Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Chondroitin sulfate as good as widely used anti-inflammatory drug for knee osteoarthritis: Study

Chondroitin sulfate as good as widely used anti-inflammatory drug for knee osteoarthritis: Study: High quality chondroitin sulfate supplementation is as good as a widely prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for the treatment of painful knee osteoarthritis, new research reveals.

The pros and cons of commercial farming models in Africa.

The pros and cons of commercial farming models in Africa.Colonialism brought large-scale farming to Africa, promising modernisation and jobs – but often dispossessing people and exploiting workers. Now, after several decades of independence, and with investor interest growing, African governments are once again promoting large plantations and estates. But the new corporate interest in African agriculture has been criticized as a “land grab”. Small-scale farmers, on family land, are still the mainstay of African farming, producing 90% of its food. Their future is increasingly uncertain as the large-scale colonial model returns. To make way for big farms, local people have lost their land. Promises of jobs and other benefits have been slow to materialize, if at all. The search is on for alternatives to big plantations and estates that can bring in private investment without dispossessing local people – and preferably also support people’s livelihoods by creating jobs and strengthening local economies. Two possible models stand out. Contract farming is often touted as an “inclusive business model” that links smallholders into commercial value chains. In these arrangements, smallholder farmers produce cash crops on their own land, as ‘outgrowers’, on contract to agroprocessing companies. see Then there is growth in a new class of “middle farmers”. These are often educated business people and civil servants who are investing money earned elsewhere into medium-scale commercial farms which they own and operate themselves. more

How to improve spray coverage and efficacy.

How to improve spray coverage and efficacy. In modern crop production systems, spraying pesticides is an essential tool in managing insects and diseases. Even with advanced integrated pest management practices and bio-controls, sprays are sometimes necessary to prevent epidemics. Whether using organic, bio-derived pesticides or conventional, chemical sprays, spray applications rarely achieve 100% control. However, increasing spray efficacy from 90–95% can have a huge effect and prevent uncontrollable outbreaks. Sprays can be expensive and maximizing value is essential,thus there are a few basic rules to keep in mind that will ensure the best possible outcome. 1) Adjust pH of Spray Solution  Many pesticides/ fungicides/ herbicides perform best in an acidic solution, but ground water quality is often alkaline or neutral, depending on location of water source and time of season. Acidifying spray solutions is one step that can usually improve spray performance and is often skipped by farmers. There are several buffer solutions which are available and can be used to adjust pH of spray solution. Always consult the product label before adjusting pH, optimum pH can vary. This can be especially important with organic/ microbial-based pesticides which can drastically look efficacy if proper pH balance is not maintained. 2) Adjust to the Weather  High wind speeds are obvious to avoid, but even lower wind speeds can create drift and need to be calibrated to. Temperature has a large effect on drift as well. Typically higher temps create more drift as well. Adjust height and pressure to accommodate for wind and temperature. 3) The most common failures of sprays is because spray nozzles are clogged and often need cleaning or replacing,so it is important to check every time a spray application is used. The nozzles need to be calibrated to achieve proper coverage, and speed of the tractor needs to be tested and adjusted. The easiest way to check spray coverage is by using water sensitive spray cards which can be placed at several points through the crop. more

Contagious disease hits Tilapia farmers on 3 continents.

Contagious disease hits tilapia farmers on 3 continents.The Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV) has been reported in five countries on three continents: Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Israel and Thailand. The highly contagious disease is spreading among farmed and wild tilapia, one of the world's most important fish for human consumption. The pathogen poses no public health concern, it can decimate infected populations. Infected fish often show loss of appetite, slow movements, dermal lesions and ulcers, ocular abnormalities, and opacity of lens. In 2015, world tilapia production, from both aquaculture and capture, amounted to 6.4 million tonnes, with an estimated value of USD 9.8 billion, and worldwide trade was valued at USD1.8 billion. source

India’s cattle ban could ‘halt’ beef exports

India’s cattle ban could ‘halt’ beef exports: The Indian government’s ban on the sale of cattle for slaughter is likely to have dramatic impact on its billion-dollar cattle export trade.

Water quality and fish health.

Water quality and fish health,this is an important parameter in fish farming and to make money from fish farming all necessary protocols must be observed. Its very important to note the quality of water that can be used for rearing fish ; 1) water must be clean and free from chemicals. 2) water must be chlorine-free. 3)water must be free of pollutants such as oil,detergents and heavy metals such as aluminium,zinc and magnesium. Water is the medium in which the fish lives and the growth and survival rate depends on the quality of water. Water sources for rearing fish include borehole,springs,streams,wells lagoons and rivers. The source must be tested to check for quality and make necessary adjustments before channeling to your pond. Fish should not be reared with tap water because chlorine is present and this is hazardous to fish health,but in cases where the only source is tap water especially in urban farming then chlorine can be removed from the water and used to rear fish. Chlorine can be removed from water source by using any of the following methods before stocking your pond; 1) put water in tank overnight, the chlorine gas will evaporate making it safe. 2) use a dechlorinator. 3)Add vitamin C to pond @ 1 tablet /100L of water. The use of vitamin C is very effective as it not only removes the chlorine but also acts as anti-stress agent for the fish,making them stable and healthy when moved into the pond. Water quality and fish health: order for fish feed , fertilizer and seeds. see

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A mobile app that help farmers overcome crop damage launched in India.

A mobile app that help farmers overcome crop damage launched in India. The role of technology in agriculture cannot be over emphasized with various platforms such as SMS,videos, mobile apps, voice and e-learning in livestock and crop farming paving the way for food security. Phones,mobile apps with data analysis have enabled farmers to increase yield, because of the array of information available and the spontaneity of response from experts when they experience problems. The world has become a global village basically because of connectivity and ease of access to information, this simple role of connectivity if tapped into in agriculture will boost production,sales and increase revenue. In India, an innovative multi-lingual plant disease and pest diagnostic app available on farmer’s mobile phones helps them identify pests and diseases and suggests remedies was recently launched. This is how the ‘Plantix’ app works; Farmers take pictures of the affected crop and upload them on the app. The photographs are analyzed using artificial intelligence algorithms and results returned immediately to the individual farmer. Critical information on symptoms, triggers, chemicals as well as biological treatments are provided. All pictures sent via the app are geo-tagged thereby enabling real-time monitoring of pest and diseases. The resulting metadata provides valuable insights into the spatial distribution of cultivated crops and most significant plant diseases e.g. in the form of high resolution maps. Furthermore, the app encompasses a weather information system specific to the farmers’ location and a community feature that facilitates interaction with other players interested in plant protection services. more Harnessing this method and molding it to our specification is another part of the story. The recently launched app is to identify pest and diseases of crops and proffer solutions,now their are other possibilities such as 1) in livestock. 2) animal healthcare services. 3) sales of agricultural products. 4) online community that can be provided with banking facilities. see and the model is this

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