This disinfectant has been proven to be effect against various bacteria,viruses and fungi spores.The virocid offers two-times the protection of other disinfectants,very effect in presence of organic matter.Its used in animal husbandry,fish farming,food processing industry,animal transport vehicle,hospital,personal hygiene and feed storage. Virocid is safe for animals,man and equipment.The use in cleaning equipment is very effective as it has a neutral PH,hence so safe to clean as it has long residual action,preventing recontamination of surfaces. virocid is used at low dilutions,active at all temperatures and still effective in presence of hard water.
Virocid is also referred to as hospital grade disinfectant,can be use for aerial disinfection, fogging,foot dips,tyre dips and general disinfection.

VIROCID® The most powerful disinfectant!
Worldwide proven efficacy.
Recommended in case of emergency disease control .
Listed by the United Nations’ F.A.O.
Tested and approved against Influenza A.
The influenza virus can live outside the body. It can thus be transmitted indirectly after having contact with infected objects and touching the eyes, the nose or the mouth afterwards. VIROCID® is a powerful disinfectant for surfaces and equipment (tables, chair, janitorial, floors,… and foot dips) and has a proven record in preventing and fighting disease outbreaks for many years: Classical Swine Fever, FMD, Avian Influenza etc. Moreover VIROCID® is recommended by the United Nations FAO against Avian Influenza H5N1 at 1:400. Now,
VIROCID® has successfully passed a test against both the swine and the human strain of the Influenza virus A/H1N1 at a specialized lab in the USA.