat's coat during combing.
There is an easy treatment now to keep your cats safe, one dose will kill fleas and ticks for 3 months. Order now.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Lyme bacteria survive 28-day course of antibiotics months after infection.
Lyme bacteria survive 28-day course of antibiotics months after infection.Lyme bacteria can survive a 28-day course of antibiotic treatment four months following infection by tick bite, according to a new study using a primate model for the disease. Despite testing negative for Lyme disease, some subjects were infected with Lyme bacteria in heart, brain and other organs.
Based on a single, extensive study of Lyme disease designed by Tulane University researchers, the study employed multiple methods to evaluate the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes, the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, before and after antibiotic treatment in primates. The study also measured the antibody immune response to the bacteria both pre- and post- treatment, as this is how current diagnostics typically evaluate Lyme disease in humans.
The data show that living B. burgdorferi spirochetes were found in ticks that fed upon the primates and in multiple organs after treatment with 28 days of oral doxycycline. The results also indicated that the immune response to the bacteria varied widely in both treated and untreated subjects.
"It is apparent from these data that B. burgdorferi bacteria, which have had time to adapt to their host, have the ability to escape immune recognition,tolerate the antibiotic doxycycline and invade vital organs such as the brain and heart," said lead author Monica Embers, PhD, assistant professor of microbiology and immunology at Tulane University School of Medicine.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
The average pet loves to run and fetch,but with this comes ticks,fleas and mosquito bites.Are you tired of changing chemicals used on your pets? Then this program is for you, sign up your pet and get a 4 year protection. This is the only product that protects in this fashion and its super safe.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Two Queensland scientists have been recruited as part of a global project to help develop a tick vaccine for the African cattle industry.The tick may be an enemy of the Australian beef industry, but the situation is even more dire in Africa.The research is part of a global project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to help the overseas cattle producers combat tick infestation.
Researcher Alicja Lew-Tabor said ticks were having a significant impact on domestic beef production in Africa.Unlike Australian producers, African producers generally only supply their domestic market and Dr Lew-Tabor said ticks caused significant problems in meat and milk supply.
"Most of the countries in Africa have cattle of sorts, whether it is for milk or beef production, and most of them would be in regions that are affected by cattle tick and the diseases that they carry," Dr Lew-Tabor said."Ticks are resistant to a lot of the drugs that they use to put on the cattle; they become resistant to them in time."That chemical resistance was the very reason why Dr Lew-Tabor and fellow researcher Manuel Rodriguez-Valle were selected to join the worldwide project.
For five years, they have worked on the development of many vaccine strains which could have potential in Africa.They started with 300 possibilities and have selected 25 vaccines which could be successful in controlling the tick infestation.Dr Rodriguez-Valle said the work was tedious, but the results looked good."We have two candidates that look very interesting [and] we will have results very quickly, at the end of February; we are very confident in them," he said.To control the results, the cattle are kept isolated in pens.The goal is to try to reduce the number of ticks per animal by 70 per cent.
We infect the animals with around 5,000 tick larvae and wait until the ticks drop off each animal, then we collect the tick, weigh it and analyse the reduction in the number of ticks," Dr Rodriguez-Valle said.The vaccines inject antigens into the cattle, creating antibodies to attack the ticks."We got 80 per cent protection in a trial that we did in Brazil but what they [Gates Foundation] has wanted us to do is pull that mixture apart and work out what the most active components are," Dr Lew-Tabor said.The vaccine is expected to be ready to use within five years, and Dr Lew-Tabor said there could be benefits for Australian beef producers too."They will be able to bring the more susceptible breeds into regions where they don't have those breeds," she said.
source; ABC NEWS.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne illness . The spirochete, which causes the disease, is transmitted by Ixodes ticks, For a person to develop Lyme disease, he or she must be bitten by an infected tick and the organism is transmitted only if the tick is infected and if the tick feeds long enough for more than 36 hours.
The major sign in early localized Lyme disease is the bull’s eye rash: erythema migrans. The rash begins at the tick bite site and expands over days to reach diameters in excess of 5 cm. Generally, the border of the rash is erythematous, with central clearing, although at times the center is erythematous or even purplish. Fever, malaise, aches and pains often accompany the rash. The rash resolves with or without antibiotic therapy. Some patients will develop early disseminated disease in which there are multiple erythema migrans. Cranial nerve palsies, most often the seventh nerve, may occur in this stage. Aseptic meningitis occurs in some patients and can be difficult to distinguish from viral meningitis. However, the onset is generally more insidious than viral meningitis. Carditis occurs in this stage but is rare in children; carditis presents as heart block. Late disease is characterized by arthritis, generally Central nervous system disease and peripheral neuropathy are rare manifestations of late Lyme disease.
