Saturday, July 7, 2018

Shorter rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) schedule safe and effective.

Shorter rabies PrEP schedule safe and effective. In healthy participants, intradermal administration of a double dose of rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, given during two clinic visits was safe and noninferior to a standard three-visit schedule, according to recent data. Given the efficacy of the shortened schedule, which may result in wider acceptance, Patrick Soentjens, MD, PhD, head of the travel clinic at Queen Astrid Military Hospital’s center for infectious diseases in Brussels, and colleagues said intradermal (ID) administration of a two-dose, two-visit PrEP regimen is now one of the first-line schedules recommended by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization for international travelers and individuals at risk for rabies in endemic countries. “Rabies represents an unremitting and neglected global challenge. As such, new shortened ID schedules aim to be cost-, dose- and time-sparing, while maintaining safety and effectiveness,” the researchers wrote in Clinical Infectious Diseases. “Shortened PrEP ID schedules, using simpler low-dose vaccine regimens, can be considered an illustration that less can be more.”

Ichthyosis : a severe skin disease that affects dogs and humans.

Ichthyosis : a severe skin disease that affects dogs and humans.Both dogs and humans can suffer from ichthyosis, a disorder in which the skin becomes very dry, scaly, and prone to secondary infections. Medical researchers have uncovered new details about one form of the disease and took a step toward developing a topical therapy. A particularly serious skin barrier condition is known as ichthyosis in which thick layers of scales can build up. It arises when the lipid-synthesis process in the skin goes awry. Besides causing discomfort and a scaly appearance, the condition can make the skin prone to secondary infections. No effective treatments currently exist for ichthyosis, but a new study led by pathologist Elizabeth Mauldin of Penn's School of Veterinary Medicine takes a step toward a topical therapy.Using dogs that were born with one form of the disease, she and her colleagues uncovered its cellular and metabolic basis and used that information to create a compound to address the lipid deficits seen in the disease. Using a lotion applied to the skin, they were able to reinstate the corneocyte lipid envelope (CLE) that is typically lacking in these patients. Ichthyosis : a severe skin disease that affects dogs and humans.

Unraveling the genetics of disc disease in dogs.

Unraveling the genetics of disc disease in dogs.Since the early 1900s, veterinarians have observed intervertebral disc disease -- a common cause of back pain, rear limb paralysis and inability to walk -- more frequently in dogs with short legs (dachshund, French bulldog, and Pekingese to name a few.) But they couldn't pinpoint why? until now. Why short-legged dogs more likely to develop painful disease. University of California, Davis, researchers reveal the discovery of a genetic mutation across breeds that is responsible for chondrodystrophy (the skeletal disorder leading to shorter legs and abnormal intervertebral discs) in a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Dogs with intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) are 50 times more likely to have this mutation; that's an incredibly strong correlation with disc disease," said Danika Brannasch, a veterinary geneticist and the paper's senior author. "Being able to identify the cause of this painful condition is the first step to alleviating pain and suffering for dogs at greatest risk."

Dogs with noise sensitivity should be routinely assessed for pain by veterinarians.

Dogs with noise sensitivity should be routinely assessed for pain by veterrinariians.Dogs which show fear or anxiety when faced with loud or sudden noises should be routinely assessed for pain by veterinarians, according to new research. Researchers believe that pain, which could be undiagnosed, could be exacerbated when a noise makes the dogs tense up or 'start', putting extra stress on muscles or joints which are already inflamed leading to and associated with a loud or startling noise. Animal behavioural scientists from the UK and Brazil examined cases of dogs which had developed a sensitivity to either loudness, different pitches, or sudden noises, and found that those which also had associated musculoskeletal pain formed a greater sensitivity to noise. The study suggested that that fear or anxiety about noise could be association between a fear of noises and underlying pain.

7 Powerful Health Benefits of Glutathione.

Glutathione is a detoxifier that is found naturally in your body's cells. It eliminates certain dangerous toxins and is also a powerful antioxidant. Glutathione is an antioxidant that fight cell damage that can be caused by certain chemical reactions,these chemical reactions release free radicals, which can damage cells within the body. The body produces glutathione naturally but this process wanes with age,hence conscious efforts must be made to boost the level of glutathione to enjoy all the health benefits. These chemical reactions produce substances known as free radicals, which can damage cells. Glutathione can be sourced naturally from fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, peppers, carrots, onion, broccoli, avocados, squash, spinach, garlic, tomatoes, grapefruit, apples, oranges, peaches bananas and melon. Glutathione levels can be boosted by using certain supplements to enjoy the benefits. 1) Increases Energy Levels. 2)Strengthens the Immune System. 3)Reduces Muscle & Joint Discomfort. 4)Improves Mental Focus & Clarity. 5)Helps the Liver Detoxify the Cells. 6)Improves Quality of Sleep 7)Slows Down the Aging Process.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Synthetic meats are on their way, and our farmers are going to be left behind.

Synthetic meats are on their way, and our farmers are going to be left behind.Fake’ animal proteins are set to disrupt world markets – and much faster than our agriculture industry is anticipating, argues food strategist Dr Rosie Bosworth.

Benefits of glutathione.

Benefits of glutathione. Glutathione; 1) Is the Body's Master Antioxidant it is considered the master antioxidant due to its unique multifunctional characteristics as well as it's unprecedented ability to neutralize many types of free radicals that assault the cell. It is the only antioxidant that recycles itself again and again to continue fighting free radicals. 2) Is The Primary Detoxifier of the Cell Today we are confronted by over 80,000 chemicals in the air we breathe, the food and water we ingest, and the materials we touch and handle. Many of these toxic chemicals enter our cells and must be eliminated to protect the cell and maintain optimum function. Glutathione is the cell's first line of defense against chemicals and toxins and the primary detoxifier that can eliminate many of these toxins when it is present in optimal amounts. 3)Is A Powerful Chelator of Heavy Metals Heavy metals enter our cells in the same manner as chemical toxins. Fortunately, they can be removed from the cell by a process of chelation, and Glutathione is one of the cell's most powerful chelating agents. 4) Is The Protector of the Immune Cell Our immune cells are designed to protect us, but what protects the immune cell? Glutathione is the protector of the immune cell and allows newly formed immune cells to proliferate to attack germs and viruses. 5) Is The Protector of Mitochondrial DNA The breakdown of the mitochondrial DNA accelerates aging and increases cell death. Glutathione is the protector of the Mitochondrial DNA, and the lower the glutathione level, the more vulnerable this DNA becomes to breakage. 6) Is The Protector of the Nucleus of the Cell The nucleus of the cell regulates all cell activity and protecting it is critical to the health of the cell and its optimal function. When present in abundance, glutathione gives the nucleus the protection it needs. 7) Reduces Oxidative Stress Oxidative Stress is the most aggressive destructive force that assaults the cell. Cells manufacture a number of antioxidants to counter oxidative stress. Glutathione plays a primary role in neutralizing many different types of free radicals.

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