Sunday, January 29, 2017

Hair Loss Among Men Could Help Predict Risk of Prostate Cancer.

Anew research has shown that hair loss among men could help predict risk of prostate cancer. The team of researchers at the University of Toronto team evaluated cases of male pattern baldness and found a strong link between hair loss and prostate cancer risk. The Canadian research team added that high level of testosterone is considered as a reason behind hair loss and prostate malignancy. However, men facing hair loss should not start worrying about the results of this study. Majority of men suffer male pattern baldness as they age and the percentage of bald men rises with age. The research team from the University of Toronto checked medical records and male pattern baldness among 400 men who came to Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto for prostate biopsy. The research team asked these men about their degree of baldness at age 30. Their current hair loss status was also checked and evaluated on the Norwood scale A study published by the U.S. National Cancer Institute said that men with moderate baldness were more likely to suffer prostate cancer. The University of Toronto team found that men with higher extent of baldness had higher chances of suffering from prostate cancer, among the 400 men who came to Princess Margaret Cancer Center for testing. continue

Koycera Launches Washable Smartphone in Japan.

Japanese company Kyocera has launched a smartphone which can be washed with soap and water. While other smartphone vendors are boasting about water-resistant or waterproof smartphones, Kyocera has gone a step ahead and suggested that users can wash their smartphone with water and soap. Kyocera has launched ‘Rafre smartphone’ in Japan. The smartphone is the second washable phone launched by the company after its first in December 2015. The phone’s touchscreen even works while you wash it under faucet. In its official press release, Kyocera informed, “Like its predecessor, the new rafre features resistance to hot water and a touchscreen that be can be used even when the user’s hands are wet or when wearing gloves.” Using hand gestures, users can use the phone without even touching the screen. Gestures can help you scroll on certain apps without touching the screen and even answer calls. Rafre comes with 2GB RAM and 16 GB internal memory which can be increased by adding SD card. The smartphone offers high quality images with 13 mega pixel camera. The company added, “Furthermore, the new handset is equipped with a special cooking app which allows users to scroll through recipes, set timers and answer calls through hand gestures without having to touch the display. This allows use of the smartphone while users’ hands are coated with cooking ingredients.”continue

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The secret of raising pigs from a millionaire farmer.

GASPARD Kabalisa is a management consultant, who has exploited his entrepreneurship and managerial experience and skills to rake in millions from pig rearing. Kabalisa currently owns a model piggery with 70 pigs at Gasanze cell in Nduba sector, Gasabo District. Kabalisa says he started the farm in 2012 with a partner, who later pulled out because of financial reasons. Piggery has many advantages to a farmer: they eat a wide range of feeds, making it easy for a farmer to get feeds.He argues that piggery is also the easiest business to control. Every business can be rentable if done professionally. He says most of the animal feeds, including forages like sweet pepper, taro, squash, sweet potatoes, egg plants, maize are produced on his farm, but he buy a few processed feeds. James Akananiyundi, the veterinary officer at Kabalisa’s farm, however, says cultivated forages are important to supplement the industrial feed, on one hand, and to reduce operational costs on the other hand.Recently, the vet introduced a high yielding variety of beans that are rich in iron to improve the animals’ nutrition and help fight against anemia, which he says is a serious disease pig farmers are wary of. He plans to increase my stock to at least 400 pigs in next five months, set up a modern slaughterhouse on the farm and a small meat processor in order to gain more from business.continue

The 7 hurdles to scale before you can succeed in business.

The startup grind, are you ready? Why do some people succeed in business, while others stutter, stumble and fail? Think about it for a moment. Successful entrepreneurs come in all forms, shapes and sizes. They don’t particularly fall into any specific categories that make them special. 1)Fear; Fear is the biggest hurdle of all. It’s not the most dangerous hurdle, but it’s the most common one that afflicts people who want to start a business and become entrepreneurs. But why is fear so common? Why does it exist? The fact is, fear exists because of uncertainty. The less we know about the outcome of something, the more afraid we are. That’s why the fear of failure is the biggest fear of all when it comes to starting a business.The fear of failure is so powerful and domineering that more than 95 percent of people who have brilliant business ideas cannot act on these ideas because they’re too afraid to fail. 2) Perfection ;When it comes to business and entrepreneurship, getting started is always better than being perfect.Starting a business is like learning to walk. When you were a baby, you didn’t have to wait until the perfect time, and then suddenly start to walk. Babies start by crawling, and then they learn to stand, and then make several attempts to walk. The first time they walk it’s not perfect and most babies stumble and fall, but they always stand up again because they know that every new attempt they make brings them better at walking. 3) Law of bounce;Successful entrepreneurs have a high bounce, they always bounce back up whenever they hit the ground. Disappointments, problems and challenges are normal in entrepreneurship. Successful entrepreneurs factor in setbacks when starting or running a business. 4) Unbelief ; you must believe in yourself,your product and basically belief that you have what it takes to deliver. Starting and running a business is tough and only people with a strong and positive mindset can survive the rough seas of entrepreneurship. A positive mindset is the key. 5) Myopic vision; most people have a short term approach to business,they want instant success. Building a business takes time and needs constant tugging at ,with a picture-perfect vision on the long term. 6)Procrastination; like they say its the thief of time.Delaying your startup only prolongs the learning curve and delays the expected income. Start now or never. 7) ...... fill in the blank.Think about it,what is holding you back,what is the glass ceiling all about? Think about it and cross the hurdle and get to work.