Prevention relies on avoidance of tick bites or prompt removal of the tick before transmission of the spirochete occurs. Ticks are most common in high grass or weeds. In general, if you can see your shoes, you are not likely to be bitten. This was shown in a study of golfers that correlated likelihood of Lyme disease with time spent in the rough. Tick checks are important so that the tick can be removed promptly.
Lyme disease treatment ;Treatment depends upon the stage of the infection. For children aged 8 years and older, doxycycline is given for 2 to 3 weeks; amoxicillin is used in younger children or those who cannot tolerate doxycycline. Parenteral therapy is reserved for patients with persistent arthritis or meningitis; however, many experts would consider repeating an oral course of antibiotics for arthritis and using doxycycline for meningitis. As with many infections, symptoms often persist after completion of an effective antibiotic course. There is no evidence that prolonged antibiotic courses are needed or are helpful.
read more here;
Lyme disease, a tick-borne illness that in its most serious form can result in chronic fatigue, pain, confusion, depression-like symptoms and memory loss. The number of cases appear to be rising include a growing number of ticks in some weather conditions; more wild mammals that host them; an increase in the number of visitors to areas where they live; and greater awareness leading to more diagnosis.
The disease is spreading through the population of ticks and animals are picking it up thus so more and more people are contracting the disease. Britain has recorded a rise this summer , a case scenario; Laura ;One patient who had to wait more than three years for treatment was Laura, who has asked that only her first name be used.In January 2012 she noticed a red bullseye rash on her right shin. The rash is the most distinctive feature of Lyme disease, but Laura was not aware of that. A couple of months later, she said, she began to feel “foggy, confused, forgetful”, and it was “hard to make decisions, hard to think, hard to read, hard – pretty much – to use my brain”.Despite living close to Richmond Park in west London, where Lyme disease is known to exist, Doctors thought the most likely cause was chronic fatigue. Months passed during which Laura gave up her job as a civil servant to focus what energy she had on her two primary school age children.The turning point was when Laura read an article about Lyme disease and recognized a picture of the erythema migrans rash. A blood test came back negative, but this was not decisive: medics test not for the bacterial infection but for the anti-bodies that the body makes to fight it, so patients tested too soon or too late will often not record a positive result.
A specialist was “confident” it was Lyme disease, though cautioned it was too late to treat it with antibiotics. Laura pressed for a lumbar puncture, which showed she had an inflamation of the brain - another indicator she possibly had the illness.This summer she was finally given antibiotics, which she said “seemed to help”. She is now working in a local school. story credit; the guardian.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
How to rid your pets of ticks,fleas and lice.
Ticks, fleas,lice and mites are ectoparasites that cause severe discomfort in your pets.Ticks have also been fingered as a cause of lyme disease in man, so these ectoparasites have public health importance .
The pets suffer severe irritation resulting in itching and loss of hair coat and blood loss. These ectoparasites can be stopped by use of specially formulated shampoos,soaps, tick sprays and kennel sprays.
Pet owners tend to experiment with a lot of chemicals which burns their pets,and others have been so unlucky to lose their pets because of use of harmful chemicals that are hazardous to the pets,the environment and children in the household.
A client came to the clinic today with a dog with badly burnt coat and was off food .The owner admitted to using kerosene to wash the dog because of ticks. The dog had large scab areas on the skin and was in pain.
The dog was washed with water copiously followed by use of shampoo. The dog was towel-dried and then given a rub down with coconut oil. The dog was given vitamins to help with healing and appetite.
Ticks, mites and fleas can be a nuisance but employing the right method to get rid of them will ensure you do not kill your pet in the process.
When you have mild infestation, you can make a vinegar- water mix and simply spray the dog's coat and digits.
Bathing the dogs with ecto parasitic soaps and shampoo at scheduled intervals will ensure your pet is tick- free. .
Chemicals can be used in kennels to kill ticks,the use of flea collars are also advisable.
The environment must be clean and tick free to prevent re- infestation after the dog has been washed.
Grasses must be cut short and fumigation of environment is advisable.
Order your tick spray, kennel spray and other pet care products.
We also offer pest control services, call us to fumigate your home and companies.
The pets suffer severe irritation resulting in itching and loss of hair coat and blood loss. These ectoparasites can be stopped by use of specially formulated shampoos,soaps, tick sprays and kennel sprays.
Pet owners tend to experiment with a lot of chemicals which burns their pets,and others have been so unlucky to lose their pets because of use of harmful chemicals that are hazardous to the pets,the environment and children in the household.
A client came to the clinic today with a dog with badly burnt coat and was off food .The owner admitted to using kerosene to wash the dog because of ticks. The dog had large scab areas on the skin and was in pain.
