Tuesday, January 13, 2015


The highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza virus spread continues in some parts of the world,with Egypt recording 3 new cases in man bringing the total to 10 new cases in 2015. The spread of the avian influenza virus has dropped the prices of poultry products in Xiamen ,China.The recent H7N9 bird flu case in china has reduced the sales, consumption and marketing of poultry products.The confirmation of H7N9 outbreak has stopped the purchasing of ducks,geese,doves and quail.The report from disease prevention and control confirmed 2 new cases in man, which has brought total number to 5. This has prompted the populace to hands off poultry/poultry products ,resturants/hotels have also stopped preparing recipes with poultry products. The poultry markets in the outskirts with poultry have to undergo disinfection before selling their products. The HPAI infection in China has lead to the ban of poultry products in Hong kong. The Hong kong government has issued a statement that only local chickens be allowed in the markets and placed a 21 day ban on other sources of poultry,this took effect on 1/1/2015 when H7N9 was detected in a consignment from Guandong. BE PROACTIVE=SURVEILLANCE +BIO SECURITY.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Bird flu.

The avian influenza virus continues to kill more birds in parts of Asia,Canada and India. More birds have been found dead in poultry farms in Taiwan.The virus is moving, be alert,be proactive. Birds infected with the Newcastle disease virus, show the following signs: coughing, inappetence,drop in egg production,poor shell quality, greenish diarrhoea, paralysis,twisting of head and neck, and it also causes high mortality,also affecting varying ages. Some of these signs are similar to that of BIRD FLU, leading to false diagnosis by some farmers who observe such on their farms. When you have a case with high mortality with the bird flu signs, call your vet.


Avian influenza has killed migratory birds in Sultanpur national park and bird sanctuary in India,according to mail online at least 45 birds has died as @ 11/1/2015. A total of 14 were sighted on the 10/1/2015,amid scare over the highly pathogenic strain of Avian influenza spreading in the region.The forest and wildlife department are on alert about the issue.The district administrator has also alerted neighboring Delhi country parts to keep a close eye on ill or dead birds in their respective areas. The forest officer awaits directives from the state headquarters on line of action which could include culling the birds or closure of the park. The role of the migratory birds in the spread of the bird flu virus cannot be over emphasized, hence the interest in their health status and recent route map. This period also plays a role in the spread of bird flu virus, as this season corresponds to their breeding season; thus the mass movements of migratory birds at this time.This period facilitates their breeding, causing them to move out in large numbers,in different directions to various locations. LOOK out for cases of dead birds,ducks or even wild birds/ birds not common to your district and report to the vet authority near you. BE PROACTIVE; BIO SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE IS STILL THE BEST WAY TO STOP THE VIRUS.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


India has banned the importation of poultry products from U.S in the wake of the recent bird flu crisis. The U.S normally dumps chicken legs in India,but right now the importation has been stopped to prevent the possible transfer of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus. BE PRO ACTIVE! STOP THE BIRD FLU VIRUS.


The bird flu in humans normally starts with cold,nasal secretions that could easily be overlooked as common flu,especially in this harmattan period.The flu signs continues with rapid increase in body temperature, severe headaches coupled with muscle pain. This progresses to gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting,diarrhoea and stomach cramps. The patient will also have a tightening of the chest muscle resulting in chest pain, then there will be bleeding in nose and gums. The signs do vary per individuals, but if you have flu symptoms that does not abate even with medication after 3 days, and you have been in contact lately with game birds, or poultry, or you have handled dead birds,or processed poultry birds,or consumed chicken ,or you just returned from a country battling the bird flu, please visit the hospital. The way to nib the virus is early diagnosis: so is it cold?,periodic flu attack? or bird flu? check it out.BE PROACTIVE.KEEP CLEANING WITH DISINFECTANTS,WASH HANDS AND COOK POULTRY PRODUCTS PROPERLY BEFORE CONSUMPTION. DO NOT TOUCH DEAD BIRDS. WHEN YOU TOUCH OR HANDLE BIRDS,WASH HANDS IMMEDIATELY. IF YOU HAVE INCREASED CASES OF MORTALITY ON THE FARM; CALL YOUR VET. DONT BUY PROCESSED POULTRY PRODUCTS OF UNKNOWN SOURCE. IF YOU OBSERVE INCREASED MORTALITY OF BIRDS IN POULTRY FARM AROUND YOU, REPORT TO THE VET AUTHORITY IN YOUR AREA. DISPOSE DEAD BIRDS PROPERLY.

Avian influenza: Emerging infectious disease.

The highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)A virus subtype H5,have been circulating among poultry in several countries in Asia and Africa for many years. The HPAI virus have caused hundreds of infections in humans and has poised public health threat.This prompted the government of China to embark on mass vaccination of flock and culling of infected birds. The protocol was effective because the virus was curtailed,thus saving lives and preserving animal production lines, but it had some major disadvantages. The protocol is expensive, and the government is currently seeking ways to stop the mass vaccination.The key disadvantage was that subclinical levels of HPAI was found among vaccinated chicken,where the H5N1 had evolved into multiple H5N2 genotypes which are all vaccine-escape variants.(emerging infections journal vol 20. Num 12-Dec 2014) The vaccination played an important role at the onset,but resulted in production of other variants that are highly pathogenic and pose a more fatal threat .This clearly shows that vaccination of flock is not the way to combat the virus, rather education of the populace,bio security,surveillance,rapid diagnosis and culling/destruction of infected birds.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Avian influenza has been reported in japan,Canada,Taiwan e.t.c. The necessary bio security measures are in place,surveillance control are also on going. Bio security and surveillance is the only way to stop the virus.The next line of action for countries not yet affected is to be proactive and beef up surveillance,monitoring at points of entry ,at poultry farms ,markets and airports.The same way the Ebola virus infection was monitored and controlled the AVIAN INFLUENZA VIRUS SHOULD ALSO BE TACKLED. The infection control preparedness measures set in motion has prevented avian infection in Hong Kong. The proactive prevention plan implemented widely in Hong kong healthcare system was a significant factor preventing the spread of influenza strain A H7N9 =BIRD FLU.(Jan 2015 issue of infection control and hospital epidemiology.) The infection control implemented an integrated approach utilizing active and enhanced surveillance,early airborne infection isolation,rapid molecular diagnostic testing and extensive tracing for health workers with unprotected exposure.The enhanced surveillance methods appeared to be an important key to detection of H7N9. With the above course of action and outcome,all hands must be on deck to stop the bird flu virus. BE PROACTIVE =BIO SECURITY +SURVEILLANCE= STOP THE AVIAN INFLUENZA VIRUS.

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