Sunday, September 20, 2015


The raising of broilers for profit is no new venture, but not many people know the rapid turn over potential in this venture. Broilers are birds raised for meat, they grow rapidly and have good feed conversion ratio.The beauty of this venture is that the birds mature at a fast rate within a short time span of 8 to 10 weeks, and the farmer gets to make a steady income every 8/10 weeks. The fast food industry major in the use of broilers for most of the dishes they serve ,because of the taste , the quality of the breast meat and the size . The broiler can also be processed and hygienically packed as premium birds and sold in stores and retail outlets. The raising of the broiler starts from the day old, which must be from a good hatchery as the type of breed purchased has a lot to do with the outcome of the venture. The main purpose of the broiler production is to produce birds with good breast muscle, that reach market size at the appropriate time and have high return on investment. The Cobb broiler chicks will give good breast meat, have good feed conversion ration, reach a weight of 2.24kg in 42 days, mortality rate is 2- 4% and the feed intake is about 4-4.2 kg, the average weight in the first week is about 160gm . The cobb broiler will give a high return on investment. The management of the day old chicks include the brooding stage, the birds are kept warm using a source of heat that is monitored, the temperature of the house should be monitored , feed and water should be available for the chicks, a brooder guard should be available to keep them near the heat source and their must be shavings on the floor , there must be extra lightening for the birds so as to access feed which promotes growth in broilers. The birds are fed on broiler starter from 0-5 weeks. The growing/finishing stage the birds are fed with the broiler finisher from 6 weeks to slaughter when they reach market weight.The health status of the birds are important if they are to perform optimally,thus vaccinations, vitamins, antibiotics and worming are important. The birds must have access to good quality feed, and clean water always. The production is a continuous one so the flock should be replaced as soon as they reach market size. The Cobb broiler breed is more than just appearance, its efficient feed conversion is a plus in this era where feed costs are high and also its well suited for hotter temperatures.

Friday, September 18, 2015

AGRO-VETERINARY : Animal identification and treatment strategies with microchips .

 Animal identification and treatment strategies with microchips The animal world is undergoing a positive turn around,it called microchip in pets. What? Micro chip in pets, is about identification and registration such that animals can easily be traced and monitored.

 The microchip allows the information of the animals to be stored in a database for proper record purposes. The microchip implant is fixed on the left arm region of pets, it is placed just below the skin,while in livestock,the implant is in form of tags ,this is usually placed on the ears. These implants can then be identified using scanners. 

 The microchip implants play an important role in animal. The uses of the implants are enormous and they include 1) identification of pedigree . 
            2) tracking of animals into and out of a country.
            3)finding lost pets. 
            4) easy verification of pedigree of animals and ownership.
            5 )to prevent dog theft. 
            6) planning health protocol for animals. 

 The identification of livestock and pets is of paramount importance if any health preventive strategies are to be formulated and enforced. The identification process will provide adequate data which will depict, the specie, the number,sex and location, this simple data will make disease monitoring easy and also facilitate rapid response in case of disease outbreak. 

 Disease surveillance and disease preventive/treatment protocol will be easy and budgetary allocation will be accurate. Budgetary allocation is key in planning of preventive protocols,so if data is not available, no meaningful strategy can be implemented.


