Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Quail # quail farming.

Quail birds are small sized birds that lay small sized tinted eggs but are packed with vitamins. The sizes of the birds make it easy to manage, and their life cycle also encourages rearing in-house or out in the barn. The most common species are the Bob white quail and the Japanese quail; Coturnix japonlca. The quails have some advantages over the chicken; 1) the female quail begin to lay at 6 weeks and this continues for a year.2)They require minimal space for raising; the requirement is about 2 birds per square metre. 3) The quails are efficient feed converters; each quail egg is about 8% of the weight, while the chicken gives 3% of her weight. 4) They can also be slaughtered at 6 weeks. QUAIL MANAGEMENT. Males and females are raised to produce fertile eggs, which is a ratio-of 2 females to one male. It’s important to maintain this ratio because more males exposed to caged females will result in one male dominating, and pecking and injuring the other males. The ideal method is to have 1 male +2 females in a cage, and within 24 hours the egg produced is fertile and fertility is maintained for 3 weeks even after the male has been removed.(Woodward et al 73).The quails don’t sit on their eggs, so eggs collected are set in the incubator. The eggs hatch in 16 days.


Quails are easy to raise as they require little space and are easy to handle. The birds consume less feed but have high feed conversion ratio, with high laying intensity. The quail birds though small are money making machines, every part of them yields money. The birds can be raised for meat, table eggs, fertile eggs, their waste can be processed and sold as fertilizer, and the feathers can also be processed and used as ornaments. Let’s look at the various stages: the females start laying about 6weeks, Let’s assume you keep 300 birds, they will lay 300 eggs a day that is 10 crates a day. This egg laying intensity is to our advantage, as the bird’s consume 25g of feed/day. The birds can be processed at about 8 weeks; they can be smoked and packed for sale. HOUSING. Quails are raised in house or out in the yard.The cages can be wooden or made from iron. The floor is made of wire so that dropping are collected under the cages.The floor is slanted so that eggs are rolled to the front of the cages for easy collection. Feeding. The birds are given good quality feed and water is made available always.vitamins and minerals can be added to the water once a while,but this is of utmost value in hot weather.The birds can be given worms and some green as supplements to the feed.




 Cracked eggs on the farm!, a farmers worst nightmare.The issue of cracked eggs borders on management practices,how the eggs are picked,sorted/graded and stored.

Cracked eggs are results in losses in the poultry industry,and can be a profit blocker if not properly managed.
 Cracked eggs, though a cause of concern,the effect could be managed if underling management issues are addressed.
.Cracked eggs could be turned to a money-spinning venture with some creative stints.

 The following are ways in which wealth could be generated from cracked eggs;

1) sell to caterers who prefer to buy cracked eggs,as it will be used immediately.

 2) food vendors; those that make food at street corners ,usually fry these eggs immediately and get value for the eggs.

 3) These eggs could be powdered, packaged and sold to food processing companies.

 4) The eggs can also be sold as liquid eggs or frozen eggs; which are valuable in the food court,ice cream companies e.t.c

 The waste to wealth initiative could also benefit from cracked eggs; depending on the number of eggs available and poultry houses involved in the scheme,these eggs could be collected and cooked in central kitchen that caters for poor,homeless people. Cracked but still valuable.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015



 Technology transfer is a sure way to ensure food security.Investors in bio-technology,genetic engineering, modern breeding technologies are all welcomed at the investors forum.The future is now,join us!!! 

 The work has started,bring your expertise to the forum.It could be new feeding technique, new feed ingredients/combination, herbal therapy to prevent antibiotic residue.

Every knowledge is important,help ensure food security,lets think together.

Rubbing minds for greater productivity. Need an invite??  


Food security and sustainability is hinged on more technology.How to feed the ever growing population is not by acquiring more land,but by making meaningful use of technology at our disposal.The various aspects of agriculture can be enhanced using technology to produce much more food,within a limited period of time and also increase yield. The road to food security is paved with technology in terms of genetic engineering,making better strains of plants and animals that can thrive in our environment and give us necessary eggs and chicken providing more protein for the nation.The breeding of indigenous strains with imported strains to improve our local strains and expand our market . The use of technology to transform chicken poop to power,to run our farm estates and surrounding houses.The integration of biogas technology to our everyday life,will not only generate power,but will reduce overhead costs.This will also prevent environmental hazards,as harmful gases are not released to the environment,thus preventing health complications. Technology is our ticket to food security, take the leap!!!! Join our biotech partners at the investors forum!!! WELCOME THE LAGOS CHICKEN!!! LET THE BREEDING BEGIN!!! MY EYES ON THE FUTURE.........................LOOKING THROUGH THE BIRD VIEW EXPERIENCE.


The raising of birds can be a tedious task, or outright stressful if you dont know how to raise birds.The myth in the chain can be broken with proper education and hands-on work through with professionals. There are various methods of investing in the poultry value chain, these are direct and indirect investment.The common mode of investment here is the direct type; here the investors are involved in various stages of production that resonant with them. The indirect phase,the investors pay a certain amount of money depending on level of investment such as gold,bronze and diamond.The investors partners with agri investors,that raise the birds,sell and give profit to the investor. This is an easy way of investing in the value chain,just pay required amount according to level of participation.Its with so much excitement that i announce the participation of a foreign agri-investment company to the investors forum.The company are coming down with all their expertise ,partnering with farmers to ensure food security.I was amazed at their track records, fast delivery,monitoring of progress of business online, broilers the Ross type, ready for market at 2.6kg at 6 weeks,and the investment is safe and covered by agreements backed by law. This is a new approach to the poultry value chain, another MDGS goal realized by partnering with foreign bodies for growth and development. Yes, you can be a silent partner in the poultry value chain and still make profit.


REARING COST FOR 5OO BROILERS; EXPENDITURE AMOUNT. 1) Land...............................................1,500,000 2)Housing...........................................900,000. 3) D.O.C @ 200#.....................................100,000. 4) Brooding cost @ 25#/chick........................12,500. 5)vaccination/medication @ 40#....................20,000. 6)Farm supplies,tools,wheel barrow................15,000. 7)Drinker/feeder.....................................25,000. 8) Feed @ 100g/chick/day @ 0-3 weeks cost of feed(2800).....11,760. 9)Feed @ 180g/chick/day for 4-7 weeks and cost of feed..3000....226,800. 10) Labor...................................20,000. TOTAL.............................2,831,060. Analysis. sale of birds @ 2000/bird. 2000x 490(2% mortality}......980,000. Profit=sale proceeds-recurrent expenditure = 980,000- 391,060 588,940 Naira. An investor will have a profit of 588,940; and subsequent production cost will reduce because the capital expenditure is paid for at onset of production An investor can have this turn over every 42 days,thats a good turn-over.

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