Thursday, October 1, 2015


Attaching a modern processing plant to an abattoir will increase the profit revenue of poultry farmers.The plants can be zoned in various districts,this will control influx of various birds from different location.This will enable disease surveillance and proper tracing of products.


Slaughtering in an hygienic condition to produce wholesome chicken.

Climate-smart knowledge empowers women farmers in Kenya| CCAFS: CGIAR research program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security

Climate-smart knowledge empowers women farmers in Kenya| CCAFS: CGIAR research program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security


 POULTRY VALUE CHAIN.  PROVIDING MORE PROTEIN FOR THE NATION.  OBJECTIVE .  Provision of animal protein which is essential for growth and development.  Source of revenue generation.  Promote entrepreneurship.  Employment opportunities.  JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT.  The dietary intake of protein according to nutritionist is 0.8g/kg body weight.  56g/day is required for men and 46g/day for women but there is a deficit.  According to the FAO the average intake is below recommendation, so more protein(animal sources) should be incorporated in diet. Eggs and chicken will makeup for the deficit.  An egg a day, keeps the doctor away.  POULTRY PRODUCTION.  Birds reared for meat and eggs are referred to as poultry.  These include cockerels, broilers, layers and turkey.  Ducks, guinea fowls and quails  Birds to be reared are raised within a time line so that profit can be realized from the venture .  PRODUCTION OVERVIEW.  The scale of project could be small, medium or large, depending on the number of birds and space.  Adequate housing is paramount to success of the venture. This could be temporary or permanent structures, but which must be well ventilated and rodent proof.  PRODUCTION OVERVIEW( 2)  Feeders, drinkers and lighting equipment are provided.  Healthy birds sourced from reputable hatcheries.  Birds are properly housed and good quality feed and adequate quantity are provided.  Essential vaccination and medication are provided.  Strict bio security measures enforced.   METHODOLOGY.  The project will encompass production(rearing) ,processing and packaging.  It will be a year long project, divided into phases so as to make money at specific periods in the year.  Broilers reared and marketed at 42 days,this phase is the 42-dayturn over. Investors with limited funds can access this chain at this level.  METHODOLOGY (2)  Layers reared for eggs starts at about 21 weeks of age, and some breeds can lay up to 300 eggs in a year. The layers could be sold out after a production cycle.  Cockerels mature at 5 months,this can be reared towards a festive period to increase revenue.  Turkeys can also be reared twice in a year ,and also targeted towards festive season.  PRODUCTS. Eggs and chicken are sold for profit.  Feathers from the birds are processed and used as accessories, home décor, mats and fashion accessories. This will also generate revenue.  The waste generated from the birds can be channeled to a digester, to produce electricity.  The blood waste and gut waste can be processed and incorporated into animal feed.  PROJECT COST AND ESTIMATE.  Land depends on size and location.  Laying pens..7.6mx7.6m @# 900,000.  Cages units @#70,000  Farm implements such as wheel barrow, shovel, bucket and water drums. @ #35,000.  Day old chicks ranging from #180-250.  Feed; this accounts for 70% of production hence it will be advisable to have a feed mill that will cater for the birds.  REARING COST . Brooding @25# per chick.  Vaccination/medication @ #40 per chick.  Labour…#7,500 .  Feeders/drinker depending on type and model. Polythene sheets and cardboards@ # 3000.  Broiler..0-3 weeks requires 100g of feed/chick/day.  REARING COST( 2)  Broiler at 4-7weeks require..180g of feed/chick/day.  Layers----o-8weeks requires 60g of feed/day/chick.  9-20 weeks require..90g of feed/day/chick.  Then from 21 weeks require 120g of feed/day/chick.  Water is made available at all times.  PROCESSING AND PACKAGING.  RECOMMENDATIONS.  Healthy birds must be procured.  Bio security measures instituted.  Employment of interested workers.  Good working conditions for workers.  Advertisement of processing plant to expand market.  Good water source and proper waste disposal methods.  A mini processing plant can be attached to live bird markets to process birds. This is another investment opportunity.  Conclusion.  The poultry value chain is a very lucrative venture with rapid return of investment.  Investors could actually invest in short term aspect such as broiler production.  The long term investors will go for layers/egg production.  The seasonal investors will look into cockerels and turkeys.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Food security can only be achieved if more food is produced and food waste and loss is eliminated from the value chain.

Women make up the bulk of those in the farming business,and the production of their produce can be doubled to increase revenue and feed the nation.

 The women in agriculture started farming and rearing animals because they wanted to feed their family and help in running of the home,but over the years this has evolved to a business where they rear and sell making money for themselves.