The poultry industry is a viable sector ensuring food security and contributing to the GDP of the economy. The revenue generated from this industry has been harnessed to drive growth and development but better management practices can actually increase the figures and provide more by- products that will further propel growth. The waste produced by the birds is a threat to the environment because of improper disposal and utilization of millions of tons of manure and litter soiled droppings produced daily. The waste generated by poultry is a problem to farmers as the high nitrogen content of the waste releases ammonia fumes in the air making environment unbearable, hence most poultry farmers are at a loss at how to manage the waste. Poultry waste normally is used as fertilizer for vegetable farm but it must be stored for about a period of 6 months before it can be used,the use of poultry waste to make bio-gas is a much better way. Chicken waste can be used to produce eco-friendly bio-gas which will provide energy in form of heat,gas(methane) for cooking and electricity and the digested slurry is disposed as treated fertilizer which has better market value. The use of the chicken manure to make gas requires specialized digester: the chicken manure is a peculiar waste to use to generate bio--gas because of the high nitrogen content ,but technology has found a way around it . The use of a specialized pre-treatment technology makes the anaerobic digestion easy, and the gas generated can be used to power homes and business across the country. The use of waste to generate electricity in the world today has various advantages to the individuals,nation and the environment. The waste generated in the poultry industry, the livestock farms,agricultural waste,food waste and human waste can be channeled into a bio-gas plant to produce methane,heat and electricity. The power generation in most countries need to be upgraded to serve the populace better,drive industrial growth and maintain a safe environment.The millions of tons of chicken droppings/litter can be channeled and put in a bio-gas plant to generate electricity. Waste of poultry has before now been a menace to the society because of improper management and disposal,but with the introduction of a pre-treatment technology that treats the waste before its passed to the anaerobic digester,for breakdown to produce the desired products. The use of chicken waste to generate power will reduce cost of production in the manufacturing industry,which will translate to lowered overhead cost,lower prices of products and more profit for manufacturers.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Information is vital to growth of any economy.The rate at which information is generated,disseminated and utilized is rapidly changing how businesses are run thus imparting the economy. Information communication technology has changed the playing field in various strata of the economy,with the advent of mobile phones,internet ,apps, and cloud services.

E-WALLET IN AGRICULTURE. Telecommunication has been utilized to collect data,analyze data,process the data and disseminate this as information to individuals and corporations thus ensuring perfect operations in these fields resulting in economic development. 

 The possibilities of telecommunication as a growth driver of the economy is endless.The world itself is a global village, making communication,transfer of documents across continents at the speed of a click.

The role of telecommunication as a force for economic change are as follows; 

 1) Education; this gives access to books,articles,journals learning aids and teaching aids.Telecommunication also facilitates obtaining degrees online,by provision of online universities and self-help courses,which open up individuals to wealth of information and advanced technology which they can apply to their various fields.E-WALLET IN AGRICULTURE. 

 2) health, this gives access to unique health care facilities,interaction with experts all over the world and exposure to latest medical procedures and diagnostic tools. This is so very useful in the rural areas where they can access a medical personnel by simply making a call,joining in conference calls and also . 3) AGRICULTURE; this allows forum discussion, dissemination of real live updates on weather,price, improved seeds, insurance, pest control and animal management.There are several program mes that transfer information through info graphics,animation or videos educating farmers so that they cut losses and expand the business.

 4) Time management; with telecommunication every aspect of production is simplified making work fast and easy.Every information can be easily accessed, and quickly disseminated,thus saving time and over head cost. 

E-WALLET The role of telecommunication as a growth driver for the economy is made possible and workable because of the mobile phone,one in every 2 people has a phone even in rural communities,there is an access to pay phone points. Telecommunication is a game changer in the business world and especially the agriculture sector where so many innovations and strategies are springing up to ensure food security; one of such programme is the phone -a-farmer initiative® to boost the agricultural value chain in various sections.

  E-WALLET IN AGRICULTURE. The company employs the use of data to profile information relevant to each farmer and as such render quality information that saves moneys and boost the revenue of the farmer.

The success of the project is hinged on the large number of farmers with a phone and on dedicated network that gives real time information through SMS or MMS. The initiative includes all sectors of agriculture value chain, processing and packaging. 

 The aim of initiative is to get all real time farmers down to grassroots where majority of farming is operational. E-WALLET IN AGRICULTURE. HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO!!! NIGERIA. .

India to Triple Number of Farmers Using Mobile Phones to Get Weather and Market Data | CCAFS: CGIAR research program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security

India to Triple Number of Farmers Using Mobile Phones to Get Weather and Market Data | CCAFS: CGIAR research program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security


Telecommunication as a tool for global food security. Farmers,producers,vets,animal health specialists.Banks,insurance companies, network providers are all important to every aspect of the agricultural value chain.... join the train. sign up and expand your borders. I-PHONE-FARMERS-INITIATIVE®....bringing benefits of agric to your door step.

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