Friday, October 23, 2015


Day 1.....turkey coryza.(intra nasal) Day 14.....turkey coryza(drinking water) Day 21....Newcastle(lasota) Day 28....hemorrhagic enteritis vaccine 6,10,14 weeks....fowl cholera. 8,12 weeks.....newcastle disease .


Rising turkeys should be targeted towards celebrations such as thanksgiving and Yuletide season.The production cycle is 6 months,hence a good head start will be the beginning of the year,to market at midyear.The second phase of the year can be targeted to start off and market at the end of the year. The first step towards success is to start off with healthy poults,that are sourced from reputable hatcheries.The breed you desire is also chosen before you start venture, the large white or the broad breasted bronze.These are the common species with much preference for the broad breasted as it matures faster and reaches market weight faster. The following should be considered when you are planning to raise turkeys; 1)source poults from reputable sources. 2) prepare the brooder house before arrival of poults. The heat must be turned on before the arrival,feeder and drinker clean and ready. 3)use clean and dry litter in the house. 4)dont raise chickens with turkeys. 5)practice the all-in-all out system. 6)ensure free air flow,proper ventilation. 7)adequate feed and water to be provided. 8)give feed with adequate protein level; 0-6/8 weeks....................28% protein. 9-12 weeks........22%protein. 13-16 weeks.....19% protein 17 weeks - market...............16% protein. Vitamins,vaccinations and antibiotics /other medications are essential.Ensure strict bio-security protocols at all times.



 HOW TO CREATE WEALTH WITH RECREATIONAL PARK. Creating wealth and having fun just got super-easy. You can start a recreational park that will your own money machine.

You can actually start printing your own money by establishing a resort.I bet you will love to have a mini park,that is a leisure spot and your personal A.T.M.

The park can be fashioned to your taste and specification,but the bottom-line is you will generate revenue both locally and internationally.The goal is not to keep wild animals but to keep cute,lovely urban-friendly animals.

 The park will be structured per taste and specification with various units that will attract different classes of people.



AGRIBUSINESS: THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF RUNNING A PARK. The era of wishing to go on a safari/ bird expedition is over, as you can own one right now.The experience of waking up to birdy calls,chirps can only be experienced to fully grasp the feeling.Growing up,and traveling to visit historic places and grannies did take its toll on me,but looking back the experience was priceless. The re-creation of that experience is possible in the city,and yes you can make money from the venture. AGRIBUSINESS: THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF RUNNING A PARK. The park could be personal,just for you and your family or on a large scale,where you open to the public and make money. The personal bird park, has therapeutic effects on the young and old.The setting brings you closer to nature,you walk around different pens,observe different birds and even bond with these creatures. This is a good retirement venture; clear a portion in your yard/if you have a lawn,then you can start something to keep you alert and active. The commercial venture will require more space; hence a large expanse of land is required.The types of species kept depends on your financial capacity,targeted audience and of course your management protocols. AGRIBUSINESS: THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF RUNNING A PARK. The potential of the commercial parks are enormous,aside normal sight seeing by tourists,the educational advantage cant be ignored.The park can give scheduled educational tours to school children for a token.The kids can come to park to learn ,observe some of the birds/other animals they have been taught in school.The park will be an ideal fun zone for children and adults. The park will also be an entertainment zone,where you can take rare pictures,shoot musical videos or even shoot certain scenes of films.The park can house other animals aside birds,depending on your market,the profit from this venture is enormous,much more than i have highlighted. Interested??? send me a mail,and start raking in cool cash.The park could be set up in,using various models and attachment; making every project unique. Imagine waking up to this everyday;

Thursday, October 22, 2015


AGRIBUSINESS : WOMEN EMPOWERMENT,MDGS AND POULTRY VALUE CHAIN. The poultry value chain is a means of empowering women,this will in turn ensure food security while also encouraging children to go to school.The chain has various phases that can accommodate women; the egg sales/distribution, raising birds,selling packaged chicken,live chicken and also selling various chicken parts and opening food courts. AGRIBUSINESS : WOMEN EMPOWERMENT,MDGS AND POULTRY VALUE CHAIN. Women make up a large % of farmers,that ensure food is available for the home front and for sale as well. When women are provided with chicks/space/feed/cages; any form of seed capital will ensure a turn around that they can live on.The women are responsible for the upkeep of their children,where the mothers have no means of livelihood,the children suffer and cant go to school. When women are empowered,more kids go to school and the school feeding programme is another area of empowerment.The women in an area/community could be organized to groups/subgroups; where a group produces,and other group prepares provided food stuff for the school children.This way at least the children are sure of nutritious meals at home and school.


