Sunday, February 14, 2016

Top academics warn that without a proactive approach to insecticide resistance, gains made in malaria prevention could be lost

Top academics warn that without a proactive approach to insecticide resistance, gains made in malaria prevention could be lost: Researchers in the field of vector biology have put together an editorial outlining the need for a more urgent and proactive approach to insecticide resistance, if the gains made in malaria prevention in the 21st century are not to be lost.

Pesticide-induced mosquito death outweighs fitness advantage of survivors

Pesticide-induced mosquito death outweighs fitness advantage of survivors: A common toxin used to kill yellow fever mosquito larvae – the most prevalent transmitter of dengue, chikungunya and zika viruses – is highly effective. While there are some fitness advantages to surviving adults, this is still an effective way to control the damaging health impacts of these mosquito-borne diseases, a new study shows.

High-cholesterol diet, eating eggs do not increase risk of heart attack, not even in persons genetically predisposed, study finds

High-cholesterol diet, eating eggs do not increase risk of heart attack, not even in persons genetically predisposed, study finds: A new study shows that a relatively high intake of dietary cholesterol, or eating one egg every day, are not associated with an elevated risk of incident coronary heart disease. Furthermore, no association was found among those with the APOE4 phenotype, which affects cholesterol metabolism and is common among the Finnish population. In the majority of population, dietary cholesterol affects serum cholesterol levels only a little, and few studies have linked the intake of dietary cholesterol to an elevated risk of cardiovascular diseases. Globally, many nutrition recommendations no longer set limitations to the intake of dietary cholesterol.

Thursday, February 11, 2016


The process of of enhancing the performance of birds is aimed at producing more eggs,bigger chicken , reducing time of rearing and also extending laying periods.The seed for the poultry is the day old chicks,these must be sourced from proven hatcheries to ensure the goals of optimum growth and production is accomplished.Day old chicks must be clean,alert and vaccinated before they are ready for sales.There are a lot of technicalities that goes into hatching these chicks, the most important factor is that the parent stock must be proven,with desired traits before the breeding and incubation phase.The proper setting in incubators with stipulated temperature and humidity will ensure that the purpose of careful selection and breeding are not futile. The selection and breeding are carried out basically to increase productivity.This can be further harnessed by breeding exotic strains with local strains to ensure proper adaptability to environment . Many countries are implementing this practice at Nairobi International Trade Fair once again proved to be the hub of new innovations and technologies in agribusiness. A rooster weighing eight kilos worth Sh2,000 drew crowds at the trade fair.This is almost the weight of a dik-dik antelope and twice the size of a normal rooster. Kukuchic company sales person Nathan Koech said the 11-month rainbow rooster is a dual-purpose breed.The breed is originally from India. Koech said such weight is not ideal for natural fertilization as the rooster might hurt the hen.He said they do artificial insemination.“At five months the rooster is ready for the market,” Koech said.He said they have 20,000 roosters at the Eldoret-based company and sell day-old chicks at Sh100 each. Unfertilized egg costs Sh15. (The star). Call today to order day-old chicks.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Webinar: Webinar Improve Pig Productivity (2/9/2016) | RBI Agri
Upcoming webinars
Webinar Improve Pig Productivity How to improve pig productivity? Can it be achieved by applying multi-phase feeding? Or choosing different climate solutions or perhaps looking at pig genetics? Find out ...
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Webinar Improve Pig Productivity

How to improve pig productivity? Can it be achieved by applying multi-phase feeding? Or choosing different climate solutions or perhaps looking at pig genetics? Find out more on February 9.

When aiming at the improvement of pig productivity, many solutions are usually focused on enhancing animal nutrition. After all, how could one more directly influence productivity than through feed? What is certain, however, is that there is a host of other options available as well. That is where our search begins on February 9. Pig Progress shall highlight several of these strategies in an exclusive webinar, brought to you live from Amsterdam, the Netherlands (CET 11.00 -12.00 am). The following speakers shall be sharing their views:

1. Product Manager Pigs Ludo Bosschaerts: International, independent research has proven that multi-phase feeding produces better feed conversion ratio’s (FCR) and has a positive impact on average daily gain (ADG). A better retention of nutrients in the body has been found and a significant reduction in the production of manure, resulting in a lower expulsion of ammonium gasses into the environment. This Roxell concept results in a high return on investment.

2. Merete Lyngbye, Master of Engineering, PhD, Director for Livestock Segment at Munters will speak about climate solutions to improve pig producers economy and environmental footprint.

3. Benny van Haandel. Director/consultant at E-barn Solutions will give a presentation titled ‘Are our current pig genetics future proof?’ “How do new developments in various areas and markets affect the required characteristics of future top performing pigs?” ”

Hosted by Vincent ter Beek, editor of Pig Progress, the live webinar offers you the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts in real time.



February 2016

starts at 11:00 AM CET

This webinar has already occurred.

Watch the webinar


Food security can be achieved on a global scale if production processes are subjected to improved stock using genetically proven animals.

The way to harness the advantages in using genetically proven lines include; selective breeding,rearing and cross breeding to develop strains/lines that can produce more in the desired country.

There are various breeds of chicken,cattle,pigs that are proven and can adapt and survive in the country.

Genetics play a pivotal role in food security either by selective breeding, genetic engineering, gene mapping and coding and artificial insemination.
The improved strain will produce faster within a short time thus extending production cycles. Seed improvement is also relevant in food security, where genetically modified seeds produce better crops that are disease resistant .

Ordinary seeds can also be improved by using agricultural supplements that enables the crops to grow,flourish and ready for harvest within a shorter time. The use of technology in food security cannot be overemphasized as the introduction of biotech to food production is of immense benefits.

The springing up of bio-crops allows farming even in areas where there is much pressure on the land,thus availing the urban farmer an opportunity to participate in food security.

 Cultivating advanced planting techniques such as hydroponics,aeroponics and aquaponics , also enables farming in areas where land is an issue.

Fruits and vegetables are planted in columns,using nutrient media instead of soil. Vegetables can also be reared alongside fishes in the aquaponics to enhance food security.

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