Showing posts with label food.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food.. Show all posts

Monday, November 8, 2021

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Agribusiness: How to develop a gender -sensitive value chain.

  Gender equality to achieve zero hunger, food security and a sustainable food systems. Developing a gender sensitive value chain will entail mapping out activities within the chain and analyzing actions of operators and key players within the chain. 

 One of the approaches commonly used to access processes and actors contributing to food systems and to determine which actions to undertake is the value chain approach. Value chains are  key components of agrifood systems and to better understand gender- based constraints a mapping of activities are necessary.  

 Activities that will monitor tasks and those assigned tasks within the food production cycle such as interactive sessions with players within the food chain  use of surveys, questionnaires and gender -based focal groups are  important to pin point constraints and also provide a platform to champion necessary actions.

               How to conduct a gender sensitive value chain analysis.?

Choose the value chain of interest then :

 1)  Carry out a gender sensitive value chain mapping by going through all activities within the chain and matching tasks against gender.

2) Identify gender based constraints along the chain .

3) Analyze the gender based constraints  and proffer solutions.


Friday, February 8, 2019

RESEARCH:Fasting ramps up human metabolism.

RESEARCH:Fasting ramps up human metabolism. Research uncovers previously unknown effects of fasting, including notably increased metabolic activity and possible anti-aging effects. Fasting may help people lose weight, but new research suggests going without food may also boost human metabolic activity, generate antioxidants, and help reverse some effects of aging. Scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) and Kyoto University identified 30 previously-unreported substances whose quantity increases during fasting and indicate a variety of health benefits. The study, published January 29, 2019 in Scientific Reports, presents an analysis of whole human blood, plasma, and red blood cells drawn from four fasting individuals. The researchers monitored changing levels of metabolites -- substances formed during the chemical processes that grant organisms energy and allow them to grow. The results revealed 44 metabolites, including 30 that were previously unrecognized, that increased universally among subjects between 1.5- to 60-fold within just 58 hours of fasting. Research, agribusiness, fasting, lose weight.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Empowering Smallholder Farmers In Fish, Poultry Farming.

Empowering Smallholder Farmers In Fish, Poultry Farming. The successful completion of training of over 200 women and youths from the Niger Delta region in poultry and fish farming entrepreneurial skills by the Federal Government will no doubt serve as a momentum towards growing the Nigerian poultry and aquaculture industry as well as significantly contribute to the overall actualisation of food security in the country. Empowering Smallholder Farmers In Fish, Poultry Farming.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Agribusiness : How to turn your tomato business to a money farm.

Agribusiness : How to turn your tomato business to a money farm. Tomatoes are healthy fruits with massive health benefits as they are rich in lycopene, a carotenoid with antioxidant properties, which is responsible for the deep red color of tomatoes. Fresh raw tomatoes are an excellent source of potassium, vitamin C, and some B-complex vitamins, tomatoes are also low in calories as 100 grams of tomatoes have around 18 calories. Agribusiness : How to turn your tomato business to a money farm. Tomatoes can be processed to paste,puree and ketchup alongside other products. The tomato market is large and a lot needs to be done to prevent the losses currently experienced from farm to market. Investors in the chain can actually tap into value addition in the form of processing the fruit into other products that are also equally beneficial in terms of health and wealth. Tomato business. Tomatoes can be used fresh and raw or processed into other products to prolong shelf-life and increase profit. Here are a few tips for a startup in tomato business. Tomato ketchup : this is by far the most common form of processing,with various brands adding specific ingredients to make their products unique.Ketchup is commonly used with snacks and ready-to-eat foods,the chicken and chips delicacy is not complete without it. Agribusiness : How to turn your tomato business to a money farm. Tomato paste: this is easy and most convenient for working mums, the tomatoes are cut up and processed into ready to use paste. There is another value addition with the tomato paste,it could actually be blended with pepper and some salt to produce a tomapep product. This is a handy ingredient for homes,eateries,school cafeterias and definitely a travel companion when camping out. How to make tomato ketchup;

Friday, October 6, 2017

Digital transformation in the food industry.

Digital transformation in the food industry. We live in a period of unprecedented technological and digital revolution, which is directly affecting all sectors. 

One consequence of this digital transformation is what is known as Industry 4.0. In this new stage, globalization, the relationship with the consumer, consumer trends, determining which product is the right product for each group and where to produce it, personalization and adaptation to each market and how to relate all these aspects are the great challenges of industry in the 21st century. 

 The digitization of industrial processes is already a "must" and new technologies are defining new ways of solving the challenges associated with this structural change of society. How does this new trend affect the food sector in general and the dairy sector in particular? 

 Digitization influences the creation of new products, the management of distribution and production; helps to have a cross-sectional view of costs locally, regionally, by country, by geographical area and by continent; and the relationship between them. If we add the online purchase and consumer participation in the definition of the food that wants to consume, the complexity of the sector increases significantly and companies that do not assume, will lose competitiveness. 

Manufacturing networks linked to relational communities for the generation and control of new products define the platform model, and how to address it will be the basis. more

Friday, September 29, 2017

How to reduce post-harvest losses in the tomato value chain.

How to reduce post-harvest losses in the tomato value chain. This is a crucial point to tackle if profit in tomato business is to be experienced. Value addition is a method of reducing losses, harvested tomatoes can be processed immediately ,see Tomatoes can also be preserved by extending the shelf-life especially when transporting from rural region to urban and the journey is for days or months. There is a new innovative method to stop tomato losses by using ash. Tomatoes can be stored in ash for up to 5 months without spoiling and there is no side effect of storing in ash thus its safe. The use of ash is safe,economical and increases profit margin. When tomatoes are harvested,they can be stored in crates with ash and then transported any where or can be stored for months before selling. This method not only prevent losses but also creates a niche market for farmers that can produce tomatoes ahead of peak periods and sell for additional income. This method of keeping tomatoes in the ash for a period of five to six months, then sell them in December, January, or February when the price has risen—since tomatoes are rare and become expensive during this period. see

Thursday, March 9, 2017

How to use garlic in poultry.

AGRO-VETERINARY : Garlic a herbal remedy for poultry. Garlic is a plant in the Allium family same as onion. Garlic contains a compound known as allicin, which is responsible for that distinct garlic smell and potent antibiotics properties. Allicin when ingested enters the body from the digestive tract and travels all over the body, where it exerts its potent effects . 

Garlic can also be crushed and applied topically to prevent mite infestation. Garlic is low in calories but rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese. It also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients such as calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1. 

In poultry the crushed cloves are added to water served to birds and this ensures gut health. Birds are usually given garlic -water mix as a form of deworming medication, these birds are free from internal and external parasites. #garlic

AGRO-VETERINARY : Garlic a herbal remedy for poultry. Garlic is high in sulfur thus exhibiting actions of sulfonamides drugs and as such are good for gastrointestinal infections. Poultry farmers normally seek immune boosters for increased productivity of their birds,garlic offers such benefits. Crushed garlic -water mix acts as a tonic to boost immune system and also enhance appetite. 

Birds dosed with garlic-water mix grow faster and produce big eggs,while birds going into moulting phase can be triggered to produce more eggs of bigger sizes for a longer period. #herbal Garlic

 Birds fed on garlic have dropping that are not offensive,as the sulfur in the garlic nullifies the offensive ammonia odor. The crushed garlic gloves can also be added directly to the dropping site to prevent offensive odor in the poultry house. #herbal #agribusiness

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