Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A beautiful aquarium fence in Turkey.

Mehmet Ali Gökçeoğlu decided to build the coolest aquarium for his pet fish in his luxurious villa in Turkey. He went overboard and built the famous aquarium out in the open, in the form of a 50 meter long fence, surrounding his home. The wacky idea cost the millioniare plenty of thousands of dollars, but pretty soon, he saw his dream come true. The fence was a “fully furnished” aquarium, home to more than 1,000 fish, but also a few octopuses. The 50-meter-long aquarium has become a regular tourist attraction, and thousands of visitors come every day to admire the wondrous fish-fence. The hardest part of making the aqua-ence was connecting it to the Aegean sea with the aid of a 400-meter-long underground pipeline. This humongous conduct continuously changes the water, that is why it looks crystal clear and the fishes are extremely happy. The total amount spent on this cool aquarium fence was $21,000, but still has several costs with security and maintenance. The stunning aqua-fence is kept safe with the aid of more than 17 facial recognition security cameras. Visitors which line-up to see this cool, man-made structure are allowed to take pictures, or even film the aqua-fence, but if they come too close, they risk setting off an alarm. Contributed by

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