The best ways to help your dog have a better quality of life is to reduce the amount of stress she experiences.
The first step is to make as complete a list as possible of everything that is stressful for her. This includes mild stressors as well as the most significant ones.
Stressors are like building blocks that push your dog beyond her ability to cope with her environment; eliminating even the milder ones can help keep her below that threshold.
Here are few strategies to reduce stress:
Elimination.: This means getting rid of the stressor altogether.. Stop yelling at your dog. Throw the shock collar away. Teach her cooperative care so there is no need for forced restraint professionals so as not.allow inappropriate interactions from any friends, visitors, or family members.
This process is gradual and you must be sure to keep the intensity of the stimulus below threshold – so the dog sees it (or hears it) and is aware of it but isn’t stressed. The goal is to convince her that other dogs ,children, men, or sounds are wonderful because they make bits of chicken appear.
Indoor Games to Engage: Your Dog's Brain When You Can't Go Out. As corona virus confinement stretches on, dogs and humans are getting stressed by the day from lack of exercise, While there are limits to the physical exercise you two can do while shut-in, there are many indoor dog games you can enjoy together such as cognition games, and playing with interactive toys.