Tuesday, July 19, 2016

How to start a profitable egg supply and distribution business.

Starting an egg distribution business,could be a full time or part-time business. Starting an egg business is easy and profitable and you can start today. The first phase is to identify your customers,then find a reputable source,that will provide high quality eggs and at reasonable price. Eggs are of various sizes and grades,and its better to have a mix of large,small and medium to cater for different clients. The ideal place will be to register with a farm, and sort out arrangements about frequency of collection and delivery. Eggs can also be collected at egg depots for further distribution to retailers and consumers. The targeted clients will determine your entry point to the business, you can be a big time player or small to medium player . You don't need a lot of money to start the business, its a low capital startup that you can venture into with 30,000,and expand your capital base as you progress.The key to success is marketing,vecause if you cant network you cant sell. The challenge is not money or the products{eggs} your ability to do great networking. I was amazed to find out that the demand for egg is huge. H Farm owners and bulk distributors, prefer having 30 customers who buys from them regularly than having 3 or 5 major buyers. The logic is with about 30 customers , at least 15 will be available on every sales day,thus creating a steady income. Major egg suppliers comes from outside Lagos. The bulk of eggs consumed in Lagos comes from Ogun, Ondo and Oyo. The farms in Lagos are attached to notable merchants, but smart business people prefer to get their supply outside Lagos because its cheaper. When you factor in cost of fuel, stress and unnecessary roadblocks,sourcing in your locality makes better business sense. Egg crates are important for the success of your business, plastic,paper or decorative seal- able crates are some of the options. The crates could be small or big depending on your egg sizes.While purchasing your egg crates, make arrangements for both the large size and small sizes. If you are transporting it over along distance, the use of big crates are advisable, because with big crates,the eggs will have space and you will experience lesser damages. When delivering eggs to retailers use the small ones,because when you use the big crates for delivery, the eggs look very small but with a small crate, small eggs look big. Starting with egg distribution and supply depends on how big or small you want to start,as you are your own boss you set the pace. You can decide to be a retailer, a wholesaler and you can combine the two. The key to profit is to set a goal,determine how many crates you want to sell in a week and at what level,may be wholesale or retail. 100 crates @850 = 85,000. when sold per crate @900 =90,000 naira. A profit of 5,000 naira. The same 100 crates sold on retail basis yields 1,200 naira/crate which is a total profit of 120,000 naira only. The difference is enormous and potential huge as you get this amount of profit even with wholesales with the right niche.The margin could even be much higher depending on your source. Superstores,shops, schools,eateries are a few of the places you can supply to and make money. Join our league of distributors and make money today. See

Money making opportunity in koi fish farming.

Koi literally means ("brocaded carp"), are ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp (Cyprinus carpio) that are kept for decorative purposes in outdoor koi aquariums or water gardens. Koi varieties are distinguished by coloration, patterning, and pattern of scales. Some of the major colors are white, black, red, yellow, blue, and cream. The most popular category of koi is the Gosanke, which is made up of the Kohaku, Taisho Sanshoku, and Showa Sanshoku varieties. The common carp is a hardy fish, and koi retain that durability. Koi are cold-water fish, but benefit from being kept in the 15–25 °C (59–77 °F) range, and do not react well to long, cold, winter temperatures because their immune systems are very weak below 10 °C. Koi ponds usually have a metre or more of depth in areas of the world that become warm during the summer, whereas in areas that have harsher winters, ponds generally have a minimum of 1.5 m (5 ft). Specific pond construction has been evolved by koi keepers intent on raising show-quality koi. The bright colors of koi put them at a severe disadvantage against predators; as they are easily spotted and preyed upon. Koi are very hardy. With proper care, they resist many of the parasites that affect more sensitive tropical fish species, such as Trichodina, Epistylis, Ich and other ciliated protozoans. Two of the biggest health concerns among koi breeders are the koi herpes virus (KHV) and rhabdovirus carpio, which causes spring viraemia of carp (SVC). No treatment exists for either disease. The koi fish farming is a money-making venture as the fish can grow to 3 feet long,as they can grow 2 to 6 inches a year.The koi with the right body confirmation increase their prices and hence raise profit of farmer. Koi can survive extreme winter conditions by being dormant at the bottom of the pond where water temperature is warmest.The key to their survival is to put a hole in the ice so that oxygen can enter and carbon dioxde exits. The biggest threat to koi survival is water conditions as the fish cannot tolerate ammonia levels. The pond must have a functional filter to remove waste produced otherwise you find them dead,belly-up in the pond. The koi fish excrete ammonia through their gills and in their waste,a pond without a filter to process the ammonia will eventually lead to ammonia buildup leading to pollution of the water and death of fish. Fish must eat at least twice a day and are fed ready-made pellets. They also require at least 47 percent protein in their diet to ensure proper growth. The fish attract a high percentage of profit as the niche of clients are very rich,but also they require care to reproduce and thrive. A farmer is making money breeding and selling ornamental fish ,see how

