Saturday, May 21, 2016


For one couple in Italy, finding a way to share photos became a challenge—and ultimately, a gift. Many of us have had that desire to see what our partner or spouse looked like as a child. As you grow to love someone, it’s easy to become curious about every part of their life—and being able to go back decades and take a look at their face before it became etched with a few wrinkles, or before the hair began to salt and pepper, has a certain degree of romantic fascination about it. Domenico lives in Como, Italy, where his girlfriend Miki is also located. Miki has been blind since birth, but she became very interested in the idea of seeing what Domenico looked like as a boy. That might seem like a simple request to honor in most cases, but for his girlfriend, Domenico had to get resourceful. Domenico got in touch with an Italian artist and digital sculptor, Simone Rasetti. He was able to use his considerable talents just by using a 40-year-old photo presented by Domenico, showing himself at five months old (cue in one big collective awwwww right here). He made a reconstruction of the face digitally in Z-Brush, and then uploaded it to Z-Suite software so that it could be 3D printed on a Zortrax 3D printer. Miki was included in the whole process, including being able to understand how the 3D printing process works by gently feeling the inside of the machine as the sculpture was being fabricated, letting her hand move back and forth for a moment as the layers were formed. It wasn’t long before the sculpture was finished and in her possession for good. Miki learnt about how Domenico appeared in the past, but she was also able to learn about a very helpful technology of the present and future—and she certainly had more of an education regarding 3D printing in a very short time than most do. With the help of Zortrax software and hardware, Miki is able to ‘see’ her boyfriend and indeed this type of printing should become more and more common. The sculpture of Domenico as a baby can be described with one word: adorable! 3D printing being used in many ways to enhance the lives of the blind, from delighting children with yearbooks that let them see their friends faces, and tactile books that allow them to experience stories more enjoyably, to offering 3D printed musical notation, maps, and much more. As the list grows, the blind have much greater insight into some parts of life that we of course take for granted. culled from

POWDERED EGGS. #egg powder.


 The importance of eggs in the poultry value chain can not be ignored,both the health benefits and financial implication show that eggs are very important in the value chain. Eggs can be sold in crates ,and the distribution can be quite cumbersome at peak of traffic, but the worst aspect in the distribution is the period of egg glut. The period where farmers have more eggs that out ways demand,leading to severe losses to the farmers.

This singular reason is why producers are looking for ways to protect their investments and also ensure the health benefits of eggs are not ignored. 

 EGG POWDER !!!! is the way out. Powdered eggs are replacements for fresh eggs:this could be powdered egg white or powdered whole eggs .The advantages of powdered eggs are 1) easy storage 2) longer shelf-life 3) easy transportation 4) non perishable. 

 Powdered eggs are very useful in the food industry, camping arena,school feeding programmes, and catering institutes.The extension of the poultry value chain to accommodate egg powder production is a viable project that need more players. The attachment of the egg powder production plant to the poultry can be a small scale or large scale production. 

The small scale will require minimal investment and it can be sited within a local government to cater for the farmers within and also generate revenue from this venture. The large scale will be capital intensive,but will cater for a large number of farmers and the revenue from this venture will be very high and will cater for a wide variety of farmers, local and international.

 Call today for your egg powder.


The egg contains all the nutrient to produce a chick,hence its a power packed meal that promotes growth and development. Eggs are nutrient packed and plays immense roles in various systems in the body.The protein requirement is 0.8g/kg on the average: with the requirement for man is 56g,and woman 46g. The FAO has cautioned that the dietary intake is below the required levels in developing countries hence more protein especially animal protein should be included in diet. One medium egg contains 70-85 calories of which 6.5g is protein. Eggs are nutrient rich and if incorporated in diet on a regular basis will make up for the deficit in protein in the developing countries; hence the truth an egg a day keeps the doctor away. EGG-VALUES; 1) its an health boost,with high level of nutrients it contains it contributes to the general well being of the individual, 2)vitamin source; vitamin B2 which is important for break down of food to energy. vitamin B12 essential for red blood cell production. vitamin A responsible for great vision; eye sight integrity. vitamin E responsible for fighting off free radicals that cause tissue and cellular damage. Vitamin B2 responsible for proper growth. 3) mineral source..iron for blood cells,and maintenance of circulatory integrity. zinc....ensures proper functioning of immune system. phosphorus.......responsible for healthy bones and teeth. iodine...essential for thyroid hormones. selenium.....its an antioxidant that helps reduce cancer risk. Eggs are also used as a weight management tool; a study by Rochester center for obesity stated that eating eggs for breakfast helps limit your calorie intake all day by 400 calories.The mode of action here is that it gives a satiety signal while releasing the nutrients into body,thus maintaining energy level.The cholesterol in eggs are dietary cholesterol not blood cholesterol,the dietary cholesterol are high density lipo proteins which are essential for proper functioning of the body systems. Eggs also linked to intelligence quotient because of choline content in the egg which is responsible for production of cell membrane and also produce signal molecules in brain thus coordinating activities at that level. Eggs also contains lutem and zeaxanthin that are antioxidants with maintain cellular integrity in the retinal thus preventing eye disorders such as cataracts and macular degeneration.


