This refers to illegal practices in the food industry,where food producers/vendors are substituting other food stuff which are substandard ,unhealthy and usually offered at cheap prices.The food fraud is usually done by adulteration of food with chemicals,additives and colors to present to unsuspecting consumers as wholesome.
This food fraud has been going on for sometime,but the rise in rate of recalls has beamed more light on these illegal activities.The chemicals,additives have been discovered to be carcinogenic,opening up another dimension to this fraudulent activity.
This food fraud only makes us ask what are we eating???what are the producers fiddling with??? many questions.A large number of companies have been fingered in this adulteration,but China has popped up a lot of times, where chicken and pork are mixed with additives and cut in blocks and sold as beef.
There are cases where packaged dog meat is sold in supermarkets, which pops the question again what are we eating? dog meat,horse meat or engineered meat??? your guess is as good as mine.
The food fraud has really spread its tentacles from beef to fish to honey to cashew nut to alcohol to beer the list is endless.
We really need to check our food sources and who is bringing what to our do we monitor what is in our markets? trace- ability ?,compliance with food safety regulations??? according to Times Mag; 2,500 tons of food we consume are fake, this is really alarming.