Showing posts with label pasta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pasta. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2015


Feeding dogs can be conventional,local or home cooking,however the route you choose food safety is very important.The dog food industry has suffered quite a blow of late with several disease outbreak linked to contamination of food from the point of production,this has led to several recall episode in which several dogs and dog owners were major actors. The cases of rise in E.coli infection in several countries leading to death in several dogs,has led to so many questions on food safety in dog food industry,for starters the nutritional facts were found to be inaccurate, some contain harmful preservatives that were masked and contamination during preparation and packaging. Many of the companies have traced the contamination to source of the raw material such as chicken and beef used, thus beaming the light on the producers of these animals. These recalls have shifted the paradigm of dog food from conventional to home cooking, where we are sure of what the dogs are eating, the source,nutritional fact,and the most important fact that the food are chemical- free. Nutritious food for your dogs will include carbohydrate,protein,fat/oil,vitamins/minerals and lots of fresh water.The sources of carbohydrate are rice,pasta, bread,plantain e.t.c,these can be cooked with meat,fish,chicken,turkey,gizzard,liver and heart as protein sources.These food can be prepared with olive oil,coconut oil or fish oil as fat sources. Vitamins /minerals can be in forms of fruits and vegetables such as carrots,apples,watermelon,banana,spinach or you can supplement the feed by giving the dogs as additives. The variety and safety home cooking provides has made it very acceptable and a better alternative to ensure health of the dogs.Home cooking also has the advantage that it can be a source of therapy to manage dogs with certain conditions such as obesity,anemia,liver,kidney disease,allergy and diabetes.The best way to go about home cooking is to determine the food stuff you need to use, determine the combination, consider the number of your dogs and the time interval of the meal.It is usual practice to make in large quantities and keep in freezer,to serve warm and fresh when required. A simple home cooked meal is pasta,with cubed liver,garnished with spinach, a drop of coconut oil is added to mixture with atovi ,this will not only supply the needed nutrients but its also filling and palatable to the dogs.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Feeding dogs a healthy meal requires that its balanced containing all essential nutrients in the right portion.Dog food must contain carbohydrate,protein,fats/oil,vitamins and minerals and the dog must have access to clean water. The various component of the diet perform various functions that maintain the body functions and assist growth and development.Carbohydrates are energy giving food,needed to provide the body ready source energy needed for daily functions and work of the dogs.The percentage of carbohydrate needed in diet depends on the age of the dog,the function of the dog(working dogs, guard dogs,farm dogs) with the highest quantity in the most tasked dogs. The sources of carbohydrate include rice,pasta. potatoes,bread,yam e.t.c. Protein sources will include meat,fish, meat products ,fish products.These are necessary for building muscle.Fat/oil usually added to diet in forms of oil, fish oil extracts,while the vitamins/minerals are found in vegetables,fruits,supplements and additives. Dog meal can be presented in various forms such as boiling,baked,stewed, a combination of these ingredient at the right amount is key to ensure balanced diet.When dogs are fed properly the tendency of dog eating poop is zero,and the possibility of food poison is prevented because food is served fresh,natural without any artificial preservatives. Dog recipes will include a blend of pasta,diced with carrot/spinach,cooked in fish broth and served with fish/meat.Eggs are also a good source of food for dogs as its a complete meal on its own,so it can be boiled/fried and mixed with rice/pasta.The benefit of home cooking is that you expose your dog to variety and monitor nutrients. Home cooking also has the advantage of utilizing premix,which will impact positively on the health status of the dog. Atovi has been a good source of vitamins and minerals for dogs ensuring growth,large litter size and absence of diseases.

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