 Women in agriculture produce more food that could actually ensure food security but are constrained due to the following:

 1) preservation equipment.
 2) processing technology.
 3)education on proper handling of food.

 Women in agriculture produce their crops,but lack technical strength in terms of preservation methods
  The.women produce grains,that when harvested are stored in sack, or spread on the floor,thus exposing the product to rodents and other pests.
This results in food loss and contamination which reduces revenue of the farmer but also the amount of food available for consumption,thus disrupting the food security chain.

 When women have access to modern storage facilities such as silos, more crops will get to market .The provision of such facilities at community level,divisional level or district zoning,will give more women access.

Organizing the farmers per zone and also providing a platform for marketing will ensure more food will get too the market.

Processing technology :the women in the fishing business and poultry are majorly affected. The fish harvested can be sold live,but because they lack processing equipment they cant process the fish into smoked variety.This  results in reduced income,as the majority of the fish are left unprocessed and marketers will offer to buy it off at ridiculous prices.

When processing technology is available  to these women, such drying stoves/kiln provided at community level,more fish will make it to the market and food security will be a reality.

The education on powered eggs will be an advantage in the poultry industry.When large quantities of eggs  are available,storing methods are very important to the marketability of the eggs.

 Food handling techniques are very important to food processing and packaging.

Women in agriculture should be educated on proper handling to prevent food waste and food loss.

When crops are harvested ,there are proper handling methods to prevent spoilage;like vegetables, these should be handled with care and store in an aerated environment to prevent rottenness.These must also not be lumped on ,but are stacked on platforms to keep them fresh

Modern techniques on handling will ensure more food get to market to prevent food loss and food waste.

 Transportation of these produce is a major key to food security. When roads are accessible more produce get to destination and in record time ensuring fresh foods are available.

The women face a lot of constraints that if addressed in form of training,seminars and provision of infrastructure such as light,electricity,good roads and telecommunication devices,

food security will be a reality. Empower the women!!! feed the nation.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


The role of of agriculture in economic growth is significant to any form of globalization. Women plays significant roles in agriculture,they are involved in all sectors and contribute to economic growth and development. 

 The empowerment schemes should involve more women as they are challenged on so many fronts,the contract farming is a way to encourage more women to join agriculture sector and support those already in the sector. Agriculture has so many facets and aspects that if properly coordinated will bring about food security and increase revenue generation. 

The higher the number of people actively involved in this sector,the greater the chances of a sustainable economy. 
The use of contract farming in the agricultural sector has the following benefits ; 1) employment opportunities. 2) increase revenue generation. 3)food security. 4)globalization through partnership. 5)broad-based learning platform. 6)empowerment. 

      What is contract farming and how does it work?? 

This is basically a platform for growth both for individuals ,companies and the countries involved.The scheme extols the benefits of various aspects of agriculture such as fish farming,piggery,cattle rearing, and poultry.
The various segments are handled by professionals,who corporate with stakeholders already in the agriculture business and these seek out interested candidates in these projects.These people undergo training for a specific period,after which they are provided with tools to start-off.These tools include chicks,drugs,feed, weaners,calves and cages. 

The tools also include spaces that are allocated at moderate prices so the farmers can afford this without affecting overhead costs. The contract farmer has access to needed tools to start the project with a memorandum of understanding which states; the expected return and time lapse. 

This scheme will allow more players in the agric sector,with access to latest innovations in the field which they can employ to rapidly turn around their investment. 

 The venture also involves provision of equipment to process the finished products for packaging such as stoves,drying kiln and ovens to process fish. Education on food preservation and provision of such equipment will help prevent losses of crops.A source of water is a very necessary factor for any production,and many women travel long distances to get access to portable water.

A water for all project in forms of wells,boreholes and irrigation systems will boost production and increase sales.The larger percentage of the agricultural products are farmed in the rural areas and this is done by women. Empower the women; feed the world!!! Contract farming is an empowerment model that will fast tract growth in the agriculture sector,because the companies involved in this scheme collect products for sale in international market. 

The scheme also involves buying farmers products right from the farm,so the farmer tends its products carefully to attain specified standards.
This scheme will regulate products in the market because only those that meet required specification are purchased.


Echinococcosis also referred to as hydatid disease is caused by larva stages of tapeworm;echinococcus granulosus which inhabits the intestines of carnivore. The echinococcus specie in dog is responsible for hydatidosis in cattle.

This usually occurs in free range cattle that are in close proximity to dogs. Hydatidosis in cattle causes severe economic losses due to condemnation of organs.These cysts are found in liver,muscles and brain.

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