Saturday, November 29, 2014


The interaction between animals and man cannot be overemphasized,we live with some as pets,some are a source of income,while many are sources of good protein and other nutrients for the body. Animals also act as reservoir for most of pathogenic agents that cause diseases in man.65% of diseases affecting man are of animal origin,so its only logical that emphasis on proper animal health will result in improved human health. Animal characteristics ,behavior and nature can shed light on mechanism of certain disorders in man.Dr Alison Woollard in his lecture titled life fantastic,said certain creatures help explain where life comes from and how we grow and age. Dr Woollard,talks about how study of a particular type of fish could give us clues about sleep disorder inn man. Here,look at what he said about sleep disorder, Our biological clock - is an internal mechanism which regulates almost every aspect of our physiology and behavior. One of the ways in which it does this in humans is by exposure to the light/dark cycle of day and night, without which our internal clock becomes out of sync with the external world. So what would happen to our body's everyday routine, if we lived in a pitch black cave? Many cave dwelling creatures like this blind Mexican cave fish are pale and lack eyes Blind Mexican cave fish live in complete darkness their entire lives, and yet they have still developed an internal body clock that helps to govern their feeding patterns. By identifying and understanding the genes which control their body clocks we may be able to shed light on how our genetic makeup contributes to our internal 'clock' and better understand sleep disorders.

Friday, November 28, 2014


Diarrhea is the rapid movement of fecal matter through the digestive tract, involving poor absorption of water, nutrients and electrolytes and passage of soft, watery, unformed stools. Diarrhea usually is a sign that something is wrong with the dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Some cases of diarrhea are caused by digestive distractions, such as when dogs eat food or get into the garbage. Diarrhea can also be caused by more serious problems, like poisoning .Diarrhea can be severe and then stops. It also can happen gradually and last for a long time. Affected dogs often are nauseous and have intestinal cramping and pain. They can become dehydrated and depressed. Unless the underlying reasons for diarrhea are resolved, dogs can suffer from this unpleasant condition for a prolonged period. Diarrhea is usually a symptom of some underlying medical condition; it is not a disease or illness in and of itself. Nonetheless, diarrhea in dogs require prompt attention and treatment, both for the comfort and welfare of the affected animal and for the benefit and of its owner. Diarrhea can be acute, which means that it occurs quickly, which is quite severe and then its resolved.. It also can be a chronic which progresses for along time. Dogs with diarrhea will have a variety of symptoms, depending upon the cause of their condition and whether the disorder is acute (sudden in onset and short in duration) or chronic (slow in onset and lasting for a long time). Diarrhea is accompanied by gastrointestinal upset, which can include nausea, cramping and abdominal pain Diarrhea, as most people know, is the passage of loose, unformed stools. Both sudden-onset (acute) and chronic diarrhea can be life-threatening, especially in puppies, older dogs, dogs with compromised immune systems and those with underlying medical disorders such as diabetes, Addison’s disease In cases of diarrhea ,dogs should be given medication to coat the stomach walls and they should be given field to correct dehydration. The B olive diarrhea null is very effective ,try it today.
Call today for diarrhea null.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to wash your dog.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: How to wash your dog. The quality and texture of the dog’s hair will determine how much dirt it collects and how frequently the dog should be bathed. Your dog’s lifestyle and activities will also influence how often she gets dirty and needs a bath. If you own a dog with special coat requirements, consult a breeder or a professional groomer for specific recommendations. The usual reasons for bathing a dog are to remove accumulated dirt and debris, to ensure the removal of dead hair at shedding time, to eliminate doggy odor in dogs with oily coats, and to improve the appearance of the coat. Routine bathing is not necessary for the health of the coat or the dog. In fact, frequent bathing can rob the coat of its natural sheen and make it harsh and dry. For most dogs, regular brushing will keep the coat in good condition and eliminate the need for frequent baths. HOW TO WASH YOUR DOG. Before bathing a dog, brush out all snarls and tangles and remove mats. If this step is omitted, the wet, matted hair will set and be most difficult to manage. It is important to select a shampoo labeled “for dogs.” Most shampoos for humans are on the acid side and are therefore unsuitable for dogs. There are a number of good commercial dog shampoos on the market for dogs such as B OLIVE SHAMPOO.. Household disinfectants must never be used on dogs. These chemicals are absorbed through the skin and can cause death. Baths should be given using a bathtub or basin. Place a rubber mat on the bottom of the tub or basin to keep the dog from slipping. Plug her ears with cotton to keep water out-wet ear canals are predisposed to infection. Add some lukewarm water to the bath tub place the dog in the tub. Begin by washing her face with a damp cloth. Lift up the ear flaps and wipe the under surface to remove dirt, wax, and dead skin. Using a bath sprayer, wet the dog thoroughly with warm water. Then work the shampoo in by hand, one section at a time. Be sure to lather all of the dog-not only her back and sides, but also her neck, chest, belly, legs, feet, and tail. If the coat is badly soiled, rinse lightly , apply shampoo again and was thoroughly ,then rinse and towel dry your pooch.
Order for your dog shampoo!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Rabies, the neglected zoonosis.

