The agricultural plan for the red meat value chain using the V.A.I.M approach.
This pathway is an innovative approach to meat business to create a more
organized and vibrant sector with endless possibilities.
Interested in the red meat value chain? check out how you can cash in.
Addition: creating new products from beef and beef products.It is time for the red meat value chain to scale up, turning beef into spectacular products. There is a niche now that is still very green in this country but its a massive money spinner.
Processing of red meat by adding value and creating a new path for wealth creation. Beef processing to sausages and burger beef. Creating these products in handy packs that can be transported easily is a path that investors are not looking at.
The Covid19 pandemic has shown us the fact that processed foods that are handy with extended shelf-life is the new norm. Value addition to beef such as canned beef in sauce, peppered beef, canned beef in oil e.t.c are all products that are easy to produce as well as have a ready market.
Processing beef into different canned varieties or dried varieties is the choice when you are thinking beef export. These canned variety is a win-win for school feeding programme and also university students.
Imagine the profit; check numbers of universities in the country, check number of private universities that are in the country,crunch the numbers= Money everywhere
The investment in the red meat value chain can also be in any of the following areas:
1) increase beef production. 2) feedlot . 3) Abattoir. 4) Improved methods of transportation, new cooling /refrigerated vans. 5) Modern meat market with prototype tables. 6) Cold room facility attached to meat markets. 7) Meat processing plant.