The number of chickens in the country can help solve this power crisis by the using their waste to generate electricity. This is another aspect of climate smart agriculture,the waste that usually end up in landfills destroying the environment and increasing emissions can actually be converted to power which is clean energy.
This is an analysis for a state,imagine this replicated in other states especially from local government levels where waste to wealth initiatives are encouraged.
The waste generated not only smells but also is a breeding area for flies which further increase spread of diseases. The problem of waste disposal is one that can be turned to a new source of income by channeling the waste to a digester to produce heat,electricity and fertilizer.
Biogas uses anaerobic digestion to breakdown poultry litter to methane,carbon dioxide and other gases which can easily be converted to light and energy.
The gas is lighter than air ,will be pipped to the top of the tank to a biogas cooking stove or light.
The advantages of the biogas plants are
1) Improved manure composition and less odor
2)Higher availability of nutrients thus higher crop yields
3)No acidification of the soil as digestate has a pH of 8.
4) Reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.
5) Generation of renewable energy; green power. 6) Reduced overhead cost.
Every kg of organic matter yields 0.5m3 of biogas.
1000kg of chicken litter yields 200m3 of biogas.
1m3 of biogas = 2.1 KW electricity and 2.5 KW heat.
The poultry value chain can not only provide food,cloth accessories,jobs but it can also generate electricity that will power more farms,industries and homes .
The biogas plant will also ensure a cleaner environment.Join the biogas project to change our #environment #economy #lives .