Hello, pet lovers.I want to talk about RABIES ,a neglected zoonosis. What is Rabies?. This is a viral disease causing encephalitis in warm blooded animals.IT is zoonotic, meaning it is transmitted from animals to man. Rabies in man is a result of close contact with a rabid animal such as dogs,cats, bats, foxes, raccoons e.t.c. The rabies virus is in the saliva and urine of infected animals. The virus can be transmitted through bites of rabid animals, scratches, contamination of wounds with infected saliva, or mucosa contamination. 95% of human deaths occur in Africa and Asia, where 1/2 of those bitten are children under 10 years of age. The control of human rabies is linked to the eradication of rabies in animals. The prevalence of rabies is high in developing countries, poor underdeveloped countries because they dont seek medical care when bitten by rabid animals. The risk is also high in all these countries because of high population of stray dogs, increase contact of man with wild animals as man encroaches into the habitats of these reservoirs of the virus in the wild. In Nigeria, the reservoir hosts are dogs, cats , monkeys and to have a rabies free country , we advocate vaccination of our pets, and pre exposure vaccination for health workers @ risk such as vet, animal health professionals, animal handlers e.t.c. What do you do when bitten by a rabid dog? 1) wash site of bite with soap and water, continuously for 10 to 15 mins, Wash under running water. 2) Pour antiseptic such as dettol or alcohol based solutions such as after shave lotion on site, to kill the virus @ site of bite. 3) Go to the clinic, and get the post exposure shots of the anti rabies vaccine. 4) Report the case to animal health agency nearest to you. A report is important to the vet hospital nearest to you, so that other steps as regards the dog can be taken, the dog must be quarantined for at least 10 days to ascertain if dog is truly rabid. The treatment protocol depends on certain factors such as, 1) has the victim been exposed to pre exposure vaccination.2) what is the status of the dog. Most people dont take pre exposure vaccination against rabies, so the bite site must be infiltrated with a RABIES IMMUNOGLOBULIN, before the anti rabies vaccination commences. Treatment protocol. (NO prior vaccination) 1) wash site of bite, and in filtrate wound with the rabies immunoglobulin vaccine. 2) The anti rabies vaccine is administered on day 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28 days. when a person has had pre exposure vaccination of the anti rabies vaccine, do the following. 1) wash site of bite but dont infiltrate wound site with the rabies immunoglobulin. 2) the antirabies vaccination is given on day 0 and 3 , just 2 shots of the vaccine. Day 0 signifies the day you start the vaccine administration, which should be the day of bite, as delay can be fatal. Rabies though deadly can be prevented, vaccinate your pets today. LAGOS AWAKE, LAGOS AWAKE, LAGOS AWAKE, LETS KICK RABIES OUT NOW.

Friday, January 20, 2012

dogs for sale.


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