Agribusiness, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Cassava, Garri, food security, Agritech and the Red Meat Value Chain.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Bananas another important source of bio energy.

Genetically improving sorghum for production of environmentally friendly biofuel.
The bioenergy crop sorghum holds great promise as a raw material for making environmentally friendly fuels and chemicals that offer alternatives to petroleum-based products. Sorghum can potentially yield more energy per area of land than other crops while requiring much less input in terms of fertilizer or chemicals.
New research examines how genetic improvement of specific sorghum traits, with an eye toward sustainability, could help maximize the usefulness of sorghum as a bioenergy crop.The researchers They highlight disease resistance, flooding tolerance and cell wall composition as key targets for genetically improving sorghum for sustainable production of renewable fuels and chemicals.
Genetically improved sorghum will not only help with food security but also
Looking for a new pet?
Scientists name top five animals that are suitable to be kept as new pets. Responding to the growing trend in keeping exotic animals as pets a team of researchers has developed a methodology to assess the suitability of mammals to be kept domestically. The top five animals were: the Sika Deer, Agile Wallaby, Tamar Wallaby, Llama, and Asian Palm Civet.
The team began by conducting a web-based survey to discover which animals were most frequently kept as pets in the Netherlands. Other mammals were then added to the list based on data from veterinarians and rescue centers. Read more here
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Cloning dogs to live forever.
A lab in south Korea is helping pet owners extend the relationship between them and their pets by cloning their pets so they could live forever. People deal with the loss of their pets in very different ways. Some carry on as normal, some may cuddle their pet’s favorite chew toy while sobbing and others immediately rush out and buy a replacement. This extra bond between pet lovers/owners and pets has evolved into seeking perpetuation of there pets ,this is done by cloning their dogs.
The clinic called Sooam uses the same method that brought Dolly the sheep (1996 nuclear transfer to clone the dogs. The cells are taken from the pet to be cloned and the nucleus, that contains the organism’s genetic information, is removed and saved. Then an egg cell from a donor pet is obtained and the nucleus is replaced with that of the pet to be cloned.
The egg cell is then given a small electric shock to stimulate division, and after a few days the developing embryo is placed back inside a surrogate bitch. The surrogate doesn’t have to be of the same breed, but ideally they would be of similar size.
The pets are not like the original dogs, but more of an identical twin. Some dogs may also appear slightly different; the clones may also not have the same temperament as the original dog. The potential of extending a genetic line is huge ,the economic implication may not make it viable for all pet owners.
The business of cloning is very lucrative as the cost ranges from $100,000-300,000 per client,not every dog lover can afford this luxury,this is also coupled with the fact that not all cloned dogs are healthy as some are put down after cloning. The choice of cloning should be weighed against risks and benefits and its entirely a decision of pet lover.
Friday, July 15, 2016
New York City health officials report woman-to-man Zika Infection.
A report from the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report{MMWR) the first case of sexual transmission of zika virus from a woman to man in New York. The unnamed woman engaged in sexual act{vaginal intercourse) without condom with a male partner the day she returned to NYC from travel to an area with ongoing Zika virus transmission .
A week later, the male partner also developed Zika symptoms, including fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis.By this time, the woman had already tested positive for Zika infection, and subsequent testing in the man confirmed that he, too, had contracted the virus.
The man appeared to have no other opportunity to acquire the infection,the researchers concluded that it must have been transmitted during the sex act.“This case represents the first reported occurrence of female-to-male sexual transmission of Zika virus,” the researchers wrote in MMWR. They noted that other studies had identified the virus in the genital tract of infected women, and called for more research “to determine the characteristics of Zika virus shedding in the genital tract and vaginal fluid of humans.”
The CDC, which publishes MMWR, said it is “currently updating recommendations for sexually active people in which the couple is not pregnant or concerned about pregnancy and for people who want to reduce personal risk of Zika infection through sex.”
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Cataract removal from penguin.

Play Pokémon go veterinary-style.
The world is turning to games to help solve some of the challenges.There are games developed to help decode the human body,some to train the mind while some are diet games to help with weight issues.
Pokémon can be found in all corners of the earth,but you can streamline your search to certain habitats to catch rare creatures.The Pokémon you encounter will depend on where you are in the real world. Walk along a canal or river, and you'll encounter more water-types; a park might yield more grass-types. The veterinary knowledge is spot on as you know where to find certain creatures,and win.
The various industries are leveraging on the power of games to get business moving,enhance more interaction with customers and basically create brand recognition and thereby increasing sales.The plot of every game console is different but one thing is sure if you get the plot you win always and to do this you must know the characters in the plot,understand everything about them and you win. This is the key to the Pokemon go, you must know the different environment that houses rear creatures and access them for your catch.
How to play and win , first choose a character,name and customize your character. You can choose male or female avatars, and choose their skin tone and some other basic aesthetic features. You'll also pick out an outfit – there are essentially three complete costumes, but the parts can be mixed and matched to create a more individual look. You'll level up as a Pokémon Trainer as you progress, which makes more Pokémon available for capture and allows you to take on gym battles.
one of the original starter trio from the original Pokémon Red and Blue, Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle ,but you can over turn this by choosing pikachu as starter.Learn how here;
The method of catching Pokémon is probably the biggest difference between Pokémon Go and the core games. While you'll still encounter them in the wild, you won't actually battle them Instead, successful capture is determined by the Pokémon's level, the type of Pokéball used, and even your throwing technique.
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