Agribusiness, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Cassava, Garri, food security, Agritech and the Red Meat Value Chain.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
The abattoir should be situated in well drained area with a good gradient to allow easy run off of waste.
The abattoir should be easily accessible with good roads, electricity and close proximity to market.A generator is a necessity
in the abattoir,with good supply of portable water. The abattoir should be fitted with overhead rails which have water hose and sprinklers to wash carcass at every slaughtering stage.The walls are tilled to allow easy cleaning and disinfection, the floor is made of cement or concrete so that its easy to wash and disinfect.
Raising pigs for profit can be more profitable if a mini abattoir or slaughter house is incorporated in the production chain. A very simple procedure with the use of pulleys/ levers can be used to slaughter pigs in an hygienic way with minimal exposure to contamination.
The skin of the pig is not removed as this is eaten along with the meat, with the skin intact much of the meat is not exposed.
The hair on the skin is removed by scalding in hot tanks which is at a temp of 60-62°c.
The simple sketch shows how the slaughtering is carried out, at the end of the slaughtering process, the carcass are passed on to the processing room, where the cut parts are packed into clean bags for sale.

Burbank and biotechnology.
Sir Burbank is famous for his numerous new plant varieties he produced by crossing different strains and specie. He is publicly acclaimed for his spineless cacti varieties. The work of Burbank is based mostly on Darwin's theory that in every plant/animal there are variations.He reasoned that genes are selected randomly during breeding,but that in the DNA of plants/animals there are many variations and combination. Burbank worked on various species and produced numerous new species that were bigger, juicy and very colorful.The work on genes,species is now more advanced now with BIOTECHNOLOGY..
The various techniques applied in biotechnology makes selection of desirable traits very easy and the recombination into another specie to produce a new variant.The use of biotechnology is indeed the key to food security.The production of new variant of plants/animals that are resistant to diseases,pest and harsh environment resulting in better variants.This new variants grows rapidly,are bigger and more juicy.These new variants mature fast thus shortening harvest time and are usually large in size commanding high market value.This indeed is a world of possibilities,creating new strains and breeds to feed the ever increasing population.
Biotechnology is vital to food security and sustainability.

Monday, September 21, 2015
Agric financing for chicken abattoir.
Farmers just like any other business,may need to lean on a financial arm for support at a point in time.Many farmers dont know the opportunities they have to access these facilities, or how to access them and grow.
Farming is a lucrative venture duly supported by government,financial giants,cooperative bodies and micro finance schemes. Agricultural loans are of various types , can be accessed at various levels and have different amounts as per the size of the project.These loans can be accessed corporately or as individuals,depending on amount involved,most of these loans can only be accessed when the farm has an insurance cover.
Agricultural loans and agricultural insurance are intertwined,you cannot do one without the other; before you try to access the loan make sure you are insured.The basic requirement for the loan are as follows; 1) application form.
2) farm records; showing productivity and profitability.
3) Registration record/licence of farm.
4) account details.
The banks that give out such loans include bank of agriculture, and first bank ,they also require you have an account with them that is operational.
To secure an agric loan from a micro finance bank is easy and readily available; see the process
Facility range: N50,000 (minimum) to N500,000 (maximum)
Methodology: Individual, group and corporate
Duration: 1-12 months
Grace period: 30-60 days
Prospective clients must be practicing farmers with verifiable evidence of existing farm investments.
No collateral
Provides capital for farming activities
Flexible repayment structure
Low interest rates.

Promoting economic growth with phones.
Information is vital to growth of any economy.The rate at which information is generated,disseminated and utilized is rapidly changing how businesses are run thus imparting the economy.
Information communication technology has changed the playing field in various strata of the economy,with the advent of mobile phones,internet ,apps, and cloud services.
Telecommunication has been utilized to collect data,analyze data,process the data and disseminate this as information to individuals and corporations. This facilitates perfect operations in these fields resulting in economic development.
The possibilities of telecommunication as a growth driver of the economy is endless..The world itself is a global village, making communication and transfer of documents across continents at the speed of a click.
The role of telecommunication as a force for economic change are as follows:
1) Education: this gives access to books,articles,journals learning aids and teaching aids. Telecommunication also facilitates obtaining degrees online,by provision of online universities and self-help courses,which open up individuals to wealth of information and advanced technology which they can apply to their various fields.
2) Health: this gives access to unique health care facilities,interaction with experts all over the world and exposure to latest medical procedures and diagnostic tools.
This is so very useful in the rural areas where they can access a medical personnel by simply making a call,joining in conference calls and also telemedicine
. 3) Agriculture: this allows forum discussion, dissemination of real live updates on weather,price, improved seeds, insurance, pest control and animal management.
There are several programs that transfer information through info graphics,animation or videos educating farmers so that they cut losses and expand the business.
4) Time management: with telecommunication every aspect of production is simplified making work fast and easy. Every information can be easily accessed, and quickly disseminated,thus saving time and over head cost.
The role of telecommunication as a growth driver for the economy is made possible and workable because of the mobile phone,one in every 3 people has a phone even in rural communities,there is an access to pay phone points.
Telecommunication is a game changer in the business world and especially the agricultural sector where so many innovations and strategies are springing up to ensure food security. One of such programs is the phone -a-farmer initiative® . This concept aims to boost the agricultural value chains in various sectors.
Information communication technology has changed the playing field in various strata of the economy,with the advent of mobile phones,internet ,apps, and cloud services.
Telecommunication has been utilized to collect data,analyze data,process the data and disseminate this as information to individuals and corporations. This facilitates perfect operations in these fields resulting in economic development.
The possibilities of telecommunication as a growth driver of the economy is endless..The world itself is a global village, making communication and transfer of documents across continents at the speed of a click.
The role of telecommunication as a force for economic change are as follows:
1) Education: this gives access to books,articles,journals learning aids and teaching aids. Telecommunication also facilitates obtaining degrees online,by provision of online universities and self-help courses,which open up individuals to wealth of information and advanced technology which they can apply to their various fields.
2) Health: this gives access to unique health care facilities,interaction with experts all over the world and exposure to latest medical procedures and diagnostic tools.
This is so very useful in the rural areas where they can access a medical personnel by simply making a call,joining in conference calls and also telemedicine
. 3) Agriculture: this allows forum discussion, dissemination of real live updates on weather,price, improved seeds, insurance, pest control and animal management.
There are several programs that transfer information through info graphics,animation or videos educating farmers so that they cut losses and expand the business.
4) Time management: with telecommunication every aspect of production is simplified making work fast and easy. Every information can be easily accessed, and quickly disseminated,thus saving time and over head cost.
The role of telecommunication as a growth driver for the economy is made possible and workable because of the mobile phone,one in every 3 people has a phone even in rural communities,there is an access to pay phone points.
Telecommunication is a game changer in the business world and especially the agricultural sector where so many innovations and strategies are springing up to ensure food security. One of such programs is the phone -a-farmer initiative® . This concept aims to boost the agricultural value chains in various sectors.
All categories of poultry can be raised and processed for profit. The time of maturation of these birds differ hence the venture could be short term or a long term venture depending on your finances .
Whatever the category, processing and packaging as premium chicken still is the best approach as it attracts high market value.

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