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Showing posts with label GERMAN SHEPHERD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GERMAN SHEPHERD. Show all posts
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Russia gives France a puppy to replace Diesel, dog killed in Paris raid.
German Shepherd Dobrynya is named after a Russian folk hero .Diesel's death in a police raid was mourned on social media with the hashtag #JeSuisChien . He may be no Diesel, but Russia has given France a new puppy following the death of the seven-year-old police dog during a terror raid in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis last month."The puppy you are giving us today will replace Diesel and proves your friendship," said French ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert, during a ceremony at the French Embassy in Moscow on Monday."They are waiting for this puppy in Paris," he added, according to Russian news agency Tass. Dobrynya waits patiently during the handover ceremony in Moscow on Monday, December 6.
Diesel's death in a police raid on November 18 came five days after 130 people were killed in multiple terror attacks in Paris.
Read more;http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/08/europe/france-russia-police-dog/

Sunday, May 17, 2015
The German shepherd has been used as military dogs since the world war,and have played various roles in service to mankind.The various roles played by dogs have increased with new responsibilities been thrown towards the dog to serve man effectively.
The German shepherd are strong,intelligent,protective and very lovable,but the trait that makes them so useful is their instinct.The physical and mental traits of intelligence,endurance,size and strength are better harnessed by training.Training the German shepherd has integrated them into everyday living of man and protection of the environment.The usefulness of the German shepherd is evident in the fact that they are the most used breed in our world; they are used in the police section of the force where they are patrol dogs,guard dogs , and service dogs. In the army,naval sections,they are part of the armed forces squad(k9) squad they go on war missions where they work hand in hand with officers .They are used to sniff around for bombs,mine field and attack in the enemy territory. These dogs have also found therapeutic uses, they are used in hospitals especially for children and elderly to calm them and make them respond to treatment and recover early. These dogs also are useful for management of stress and traumatic disorders.
The German shepherd are useful in diabetic wards where they work as diabetic alert dogs. The dogs are also used in cancer detection in cancer patients,they also work as blind and hearing dogs for the blind and deaf.
The German shepherd were used as herding dogs in the early days,but this instinct has been channeled to train them as rescue dogs useful in cases of disasters such as earthquakes,floods and collapse.
The strength,intelligence and loyalty of the German shepherd makes them suitable as guard dogs for homes,banks and personal security,more and more people are shelling out large chunks of money to purchase and train their dogs. Training the German shepherd is essential as the dog has innate traits to work and this energy must be channeled to a specified task to get the very best out of your pet.
Train your pet today.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Dog training has been employed by dog owners over the years to manage and control their dogs. Training a dog is a means of communication between pet and owner,the needs of dog owners have increased over the years hence the training have been up scaled to accommodate new needs.
Dogs are trained to be guard dogs for protection, trained as diabetic alert dogs, trained for rescue operations in disasters such as earthquakes,building collapse,land slides e.t.c., dogs are also trained to sniff out hard drugs, illegal goods such as elephant tusk and rhino horns.Dogs can also detect prostate cancer, the K9 unit in the force also boasts of trained dogs that are of value in war and everyday routine police duties.
Dog training has gone way past obedience ,socialization and circus stuff,the training has gone high profile. The super rich in the society now seek protection from dogs,ditching their human body guards.The dogs have taken up so many roles and task that were reserved for humans, and are doing a great job.
Dog trainer hits it big sells a dog for 230,000 dollars, and many super-richy are asking for more...................
Get a German shepherd today and get the dog trained. All breeds can be trained but your breed choice must match purpose.
Read how a trainer made cool 230,000 off his dog and still selling..........read @ The $230,000 security system—kibble http://www.cnbc.com/id/102581968 not included

Monday, May 11, 2015
AGRIBUSINESS : How to choose dogs.
Dogs are man's best friend,friendly and helpful in more ways that you know.Dogs are of various breeds,sizes and perform various functions.
The German shepherd is friendly,intelligent and confident.The German shepherd is ready to protect,play and perform assigned task, the well trained German shepherd is a life-saver.The German shepherd properly trained are used in various capacities such as guard dogs,therapeutic dogs,K9 squad ,diabetic alert dogs and rescue dogs.
The German shepherd with perfect training are the best body guards ever, the intelligence of the dogs makes them easy to train, their fierce nature makes their task super-easy and their lovable disposition makes them the best body guard ever.The German shepherd is good with children, showing love and affection ,this trait has been used with success with children with autism.
Dogs are trained not only for protection,but also for health benefits as in the case of diabetic alert dogs.Diabetic alert dogs sense / pick up signals in the body of diabetic patients when glucose level drops and are able to alert patients to take medication.Dogs also help calm patients with high blood pressure.
A study by the American heart foundation,it was discovered that stockbrokers with high blood pressure who were given dogs experienced less surge in blood pressure when they are stressed compared to patients with same conditions but without dogs. Canine companionship is good and relaxing,well trained dogs have robust personalities,visit people in hospitals,retirement homes and orphanages.
Training a dog is an asset that comes with various benefits,according to Newyork times see how a trained dog fetched its owners 230,000 DOLLARS:
Guard dogs have long been used as a form of personal security, but they have now become a status symbol for the rich and famous. Julia, an elite guard dog, also known as an "executive protection dog," was purchased by her owner for the steep price of $230,000.
Julia and her ilk have some of the same tracking and fighting skills as the dogs used in elite military units like Navy Seal Team 6, which took a dog on its successful raid of Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan.
In fact, Julia was sold by a trainer, Harrison Prather, who used to supply dogs to Seal Team 6 and the British special forces. But then Mr. Prather switched to a more lucrative market.
He and others in the high-end dog training business say prices have shot up thanks to the growing number of wealthy people around the world who like the security — and status — provided by a dog with the right credentials. Moguls and celebrities now routinely pay $40,000 to $60,000 for a well-bred German shepherd that is certified as an expert in the sport of Schutzhund, which means “protection dog.” The price can go much higher if a dog does well at an international championship, as Julia did.

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