Five-Year-Old Boy Becomes First Child in Pakistan to Receive a 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand.

In Pakistan, that moment came with the launch of Xplorer 3D, the first 3D printer manufacturer in the country, whose self-named printer began increasing the awareness and popularity of 3D printing in the region. Now, Xplorer 3D has become a facilitator for another first in Pakistan. Along with their authorized retailer Viscous.co and 3D printed prosthetics provider Bioniks, the company was able to help a young boy become the first child in the country to receive a 3D printed hand. Five-year-old Mir Bayyaan Baloch was born without his right hand, but thanks to the determination of his father and the support of those dedicated to improving lives through 3D printing, he now has the ability to do everything other children his age can do. When Bayyaan’s father, Mir Umer Baloch, began researching affordable prosthetics for his son online, one of the resources he came across was Team UnLimbited, aka Drew Murray and Stephen Davies of Britain. The two e-NABLE volunteers are the designers of the Unlimbited Arm, an elbow-driven prosthetic for individuals with a functional elbow and partial forearm but no wrist or hand. The design has become a popular option for children with missing arms, and it was a perfect option for Bayyaan, whose forearm stops right above where the wrist would be. Mir Umer Baloch reached out to Bioniks, who took on Bayyaan’s case as a special project. With an Xplorer 3D printer at NED University of Engineering and Technology, they carefully designed and printed an UnLimbited Arm in bright orange and yellow. It took some work and adjustment to fit the device to the boy’s small arm, but finally Bayyaan has a functional, comfortably fitting arm that he can use to grasp and hold objects, as well as shake hands and give high fives, which he seems visibly excited about. Read

Kenyan students’ app emerges first runner up in global innovation contest.

A mobile application developed by Precious Blood, Riruta students was named first runners-up in a global contest that recognizes schoolgirls’ technological innovations.The M-Safiri app- designed to ease the process of booking and paying for public transport- emerged second in the Technovation Challenge 2016 held in San Francisco, California in the US. bbThe Precious Blood students, who go by the name ‘Team Sniper’, developed it through App Challenge, an initiative of Safaricom Women In Technology (WIT) dedicated to inspiring women in technology and entrepreneurship and targets girls in high schools for a 12 week coaching period. M-Safiri tied in the second place with ‘Go Green’, an iOS app by New Dork team from USA to minimize food wastage by restaurants. The winning app that clinched the USD 100, 000 prize, was ‘OOL’ developed by Team from Mexico to encourage citizens to volunteer in social work.Read more

Clinician quits job for wooden- matatus and his making money.

He decided to quit his job in June to follow his passion — his childhood love for toys. He traded his degree for his passion and his making so much money. “I completed my studies in 2013 before landing a job. But I loved making models of different things while growing up. I would at the time use papers and old cartons,” Lukaho told Ma3 Culture. He added that,“Most of the time, I worked during night shifts, which is why I utilised my day time to make doll houses and other toys. It’s my passion, I never did it for money.” Lukaho decided to make toys that resemble the modern day mathrees plying the city and Komarock estate route.Read more

China invests in luxury pork.

China invests in luxury pork: There's an emerging trend in China that has seen high-end pork producers target a niche, high-margin market as consumers seek out premium produce.Read here

Russian meat firms develop consumer packs to support sales

Russian meat firms develop consumer packs to support sales. Top Russian meat producers are increasingly producing meat in so-called ‘consumer packs’, with the aim of gaining a bigger sales margin in this segment of the market.Read here

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