Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Franchising : A business growth model.


 Franchising your business to expand frontiers and smile to the bank.. Thinking of starting a business? use the franchise method to shorten the learning curve. Are you an established brand thinking of scaling up? thinking of creating a global influence? use the franchising method, it is a win- win situation. 

  One shop, one brand scattered all over creating employment and servicing more customers then franchising is the model. 

  Franchising in agribusiness, more here

Agribusiness : leveraging on the franchise model in the red meat value chain to create wealth.

 How to grow your niche in the red meat value chain using the franchise model.Franchising as simple as it looks, its a powerful business tool for expansion , growth.  and wealth creation.

Franchising in the red meat value chain is an easy strategy to expand the red meat value chain, in terms of investors, unemployed youths and cattle merchants.

   Franchising in the red meat value chain using meat markets and hubs as our focus. You want to tap into the red meat value chain? want to have a meat market or hub in your area? you are young but want a side hustle or you are young and unemployed with interest in red meat business? Welcome to the red meat hub.

Franchising in the red meat value chain. How will you key in to the business? Take a trip to a registered abattoir and watch operations in the mechanized abattoir. Follow through the process and link up with operators that have a brand they promote or operators that just slaughter ,cut and package for you for onward delivery to your store.

 Scenario 1: abattoir operator has a brand that sells packed beef, and beef products. Meet the operator, discuss on franchising his brand in your neighborhood and beyond. 

The franchisee agrees to terms of operation and he starts to collect beef,branded by abattoir operator at minimal cost.  The advantage of this model is that franchisee provides outlet, pays for startup cost  ( employers) along side other logistics, the brand expands all over.


 Dr. Henrietta Ojuri, value chain strategist.

 Scenario 2: Abattoir operator has a beef brand that markets beef an beef products. The operator creates an  investment pool by rolling out investment plans by way of franchising. The investors pay a token to join the investment pool and the operator provides branded refrigerators for investors.  Investors collect specified amount of products without paying upfront but will remit money on specified dates as stipulated in the contract.

 Advantage here is there is a pool of investors creating brand awareness all over, there is a token payable by startup and this model will  attract young entrepreneurs in the red meat value chain.

Scenario 3: There is no brand you want to hook up with but still interested? Go to the abattoir, mechanized slaughtering and hook up with operator. Buy a cow, slaughter in the mechanized line, cut to different sizes(1kg/2kg) then get a cooling van/refrigerated van to transport meat to your location. The different stages attracts costs , so how do you rejig this model? Next time, we conclude.

Franchising In Agribusiness :Leveraging on this model to create wealth.

  Franchising, in lay terms means jumping on the success train of an established brand to start a profitable business. Franchising works in various types of business ventures with the common goal of expansion and wealth creation.

 A wise man once said "if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go with people."  How does this relate to franchising? lets see.. You are an entrepreneur,you are starting your business : brand creation, awareness and customer segmentation is no small feat. It will take time, lots of money and hours of twigging the strategy. 

   The result you desire will surely come but at what speed? at what cost? how about man power? im so sure you get the drift. Franchising on the other hand shortens this curve, you know the niche you are interested in, study the profile of the key players and then jump on the train.

  This model or the cloned version of  franchising is used by big organisations to grow their brands while creating wealth for those involved. Why is Dstv or Gotv big? yes! franchising and the cloned version of franchising is the agent close to you. This is a win-win situation.,how about KFC? same story.


 Franchising in agribusiness:  opportunities abound to jump on the train and forget about overcoming inertia issues. #Join the moving train.

 Lets look at the poultry industry: your dream is to sell processed chicken but dont have funds to start and reach your goal?  How about red meat value chain

Look at the giants in the industry, check the group with the widest coverage, check the brands that are on popular demand, visit stores/ malls/do market survey then join the moving train. Start out as a franchise to your chosen brand,and grow the business..


 Dr.Henrietta Ojuri, Value chain strategist.

 You still have the dream to start your own brand? it gets better. Learn the ropes while selling another brand, accumulate wealth and come up with a new product also in the poultry value chain that popped up as a business idea from feedback from customers. The time to use the network you have created to increase your net worth is here. 

 Franchising in agribusiness : 1) reduce start up cost. 2) Labor is reduced. 3) cost of production is zero. 4) Cost advertisement is reduced. The company already has web presence, usually your shop address will just be included in the... available at following outlets. You will just link that to your own page and in comes customers with cash.

 Franchising in agribusiness is profitable but the franchisee must be innovative to ride on the brand's success.


How can investors in agribusiness use this model to empower youths while expanding the brand?  join me next time.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Agricultural franchising : leveraging on franchising to build your business.

 Franchising, this model grants an individual rights to sell their goods or services under a registered brand identity. This model allows an entrepreneur jump on the success train by starting a business  with a successful brand,thus cutting the rigors of starting a new business, a new brand. 