The dog was washed with water copiously followed by use of shampoo. The dog was towel-dried and then given a rub down with coconut oil. The dog was given vitamins to help with healing and appetite.
Ticks, mites and fleas can be a nuisance but employing the right method to get rid of them will ensure you do not kill your pet in the process.
When you have mild infestation, you can make a vinegar- water mix and simply spray the dog's coat and digits.
Bathing the dogs with ecto parasitic soaps and shampoo at scheduled intervals will ensure your pet is tick- free. .
Chemicals can be used in kennels to kill ticks,the use of flea collars are also advisable.
The environment must be clean and tick free to prevent re- infestation after the dog has been washed.
Grasses must be cut short and fumigation of environment is advisable.
Order your tick spray, kennel spray and other pet care products.
We also offer pest control services, call us to fumigate your home and companies.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Dandruff refers to flaking off of dead cells,when skin cells die. Dandruff in dogs is usually a pile up of dead cells in the coat of the dog.
The flakes are obvious when dogs scratches the coat.The normal dying of cells is the main cause of the dandruff but other underlying factors may result in the condition.
The flakes are obvious when dogs scratches the coat.The normal dying of cells is the main cause of the dandruff but other underlying factors may result in the condition.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Mosquitoes cause a number of diseases in horses such as west Nile virus,the eastern,Venezuelan and western encephalomyelitis..The mosquitoes transmit these infectious agents by sucking blood of the horses.The mosquito bite though painful characterized by chewing and scratching cause severe diseases,and vaccination is the only form of prevention of such diseases.
Horses should be protected from mosquitoes in barns and stalls to prevent these infections; these tips will keep horses/stables mosquito free.
1)remove any object that can collect water,destroy all tins or vessels that has stagnant water.
2)dont litter pasture with manure.
3)deworm horses regularly.
4) spray insecticides in stables/barns,
5) keep drains clean and spray insecticides in drain.
6) use fans in stables/barns to deter mosquitoes.Mosquitoes operate where there is heat and carbon dioxide buildup,thus using fans will ensure free flow of air and remove the carbon dioxide.The fans keep the air moving,making it impossible for the mosquitoes to operate as they only function where air is still.
7) remove manure from stalls daily and from pasture 2 times a week.
8) use of screens in stable.
9)dont leave lights on overnight in stables and during the evening.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
Small ruminants are a viable source of protein,hence are important in the food chain.The rearing process is throughout the year because the period of gestation is 5 months.
The animals are in high demand during festive periods,although they could be found all year round in various food joints because of a sector of the populace that favors these breeds.
The sheep and goat section is a prominent part of the abattoir operations,and are readily available in meat shops.The raising of the ruminants could be large scale or small scale depending on the financial capacity of the individual.
The breeds of the ruminant selected for the venture are those that can tolerate weather conditions and resistant to diseases.The common breeds include,west African dwarf, Yankasa,Balami,Sokoto red and Maradi.
. 1) economic value; the animals can be raised,fattened and sold for profit.The kids and lambs can be sorted and reserved to increase herd size .
2) Provision of much needed protein to promote growth and development of the populace.
3)employment opportunity; people who raise these animals actively engage services of herds men,laborers and other assistant to manage the venture.
4) Its a way to ensure food security.
. 1) Animals must be sourced from reliable stock,with proven health status.
2 )The animals must be physically fit, and must conform to breed characteristics.
3)There must be no sign of ill health such as skin diseases,cough,watery/red eyes and diarrhea.
4)The animals must be weighty, not obese and young animals are to sourced.
5)Dont buy during festive peaks as the prices will be astronomical thus increasing cost of production.
The animals are raised in clean,dry and ventilated housing.The housing preference depends on the keeper. The animals might be housed in groups in various housing,or they are left to graze round the compound and are provided with shelter on a side in the farm.
The advantage of housing in groups and feeding far out ways other methods.The house should be on well drained land to prevent flooding /wetness which will make the animals prone to foot rot.
The house is usually made of wood and covered with sheets,,the floor is made of roughened concrete with slants so that the animal wont slip and washing of pen is easy
. The feeding accounts for 65-70% of production,and the main source is grass of various types that are chopped and provided.
The animals to be fattened need to be provided with other feed sources so that they mature fast.These feed sources are commercial feed formulated for growth and maintenance. Water is essential for the ruminants,thus cool,clean water should be provided everyday. Mineral supplements are provided in form of salt licks.
1)Quarantine new stock,before release to the farm.
2)stabilize new stock, by deworing and placing on vitamins
3)Eradicate ectoparasites,by using appropriate chemicals for tick bath.
