Gender equality is the fifth sustainable development goal(SDG) and to achieve zero hunger, food security with sustainable food systems there is the need for developing gender sensitive value chains.
There is a gender -sensitive value chain frame work developed by Food and Agricultural organisation which has added 2 components to the core value chains.
The frame work looks or analyzes the value chain based on individual and household level of involvement in the production circle.. This analysis will enumerate gender-based constraints along the production cycle as well as along nodes of production making it easy to proffer solutions.
The adoption of the SDG goals and the execution necessitates the need to reshape and restructure our food systems to be:1) More inclusive of the marginalized population.
2)Environmentally sustainable. 3)Capable of delivering healthy diets.
Why is gender relevant to value chains?
48% of Agricultural labor force in the low income countries/ under developed/developing countries are women.
The contributions of women to production and value chain development are usually not acknowledged,because the services rendered are usually not rewarded with wages as most of the work are regarded as an extension of the domestic chores.
The analysis of operations and actors within the food chain and along the production cycle will show constraints encountered by players and also give an idea how to address the constraints.
Women within the value chain are challenged in terms of access to land, livestock ownership, credit facilities, access to information,access to technology and education. These constraints are fundamental and when tackled will create gender sensitive value chains were contributions of women will be highlighted, addressed and rewarded.
Empowerment is the key to developing gender-sensitive value chains,where women gain power and control over their lives and acquire ability to make strategic choices.
Education is a chief component of the necessary action to stop gender -based constraints in value chains.
Lets access the constraints in a value chain and proffer solutions.: Cassava value chain.