Sunday, May 17, 2015

Dog tricks.

Army crawling is a fun trick to teach to your dog that helps him improve his physical fitness. Some dogs will begin to crawl without training when attempting to sneak onto the couch or hoover up crumbs from the carpet. Start by commanding your dog to lie down. Hold a treat firmly between your fingers so that your dog can smell and lick the treat but cannot take it from your hand. Hold the treat in front of your dog’s nose, and slowly drag it along the floor. As soon as your dog crawls just a few feet, praise him, and give him the treat. If the dog stands up to take the treat, quickly take it away, and start again from the beginning. Try to get your dog to crawl for a slightly longer distance each time. Once he has mastered the trick, command your dog to lie down when he is at least 10 – 15 feet away, and then get him to crawl towards you. read more tricks at


The German shepherd has been used as military dogs since the world war,and have played various roles in service to mankind.The various roles played by dogs have increased with new responsibilities been thrown towards the dog to serve man effectively. The German shepherd are strong,intelligent,protective and very lovable,but the trait that makes them so useful is their instinct.The physical and mental traits of intelligence,endurance,size and strength are better harnessed by training.Training the German shepherd has integrated them into everyday living of man and protection of the environment.The usefulness of the German shepherd is evident in the fact that they are the most used breed in our world; they are used in the police section of the force where they are patrol dogs,guard dogs , and service dogs. In the army,naval sections,they are part of the armed forces squad(k9) squad they go on war missions where they work hand in hand with officers .They are used to sniff around for bombs,mine field and attack in the enemy territory. These dogs have also found therapeutic uses, they are used in hospitals especially for children and elderly to calm them and make them respond to treatment and recover early. These dogs also are useful for management of stress and traumatic disorders. The German shepherd are useful in diabetic wards where they work as diabetic alert dogs. The dogs are also used in cancer detection in cancer patients,they also work as blind and hearing dogs for the blind and deaf. The German shepherd were used as herding dogs in the early days,but this instinct has been channeled to train them as rescue dogs useful in cases of disasters such as earthquakes,floods and collapse. The strength,intelligence and loyalty of the German shepherd makes them suitable as guard dogs for homes,banks and personal security,more and more people are shelling out large chunks of money to purchase and train their dogs. Training the German shepherd is essential as the dog has innate traits to work and this energy must be channeled to a specified task to get the very best out of your pet. Train your pet today.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


Dogs have a well developed olfactory receptors,making it possible for the canine to pick up various scents that humans cant detect.The canine has about 220 million olfactory receptors while humans have about 5 -10 million olfactory receptors.This highly developed olfactory functions is the reason behind the sniff-detection ability of dogs.The odor processing part of the necocortex of the dog brain is large about 4 times more than humans,this has been employed in dog training. Dogs are trained to sniff out drugs,bombs, changes in glucose levels in diabetic patient and recently they sniff samples or organs for cancer. The dog is really intelligent,protective but more importantly the genetic make up of their noses make the sniffing ability a key in its training and subsequent usefulness.The dogs are trained using various samples from cancer patients,and with 5-6 weeks of sniffing various samples the dogs are 98% accurate.This early detection improves prognosis of the cancer patient as treat is commenced immediately. Read more how this is done at


Training your dogs to fetch is a basic command which is essential for dog -human interaction. Training a dog to fetch......follow this tips; Teaching your pup "FETCH"; 1)sit on the floor 2)get a toy such as a ball,bone or newspaper,toss it around,up and down to get his attention. 3)then throw the toy a short distance and say "FETCH",encourage pup to go get it by motioning the leash. 4)when he responds praise him and bring him back to you using the leash. 5)do this once or twice a day for 5 minutes. Dogs are useful in various ways and the fetch command is the tie in all their numerous activities. Dog owners can teach their dogs to fetch various items depending on what you want to achieve. Dogs love playing fetch see how they run and retrieve the objects, some dogs also play fetch on their own watch here at,d.ZGU


Training starts at an early age for pups and spans short periods of time in the day.The training should be done when your pup is most active and dont try to rush too many lessons/tricks or you end up frustrated.There are 2 important words your pup must learn at an early age,these are his name and" NO".When you choose a name for your pet,he must learn it, this you do by calling that name and gently stroking the coat, then you move away from pup and call the name motioning him towards you. This is continued for a while until pup responds immediately,with that settled you move to" NO" COMMAND.When you see your pup doing what you dont like or what is naughty you shout "NO"firmly, and stop him from continuing the action and turn your back to him,then wait until he shows good behavior and praise him. Pup training on basic commands are essential to help you interact with your pup and ease everyday working activities,these training are for short periods a day about 10-20 mins at a time,but it must be consistent to get the pup used to the training.It will take at least 3- 4 days for the pup to learn new commands,but each will be reinforced as training progresses with other commands.The pup should wear his collar with a leash attached for easy control,but the leash is removed at the end of training. Teaching your pup "FETCH"; 1)sit on the floor 2)get a toy such as a ball,bone or newspaper,toss it around,up and down to get his attention. 3)then throw the toy a short distance and say "FETCH",encourage pup to go get it by motioning the leash. 4)when he responds praise him and bring him back to you using the leash. 5)do this once or twice a day for 5mins. The fetch command is so important and basic for pup training,as this will allow pup to be accustomed to your voice.The fetch command can be modified at anytime to suit owner's needs. Bennet is an Australian dog ; the owner taught him to fetch beer and

Friday, May 15, 2015


This lion like dog is the most expensive pooch in the world though a big dog ,its category is small breed..The dog is intelligent,strong and very protective. The dog is favored because of its lion-look and protection instincts.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Potty training your dog is very important to your relationship and successful house training suggests that obedience training will be successful.There will be no benefit if your dog can sit or do the fetch command if she messes up the house regularly. Dogs are clean animals and generally they dont like to mess up their house ,they just need to understand where the toilet is ,and you have to pick up signs that she needs to use the toilet and then you act. House training is important yet very simple it all depends on your vigilance;if you are not successful at potty training your dog, obedience training cannot be a success. Dogs are clean and generally dont like messing up in the living quarters,you just have to let the dog know the designated toilet area. The training starts at puppyhood and you must be very vigilant, and get used to picking up warning signals such as; sniffing the floor,sitting by the door,walking in circles and giving you the "look" that she wants to relieve herself.The puppy needs to go to the toilet quite often so you watch out at these times; 1) after eating. 2)after play or exercise. 3) first thing in the morning, and immediately after a nap. 4)after any excitement. 5)last thing at night. The potty times are highlighted now watch for your dooggy signs and then you act, what you do at this time will make or mar the training. What to do when puppy wants to relieve herself; 1)quickly place the pup on a newspaper on the floor. 2) gradually you move the newspaper to the door. 3)until its outside the door, in a few days. 4)when paper is outside,place at your designated toilet area. 5) then take your dog outside to this area when she wakes up, after a meal at any other times she indicates she needs to relieve herself. The pup will learn to go there automatically, then the house is clean.Crate training speeds up house training,its another option.The dog will learn chosen words when relieving herself,this will encourage her to go quickly and at specific times.

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