The animals are in high demand during festive periods,although they could be found all year round in various food joints because of a sector of the populace that favors these breeds.
The sheep and goat section is a prominent part of the abattoir operations,and are readily available in meat shops.The raising of the ruminants could be large scale or small scale depending on the financial capacity of the individual.
The breeds of the ruminant selected for the venture are those that can tolerate weather conditions and resistant to diseases.The common breeds include,west African dwarf, Yankasa,Balami,Sokoto red and Maradi.
. 1) economic value; the animals can be raised,fattened and sold for profit.The kids and lambs can be sorted and reserved to increase herd size .
2) Provision of much needed protein to promote growth and development of the populace.
3)employment opportunity; people who raise these animals actively engage services of herds men,laborers and other assistant to manage the venture.
4) Its a way to ensure food security.
. 1) Animals must be sourced from reliable stock,with proven health status.
2 )The animals must be physically fit, and must conform to breed characteristics.
3)There must be no sign of ill health such as skin diseases,cough,watery/red eyes and diarrhea.
4)The animals must be weighty, not obese and young animals are to sourced.
5)Dont buy during festive peaks as the prices will be astronomical thus increasing cost of production.
The animals are raised in clean,dry and ventilated housing.The housing preference depends on the keeper. The animals might be housed in groups in various housing,or they are left to graze round the compound and are provided with shelter on a side in the farm.
The advantage of housing in groups and feeding far out ways other methods.The house should be on well drained land to prevent flooding /wetness which will make the animals prone to foot rot.
The house is usually made of wood and covered with sheets,,the floor is made of roughened concrete with slants so that the animal wont slip and washing of pen is easy
. The feeding accounts for 65-70% of production,and the main source is grass of various types that are chopped and provided.
The animals to be fattened need to be provided with other feed sources so that they mature fast.These feed sources are commercial feed formulated for growth and maintenance. Water is essential for the ruminants,thus cool,clean water should be provided everyday. Mineral supplements are provided in form of salt licks.
1)Quarantine new stock,before release to the farm.
2)stabilize new stock, by deworing and placing on vitamins
3)Eradicate ectoparasites,by using appropriate chemicals for tick bath.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
This refers to pocketing or ballooning of the pinna, with blood from damaged blood vessels in the ear. Aural haematoma can be caused by direct damage to vessels in the ear.
The damage could be as a result of bite wound,accidents,but the most common cause is severe head shaking and scratching which is associated with heavy tick infestation. Otitis media and allergic dermatitis are underlying causes of aural haematoma,hence thorough examination is essential in treatment protocol.
Treatment of haematoma can be surgical or non surgical intervention.
Haematomas can resolve on their own but the ear will assume a cauliflower shape,hence disfiguring the shape and size of ear.
Non surgical intervention involves draining the fluid and flushing the cavity with saline to remove any clot or fibrin. The draining will be done a number of times because the haematoma recurs.There is a tendency for secondary bacteria infection because of several needle pokes,hence complicating the case of haematoma.
The surgical intervention involves lancing the haematoma,flushing the cavity with saline,then some sutures are placed on the pinna.
The sutures are to hold the wall to the cartilage beneath,to ensure there is no space for pooling of blood.The incision site is not sutured,rather the sutures placed on both sides of pinna provide the necessary closure.
The sutures are removed after a week, and the animal is placed on antilnflammtory drugs,analgesic and incision site is sprayed with wound oil treatment to repel flies.
The ear could be wrapped up in bandage or a head collar is placed on the animal to prevent cutting off the stitches.
The damage could be as a result of bite wound,accidents,but the most common cause is severe head shaking and scratching which is associated with heavy tick infestation. Otitis media and allergic dermatitis are underlying causes of aural haematoma,hence thorough examination is essential in treatment protocol.
Treatment of haematoma can be surgical or non surgical intervention.
Haematomas can resolve on their own but the ear will assume a cauliflower shape,hence disfiguring the shape and size of ear.
Non surgical intervention involves draining the fluid and flushing the cavity with saline to remove any clot or fibrin. The draining will be done a number of times because the haematoma recurs.There is a tendency for secondary bacteria infection because of several needle pokes,hence complicating the case of haematoma.
The surgical intervention involves lancing the haematoma,flushing the cavity with saline,then some sutures are placed on the pinna.
The sutures are to hold the wall to the cartilage beneath,to ensure there is no space for pooling of blood.The incision site is not sutured,rather the sutures placed on both sides of pinna provide the necessary closure.
The sutures are removed after a week, and the animal is placed on antilnflammtory drugs,analgesic and incision site is sprayed with wound oil treatment to repel flies.
The ear could be wrapped up in bandage or a head collar is placed on the animal to prevent cutting off the stitches.
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