 Franchising is leveraging on an already established brand to start a business and its a win-win model. The franchisor uses this model as a growth strategy to expand brand while the franchisee is joining a successful brand, riding on the brand's network.

 Agricultural franchising, leveraging on this model to grow your brand by establishing global networks.Agricultural franchising will create better opportunities for empowerment while creating brand awareness in every nook and crannies .Agricultural franchising using the lean startup model will create greater coverage within a short time.

 Agricultural franchising  is a viable model in value chain creation and expansion. It allows various individuals to find a niche in the value chain, locate a  successful key player in the niche and start a franchise.


 Dr. Henrietta Ojuri, value chain strategist.

Agricultural franchising in the context of the red meat value chain. Interested in the red meat value chain,but dont  have  money to own an abattoir or livestock hubs? Look at how you can key in, using the franchising model.

 There are registered meat shops with branded products, from traceable abattoirs. An investor interested in the  red meat value chain can hook up with these brands and start a franchise in another part of town. The advantages of starting a franchise in the meat mart niche is as follows: 

1) low  startup cost . 2) building business on an established brand identity 3) potential for expansion of business. 

  To be continued.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Nutrition: Schools as a system to improve nutrition.

 Education they say is the game changer, schools are usually not defined as a closed space but as a  platform to weave different ideas while impacting knowledge.

   Schools can be physical or virtual but the concept is the  same, impact knowledge : show your students how its done. When you want to disseminate information,introduce a new concept or rejig the mindset of a community, take the campaign to schools.

   When you want to improve nutrition, change to  healthier diets then schools are the platforms you need. This will definitely create a ripple effect as kids will give feedback to parents when they get back home. 

 We are all familiar with the phrase " our aunty ( assistant teachers) said" or" my teacher said" then you know you are about to be schooled.

  Schools create the necessary interactive platform to reach the target audience to improve nutrition. How do we start? Education about different classes of foods using play cards. Engaging students on different classes of foods, functions in body and the common sources of these classes of foods.

   The use of story boards,games especially crosswords  will send the message home perfectly. The use of game boards as well as animated works showcasing under -consumption, over -consumption and non-consumption of the different classes of foods. The session can be rounded off by introduction of different nutritious meals that are balanced and available in the locality.

  The school feeding programme is a  great platform  to provide one nutritious meal a day, but can also be used as an educative platform to teach about nutritious meals using different classes of food. Do you want kids to love veggies? then incorporate delicious meals using veggies in the feeding programme.

 An egg a day keeps the  doctor away, eggs are super foods. The use of eggs in the school feeding programme is a  nutritious advantage, but using powdered eggs in the school programme is a  way of introducing this  to communities and also empower small holder farmers.


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Agribusiness: building sustainable food systems using aquaponics.

  Aquaponics and  sustainable food systems.

Aquaponics farming involves raising fish and growing plants in the same space. This system if properly incorporated will ensure food security. The system maximize space and conserve water through recycling which reduces use of inorganic fertilizer thus saving money. 

Aquaponics system creates wealth by promoting fish farming and growing plants in same cubicle,thus creating job opportunities and food security. The system is a symbiotic one as the fish provides organic manure through the waste they pass out in the vats and the plants purifies water by removing the nutrients increasing oxygen concentration. 

The plants provide enough oxygen for the fish to thrive and the waste of fish gives nutrients to plants to grow and produce more oxygen,this unending cycle is the basis of the success of the aquaponics system. 

Learn how to set up

Agribusiness : innovations in food systems reform to ensure food security.

 Food security the availability of food and the capacity to access the quality and quantity needed for well being. The components of food security are availability, accessibility, utilization  and stability. These components must be factored into food systems if food security is to be achieved.

 Food systems must ensure availability  of all classes of food to promote well being. This will be achieved by innovative methods of food production. Farming in urban and rural areas to achieve maximum food production.     The use of  newer farming protocols such as hydroponics,aeroponics, greenhouse technology to ensure food is available all year round.

 The food systems must create a platform for accessibility: that is from farm to market the products are within reach and affordable. This is where commodity boards, farmers' markets and price policy comes to play. A regulatory body on pricing creating a bench mark and also a safety net for consumers play a vital role..


 Food systems must encourage proper utilization of various food stuff, this is where education on food types  and  benefits come into play. The  knowledge of nutritional advantages of various food types are of paramount importance if the goal is to build healthier food systems.

 Food systems must be enshrined on stable platforms, resilient to shocks and unplanned events. This is where the silo techniques comes to play. Increased production of food, these are stored in silos or food banks. These can be further processed depending on the produce (value addition) to ensure longer shelf life. This silo-food-bank method will ensure all year supply of food.

 The success of the food systems is dependent on effective and efficient  logistics to ensure distribution to designated points. These  distribution will also use the delivery on order approach as regarding online shopping.

 The major point in the food system reform is to leverage the use of technology from farm to market and delivery to consumers.

Agribusiness ideas.

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