Showing posts with label waste water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waste water. Show all posts

Friday, October 1, 2021

The Circular Economy in Agriculture and Sustainable Development Goals.

  Circular economy, a new model of production based on the reduce,reuse and recycle but with emphasis on turning products/ by products to inputs in the cycle of production.

  The benefits of the circular economy are enormous but can be  to the sustainable development goals.(SDGS).

 The  circular economy results in more food production using sustainable methods, thus aligning with zero hunger .(sdg2)

 The recycling model of turning some products to inputs, reduces waste, provides new forms of clean and affordable energy.

This model reduces the pressure on the environment by turning waste to wealth, thus combating climate action while building sustainable cities and communities.(SDG 13 and 11).

The reuse of waste water by recycling also provides clean water while making environment clean by preventing run-off of waste water thus maintaining sanitation standards.(SDG 6).

 The circular economy is a paradigm shift from the linear economy by using innovative methods and strategies to improve production cycle to increase profit while curbing waste which translates to building sustainable industry,infrastructure with innovative models.(SDG 9)

 The production cycle in circular economy will open up opportunities creating decent work and economic growth. (SDG 8)

 The circular economy in  Agriculture aligns with the sustainable development goals also by ensuring life on land, below water are safe leading to responsible consumption and production. SDG14,15 and 12)

 The circular economy in the poultry sector:1) waste collected and turned to energy.

2) Feathers recycled, reused in fashion and construction industry reducing pressure of waste dumping in environment while creating wealth.

3)Feathers as raw materials for animal feed, feather meal.

4) Feathers as raw materials in creative industry, fashion and arts increasing opportunities for export of products while creating jobs and reducing climate action.

4)Innovative feeding methods that increases productivity without increasing cost of production by using feed stuff that are noncompetitive.

5) Eggs turned  egg powder an innovative product to curb egg glut, create a handy method to transport eggs while increasing shelf life.

6) Egg shells turned to calcium source for animals  and also shells used as raw material for scouring powder.

7)Egg shells also used as raw material in arts and crafts.

8)Egg shells turned to crockery,

 The opportunities are endless, the cycle continues. Food to waste and waste to food, energy and other products.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Vegetables irrigated with treated waste water expose consumers to drugs.

A new study by a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Hadassah Medical Center shows that eating vegetables and fruits grown in soils irrigated with reclaimed waste water exposes consumers to minute quantities of carbamazepine, an anti-epileptic drug commonly detected in waste water effluents. Fresh water scarcity worldwide has led to increased use of reclaimed waste water, as an alternative source for crop irrigation. But the abundance of pharmaceuticals in treated effluents has raised concerns over the potential exposure for consumers to drug contaminants via treated waste water. The study is the first to directly address exposure to such pharmaceutical contaminants in healthy humans. It was recently published in Environmental Science and Technology. "In a randomized controlled trial we have demonstrated that healthy individuals consuming reclaimed wastewater-irrigated produce excreted carbamazepine and its metabolites in their urine, while subjects consuming fresh water-irrigated produce excreted undetectable or significantly lower levels of carbamazepine," said Prof. Ora Paltiel, Director of the Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine, who led the research. The study followed 34 men and women divided into two groups. The first group was given reclaimed wastewater-irrigated produce for the first week, and freshwater-irrigated vegetables in the following week. The second group consumed the produce in reverse order. The volunteers consumed the produce, which included tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and lettuce, according to their normal diet and drank bottled water throughout the study to neutralize water contamination. The researchers measured carbamazepine levels in the fresh produce and in the participants' urine. To begin with, the urinary levels of carbamazepine differed in their quantifiable concentration, with some participants having undetectable levels. Following seven days of consuming reclaimed water-irrigated produce, all members of the first group exhibited quantifiable levels of carbamazepine, while in the second group the distribution remained unchanged from baseline. Levels of carbamazepine excretion were markedly higher in the first group versus the second. It is evident that those who consume produce grown in soil irrigated with treated waste water increase their exposure to the drug. Though the levels detected were much lower than in patients who consume the drug, it is important to assess the exposure in commercially available produce. Materials from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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