The purpose of any agricultural road map is to chart a specific course to arrive at a desired destination. The purpose of the agricultural road map is to chart a path to food security and wealth creation.
The path to sustainable growth can be fashioned after a model called the V.AI.M approach, this can be used for any value chain following the basic concept.
V.A.I.M is a model upon which all agricultural restructuring can be anchored to enhance productivity. The V.A.I.M refers to the strategies for growth, productivity as well as wealth creation used in AGRICULTURAL ROAD MAP.
What is the V.A.I.M approach? The V.A.I.M : V refers to value chain identification.
A refers
to addition.
I refers to intervention.
M refers
to market.
The first step is to identify your value chain of interest such as red meat, coconut, vegetables, rice ,poultry,piggery and fisheries.
A= ADDITION. The next step is to decide what value to addition you want to implement. The addition to the value chain, in terms of new products, storage, transports e.t.c.
I= INTERVENTION. The next step will be intervention, how do you want to achieve the goal? who are the partners to aid the goal? How to achieve intervention?
This may be achieved by public private partnership, government funding, grants, loans and other financial aids. This will also show the drivers of the intervention.
M= MARKET. How are you to market your products? Which method are you planning on using?
Marketing of products could be by: 1) creation of off takers scheme. 2) Marketing hub 3) joint venture marketing partnership.
The V.A.I.M map will provide a quick guide on where to invest, how to invest and the profit expected.