Eggs are nutritious and an egg daily keeps you fit and healthy.Eggs are beneficial to young ,growing children and adults.Eggs contains vitamin A, folate,vitamin B5,B2,B12,phosphorus and selenium.Eggs also contain vitamin D,E,K, B6,calcium and zinc. It has 77 calories,has 6 grams of protein and 5g of healthy fats. Eggs are enriched with omega-3 which are good for the body. Eggs contain choline which are used to build cell membrane,with a major role in producing signal molecules in the brain. The egg yolk contains lutein and zeaxanthin,,these nutrients reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Eggs are highly nutritious,they are power packed and its advisable to incorporate eggs into our everyday diet. Children fed early on eggs are healthy and very intelligent,eggs contribute to brain health.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Nintendo wants to get into healthcare and restaurants.

Nintendo is best known as a gaming company, but you could soon be seeing the familiar logo on everything from restaurants to healthcare devices.The Japanese company plans to update its Articles of Incorporation at a shareholder meeting to be held on June 29, with a view to diversify its business interests. If approved, Nintendo will expand the "purpose of the company" into new fields, including: 1)Development, manufacturing and sale of medical devices and health devices. 2) Development, manufacturing and sale of computer software. 3)management of and investment in eating establishments, stores and entertainment sites.4) Licensing of intellectual property rights. Medical and health devices, meanwhile, could be Nintendo's long-rumoured 'Quality of Life' initiatives coming to fruition. Announced in 2014, Nintendo had plans for sleep monitors and, before that, vitality sensors that promised an array of potential health and lifestyle benefits. The sleep tracker was put to bed in February, but the proposed additions to the Articles of Incorporation could indicate there are still related plans. Don't expect much, if any, connection to gaming though. That leaves "eating establishments" and IP rights. The latter is no surprise - Nintendo has been planning a wider use of its characters and properties for a while now, and we're already starting to see the results. Nintendo itself has rarely defined itself as a games company; rather, it's a company that happens to make games. It was founded in 1889, making Hanafuda cards, and over the decades has had its fingers in everything from toys and arcade machines to Japan's infamous love hotels. Whether Nintendo follows through on its new business categories or if it's simply adding them to cover bases for loose plans remains to be seen. However, with the still-secretive Nintendo NX to be revealed later this year and launch in March 2017, it's shaping up to be an interesting time for the House of Mario. Culled from

Gator hijacks watermelon.

Florida alligators are known for eating many things: turtles, birds, the occasional human limb. But one large gator with an apparent sweet tooth was recently photographed sliding into a canal with a whole watermelon clamped in its jaws. Gator caught stealing watermelon out of watermelon field in Hendry County," a Florida Agricultural Crimes Intelligence Unit officer wrote May 13 on the group's Facebook page.The photo stunned Steve Stiegler, a wildlife biologist in the alligator management program at the state's Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. "Um," he said, chuckling. "This would be unusual. Watermelons are not generally part of an alligator's diet." He added that the gator in the photo appears to be about 10 feet long. Alligators are predatory carnivores that eat fish and frogs when they're small. "As an alligator gets larger, it will eat larger fish, larger vertebrates such as snakes, birds, land mammals that get too close to the water or attempt to swim across the body of water," Stiegler said. He said that for an unknown reason, people who illegally feed alligators often give them marshmallows. Indeed, on the Facebook post of the gator watermelon thief, several people reminisced about tossing marshmallows to gators in Florida. That's a no-no, Stiegler said. "That alligator probably has a sweet tooth, and one of the more popular treats for people who illegally feed alligators are marshmallows. Alligators can taste sweet, and somehow this alligator got a taste of a watermelon and he's gone back for more." Culled CBS NEWS.

Rabbits, skunks can pass bird-flu virus to ducks..

A government wildlife researcher has found that rabbits and skunks can become infected with the bird flu virus and shed it enough to infect ducks — offering scientists one more clue about how bird flu may move in the environment and spread between farms, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said. Experiments done last year demonstrated that striped skunks and cottontail rabbits in a laboratory transmitted a strain of bird flu to mallard ducks after they shared food and water sources, National Wildlife Research Center biologist Jeff Root said in a statement. "When wildlife and poultry interact and both can carry and spread a potentially damaging agricultural pathogen, it’s cause for concern,” he said. Last year bird flu resulted in the death of 48 million birds in 15 states, sending egg prices soaring to record highs, increasing turkey meat prices and hurting exports of poultry products. Scientists hope to find how the virus gets from wild birds to farms and spreads, and Root said it’s now important to figure out how likely it is that such transmission across species happens in the wild. The study results offer the first significant confirmation that mammals can transmit the virus to birds. Skunks and rabbits are common visitors to farms across the country. They also are frequently found at the riverbanks and wetlands where waterfowl gather. Scientists studying bird flu who weren’t involved in the research said it’s a noteworthy finding, but more study is needed about how transmission is occurring. “These viruses, we’ve always known that they get very eagerly into turkeys. Turkeys and ducks exchange viruses but skunks and rabbits? Who knew? So this is really exciting that way,” said Carol Cardona, an avian health professor at the University of Minnesota who studies domestic poultry viral disease. “It tells us little bit more about an ecosystem we weren’t fully understanding.” Iowa State University veterinary microbiology professor James A. Roth said it’s an unexpected development, but it’s not clear whether these animals can spread bird flu virus into commercial turkey and chicken barns. culled from Columbus Dispatch.

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