Equine diseases are usually caused by viruses,bacterial and fungi .The severity depends on level of exposure,susceptibility of horse, and the time lapse for the treatment protocol.Vaccinations are important to prevent certain diseases that are usually fatal and have poor prognosis when the horse comes down with the infection.
The diseases include 1) equine encephalomyelitis also referred to as sleeping sickness.These are 3 types a) Venezuelan b) Eastern c)Western .Its transmitted by mosquitoes after the insects have acquired virus from birds and rodents. Horse to horse transmission is rare also horse to human transmission is not common.The EEE and VEE have 90% fatality while the Western equine encephalomyelitis has 50% fatality.Signs include fever,nervousness,drowsiness,drooping ears,abnormal gait,circling and recumbency. The final stage of the disease is paralysis and death.
The only form of prevention is vaccination,which is done annually/every 6 months.There is no specific treatment only supportive care and prognosis is very poor.
A bacterial infection affects most species of mammals.The infection in horses is usually mild but has certain side effects such as periodic opthalmia(moon blindness),kidney disease,hemolytic anemia and abortion in mares.The bacterial host is the rodent and treatment is by using antibiotics.
Caused by Rickettsia bacteria usually through the tick bite.The signs are depression,inappetence,fever,decrease/absent gut sounds and watery diarrhoea develops within 24-48 hours.The prevention is by vaccination.Treatment is by use of antibiotics.