AGRIBUSINESS:HOW TO TAKE CARE OF CHICKENS. AGRIBUSINESS:HOW TO TAKE CARE OF CHICKENS. The success of the venture depends on following strict health protocols that are wrapped around simple but effective bio security protocol.The health protocol involves vaccinations coupled with medications.The use of drugs take into consideration the withdrawal time,so as not to process birds with antibiotic residue for human consumption. Vaccination refers to a method of disease prevention in healthy animals by challenging the animal with an attenuated/killed agent of a disease so as to elicit the production of antibodies. When vaccinations are done properly and immunity conferred,the animal is said to have been immunized against such causative agents of disease.Vaccination though stimulates antibodies production to protect the animals ,but if not done properly ;the desired immunity will not be conferred.When immunity is not conferred,2 major causes are fingered.These are vaccine failure or vaccine break. When immunity is not conferred due to vaccine break,the following are causes; 1)when the cold chain is broken; usually from point of sale to area you need them.The vaccines are to be transported in coolers with enough ice packs for the trip.The potency of the vaccines cant be guaranteed when this occurs,and when used the required immunity is not conferred. 2) when using inappropriate dilution and concentration; this nullifies any effect the vaccine should have on the birds. 3)when expired vaccines are used,definitely no immunity can be conferred. While vaccine failure could occur in any of the following scenarios;1)using inappropriate dose; under/overdosing will not elicit any antibody reaction. 2)wrong dilution/route. 3)vaccination of sick birds. 4)stress on birds during handling especially in hot weather. 5)Use of chemicals along side the vaccines especially water purification solutions. 6)vaccinating birds when signs of diseases are visible in flock. AGRIBUSINESS:HOW TO TAKE CARE OF CHICKENS. Vaccinations,though very essential ,if not properly carried out will just be a waste of resources. When planning to vaccinate; keep it simple. 1)place vaccine in ice pack. 2)engage qualified personnel. 3) use vaccine as directed by manufacturers.


AGRIBUSINESS: COMMON CAUSES OF CHICK MORTALITY . The brooding phase of production is the determinant of the overall success of the venture.This is definitely hinged on procurement of healthy chicks from renowned hatcheries.The management factor is key to the success of other operations in the cycle hence extra attention must be given to birds for the first few weeks of life. The common causes of chick mortality are; 1) hatchery defects,this is common in birds that were not exposed to proper conditions of temperature and humidity in the incubator.The chicks that were brought out under such conditions,will not thrive at all,they will die off after a few days. AGRIBUSINESS: COMMON CAUSES OF CHICK MORTALITY .Chocking and suffocation;these occurs when brooder lanterns/heating systems are faulty,this coupled with poor ventilation results in build up of smokes/fumes in the house.This results in inhalation of fumes by chicks resulting in chocking/suffocation. Chilling; when the brooder house is cold and the heat source is not adequate,especially on cold nights when its cold.The chicks will huddle towards light source,resulting in death from overcrowding as a result of chilling. AGRIBUSINESS: COMMON CAUSES OF CHICK MORTALITY .Thirst: when inadequate drinkers are provided and also when sufficient water is not made available,this will result in dehydration leading to death of chicks. AGRIBUSINESS: COMMON CAUSES OF CHICK MORTALITY . Starvation, arise when adequate feed is not provided,or when necessary feeders are not provided,the chicks will not have access to enough feed.This will encourage huddling towards feeder,where only few birds have access to feed,causing starvation and eventual death in the birds.Where the birds dont have enough water,they will not take adequate feed as well,because the chicks need twice amount of water for feed consumed. Trauma; can arise from improper handling,wrong placement of brooder equipment,or using equipment with sharp edges resulting in injuries that can result in death or deformation.This results in culling of deformed chicks. There are disease conditions that cause mortalities such as,yolk sac omphalities, aspergillosis,chronic respiratory disease,salmonellosis e.t.c.This will be discussed later.

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