Sage a herbal remedy for pain , inflammation and cognitive disorder.

Salvia officinalis is a perennial, evergreen subshrub, with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. Sage or garden sage as its commonly refered to ,is closely related to rosemary, and they are often considered “sister herbs”. The traditional use of sage in medicine is well-documented and dates back thousands of years,when it was used for the treatment of snakebite, protection against evil and boosting female fertility. According to research published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, the herbs sage and rosemary contain potent anti-pain and anti-inflammatory compounds. These compounds known as carnosol and carnosic acid are potent anti-inflammatory agents and also help reduce pain. In one study published in the medical journal Current Medicinal Chemistry, researchers found that sage’s ability to prevent the breakdown of a critical brain messenger hormone may make the herb helpful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Sage has been found to be so powerful in its ability to treat Alzheimer’s disease that the German Ministry of Health is currently considering adding sage as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease to its Commission E Monographs—a compilation of the safety and effectiveness of herbs. While there are various species of sage, the one most commonly found to be beneficial for Alzheimer’s disease is Salvia lavandulifolia. The herb also help menstruating women who are suffering from excessive bleeding, nursing women who experience excessive lactation, as well as menopausal women who are suffering from hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Another benefit of sage is actually its high level of vitamin K, an essential vitamin for the body that isn’t found in many common foods. Vitamin K is a crucial element for developing bone density and ensuring the integrity of our bones. Sage, particularly in its essential oil , has a history of use in the balancing of hormones. Sage is also available in tea form, dried or fresh herb, tincture, capsules or essential oils for those looking to take advantage of its anti-pain, anti-inflammatory and brain-boosting effects.


A study shows that developing nations are the most vulnerable to damage from invasive species, and countries at the center of global trade are the most responsible for the spread of the pests.A moth with a voracious appetite for tomatoes made its way from its native South America across the Atlantic to Spain in 2006, before setting its foot in the Middle East and then recently Africa. The female tomato leaf miner lays a couple of hundred eggs that stick to the underside of tomato plant leaves before hatching into larvae that bore through every last part of the plant, destroying it and making fruits pockmarked and inedible. This is not such a big deal for backyard gardeners, but it is a huge problem for tomato farms, where the moth’s larvae have reduced crop yield by 80 to 100 percent in some places. Though invasive pests like this moth don’t really care where they proliferate, as long as their preferred host plant is in abundance, a new study published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences shows that they are likely to have a much bigger effect on developing countries than on wealthier ones. continue

Social media and tragic selfies

On vacation with your family or friends, you see something great and you know that a million regular photos has been snapped before, with that exact scene. How to spice things up for your virtual friends of course, take a selfie. Taking a selfie comes with incredible risks attached to it. Driving, flying, or doing any other activity that requires you to focus is from the start not compatible with taking a selfie. If animals are involved, chances are they will not like your idea. We have chosen 17 innocent people who tragically died while trying to take a selfie in an attempt to raise awareness on the tragic phenomenon. People are dying before or after taking their beloved pics. Is it really worth it? Taking a selfie has become a second nature for most people and even professional photographers are dropping the charges on this new form of artistic expression. However, with so many cases where things went wrong, some measures need to be taken. Tourist officials are beginning to create selfie free areas, where this dangerous sport is allowed. At the same time, insurance company let no one go on a trip without asking first “Are you going to take a selfie while enjoying your vacation? Bull fighting selfie; In August 2015, a man was gored to death in the Spanish city of Pamplona. The 32-year-old David Lopez was foolish enough to leave the protected area and capture on film a feud between two bulls. Sick of running in vain, the animals sought revenge when they saw the man armed only with the latest iPhone in hands. We have reasons to believe the man died with a smile on his face. He had fulfilled a life’s goal by taking one of the best selfies ever. Unfortunately, the footage was confiscated and kept as evidence by the police. more

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